HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-06, Page 11wgrwrii tpir, APRE4 6th, 1960 THE LtJCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN FARMERS,., Your Own SAVE and, The following is a suggested seed . mixture suitable for Hay or Pasture., 6 lbs. Alfalfa 2. lbs. Red Clover•; 1 ll. Ladino Clover 2 ' lbs. • Perennial . Rye Grass 3 . lbs. Brome; Grass 3 lbs. " Timothy 17 ,lbs., per acre. Your Cost��$6.20per acre ALL THE ABOVE SEED GOV'T STANDARD 'NO. 1 There are appro?cimately 7,102,000 seeds. . in 7 lbs Of the' above mixture. This works out to' better than 160 seeds '•on each square foot of ground sown. If ' theseason is a normal one and seed is, planted . on a well•prepared seed- bed• this should give an abundant crop of hay and.. pasture. , y•' You can' book. your order for seed with us now anclpick' it up at seed time No clown payment: required.' To .grow the .best' sow 'the best use . NI:n . 1 Seed.`: inlayson Phone 91. DISCUSS LEGION LADIES'NIGHT • ' The regular monthly meeting of Branch 309 "Lucknow Legion, was .held Tuesday, March 29th with the President, Harold Rit- chie .in charge and a 'very poor attendance. The draw for $5.00 was not. w. I 'Angus' MacDonald being Abse Next .month's draw . for $9.00 'h be made on '' 1960 paid. up mem, hip. Notice was iven of Zone Cl meeting to be held in ' Seafortl on Sunday . _ • ril "10th: Members wishing to •..go, please contact • Harold iRitchie. District . C meet- ing will be held in Exeter on Sunday, May lst. Further parti- culars will arti-cularswill. be announced at the next meeting. , Ken Cameron , announced the visit of_ our London ; Service 'Bureau' officer on Tuesday, April ..5th. Harold Ritchie re- ported for the Bingo committee an d stated a new bingo was startin • at 'once, Ladies night was discussed but owing to the poor•• attendance no arrange- ments. could; be made.. Further plans are in the hands of Exe- cutive committee.; .. SCHOOL PROBLEMS (.Continued from page 1) Lucknow included ,with rural areas in a school area, was not a fair situation because_' of the as- sessnient of farmss. as compared with, `those of homes in town.: The . Inspector pointed out that on a .farwas contained "both a home and business, while in the village,; businesses; ,and; 'in- dustry would even things up in this regard. The'. village would also have to pay. their share of, transportation ; for • the ,' country pupils. "who, Would ; all be trans- ported.. • • , LucknowhaspY . reviouslbeen.: paying part : of the. Cost of edu- cating, •thepupils from the'. rural sections at the •old rates. The new rate of ;$150 is the first • time the ` rural sections have • been asked to .: pay exactly what it is costing ` to' educate a.. child _ and this is ,based on last year's fig= ures.' This was explained at the USE' THE , CO=OP FEED PROGRAM FOR , TURKEYS AND POULTRY Whether • you'. raise 'turkeys, broilers or' 1 •yyng hens, there is a specialized Co-op Feeding Program to suit: your requirements. Economy 'and -per- formance have always been the keynote with the '.Co-op Poultry or Turkey Programs. +Higher production, fewer mortalities and lower growing costsare some of. the benefits derived • from the use of aplanned 'Co-op Feeding Prograrh. If you are not already cutting costs co-operatively, • ask your local Co-op how to get started on the • .00 -bp Program for your particular,' needs. • ucknow District Coo RS ' meeting. , This year' Lucknow : is 'faced with ,:additional' expenses; :through ,an . extensive redecorat- ing ' and..imiprovement program:_ The maximum that . a board Can charge these rural 'sectionsis,the exact cost of educating a. pupil. for •, one year based on the year before expenses. " • . The Lucknow Board expressed their :desire to .retain: the coun- try :pupils' and all of• the rural• boards stated that y thewere" well, satisfied with' • the type':. of education being • received . . . With the possibility of• an.• area in South and West Ashfield,; the Zion' • representatives felt' that they needed some . guarantee for the.'. 'future so '.'that • ,they.' would• not be ' "left ' "' .;out completely," . and . this ...feeling' was expressed by. the,,other two`. boards: ' Although ,the Lucknow Board' • could not speak .for fu ture. boards,1 they felt that .the' schools' would never be : "turned • out." One 'Lucknow. Board mem ber said that at one time the rural tuition' was "found money" ,but lately at timesthey could have .operated cheaper without the rural school enrollment. At it POLLOCK ELECTRIC, RIPLEY Bring your UNIVERSAL MILKERS In To Be SERVICED FREE! You Pay Only For New -Parts -Used. ONE DAY' ONLY OLLOCK .ELL.•.1:1;: Phone 190 Ripley Estate 100) ACRE . PASTURE . FARM, Colborne Township, nearly all workable, can be .bought on easy terms. SEVERAL : FARMS with, good buildings in Ashfield Township ranging in size from 100 to 400 acres, these are high • producing farms and can -be bought on :terms. A NUMBER OF . FARMS on 86 Highway, good build- Ings; immediate . possession, can. be bought on good terms.. • 50 ACRES in`. Ashfield, good buildings, imnn;ediate' possession: SIX ACRES 'adjoining Lucknow, good house and barn, town water, hydro, can be bought with • low • down pay- ment and easy .terms. A NUMBER ' OF HOMES for sale in Lucknow with all conveniences and well ';Located:. List your property with Western Ontario's Fastest Growing Real Estate WARREN L STEVENS�ON` Real Estate,' :Mount •Forest • ' Co•ntact • JOHN HALL, ..SALESMA•N • Lucknow no time, be said, was it esier •i'zi ig that only one room is deft considered -to ask: the ::rural. sec ; to . be used as a: classroom and tions • to , withdraw;:..It •,was; sug :after that -build, Bested" several times .at the meet- ing that. other sections: were in., terested" in .corning to Lucknow should it be possible • toadmit thein: Numbers- .9 Present • Trustees • from: the Number 9 School; Section . ;in •Ashfield. • Township, : who are . presently • transporting their . pupils . to Dun- gannon • school,' were present at the meeting.' They will be pay- ing .$200 per pupil "at; Dungan- non • and 'would ' possibly consider. coming to Lucknow at $.150 4 Prey sently only' `seven pupils are en rolled in their' section. As soon` as they have enoughpupils to open their own school, they stated, they would like to. This would. mean their stay at Luck now would -only be a temporary So as the 'discussion ended here is the . picture * Zion; Paramount, Grey Ox, faced with tle'. increased tuition fee,• larger enrollments and Increased costs of transportation, doubtful as to their future in Lucknow, not • wanting to be •left out, of other new areas. , and schools if they would.. be cheaper and satisfact of 7, .completely satisfied with • Lucknow's education yet fear- ful of their' sections .tai rate —• and in the other: Colmer, Luck.- now - charging the rural sec- tions exactly what it is costing to educate . thechildren in town,. krowing that* they ..wilt have these sections next year at least, wondering whether to fix up an additional room and hire another teacher for one' year •and then :have the schools pull out, ,reaii- It is , a big problem of • both sides,. '. one .that ' merits • careful' • consideration by both: parties: • BE READY FOR SPRING WITH ONE OF THESE BIG VALVE CARS • ; 1959 Chev Biscayne sedan, • automatic, fully equipped $2,395 1959 Pontiac Laurentian sedan, , automatic, fully . equipped,:.. $2,595: 1959 Chev.Belair sedan, automatic, f}ul1y equipped ::' $2,495 1959 Biscayne sedan, fully equipped , , :'$2,250, 2-1958 Ford . Fairlanes, automatic , .$2,150 1958 Olds., 4 -door hardtop, automatic, fully powered $2,495 1958 Chev Biscayne, sedan, 'automatic, fully', equipped V-8 motor .....,, :...:,.` .. $2,250. 1958 ' Pontiac Strato-chief, sedan, fully equipped ....:. $2.095 3-1958 Chev. Standard Sedans ..., 81,995. 1,957 they. Belair Sedan $1,795 1956 Chev Deluxe sedan $1,295 1956 Chev Deluxe sedan 81,395 1956 Mercury Sedan, full, power .:.::. .:.:.::.::....q,,. .....> $1,495 1956 Ford •coach, 8 cylinder $1,195 1954 Pontiac with radio .....: ......:.. X795'. 1954 Buick sedan, automatic , . $995 ' 1953 •'Ford sedan, automatic' $495 1953 Ford sedan , , r: "$595 A number of ,19 4 Chev:: sedans and coaches from , $650 -- $895: TRUCKS, TRUCKS!.• 1956 Chev half -ton pickup ...... ......: . 51,095. 1955.. International, 3 -ton, .complete with racks;; • 14-a *foott body •' •._ :. .5.55;5 '., 41. 08:L.r : as 4.Yk44444.rls7,iui.:i... $1.250, 1953 Chev half -ton pickup .1 :.:,- ' • -�.. :gi..r41.4404.11,-,,l-,w,trr: .. 8495 1950 Chev half -ton pickup ..:.........:. +...., ...,:,............,, _, ..1$12'5 russels Motors Citles '.Service pealer. Phone 173,, Brussels Y: