HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-06, Page 3*WEDINMONY, APRIL 6th, 1960 • . • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LI.ICK11TOVI, •IalTARIO tra PAGE MOM erson's LADIES'. and MEN'S WEAR --FASHION MILLINERY SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY Shop Red 8r White and Cut. FoodCosts MAPLE , LEAP SOAP FLAKES WESTON BUTTER TARTS, pkg: 31c Save 6c, gt. pkgs. 81c DESLEY TWIN PAK TISSUE, save 4c roll Pink, Green', Yellow, Blue . . 2 for 29c NABISCO SHREDDED WHEN!. Save 5c reg. pkgs. ... ..// 2 for 37c 'FCY... QUALITY SOCKEYE SALMON Paramount, Save 10c, 1/2'5 tins, 2 for $1. WANTED ." • • Good Clean .6•Quart Baskets, Sc Each BONUS BARGAIN Springtime Bonus Bargains — Colour- ful Plastic Garbage Cans, 10 -gallon size, reg. $5.95 only $2.99 with $5.00 purchase. ' . . 'PHONE 26 — FREE DELIVERY • I Local At General • Leonard Griffin rejoined his •ship,..Senator... bf Canada at Midland on.Sunday. • • Mr. and, Mrs. Tom McGarvey, 'Mrs: Norman Nicholls' and •child-* r•ren,David and Karen of Kin- • cardine were ;recent .visitors with 4,Irsi-Charles-Lo.renz:, • • • Jack Hussey returned • home last week' after • two, weeks in Victoria Hospital; London. • . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Court- ney, Mrs. Wim Kempton,', Mrs. • . J.••,.C. Campbell, Mr. 'andMrs. Wm. Bradley, Mr. andMrs. Al- bert' Campbell, •Mr. and • Mrs.. Wm Campbell, Reg Campbell and 'Louise Canipbell attended. the funeral in Detroit of Albeit Campbell's sister, Mrs. Margaret ink. • . ' • HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY • , .' • (COUtinued from page 1)... Mrs. .MaeDiarinid, :•seconded by ...Mrs. Ackert :that,:the,. committee in. charge. Of the, progra.m for . May set ip. a list for :showings for the month. . The president called for ideas • for raising money•for the Society ,:,......i.„...,....u..o.,',..i.,.....A,4;...i...,,,, ,...:.....,.• 1 • 'LUCkNOW 1, UNITED.CHIURckl....1 1 , • Minister: ,Rev.• Gordan R. Geiger, . . BA.; B.D. 1 , suriiii•Av,' APRIL ' •liotii 1 • 1 10:90 -a.m. . Church Scltoo ‘. 11:06'ani.' Divine Worship. • Sermon ••therne: . ' c`THE CiH!ALLENGE OF PAik SIJNIDAY," : ' ' 1 ;•NtirserY during church: • Thought For The Week, 1. Be square. all week andi . cOme, 'round on ; :Sunday to • yoiir church. ' * /. Friday,* April 8th The Official Board meets • at. 8:30 pm. 0,--,-- •-,...,....i..,......,...:,,.6.6..,............,•, .• .,...........„.6..„....„,...........,,.......,.................... . . Lucknow Presbyterian Church whlch.:, has some very worth while, • meetings and :wonderful 'speakers,. but 'Must finance • such a• program. • •ReV.Jennings brought forth the •idea to. "bor- row" a vacant 'store for a week- end, and sell :horticultural Or nursery 'materials and turn :the • profit into the • treasury. The presidentleft it with those pre- sent •to ;be thinking about ways arid• Means of helping out Or budget.. ,• ' • ' ' The •'..meeting then adjeurned- •and •Mis. -Bristow served re- freshments. / • •• • • . . , . • .• • , • TO INDUCT' PASTOR AT .DUNGANNON .(1)1[1$ AN 0N NEWS) • • Rev. Neil MeCombie, Ripley had chargeof, the Sunday ser- vice at Erskine , Presbyterian ,church last .Sunday ',afternoon. He is inter -Moderator and.';de- elared 4the church 'Vacant, but assured the' congregation 'that efforts would be •Madb to 're- ceive a minister since •the parture of Rev. Wallace Mc- Clean, who .resigried after 'five years to go: to Eltrivale. Rev. M. Scott,. retired minister, reSid7 ing.. at Kincardine will, have charge of the • serVices:' April 10 and' 17. • ' . • Miss Ida WhyarcL.R.N., retired 'nurse who' has been a patient at Goderich hOspital for the •past •few Weeks has suffidently .'re7; covered to come home last Sun- day: Plans' are made that .she, leaves thi week for 4 visit and forrecuperatiOn w,ith her bro- ther, Mr.:. Chas. •Whyard and nieces in 'Detroit. , • Mr, and Mr Jas.; Thorne of Ripley :visited Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Leslie ;Schultz. Mt., and Mrs: Anderson :Mug ford, London .Sunday visited the : latter's Mother, .Mrs, Abner Morris. • • ; • Mrs. a•ordon Congram after ,hearing of the -death of her 'Cou- sin, Mrs', 'George igoRaberts, 80, of London, left on Sunday. to 'be` with Mrs. McRoberts (who is ill. • Attending the • funeral of .Mr. McR,Oberts on Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne, Hasty,: Mr, Mor- ris 'Ivers,* Mr, Gordon Congrarn and , Mrs. Nelson Peason.. • ' Miss Christa. • Lochner, • spent the week=end With her .familY at. • Markdale, • • ' . . Mr. and :Mrs: Bert Maize on 'Sunday' were .Miss Ruby Webb'and Miss Catherine ,MeGregor, LueknoW. • •. Boost Fire Protection Fund , • A SucceSsful dance Was held Friday night •in the Agricultural Hall with the orchestra "Golden' : InteriM-Moderator • Rev. Neil 1V1eCOrribe, Ripley ,* sINDAY, APRIL '10th ' 10:00 a.m. . Sunday School 11:00.a.m. Morning Worship • Prairie 'Cowboys" supplying mu- • po P.m, bungaritipn 81C • for dancing, The prOpeeds were in aid bf a fund to esta blish a systern:of fire protection in . this village andsurrounding: •area: •• , • ,• Mrs. T.. Richards and six year old.' Phillip arrived tO the par- sonage on .FridaY. last , Week, via ,plane: •frOin Wales to Malten Airport;',..where. mshe was Inlet by, church officiarh; Thomas Webster and Mr.. Bert Crawford.. Rev. Richard will arrive this week,; and • •after an induetion Service in Dungannon .United ;Church 'this Friday evening, Rev. RiChards will take over duties and preach at Dungannon, Nile and Port 'Albert :next Sunday, at the usual !tithe. Rev.'C'. :E.. Taylor' retired at 6oderich • has ably swilled; for -the past few months. ' Mr. • and Mrs. JY. Eedy, MiChaeI and Laurel:, of Strath-" roy spent the week -end with. his parents, Mr' . and • Mit. Heber EedY. •. • We.. extend :synipathy • to , the • bere.aVed family of the late Mr, Herbert' Stothera •who .PaSsed. away. in GOderieli Hospital •on 1V1Onday, March 28th. The burial was Jnade inDitnigannOn„celne:•;• ter.y. ' • Mrs: Melvin Reed was hostess at the her home On Monday af- ternoon for the. United Church W.M.S. • meeting. •Mrs. • Esther. Rivett conducted the opening devotions. Mrs: C. Blake aCcorn- parried for the hymns: Mrs. Ivan RiVett;•led with the devotional • exercises. Mrs, M.Reed:announ- ced' that ,$8.95 -had been forward- ed •Women's ••Interchurch Council of Canada . and that .,$31. 33 for ; the first ,quarter ;of year Was sent to. the . Presbyterial Treasurer. An invitation is ex- tended • to the rnenibers of •W.IVLS: and W.A. to attend the :Thankoffering •aheeting at Hack- • ett's* church On :April nth. ,An • Easter Thankoffering service will also. be held at the Dun- gannon •chureh, April 21st at which local and neighbour W�= mens W.M.S. members are :in- vited. Mrs. T. C. Anderson gave a chapter in the Study Book, Afika, •DistUibed." Mrs. M. Reed, a ' delegate to S,eaforth to. the Huron Presbytery W,I1V1.S. tecently gave a splendid report. The nexty meeting will be held at the home of •Mrs. C. Blake,. L Rivett wil1 have the Study Book for the May meet- ing and, Mrs. Reed' the DevO- tiorial. Mrs. Ivan. Rivett closed the meeting • with prayer. • A. • spring bale Will' be packed and • articles• May be left at Mrs:'M. ShackletOns. • Mrs. T. '1Coviak has re -Opened the Madge Tea Roilltis.4.' Mr.. Arthur ThOin.Pson and sisters''Miss ,Matiel • Thompson, arid Mrs. Tilly Kitson on Sun-, day Visited •their brother, Mt, Prank • Thompson zd . Dusters, Coats, . Hats This is your week to purchase that Easter Look. Largest selection in many styles, colors, sizes. STACKS OF HATS for you to choose from — with many contrasting and • • .matching gioves and scarves for Color: • •• • , • (*COATS . . . $14.00 •• SPECIAL -)- §UITS HALF PRICE ..• . .'.HANDBAGS $3.98. 1 ThompsOri, T-ionclOn. .•• - Qualities of . Geed 'Members. • • 1Clungannon Institute 111eeting 'Varied answers were given in response to the roll call,. 'Safe- ty (Rule 'Ior'. HOme. and High- • 'at Dungannon, Womens Institute ;held March .31st at the home of ,Mrs.. E.' Er:rine-Oh-4RK: the president, Mrs. L.' Hasty ;in the: Chair. . ; • During the 'business •Period• .a donation was given to help start a fund for the further; education �f• :any deserving ward of the. Children's Aid Society at oode- riCh.„ Quilt, blocks were brought in, to make 'quilts for the society Plans were. made .for 'West Hur- • on Executive.. meeting. :to ;be held in the Parish:.11all, April 13th: Since there is 'no music. Festival in Huron County now It was decided to , buy a ticket. $3.00 for ail. • interested. 'High: SdhOol . student to ••attend, three. concerts • ,thrptighout the . year given by GOderich,"•Cornniunity Coneert -7-Assodiatiori:•• -Donations - were given for. the Caner Cup- boardi The slate' of Officers was read after :which Mrs: Popp re- • ceived nominations from the: •floor, then inducted' the new Officer's; Mrs. Hugh ;1V1cWhinney being the: president. The: motto. "Good Health ,and Good; 'Sense are our greatest Blessing" • was • capably 'commented on by Mrs. • • Mrs. K. DaWsOn, Convener. of Home :Edenen:lies and Health,. 'chose as her topic "If it is not. food,: it' is •poison:" She .stressed the •importanee 'of. keeping :our : homes free, fr.orn poisonings, pre- vention--berng bett7r than - • dotes, • many, of 'which ,Were giv- en. Lunch was "served :' by ,the: ••• hostesses in Charge. ••• Mr. Ken Brown of.Ann Arbdr College, Mich., has been : honie • visiting ,his parents, Mr. and Mrs: Wilbur Brown., Miss FlOra, Durriin,': Markdale; spit. the. ,week -end at home. • , r • 7 4,444 • • •‘!"1 tr, Lyceurn Theatre • iwo shows :each night• ' • • First' at1.15 ' • 'Tinirsday, Fiictay, Saturday,. , • • • • .. • . n , • April 7, 8, 9. Lucille Ball . 'Dem Arnez • . . "THE LONG LONG TRAILER" , • , . Hilarious comedy on a trailer C. Fowler. Mrs 0.1 Popp, Dist - trip rict : President,' spoke on the: ° ' • " . . . . • ....401.4 Alm. 4I4D p64000.0witmompl•1111W414110,00oBibill.a Now Playing 7-1 Robert Stack, Dorothy: Malone and . • , . • • George' Sanders In' `.`The Last Voyage!' –7– In. . : Te.chnicolor. ' • . • • Monday', Tuesday, Wednesday, — Adult Entertainment • • " Shirley 1VacLame — Dean Martin — Carolyn Jones. and Anthony Franciosa Tell the story of a dedicated actor and of ,the hardships 'and adventures along his road to recognition., 'CAREER" • • Thursday, Friday, Saturday> .Apra 14, 1S, 16. . Sal 1Vnineo — Susan Kohner and James Daren resenting /a biography 9f the controversial pop - drummer.. Whose artistryat the, traps earned him starckin and fame. "THE GENE, KRUPA STORY", f , ' • • at • . ., . , . • . •• Coming—Hope Lange and jo' an Cfawfotcl In "The Best ; of EVerythind." ---- In Color. ' •. •' . 4 : . . . 0,4..,,....,4...,iviii.,,,4,......................a.,,,,;..4,,.4.-i;,,..............,,,,!.........04.4-, , • , • iootiormiom ••••••••••ailat,a0H • " .4 ,t• • • • t I 44