HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-06, Page 12f TBE "1/VOICINTM . SENT114 , X.► TCM tow,; ONTAl110 'ater Dammed Mercha nd ise We' had : considerable water 'damage in our base nzent over the week -end. • THESE ARTICLES GO"' ON SALE, FRIDAY A.M.1 DRESSES (COTTON) , , some marked,mostly just need pressing, all sizes, just new stock.. To clear at 98c, $1.98,' $3,49, $3.98 and' . a few at higher prices. AND • YARN ON SALE, FROM 9c A BALL AND UP MANY OTHERS. ARTICLES GENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS es ,,Pick-Vp and Delivery Monday : and Thursday. LAD ,d N'S Hilda Ritchie, '12�year-old ThAT Mrs.. Ed. Thom , and . Mrs. .daughter .of '"Reeve ':;and. Mrs. L . Thompson called at: the Andrew „Ritchie;: of .-Ashfield; ;}h home. of , Mr. and Mrs: Marvin returned to her hone' 'on Sat- McDowell at ' Belgrave ' on •urday from .. War :`Mei'norial Thursday, March 31st on the Hospital, in London ; Hilda ;• had occasion of their fiftieth been: . hospitalized -.for three Wedding Anniversary.. Mrs. 'Weeks' ith an iflness that has McDowell, was . the former been'', stanewhat +''puz zling. Sur- Mary :Clark, daughter of Mr. geryx: was contemplated,', but and Mrs, Peter. Clark of St. Was ,decided„ against until ser Helens, and was, a schoolmate. um .:treatment has )..been tried: of Mrs. Thom. THiAT ward has been received THAT,'' because of the, ..hockey here; by Mrs.MargaretSproul; game on ':Thursday •night, the of :.t'he death . at Victoria,'' B.C., ure of Rev.: McClean" Sunday Legion are holding' their. on ;March. 21st of J. McRobb, school in the Lucknow church Weekly , bingo on Wednesday husband of the former Leea will revert to 10:00 a.m. this • night., ; u Smith of "Lucknow: rSunday' sy�■■r i■n*ni■irii�nii'�:n�,ifn■Nnl■n■nes■■ana�ia�■na■ad��a�ils��n�l�a■■■8 "■n■nn■� SEE .BY THE SENTINEL TITAN. Roy Culbert of' Wiarton. and formerly c f Lucknow, is ',wondering, rwh at has happen- ed to . the delivery,, of his Sen- tinel'. Last year we always got ...it en •'Thursday, and •not later . • • than :Friday, he says,, but now 'it doesn't arrive until Monday. We at The Sentinel can't 'fig- ure it, but the mailing list is revised this week, and your paper `Ire -grouped." Hope this speeds it ' up, Roy! . THAT Mrs. G. W. Tiffin of • Wingham .'was '.elected. presi-: • dent of Huron. Presbyterial of the United Church. Mrs.' Bert Alton of .Ashfield is one ' of • the sectional • vice-presidents. THAT Mrs. Stewart Stanley was particularly interested in the item in last week's 'paper about Mr. and Mrs. L. B Har- pers ..caliing , here to • see the birthplace of his. 90 -year-old .father. < Mr. and Mrs. Harper's home. is at Ninga, Manitoba, where Mrs.: Stanley resided before coming East. She knows the Harpers. quite . well and was sorry not to'' have . seen, them. THAT • Rev. • Neil, McContibie of Ripley conducted ,' services at' Lucknow and Dungannon • Presbyterian churcheS on;. Sun= • day,• 'preaching the •• pulpits vacant ' folloawing, the depart-, SI s A;:�. � , .;� �;0■■" ■ �- �: �` :� w'.�/.■��■■ ■: iLLLUUI MAKRL1I a tree 2 , ▪ ' ` FURTHER MARKDOWNS:- ' Reductions every Day Drop In Frequently and Get • . Your' Share of The BARGAINS. ■ ■ ■ ■ ur GIVE AWAY WEEK ■ FREEii GIFTS BONUS GIFTS' LUCKY DRAW FOR, WRIST WATCHES, : •: a °..' CAMERAS` -T– FREE BALLON FOR THE KIDS.AND OTHER ATTRACTIONS WhININININNINNIsrow u ■ ■ THIS WEEK ;. ' ■■ "$5.00 BASKET" ■. ■ , $2.00 s $1.99■ Bell. Shirts ea. , . . Blouses, reg. 3.98 Jeans, $ $2.98 Nylons .. Sleepers..'•. Penman' "71" .. • '• a ies Hats ..� . .. Men's Work Gloves . . Boys'Comb's, reg. $2.39 Ls Yes with every"$5.00 purchase of Bar- . ar Bl $ ■ • . gains you receive FREE - One Pair Of Girls' .. :1:.88: ■ 51 Gauge • NYLONS. .59c i . •.•, ..9c � • 00 ■ Ladies* ■ ■ ■ "$1.0,00 BASKET" i With a $10.00 pure lase of any: merchan- dise you receive FREE — One Pair ■ NYLONS, :AND One. Box BLUE SURF. • "FEE; TIE,° ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ w ■ Men, Boy's.-- With every Dress Shirt, reg. $3.98, Sale Price $2.50, You Receive • a Tie, Your Choice FREE. a ■ ■• ■ ■ ▪ . ■ ▪ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ siva■MMe■eANwara■M■■eeA■aa■ae�eew■■arrsisiaaaaarrNw�iiMagiarrsewa'slNi■rtes■a;; BONUS OFFERS Be Sure To Be In The 'Store Wednesday; Thursday, Friday and Saturday ' For MORE Special Bonus Offers That ,Mean ,FUN and SAVINGS For You. 9cu- ■Cb'$c ■i$OQ ■ Boys',. Girls' Pyjamas, reg. $2.98, pr. $1.88 i Training Pants, ea.. ' ' 17c is Toys Half •Pric e Stretchy Nylon Anklets, reg. 59c. .: • 29c ■ . � Men's Spring • Weight Underwear1.19 . r■i Boys' Underwear briefs, . , :. 43c 1 . Girls' Panties, 3 to 10,' yrs.:......: ` . 33c` ■ Ladies' Cotton Bloomers . '. 30c •- 53c • i' Vests .. .. . 30c to 67c' Stretchy Rib Hose,.` Kiddies' . reg. 95c,. , . .' 29c Pair � . .. . ■ Boys', Girls' Jackets, Coats, 'reg. $6.98 each .. ..• $2.88 Group. of Boys' Caps .. • 20c, 60c, '99c.'. p 1/2 Doz. Cups and . Saucers, reg. 69c each "ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD" arket St(ire GoingavOut-OfaiBusiness • • WEONESPAY, • '1' 6th, 1960 ar uc powFrult YOUR BARGAIN ' FOODLAND COFFEE SALE. Save 10c. 1V, 'axwell House... Real Bargain. Pound. ICE CREAM SALE. Save 10c. . Silverwood's . For Quality.. Half -Gallon. . ,89c ORANGE .JUICE SALE.. Save 13c.: Donald Duck,; • Sweetened. 48 oz.tins s69c ASSORTED COOKIE SALE. Save 170.1 $Any 39c Pkg. Your Choice:.!mil TOILET TISSUE SALE. Save 9c. Ballet 'Super -Soft White. ..,69c $ rolls 89c IT'S TIME T MAKE A ':CLEAN SWEEP. BRAND NEW, BROOMS 4 .STRING.• SPECIAL' LOW, LOW PRICE. ... 69c • Values Effective April 7," 8, 9. We Sell For ' Lesa 'hone, 119, Luck„ow THAT Mr. , and ^Mrs.: John ':Lar- mor (Ruth Geiger) •: of• Toronto were Sunday. visitors at The Parsonage. It was the first time that Mr.. and Mrs.' Lar mor had seen their triplet •nephews. The'babies • are • do- ing well and ,.gaining weight consistently: Ross and Alan on Friday weighed. 11 . pounds, : 4 ounces :and; ai pounds, 1 ounce respectively, a -weight spread of but three 'ounces as' tem - pared with five ounces 'at; the time of birth. Paul the lightest of ..the • trio now . 'weighs 10 pounds and 9 ounces. . THAT ' Eric Walden , •recently '.inade a' trip . to Winnipeg for a tractor trailer' lead' cif, ;west - ern cattle. Heb was accomp'ani-: ed .by. Vaughan Douglas : and • Bill, : Connell --to. do ',a photo' Story . of . the shipment. THAT Mrs. Charles Lorenz ,Will observe her 85th birthday on Saturday,' and continues to . en- joy .fair ` health; living alone and able. to do. •her own house Work. She • resides in the lay Apartments on Main St TfHAT as we were returning from: lunch en Tuesday we . noticed- a parent atteihpt to cross the street with . one of '-the junior members of the, ' family. The 'crossing was be- ing made in. the .middle of the block' until. the child said, "No, we can't cross here, well get a 'ticket." . The child was re- ferring to the .'rules '.•set was by the Public School Safety Pat- - rol. The child left • the ".parent and beat a ' path to the cor- ner, the nearest legal crossing points We couldn't resist tell FEATiJRE. Weston's. HOT': CROSS BUNS 12 . in foil pan _... 39c: '. THAT Elm* Reavie, who: has 'been hospitalized for ever a mcirith, from, a' „finger injury , -velop`ed.,1 undervirent 'an opera - troll in London. last week for ' ;. removal: an ,additional por- tion' of the-Yriall Pnger on the left hand. it ila :hoped he may - be lioirie this, Week. • • THAT. Mrs. /Jessie Allin, chair- man 'of the Lueknow Public tended the. Kitchener '1Zone • Conference. Of the , Ontario Urban arid .Rural _School Trus- tees' AssOCiation held at -the THAT only cMnparatively minor road flooding , is -experienoed " in,this district, and while' there are a feW.. deep spots, nothing • to cause., a traffic shut-off. Roads, generally, however are. undergoing' the Spring break- up, and .school bus drivers are . among those having a "rough" time of it at present • NES13ITT---=at Piedmont Hospi- tal, Atlanta, Ga., on Saturday, March Zeth, :to. •avfr, -and Mrs: Herb Nesbitt 0.,ois Henderson), a Son, a brother for E. Gag, VAN OSCH;---At Win,gham Gen- MarCh Z3rd,. 1960; to Mr. and, Victoria Hospital, • London, Oh Stinday, March 27th, ing you about this one because to Mr: and Mrs. John Hunter, .the parent was a ineinber of Ashfield (Shirley •Hamilton), a'. the Public School. Board. • son, ' Rayritond, John. rin ENDS SATURDAY APRIL ,9th °St YOUR FOOTWEAR REQUIkEMENTS ,For Spring Weather Aheai:1• STILL MANY BA' RGAII4S. TO ,CHOOSE Frio In Men's; Ladies and Children's Shoes THVVELL Shoe Store