HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-13, Page 1$3.00 A Year In; Advance -- $1.00 Extra ToU,rS,AA, LUCKNOW, ,QNTARIOWEDNESDAY, APH' • ...13th, 1960 • FOUR,TEEN' • PAGES. F.S. B...rd.Cu.t.s Reject Teachers' At the :. April meeting, of the Lucknow Public School : Ff earl, a • $20.00 reduction was .•made • on the fee charged rural pupils at- tending Lucknow ' school from a School ', Arrest. or from a. closed school.. . •The fee was reduced from $150: to $130., but the Board was divided on • the • reduction,, • arp d approved the amendment ,by a• split vote; • At a previous meeting, the Board had increased the tuition, from' $116.00. to ;$150.00 per • year based on the actual cost of edu- cation per •pt'dpil, for the previous year. Decline Additional. Increase. Following a •discussion of sal- aries the' Board ` did • not grant an additional increase,' as re quested by. the teaching staff. • Early in .the year ,the',teachers' requested. •an l early review of the Matter .of 'salaries.; At a. subse- quent subse- quentmeeting` the Board decid- ed ecid-ed. on a • $300. 'increase' to the. principal, ,$100. each to ..other members •of .the staff 'and. $50.00 to the .music supervisor, , and they received the ' Offer accord `'inglY by • letter. The teachers declined the • of- fer, which they felt was : unsat- isfactory in ';view 'of the fact, that in recent years the annual increment has . been :$2,00.00. There is no schedule -in effect ' 'locally,. and each : •year. the salary:. • _ ,:question is :one which' has to ,be, decided upon. . • .The Teaching staff; we under=: stand, has requested .the Board .a to meet with them 'to; further confer.. on `al• "settlement ' of 'the salary disagreement Other Matters • Other ,business :dealt °.with' •at last week's meeting' was some -x What secondary in .view' of the above :two. matters.;• Yard iigh -two,; 'three-hund red watt bulbs have 'been instal- led ; on the, rear ' corners ;of . the school. Minor 'repairs are to be :..made to the school roof.: The • upil Fee, Salary R. Board 'renewed membership in the Ontario Safety League. A detailed report was receiv- ed. from Public School Inspector, T. K. ' Waldie, which included a good •report of the `teaching staff. The April municipal requisi- tion ' was set at $3,000.00: SPLENDID 'CROWD AT KAIRSHEA.. CALICO' CALICO: BALL One • of, the "social, events of the season," the Kairshea Calico Ball, was largely ,attended ,•at the • Lucknow Town Hall last Friday night., The ladies of the Institute are to be congratulated upon making this annual event one ' of the'. most popular and 'pleasant community get-to-geth- ers during the year. Cam' -MacDonald acted as mas- ter :of, ;ceremonies' and . Carruth- ers Orchestra played for ,: danc- ing. The lunch 'counter: included thebest in homemade pies from the kitchens of ,the members, and .naturally .was: all sold out. • Mrs. Virdin . Mowbray was convenor" of the dance' corn/nit tee that included as its. :mem- bers, Mrs. Cliff Roulston Mrs;_ W. F. •MacDonald, . Mrs. Fred Gilchrist,' Mrs. • Roy' •Finlayson,° 'Mrs.. Herb, Buckton, Mrs. J. De • Jong, • Mrs. Walter Thompson, Mrs. Harry ' ;av'is and Mrs. •Alan. MacDonald , , Prize; winners, inelucted, home. sewn for high school. students, special class, prize donated, ,by. Hall's • Red and - 'White Store, Carol Stanley, Carolyn Mathers; ready made,. dresses,,, 25„•years.: &. under, Judy Nicholson,'tRipley, Patricia Thompson; ready: made, Over 25 years,' Mrs. Cliff 'Kil- patrick,.: Mrs. Robert' McIntosh home, sewn dresses, 25 and 'und- er, Barbara Murray, Mrs. Keith Cranston home 'sewn, over, 25 years, r Mrs: 'Donald ' MacKinnon,, Mrs. Morley , Bruce, ,Seagrave. .• Judges were Mrs. Carman MacPherson, Mrs. Clarence Trott, Mrs. George : Beattie, -all' of Clinton. Paramount, No. 10 School Sections Vote To fain Ashfield Central S��dol, Ratepayers.. of .the Paramount,' :School section voted on Monday.' and by a count of '12';to 0, fav-' •ored joining the proposed new school' area in•, the north-western sector of . Ashfield' Where/ it ;is proposed .tobuild.. a new school;' the • Hemlock City • locality. Paraxiount. ; school has 'been •closed for some, time, with dents .:from . that .'section being transported ' to • Lucknow. • S.S. No. 10 Iin ', Favor Also. Ratepayers. • : of ,S.S: No. '10, Ashfield; : ' known • as Scott's School,. also , voted `, recently 'and by a , big •• Majority . of 21' :to 5 favored joining • this • proposed new '• area.; • Both • .the .Paramount and, Tse. 10 ; votes were by :ballot. • .Favor Withdrawal At a meeting of the • ratepayers of the Lochalsh section. 'held • on Monday night, • those in atten- dance were unanimous for with-, drawal'' from the original ,Ash- field Township School Area,, to become part of the new area. This was the • second meeting, .called at Lochalsh: for this pur- Pese with the representation on Monday night about the same as at the previous meeting. Primarily the sections of ,J-aochalsh, Kintail° Laurier .and jambe � k•Caty originated 'the idea of a Central school, With the "door left open" for other Sec- tient which might wish to join. Paramount ' and No, 10 have expressed • gap affirmative. 'wish. to join and on Friday ;of this week,the ratepayers of Zion. section will have their: to.,. op ortonity 'decide between Hemlock City and Lucknow: As in the case of . Paramount,; Zion pupils are currently being •transported to Lucknow: O.- NOR ILLYOC O'CONNOR HERE IN„MAY The first big' gun to' fired ed .for the artificial ice fund Will. feature Billy O'Connor, his band, and: a 'galaxy of TV stars, Who will stage a top-ranking show in •the Lucknow Arena on Tuesday, May 24th; A • •dance will follow to music C nnor and' by the O'Connor b ' At, the Lions ' Club meeting on Monday night, 'Lion George. Joynt reported/ on booking the talent.Rae /at.been , has .W s on named ,t” head the tieker "sales cotn'rnitte, arid • the .,publicity 'Committee', is charged with giv- ing ,widespread coverage. to the •event. , The Billy .O'Connor show was featured' here cduring the 1958 Centennial, and the. success of that' show and ;dance is well re- membered. Wrn. Lun'iby of Goderich, zone chairman, visited the 'local club and, addressed' the gathering. "s SOT" CATCHES EYE. OF • NG MOTORISTIVor . central • School at .HoIyrood A passingmotorist, an employ- • ee, of . a .brick cleaning concern Need At Least:. 4 School Sections in . Kitchener, • was curious, about,. ., 1. • 0 tcome Of a 'meeting. of all Kinloss Township school w trus- t tees, ,held 'recently at Iolyrood, a move to have . a Central 1 school .established at Holyrood At least Jour sections 'Would be req'uired to loin the area, to ' provide sufficient assessment to xnake the construction of a new grade' school economically feasi ble,, • • At a meeting of ratepayers, of the Holyrood section held re- cently, a. ballot was taken, that resulted in ax 18' to: 1 vote in 'favor of the Central. ,school, if. • sufficient sections joined. • A meeting of ; the . ratepayers of S S. -No. 5, (the 'Sixth Con- cession) •has' also been held,, and 'at that meeting,' the representa- tive; epresenta-tive; attendance,, • by a show • of hands, were unanimous in join- ing the "Holyrood"„area, sub.- ject of course to four dr more sections joining. 'Students .of S.S.. No 5 are at present being ,trans- ported to the Holyrood school, with the 6th Concession', School 'closed. • 4t> and 10th”" Meeting • . On .Tuesday night ratepayers of S.S. No. • :6 ; (fourth ;Conces sion)• ;were scheduled tomeet at 'the 6th Concession school to de- cide- "where to .go," ' There is no longer• a school at the 4th' and pupils ' from this "Gray Ox" sec, the wording • "Sepoy , town'-' which he noticed on the sign at the edge of the village ' The young man, who: was 'familiar with the history of the Indian Mutiny, was, curious. enough that he had the driver of the truck stop while he' enquired about the matter at the a Sen tinel. Office. • ' Wonder ho : many residents of the "Sepoy Town" would be able., to tell why we are known as ' such? We -often' think that we don't "play up" enough this tra- ditional and exclusive name "tag.” .. D.S.T. TO START ERELNAP APRIL R At the April meet ,f the Village Council, held last week, Daylight Saving Time was set to start on, Sunday, April 24th, (eft• fective' that day) ' and. . to • contin- ue until ' Sunday,, October .30th, when stardard'' time is again ..adopted. This period• coincides. with other centres to'• provide uniformity, : 'and avoid the con, fusion that .'has at times existed. ;Council conferred -with Fred' Silk, Georgian Bay ' :District' Municipal • Engineer of the H.E.- -regarding the • local ,' Hydro System's` •participation in .the. ,purchase of a '.truck) and also • in the matter of a new flourescent- type street lighting plan. ,for 'pain ` street. H.E.P.C. approval is• •, required for such undertakings, and Mr: it assured Council, the. would have 'a°m''an" h'ef'e�'"soon' to°'draw'. up a plan • of lighting that 'will • extend' along • Campbell ,St., and to the Village limits of Highway 86, . east . • and •west:. The ` layout will be such that it can .be done as finances permit, in case- the entire' project, cannot ;be under- taken at one .time.• r.' Mr. `Silk stated that Lucknow's flourescent lighting in the'• resi dential. area, installed .in .Cen- tennial year, 1958,; "sets an ex ample." • There• are. .not' many in the Georgian., •Bay . • Area.,,, with such lighting.* •He also approved, ' Lucknow's annual tree pruning., program, which again this' year was .done by an experienced 'forestry crew at a cost of.. about $400. A : by-law was • passed regard- ing the removal of trees ini, the' Campbell St. block . between Outram and. Havelock. ;: Streets, • deemed: necessary to • permit : a:dopt4 Category Salary . Schedule ZION" SECTION T VOTE FRIDAY` Ratepayers ofS.S. o 5, Ash- ' •, y S N, sh ' fig3 �}.�;Z is t "�4ivn ron;.:Sc�o'o met` in' the school' last Wednes- day night. to discuss • the present ation. have . been transported. to ' Lucknow for, several • terms.: No. •,3 Kinloss- • (Tenth •Concession).' ratepayers are to meet next Monday night , to alis- cuss theCentral. school area. There are. at present, seven Chil- dren attending No. 3; school. The Larigside section has also been mentioned . as one ,which would be.' Within a' reasonable transp.oration' distance of Holy-' :rood. • • RET.,, RNS ON VISIT Y. TO HOMELAND When the Saxonia sails' from Montreal `harbour on Thursday ' of this week, one, of the.passen- gers on board; will ::be . ;Mrs. Phillip: Steer of Kinloss tTown ship, who, is returning to • land for a two Months'. holiday It will mark the first. return to her homeland since Mr.; and Mrs. Steer .and fainily�: came to Cana- da almost ten' . years ago. • It will be • a; happy .reunion fqr Mrs. Steer and her; mother, Mrs. James To' w llis, as *ell ' as .:' other relatives.;Mrs. ' T`awillis resides with her ` daughter ; and husband, Rev:.: and. Mrs.:.W1 loughby, at , Bath in Somerset. Mrs. , 'Steer ` has, a brother -Lester. Towillis in. England, and •.Mr ' Steer has ` two brothers and • a sister : in'_ ,Devonshire with whom his wife will also visit; ,• Mrs. Steer. will return, in mid-.. June, sailing from ; Southampton • ` on •the Ivernia '' .On her return. . ,. , s w' res her,, i r,,•. 7��7e;' � l.� resume r,.`�dut es.:;at (•/ �, Z1. -, ,�.., � Y... +hill ..; the Greer : Nursing Home where g" she has ' been employed for four. gtiestion that is before' : them -= years• whether to,: continue attending Lucknow Public' School. After considerable discussion; pre. and con,.it was,.'decided to call a .'vote of ' the ratepayers at the school from ` 4 to . 6 p.m. ''this Friday,' April '15thl; 'As. appears in an advertisement in'this. •is- sue, the ratepayers • will be, 'vot. ing ,on the.. question as' to'"whe .tier ,they will. continue to'.'attend Lucknow Public" School after, September, 1961:" One vote is• allowed each ratepayer: , Regardless of the decision of, the , vote, it will • not , effect the. school tern commencing . Sep- tember,' ' 1960: WINS VALUABLE T DE :.T - H 1;. SU NS P ,. John ,1VI,; (Mack) MacDonald has been'•awarded. a national Re- search,. Council studentship, with ' a value • of $2,2.00, ' tenable in the • Department.. of :Chemistry, tJrii- •versity of ' Western' Ontario,' for the year • 1960-61. Mack ck is stud in • for" a P 'a a y g h D. degree :(Doctor of Philosophy) in' organic chemistry, • hoping to ,. complete it in two years.;, He is. the son of. Mr and Mrs W. F. MacDonald' of Lucknow Board ;Engages High School Principal, street.. widening program :to* be, carried out by, and at the ex- pense of, the Department of Highways. •.l ratepayers' along this' street will 'receive ten:'day: notice. of . the tree •• felling' ` plan. E. H Agnew's salary ;was: set at $3,750 an : increase of ';$350:, ef- fective : April'' lst Recommends ,Replacements An inspection of !bridges.. in the , Village by a Department of, Highways engineer, brought the recommendation that a. bridge replacement program,' . be com- menced . when the', street -paving program • is completed in 1961.... His inspection included bridge abutments;tand he could not see the . sense of 'spen`ding money. on repairing old brides; Eventual p g g replacements :will be by: regula- •tion width bridges with Pedest- rian walks.: • John ' Kreutzweiser appeared' before Council regarding ,a street g drain on the . south side 'of W il- loughby St. • • .. ; • Council reverted to a Court of Revision. dealing .solely . with minor rebates and adjustments, in the matter of business tax, a. demolished `warehouse,; Church House exernbtion and Village lot ' that g s have reverted to the 'Municipality. (combined en page 3) • Mr; Dalton Kirk of the Mark - dale' Hugh School . teaching staff has been engaged', as principal of • C the Lucknow District High School to. 'succeed Mr.. Hoag, whose retirement becomes effective in June. 'Mr. Kirk' holds a . principal's certificate and ,was one of two ' applications properly qualified for. the posi- from among sone eight applications received. Mr. Iirk's Salary will be ,$8,500. , Mr. and Mrs. Kirk have three sons of school age -,.. two • in high , school. • Adopt • New Schedule On 'i Monday night Mr. Kirk' at- tended a joint meeting of the members of the 'teaching staff and the Board. of. Education, when the newfour; category Salary ' schedule was.. negotiated which will mean a substantial overall ' increase, particularly in. ,Categories, ' 3 and 4, •over , and above the $300,, "increment for each • full time teacher. An accumulative • sick leave plan ,is also ..being negotiated. It'I may not be finalized until next term, and if so,' would . be re- troactive to• September 1st. , The new " schedule showing m nimum & maximum levels is: Category :1, for teachers. with assistant's certificates1- $4,600 to $7,600. . Category 2, for teachers with. a permanent certificate, endor sed for; the particular subject'' in which" 'they.' specialize$4,800 to $7,800: • Category 3, for • non ;academic, specialists or honor degree tea- chers—$5,100 ea. chers—$5,100 to $8,300, Category., . 4, for teachers with ,, honor _ degrees , and' specialist • standing $5,300 to $8,500. All teachers 'With the •°excep tion ' of ,two are 'in Category '1. Miss Fiederlein is in Category 2, but on completion•..of a• summer,. course will qualify 'fol' Category 3. AIN. . :Suter is in Category 4. Salary 'increases • tinder the new category. . system ,a sharp increase in the principal's sal-, , ary, and the annual increment Will run the oy'erall salary in- crease to the neighborhood of $5,000 when , the ;,,1960-G 1 staff is complete, This increase will represent ou'a mill on the area as 'sessn,erit of$5,230,000, in round' figurerghly s, . • • •F