HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-06, Page 2• THE,.: LUCNNOW SENTIN I ;UCKNO W , 'ONTARIO+
WEDNESDAY APRs. 6th, 1960
Presently the Township of Ashfieldis
buzzing with school talk and within the
▪ wast: few weeks school questions' have;
arisen in the 'Township of Kinloss.
The question at hand is:, "'Central
? Schools" in ; roost cases. Should' the one
• room school 'become :a thing of • the . past
sand be replaced by new ,multi-roorne l
schools or should we continue to educate :
our pupils by the one -room method? There
are many.:'answers from many residents to
.this ' question. Some want the best educa-
tion for their children with cost very little
mattering. ,Some want the cheapest 'educa-
tion with the quality not mattering. But
°the majority 'want, a''combination of the•.
To solve these school
problems many
of : the rural sections will refer to the de-
mocratic way — a vote of ; the ratepayers.
This is fine if they know what they. are •
Voting, for, ,but. how many do?'This is no
reflection on the intelligence , of the rate-
payer, but'simply that'• the; matter becomes
complicated and:. involved with ' adecision
not easy to decide upon. '
It may be that some do not approach
the subject' with an open mind, for there is
always a sentimental reluctance to accept
changing conditions. In cases where they,
do, it is difficult to grasp all the .informa-
tion that is presented,pro and con in a : few
short meetings , or. street corner talks. We
have attended several • school meetings re-
cently and each time a ; new idea comes up :
that throws an entirely different light oil
the subject.
If you .have a vote in , your ,section,
try to weigh things from both sides before
casting your ,ballot. Think rt. about .the future
• education of your %children, or those of your
neighbours. That. is what really matters.
Personal . feelings 'should be secondary.
The response so ' far to. the • ballot; for
or against capita punishment, has been
disappointingly' light. If you have .a•.'con-
viction in the ; matter, look . up last week's
paper, mark your "x''• and, send or bring
, -it to The . Sentinel'. Office, ' or put it in the
outside :letter. drop..
The. ,strong diplomatic note . by, the.
United States about the: race riot killings in
South Africa, must surely have been with
tongue-in-cheek, in view of the smoldering
racial unrest in the South which breaks out
periodically ' to make international head-
lines. It is all very well for those of us
who have no such racial, problems to be
smug,. and tolerant, but there are circum-
stances and conditions peculiar to , all:: these.
problems for which there is no overnight
solution. The tragedy of this insurgence of
nationalism is that rationalitydoes not''.
prevail when time- is • an essential factor
in . avoiding, the chaos of bringing '.about
momentous chan$es.
In assessing a fine of $25: and costs .I
on ° a; l'6 -year-old Wingham youth who
pleaded guilty of being'in a beverage 'room'
while, a minor, Magistrate ,.McClevis is
quoted as saying, "What you young squirts
need is ' to have fir 'shingle put ' to you."
With' that : we.; have no argument, but it
seems like getting the cart before the horse.
What about the hotel operator who permits,
minors in ' the beverage room, and ; those
who serve them? Have they. • no ,responsi-
bility, and are they not subject to a penalty
`for infraction of the' law.. Give us a law
that can be enforced, .was the cry of the
"champions of our teenagers" . in their ' suc-
cessful bid to have . the CTA repealed so,
that 'among. other advantages ouryouth''•
could be protected from the demoralizing
and unscrupulous, bootlegger.
Letters To The Editor;
Editor ,Lucknew Sentinel,
Dear Sir:
Last. ` week's editorial
Spring .a Young . Man's
pital on Sunday, April 3rd. The
remains rested,;/at his late resi-
dence , ianti1 Wednesday when
service was 'held at• 2:00 p.m. at
• the McLanaghan-Wall funeral
In .ho with :interment -
cy, me / in Wood,
presented a challenge to those • lawn Cemetery, Guelph
who - :think deeply.. Prior is survived ,:by ''his
wife, Many of us were not:aware of. w , the. former Margaret Ann
the 'great potentialities so near Glazier; three daughters, . Mrs:
'at • hand hundreds of ,young Gerald . (Cora) Bard, Mrs John
men .in the agegroupof 25 and (Thelma) Chilton,; Mrs. Bili
under from perhaa: dozen of : (Mae) Yates' and a .brother Al-
ps bert (,Bert)'• Prior,. all of:: Guelph..
the•••surrounding towns and vL:_..
wages, drawn by'the baimy Sun& SurviVin,g also:;" are seven grand
day ` weather to drivecars, bum-
per to bumper, up and 'down • the
main street • of a certain town,
in search of thrills. '
It has ,;been . said.. tYiat in .other ;B l L L EIGHTY-SIX
‘days , the teenager • emerged . .
from the.garage with the lawn PASSES. ANYWAY
mower but now he emerges with
•the family car, -perhaps, with his The .controversial Bill 86 was
own convertible I passed in the .,.Ontario ,Legisla-
On *Sunday, that pearl.' of days. tore on Monday, despite solid
that • commemorates' . the.. greatest opposition by • the ' Liberal and
event in history, the rising from CCF :parties, and the protests
the dead of 'the world's. Saviour, . madeby many Ontariofarmers;
in this, favoured • land of .ours;. The 'Bill,. an :amendment to
church !bells –.ring, • the, Good the. Farm , Products Marketing
' News. • is ;proclaimed from pulpit, ' Act,. gives • the government.
° , press,• radio and TV. But we 'are greater control . over ;the 'opera-:'
• told .that the :greater part of this tion' " ofdarketing . agencies,,
• world. is m, ' need, physically termed: by r opponents as "extra -
an spiritually hungry ; while ordinary 'pow.ers 9 which .have. ,rio
Communism issteadily engulf- place lira democracy."
ing individual 'freedom° Last. week a deputation of 35
It has been, said that 'the 'farmers from Bruce, ' Grey ' and
world has yet to see.' what can Huron had .. an' audience with
•be accomplished by �a man fully Hon° 'W. A. Goodfellow,
consecrated to God. Perhaps,,we sten of Agriculture and Prime
have. been looking to far away Minister 'Leslie Frost, and . sug
places, not realizing the dynamic ',, nitted a brief opposing the bill.
resources so' near at hand. Here mass demonstration at
they •are, , youngmen,anen of " A .
� Queen's Park had been suggest -
ability. anditrength and all they' ed prior to an in'vitation being,
heed is a vision: Suppose that extended, to' a committee ' of
. even one froin each of the sur- Federation Officers from each
rounding towns and villages re- of. the three counties,
presented by the drivers, caught , Hog producers were reported
the vision, what wonderful re...
sults, could be 'achieved!` Let us
make ` this our missionary pro-
' ;ject. Let us pray them into
"A Sentinel Reader."
included Wm. • L., Harrison . of
Ripley who paid the top cow
price of $700; ,Glen 'Walden, who
paid $235 for an open yearling;
Wilfred Pentlandwho paid $475
and. $440 for two `'milking . fe-
While this community ,had
little •; to worry: 'about:' from
spring -flooding, the Nine Mile
River . did -=r-ise--; to ' 'abnormal
children, ;illy, Barbara,: George, heights'w to overflow: its: bank
Donnie; Marion John and Ron- Ashton's basementdepartment.
nie. which was fitted out j last year
'to supplement 'their :display and
selling facilites was flooded over
the week -end with 8 to 10 inches
of water discovered in the' store
on Monday morning
Pumping equipment was ob-
tained to drain the basement.
'Some damage was done 'to • some
of the stock, and while not . of ' a
serious nature, was sufficient to
provide some good :'bargains, for
shoppers' this Week -end. '
The death` of Joseph Henry
Prior, 46 Ottawa Cres., Guelph,
',occurred at . Guelph General . Hosy
Mr: and Mrs George • McGilli-
vray have returned home. ; after•
visiting. ' inKincardine ' and Tor-.
onto• during the winter. :
'A meeting of the ratepayers
of, the Lochalsh Section Was held
on Thursday evening m the
School., , Mr. itinkaid was the
guest speaker of the evening. It
was decided• to hold another such
Meeting •on the llth of; April,
Mrs, Emile MacLennan was
chosen "Ilk/other. of the Day" at
Monarch 'Matinee held in Luck-
now recently,• • •
Mr, and Mrs, Don Ainslie, and
family of Halton visited with
Mr: and Mrs. Frank. MacLennan.
to be :"up inarms" over the' bill We are' sorry, to • report that
and `.'the Grey ',County. Federa- Donald Hamilton is in. Wingharn
tion fieldroarr stated :that they :hospital as is. Mrs. Elliott ndy
Mr. Jack MacLennan has re-
turned to Fort William, where
'he will join his boat crew, as the
sailing season is about• to begin..
' Visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Oliver' MoCharles+ during the
`week -e •rid were, Allan McChar-
les of Toronto, Donald McCharies
sale recently with 50 head aver- and Marie Jordan of Brantford
aging $331 each. Local buyers and, Donald Watson. of Lond'or1.
• Color won't fade •
• Soil marks wash quickly away
• Odorless --easy to apply
•' Available in modern colors to suit
your decorating taste, at.
Phone 218
and the . pupils of Room 6, we
.STUDENTS WRITE, FORMAL is to thanky ou for .our:
kindness in fatting us tour the
•SentineltOffice•on 'rida : It was
�. � � . �`
The ,.following letter . needs ': no , very
interesting to see.how the
,. g
Lucknow Sentinel is :'printed.
Grade . 4 were ' especially • inter-
ested because they had ,just
taken up -.about the machinery
in a printing, office:
We ' can, all make. Very. good
use, of -, the little note books you `
ga re us.,
Yours ` truly,
Brian Mowbray;. Ricky: Jardine.
explanation, . and we publish it
only ' as an indication of the fact'
that these children know what
is "socially correct" and caul.
teous, even though we had no
thought of . receiving such . an
acknoTheSen{., :. wledgeLucinelOffice,mentkn: ;
," Ontario,
Boom ` 5,: Public School,
• ow
, • March 28th, 1960.
t '
Lucknow, Ontario,
Dear Sir;'
On behalf' of Miss Thompson Is Your Subscription Paid?
could have. gotten 1000 hog pro-
ducers to ,join in a mass parade
to Queen's Park,
Orville. Shewfelt of : I(incar-
dine .held a Holstein dispersal
in wall paint
• Remarkable one -coat flat paint
for interior walls, ceilings
• Colors for every decorating•need"•
Brush it ..spray it... roll it. on
• Dries quickly...no unpleasant
• Lovely, fasting, washable finish
QUJ paints
Hardware -r- Lucknow