HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-13, Page 1$3.00 A Year In; Advance -- $1.00 Extra ToU,rS,AA,
Reject Teachers'
At the :. April meeting, of the
Lucknow Public School : Ff earl,
a • $20.00 reduction was .•made • on
the fee charged rural pupils at-
tending Lucknow ' school from a
School ', Arrest. or from a. closed
school.. .
•The fee was reduced from
$150: to $130., but the Board was
divided on • the • reduction,, • arp d
approved the amendment ,by a•
split vote; •
At a previous meeting, the
Board had increased the tuition,
from' $116.00. to ;$150.00 per • year
based on the actual cost of edu-
cation per •pt'dpil, for the previous
Decline Additional. Increase.
Following a •discussion of sal-
aries the' Board ` did • not grant
an additional increase,' as re
quested by. the teaching staff. •
Early in .the year ,the',teachers'
requested. •an l early review of the
Matter .of 'salaries.; At a. subse-
quentmeeting` the Board decid-
ecid-ed. on a • $300. 'increase' to the.
principal, ,$100. each to ..other
members •of .the staff 'and. $50.00
to the .music supervisor, , and
they received the ' Offer accord
`'inglY by • letter.
The teachers declined the • of-
fer, which they felt was : unsat-
isfactory in ';view 'of the fact,
that in recent years the annual
increment has . been :$2,00.00.
There is no schedule -in effect
' 'locally,. and each : •year. the salary:.
• _ ,:question is :one which' has to ,be,
decided upon. .
• .The Teaching staff; we under=:
stand, has requested .the Board
to meet with them 'to; further
confer.. on `al• "settlement ' of 'the
salary disagreement
Other Matters •
Other ,business :dealt °.with' •at
last week's meeting' was some -x
What secondary in .view' of the
above :two. matters.;•
Yard iigh -two,; 'three-hund
red watt bulbs have 'been instal-
led ; on the, rear ' corners ;of . the
school. Minor 'repairs are to be
:..made to the school roof.: The
upil Fee,
Salary R.
Board 'renewed membership in
the Ontario Safety League.
A detailed report was receiv-
ed. from Public School Inspector,
T. K. ' Waldie, which included a
good •report of the `teaching staff.
The April municipal requisi-
tion ' was set at $3,000.00:
One • of, the "social, events of
the season," the Kairshea Calico
Ball, was largely ,attended ,•at
the • Lucknow Town Hall last
Friday night., The ladies of the
Institute are to be congratulated
upon making this annual event
one ' of the'. most popular and
'pleasant community get-to-geth-
ers during the year.
Cam' -MacDonald acted as mas-
ter :of, ;ceremonies' and . Carruth-
ers Orchestra played for ,: danc-
ing. The lunch 'counter: included
thebest in homemade pies from
the kitchens of ,the members,
and .naturally .was: all sold out. •
Mrs. Virdin . Mowbray was
convenor" of the dance' corn/nit
tee that included as its. :mem-
bers, Mrs. Cliff Roulston Mrs;_
W. F. •MacDonald, . Mrs. Fred
Gilchrist,' Mrs. • Roy' •Finlayson,°
'Mrs.. Herb, Buckton, Mrs. J. De
• Jong, • Mrs. Walter Thompson,
Mrs. Harry ' ;av'is and Mrs. •Alan.
MacDonald , ,
Prize; winners, inelucted, home.
sewn for high school. students,
special class, prize donated, ,by.
Hall's • Red and - 'White Store,
Carol Stanley, Carolyn Mathers;
ready made,. dresses,,, 25„•years.: &.
under, Judy Nicholson,'tRipley,
Patricia Thompson; ready: made,
Over 25 years,' Mrs. Cliff 'Kil-
patrick,.: Mrs. Robert' McIntosh
home, sewn dresses, 25 and 'und-
er, Barbara Murray, Mrs. Keith
Cranston home 'sewn, over, 25
years, r Mrs: 'Donald ' MacKinnon,,
Mrs. Morley , Bruce, ,Seagrave. .•
Judges were Mrs. Carman
MacPherson, Mrs. Clarence
Trott, Mrs. George : Beattie, -all'
of Clinton.
Paramount, No. 10 School Sections
Vote To fain Ashfield Central S��dol,
Ratepayers.. of .the Paramount,'
:School section voted on Monday.'
and by a count of '12';to 0, fav-'
•ored joining the proposed new
school' area in•, the north-western
sector of . Ashfield' Where/ it ;is
proposed .tobuild.. a new school;'
the • Hemlock City • locality.
Paraxiount. ; school has 'been
•closed for some, time, with
dents .:from . that .'section being
transported ' to • Lucknow. •
S.S. No. 10 Iin ', Favor Also.
Ratepayers. • : of ,S.S: No. '10,
Ashfield; : ' known • as Scott's
School,. also , voted `, recently 'and
by a , big •• Majority . of 21' :to 5
favored joining • this • proposed
new '• area.; •
Both • .the .Paramount and, Tse.
10 ; votes were by :ballot. •
.Favor Withdrawal
At a meeting of the • ratepayers
of the Lochalsh section. 'held • on
Monday night, • those in atten-
dance were unanimous for with-,
drawal'' from the original ,Ash-
field Township School Area,, to
become part of the new area.
This was the • second meeting,
.called at Lochalsh: for this pur-
Pese with the representation on
Monday night about the same as
at the previous meeting.
Primarily the sections of
,J-aochalsh, Kintail° Laurier .and
jambe �
k•Caty originated
'the idea
of a Central school, With the
"door left open" for other Sec-
tient which might wish to join.
Paramount ' and No, 10 have
expressed • gap affirmative. 'wish.
to join and on Friday ;of
this week,the ratepayers of
Zion. section will have their:
to.,. op
ortonity 'decide between
Hemlock City and Lucknow:
As in the case of . Paramount,;
Zion pupils are currently being
•transported to Lucknow:
The first big' gun to' fired
.for the artificial ice fund Will.
feature Billy O'Connor, his band,
and: a 'galaxy of TV stars, Who
will stage a top-ranking show in
•the Lucknow Arena on Tuesday,
May 24th; A • •dance will follow
to music
C nnor and'
by the O'Connor b
' At, the Lions ' Club meeting on
Monday night, 'Lion George.
Joynt reported/ on booking the
talent.Rae /at.been
, has
.W s on
named ,t” head the tieker "sales
cotn'rnitte, arid • the .,publicity
'Committee', is charged with giv-
ing ,widespread coverage. to the
•event. ,
The Billy .O'Connor show was
featured' here cduring the 1958
Centennial, and the. success of
that' show and ;dance is well re-
Wrn. Lun'iby of Goderich, zone
chairman, visited the 'local club
and, addressed' the gathering.
NG MOTORISTIVor . central • School at .HoIyrood
A passingmotorist, an employ-
• ee, of . a .brick cleaning concern
Need At Least:. 4 School Sections
in . Kitchener, • was curious, about,. .,
1. •
0 tcome Of a 'meeting. of all
Kinloss Township school w trus-
t tees, ,held 'recently at Iolyrood,
a move to have . a Central
1 school .established at Holyrood
At least Jour sections 'Would be
req'uired to loin the area, to
' provide sufficient assessment to
xnake the construction of a new
grade' school economically feasi
ble,, • •
At a meeting of ratepayers, of
the Holyrood section held re-
cently, a. ballot was taken, that
resulted in ax 18' to: 1 vote in
'favor of the Central. ,school, if.
• sufficient sections joined. •
A meeting of ; the . ratepayers
of S S. -No. 5, (the 'Sixth Con-
cession) •has' also been held,, and
'at that meeting,' the representa-
epresenta-tive; attendance,, • by a show • of
hands, were unanimous in join-
ing the "Holyrood"„area, sub.-
ject of course to four dr more
sections joining. 'Students .of S.S..
No 5 are at present being ,trans-
ported to the Holyrood school,
with the 6th Concession', School
'closed. •
4t> and 10th”" Meeting • .
On .Tuesday night ratepayers
of S.S. No. • :6 ; (fourth ;Conces
sion)• ;were scheduled tomeet at
'the 6th Concession school to de-
cide- "where to .go," ' There is no
longer• a school at the 4th' and
pupils ' from this "Gray Ox" sec,
the wording • "Sepoy , town'-'
which he noticed on the sign at
the edge of the village '
The young man, who: was
'familiar with the history of the
Indian Mutiny, was, curious.
enough that he had the driver of
the truck stop while he' enquired
about the matter at the a Sen tinel.
Office. • '
Wonder ho : many residents
of the "Sepoy Town" would be
able., to tell why we are known
as ' such? We -often' think that we
don't "play up" enough this tra-
ditional and exclusive name
"tag.” ..
At the April meet ,f the
Village Council, held last week,
Daylight Saving Time was set to
start on, Sunday, April 24th, (eft•
fective' that day) ' and. . to • contin-
ue until ' Sunday,, October .30th,
when stardard'' time is again
..adopted. This period• coincides.
with other centres to'• provide
uniformity, : 'and avoid the con,
fusion that .'has at times existed.
;Council conferred -with Fred'
Silk, Georgian Bay ' :District'
Municipal • Engineer of the H.E.-
-regarding the • local ,' Hydro
System's` •participation in .the.
,purchase of a '.truck) and also • in
the matter of a new flourescent-
type street lighting plan. ,for
'pain ` street.
H.E.P.C. approval is• •, required
for such undertakings, and Mr:
assured Council, the. would
have 'a°m''an" h'ef'e�'"soon' to°'draw'.
up a plan • of lighting that 'will •
extend' along • Campbell ,St., and
to the Village limits of Highway
86, . east . • and •west:. The ` layout
will be such that it can .be done
as finances permit, in case- the
entire' project, cannot ;be under-
taken at one .time.•
r.' Mr. `Silk stated that Lucknow's
flourescent lighting in the'• resi
dential. area, installed .in .Cen-
tennial year, 1958,; "sets an ex
ample." • There• are. .not' many in
the Georgian., •Bay . • Area.,,, with
such lighting.*
•He also approved, ' Lucknow's
annual tree pruning., program,
which again this' year was .done
by an experienced 'forestry crew
at a cost of.. about $400.
A : by-law was • passed regard-
ing the removal of trees ini, the'
Campbell St. block . between
Outram and. Havelock. ;: Streets,
deemed: necessary to • permit : a:dopt4 Category Salary . Schedule
Ratepayers ofS.S. o 5, Ash-
•, y S N, sh
' fig3 �}.�;Z is t
"�4ivn ron;.:Sc�o'o
met` in' the school' last Wednes-
day night. to discuss • the present
ation. have . been transported. to '
Lucknow for, several • terms.:
No. •,3 Kinloss- • (Tenth
•Concession).' ratepayers are to
meet next Monday night , to alis-
cuss theCentral. school area.
are. at present, seven Chil-
dren attending No. 3; school.
The Larigside section has also
been mentioned . as one ,which
would be.' Within a' reasonable
transp.oration' distance of Holy-'
:rood. •
When the Saxonia sails' from
Montreal `harbour on Thursday
' of this week, one, of the.passen-
gers on board; will ::be . ;Mrs.
Phillip: Steer of Kinloss tTown
ship, who, is returning to •
land for a two Months'. holiday
It will mark the first. return to
her homeland since Mr.; and Mrs.
Steer .and fainily�: came to Cana-
almost ten' . years ago.
• It will be • a; happy .reunion
fqr Mrs. Steer and her; mother,
Mrs. James To' w llis, as *ell ' as .:'
other relatives.;Mrs. ' T`awillis
resides with her ` daughter ; and
husband, Rev:.: and. Mrs.:.W1
loughby, at , Bath in Somerset.
Mrs. , 'Steer ` has, a brother -Lester.
Towillis in. England, and •.Mr
Steer has ` two brothers and • a
sister : in'_ ,Devonshire with whom
his wife will also visit;
,• Mrs. Steer. will return, in mid-..
June, sailing from ; Southampton • `
on •the Ivernia '' .On her return. . ,.
, s w' res her,, i r,,•.
7��7e;' � l.� resume r,.`�dut es.:;at
(•/ �, Z1. -, ,�.., � Y... +hill ..;
the Greer : Nursing Home where
she has ' been employed for four.
gtiestion that is before' : them -= years•
whether to,: continue attending
Lucknow Public' School.
After considerable discussion;
pre. and con,.it was,.'decided to
call a .'vote of ' the ratepayers at
the school from ` 4 to . 6 p.m. ''this
Friday,' April '15thl; 'As. appears
in an advertisement in'this. •is-
sue, the ratepayers • will be, 'vot.
ing ,on the.. question as' to'"whe
.tier ,they will. continue to'.'attend
Lucknow Public" School after,
September, 1961:" One vote is•
allowed each ratepayer: ,
Regardless of the decision of,
the , vote, it will • not , effect the.
school tern commencing . Sep-
tember,' ' 1960:
T DE :.T - H 1;.
SU NS P ,.
John ,1VI,; (Mack) MacDonald
has been'•awarded. a national Re-
search,. Council studentship, with '
a value • of $2,2.00, ' tenable in the •
Department.. of :Chemistry, tJrii-
•versity of ' Western' Ontario,' for
the year • 1960-61.
Mack ck is stud in • for" a P 'a
a y g h D.
degree :(Doctor of Philosophy) in'
organic chemistry, • hoping to ,.
complete it in two years.;, He is.
the son of. Mr and Mrs W. F.
MacDonald' of Lucknow
Board ;Engages High School Principal,
street.. widening program :to* be,
carried out by, and at the ex-
pense of, the Department of
Highways. •.l ratepayers' along this'
street will 'receive ten:'day: notice.
of . the tree •• felling' ` plan.
E. H Agnew's salary ;was: set
at $3,750 an : increase of ';$350:, ef-
fective : April'' lst
Recommends ,Replacements
An inspection of !bridges.. in
the , Village by a Department of,
Highways engineer, brought the
recommendation that a. bridge
replacement program,' . be com-
menced . when the', street -paving
program • is completed in 1961....
His inspection included bridge
he could not see
the . sense of 'spen`ding money. on
repairing old brides; Eventual
p g g
replacements :will be by: regula-
•tion width bridges with Pedest-
rian walks.: •
John ' Kreutzweiser appeared'
before Council regarding ,a street
drain on the . south side 'of W il-
loughby St. • • .. ; •
Council reverted to a Court of
Revision. dealing .solely . with
minor rebates and adjustments,
in the matter of business tax, a.
demolished `warehouse,; Church
House exernbtion and Village
lot ' that g
s have reverted to the
(combined en page 3) •
Mr; Dalton Kirk of the Mark -
dale' Hugh School . teaching staff
has been engaged', as principal of
• C
the Lucknow District High
School to. 'succeed Mr..
Hoag, whose retirement becomes
effective in June. 'Mr. Kirk'
holds a . principal's certificate
and ,was one of two ' applications
properly qualified for. the posi-
from among sone eight
applications received. Mr. Iirk's
Salary will be ,$8,500.
, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk have three
sons of school age -,.. two • in
high , school. •
Adopt • New Schedule
On 'i Monday night Mr. Kirk' at-
tended a joint meeting of the
members of the 'teaching staff
and the Board. of. Education,
when the newfour; category
Salary ' schedule was.. negotiated
which will mean a substantial
overall ' increase, particularly in.
,Categories, ' 3 and 4, •over , and
above the $300,, "increment for
each • full time teacher.
An accumulative • sick leave
plan ,is also ..being negotiated. It'I
may not be finalized until next
term, and if so,' would . be re-
troactive to• September 1st. ,
The new " schedule showing
m nimum & maximum levels is:
Category :1, for teachers. with
assistant's certificates1- $4,600 to
$7,600. .
Category 2, for teachers with.
a permanent certificate, endor
sed for; the particular subject'' in
which" 'they.' specialize$4,800 to
$7,800: •
Category 3, for • non ;academic,
specialists or honor degree tea-
ea. chers—$5,100 to $8,300,
Category., . 4, for teachers with ,,
honor _ degrees , and' specialist •
standing $5,300 to $8,500.
All teachers 'With the •°excep
tion ' of ,two are 'in Category '1.
Miss Fiederlein is in Category 2,
but on completion•..of a• summer,.
course will qualify 'fol' Category
3. AIN. . :Suter is in Category 4.
Salary 'increases • tinder the
new category. . system ,a sharp
increase in the principal's sal-,
, ary, and the annual increment
Will run the oy'erall salary in-
crease to the neighborhood of
$5,000 when , the ;,,1960-G 1 staff is
This increase will represent
ou'a mill on the area as
'sessn,erit of$5,230,000, in round'
figurerghly s, .