HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-06, Page 1$3.00 A Year 'In, Advance $1.00 Extra. To U.S.A.
Local and Rural School �:Qards. Confer
To Attend" Problems
"A'meeting of high calibre at
which he was pleased to'',be pre.-
re=sent," ,is how Inspector: T. K.
Waldie of Walkerton described
the ,meeting held at the Luck -
now • Public School last . Thurs-
day night 'between. the Lucknow
Public• School Board and .trus-
tees. of several rural boards ',re
presentinugl school sections which
are ; presently • attending the
Lucknow. School. •
Meeting . !with the Lucknow
Board, were close to twenty men
from the- School sections of
Zion,, Paramount . and • Grey Qx .
All of the sections rhave. .been
",belying education" from • the
'Lucknow' school ' for several
years.. This year ; the . Lucknow
Board has raised •the' tuition fee
for these sections from $116: per
pupil per: year to $150 'per pupil;
per yea ' The proposed forma-
tion: of : a new area in Hemlock
City in '. Ashfield and also in
'• Kinloss has caused the ratepay-
ers of ,;the three • mentioned sec-
tions to presentlybe, deliberat-
ing •between the Lucknow school
and others..
:Mrs. Jessie Alien, chairman of
the • Lucknow Public ;School
Board,. presided at the :meeting.
She questioned . the rural trus-
tees at.. the meeting, in. • regard to
dissatisfaction .. with, the $150
tuition.` rate. This : rate' is derived:
from last year's expenses and is
the exact . coat .of educating one.
pupil ' for one ' year at the Luck -
now ,
ucknow'.. school.'• It seems •that the.
• raise 'in tuition is the :factor that
is causing. the most concern
among' the fait' trustees` ''.along
with the fact that .they. have not
a contract With the local ' board
and: have no assurance from'
year td;•year as to whether .they
will be .able,to' be''accommodated•
:or what. the rate will .be. Like=
'wise, the 'Lucknow Board ' has.
no. assurance from ' any of. these
•schools'. that they will be attend-
ing from year; to • year.
%, Thursday's meet}}'nig Was one
expressly' or ' information and
no tdecisionswere made on eith°
er sides: The rural, boards are;
• all' callingmeetings of their
ratepayers : as soon, aspossible so,
asthey can .give Lucknow a. de-
. finite answer quite soon.
Likely Another Room
Considering•' the fact that : all
schools remain at . the Lucknow
school, the enrollment next year
will' be 'at an all tithe. high. The
seven grade .teachers will have
an• 'average: of 40 pupils:.- each'
with 25 to 30, expected in the
kindergarten. Inspector` ..Waldie
, was questioned in regard to Chow
many pupils a teacher , should
•• teach, Its ; reply Wats not over
35, particularly att • the primary
grades where • a teacher cannot
do/justice to ,pupils with over
'35 in the room. This will'possib-
ly mean the o p. ching of another
room. Paramount' and Zion stat-:
ed,'at the meeting that if • they
Withdrew it would not be until
the. 'a11 of 1061, In this ease, if
the Lucknow . Board is .to ac-
commodate, these schools, • they
would "have to make provision
for at least. one year, at which
time • it is possible that • they
could be left with', an . empty.
room and an idle teacher if
another. room, was opened.
.Inspector.,. Waldie, told . those
present that they can: be. well
proud of ttheir teaching staff in.
Lucknow as he had just' co/n7
•an inspection He stated
that 'even . now,. enrollment was
so nigh that it ' prevented teach-
ers from: giving individual; at-
tention .to .their• pupils. •
Discuss School Area
The ,possibility of forming 'a
school area 'among :Lucknow. .and
the concerned rural sections was:
discussed. . ,An additional grant.
of $3,00 per section is provided
to, an ' area with five. Or fewer.
sections, and anadditional grant
!Of $500 per section is granted to:
an.' area with six or more sec-
tions. This •'is the Department' of
Education's way m trying to
promote school areas of Which
they •. are more. in. favour: • Some
ini the rural: deputationsfelt that.
• (Contlnlzed on. page 11)1
Arlan Manto has been, having•
x-rays taken: 'and is under ob
servation .in Wi sham 'Hospital
nig, p
following•, an accident at the
sawmill ,yard on, Monday after,
Manto and Ronald' Frook aro
o -owners 'Of the Lucknow Lurn
bei Company Sawmill. , Allan
was struck
on the head by the
lift fork of th,t it new log, load-.
ing machine; andwas rushed to
the; hospital, X-rays have failed
to reveal n"', fracture
i: ' but 'Al{
'lan co� � •
mplained of • head ' pains,
and was being . kept under• ob-
.servation:: '
:Court ;Sepoy . of. • the Lucknow
Lady :Foresters,; 'held two' 'func-
unc-tions` in the town hall ' on Thurs-
•day:; and Friday of, last week.
On Thursday the 5th annual
birthday party. was.' held in. the
1 ti 0 A .'..
,Pte. John . Henderson,' army
lightweight !boxer, and•, Edmon-
tonGolden' ;Gloves winner this
year, is . in; • Regina' this week.
competing in ":the Canadian ,Ar-
my's Western' Command boxing.
"Jack"' is a son of, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert' Henderson. `of.Y R.R.
5 Lucknow, in the_ Whitechurch
;c„ .�... iii .. :•:�.. F •,rv.
birthday 'OP -:41:• : o: .�•Luck-� ' u : ere ��,. � ,. W . � „ , . '...,. � .;
rm , P t. , :.. � � . A , • s ecial executive a...etili
Flowers. on .. the tables .`were P g g
of `the Lucknow:and District
auctioned off for. Cancer Re-; Horticultural societyycalled •b
search wi h:• the winner being y
� the- president was. held.Friday
Mrs. 1 Stuart. Jamieson. Courteveningat the home"of Mr.' and
Whist was ''played. with the :
Nis. C.... Bristow
winners being' Mrs.. 'Eunice Reid, : • First . item '. -of' business.:Was
Mrs. •Bill: Hunter Stuart Jamie
.naming '•,a committee to be in
son 'and Charles::Short. • charge• of placing the Easter
On :Friday, a hard time dance lies in the churches" on Easter
was sponsored, by ' Court Sepoy,. Sunday: Therewere two vol n
teers, K.' Cameron and' . Ralph,
Pagan.: The secretary : is to pro-
cure .the `plants. •
Next was a . planting corrimit-:
tee for the "year 1960. Moved by
Ralph 'Pagan, seconded by K,
'Cameron . that ' Rev. • Geiger, Mr.
Hoag, ;Mr Schmid. and C. 'Bris-
tow be the :planting committee,.
and that, .they decide on mater -
and held in the town . hall. A
.disappointingly 'small crowd at
ended'' 'Costume; prizes -went--to
Dianne Jannieson, . ford.' ,Brooks;
spot dance, Nancy Webster, Stu-
art.; ,Reavie. A. prize:. draw on
two TV stools was won by Mrs:
Bryce ;Elliott and Gordon , Fin-
layson. .:
'Jack Nicholson 'of Belfast:has
'Jack. Nicholson
ship grader. operator, 'succeeding,
Jim Hunter who ' tendered •, shis.
resignation' recently.
Jack, who . has been employed
at Anderson. Flax Products . for•
several years, was appointed at
Monday's meeting of . Ashfield
Council His was •one of twenty-
four applications. He ' assumes
I.his duties at, .Once.
. The' Sentinel mailing list:
was corrected last Thursday,
, when subscription payments
up to that date, are indicat-
ed• on the address label of
this issue, • •
your label does not
show a date in advance of
'"March 60," your subscrip-
tion is ,past due and prompt
payment will !be appreciated,'
to save. the time and expen-
ses of billing, which; ."can.
,both be spent to .better ad- ..
'vantage an our ,•constant:
endeavour to give you the.
best paper 'possible.
Student's of Lucknow.' District
High School have,' 'expressed.a
'willingness- to conduct the can=
cer' canvass for.this area. J,:uck-
now' and the• north half'' of West
Wawanosh : • is included . in .the..
Win'gham district, under the,
chairmanship' of DeWitt Millet.
:Mr, • Miller spoke with ;school
representatives; on Monday 'and
they .were :readyand willing to
.both' organize • atd conduct • the
canvass . Because of 'examina•
tions •and. the approaching East-
er. vacation
ast-er..vacation the' date set for. their.
blitz is :.the last; Friday ..of the
month :'April 29th..'
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McGrath
and their two-year-olddaughter,
Sandra,' left this week for Cal-
gary to make their home Mrs.
McGrath Isthe;": former Jean:
Nelson.': and. they were •acconipa-
nied by her: mother;` Mrs: Robert
Nelson of town, who will spend.
a -month: in .the ;West..Mrs. .Nel:-
son had been in Toronto with
theMcGrath .family' for : the past
three weeks. • •
Mr. McGrath' is' .a mechanic
with . the Gestetner • Company;
and is being tra sferred by the
firm from Toro to Calgary.
, . • n• � '� .. ..
Daily ',wrist watch 'draws were
.as'sociatedwith the launching
the "•second phase" of the Mar-
ket,Store_ going-out•.of-business
ials and locations for plantings, sa e, commencing; on, Friday.. The
Watch winner on Friday was
Carried. Mrs. George Elliott, L c
• In setting up the Junior. socie- g•_ u know.,
on . Saturday,: ,,Mrs. Elliott Car-
ty there should be a project • for
them. ''The Society is: supplying ruthers; . R.R. 3 ''Holyrood 'and
Monday, Mrs..'. 'George Phillips,
each one with sone seeds, "and I, R. . L.uckno'
bulbs, etc. It` was thought' ad-. w'
visable tohave a section in the
flower 'show for Juniors . only SHELLS `'ON` HURON BEACH.
Moved by ordon Fisher, se= MILLIONS OF YEARS OLD LD
conded:.by Mrs. MacDiarmid that •
there be a flower- and vegetable There are shells . along Lake.
ction for the Junior ,society: Huron's beaches that` -
are' rail-
ed by Mrs. • Breckl'es, second- lions of "Years
Webster , 'old, according.to
by Miss,Ada Webster that official word from the Curator
section to of Invertebrate Palaeontology of
add a vegetable
the flower show. prize list. Mav-` The Royal Ontario Museum.:
ed by Gordon Fisher,• seconded,. Last summer' Sharon 'Whitby,; •
by..Rev. Jgennin s that the secre-
daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. Bust-•
Gary :set up a prize list for •1960. er • Whitby, and" her. cousin Judy
Mr. • •Hoag .mentioned that he. ,Rouse picked up a number . of '
may• not 'be ite town at the time colored "stones" at Boiler Beach,
of.' the show' and. felt it would, .south, of Kincardine, and came 4
be •wise to appoint .a new chair- to the conclusiort''they. were :just
man for the show committee. ordinary stones. They sent them
Moved by . K. Cameron, seconded to Toronto and a letter from � t � �
. he:,
ROM was eventually received'
which read •'in part: •
"The specimens • You sent tis I
for . identification are all fossil.]
'corals:,Five or six are tabulate
Or honeycorrib . corals and the
remainder are cup. corals. They!
are • aproximately. 340,000;000
years old and originally lived.;in
the sea that covered all of On-
tario during the Silurian period.
The specimens are rounded and
No dotibt the oldest 'account'
book 'df L• ucknow's 'pioneer: bust
ness days is in the possession' of
K. C. Murdie. It is a day book
covering a period; from. October.
26th, 1866 to March 23rd,. 1867,
'owned' by LucknoW'sfirst' mer-
chant; reeve 'and ',postmaster,
Nialcolrri '(Campbell.' •The Murdie
store , is in the Campbell Block,
and .this day book • has ' been in
the building these many, years.
The names, the purchases and
the "prices entered in the day
book 'are most. interesting. Tea,
sugar, cloth. tobacco and coal'
oil were among the staple coin -
Factory cotton was IV/ac . a
yard, totbacco • was '25c for 'a half
pound, ride Was 5c a 'pound, but
tea was over $1:00 a pound and
sugar, was 12j,4co
• A school meeting held at
Lochalsh ' on ' Thursday evening
,was not largely : attended, • arid.
'another meeting has, • been called
for Monday of next week, when
ratepayers of .the School Section
will• be called on to vote on the
question of Withdrawal from :the
A4hfield School Ar"ea, to ' join
the north-eastern sections of the
townships in a proposed new
Lochalsh is:. a Union S'chooll,
Section, and by a technicality
were not properly included in a
petition last year • to . withdraw.
from the' Ashfield School Area.
The. four sections of Kintail;.
Laurier, Hemlock City : and
Lochalsh seem to be m fairly,
generalagreement: to form a new
area, and build a: new school at
Hemlock City. The Lochalsh:.
'section must first formally With -
,draw. The attendance , at last
!week's meeting was not : xp to exp
,pectationsand it was',agreed by.,
those in attendance` that a fur-
ther meeting . shquid .be :held,
with the course to.' be followed
to be settled by; ballot..
Would: •Be •Costly
• At present. 'there are only, ten
students in the Lochalsh section.
The remainder of ,the enroll-
ment of thirty • pupils dt : Loch-
alsh .is • comprised; of 17 students
from Laurier and 3 from Kintail,
who 'are More convenient to
Lochalsh than ' Hemlock City:
Removal of these .20 students
to a :Central School at Hemlock
•'City, would run the costs of .op-.
erating'. Lochalsh :school as an
• individual 'unit to an -excessively
high point,' conceivably between
15 'and 17mills..
J. H:.Kinkead,. 1 P:S. for north
Huron attended Thursday night's
Meeting .pointing' out that the
cost of building'arid maintain-
ing a central school Would. : ,be
less • than. the cost of 'operation
alone an individual school,, '
Asked ': what the procedure
would be if Paramount 'and
Zion sections *ere .to join, .Mr.
;Kinkead stated ' that ',another
classroom could be added . and
the -rate-- kept the.same,, on ac
count .•of, the larger assessment.
To• Vote ,At Paramotmnt,.
A ratepayers meeting , is to 'be. ;
held in • the' Paramount. section
'.next: Monday .afternoon, when a.
'Vote will be 'taken to, determine
the wish •of the people: : Para-
mount pupils,:have, beentrans.: •
ported to • Lucknow for ...some
by Miss Ada Webster that we
leave ' the show committee • as
arranged for the time ,being. No
change to be made unless ab-
solutely necessary..
There wag 'a" discussion re-'
gai•di;ng' the May meeting which
is. to include a flower . show:
Moved by' Mrs. ••l`3reckles, second" -
ed, byMrs. Struthers that we.
have a' show in connection with
the May meeting 'and 'have a
first, second and third card to polished .because ' at' some time
show the placings N� prizes t.oin theirhistory they have
be paid for this show, 1Mfoved ry raped around • as tehrle
on a
(f onttti►1*je fin; . page 3) 1 -each or m a stream., r
Friends and neighbours;. of Mr,
and Mrs James' Keane gathered.
at 'their home on the '6th cones-
sion of 'Ashfield• on. 'Friday ev_,,
ening, April lst 'to present them
with some lovely gifts; before
leaving their 'farm' which they
have sold. •,Mr: and Mrs Keane
'are moving to Lucknow,
• The, "following address 'Was
read' by Mr. Bert McWhinney;
Dear Jirn and ,Irene.: -
Irene:We your •neighbours:have
thered here ' tonight to' express
our best wishes to both cif you.
.for happiness in your new home.
We are sorry •to see you leave
the neighbourhood, but shall ex-•
het to see you back from time
.to time as occasion •Bern its, ,Be,t=
ter still, ' since we all go to -
Lucknow°. you can expect . to
,liar e us drop in to see you. there;
We trust that vou' Will find
Many' new friends and that, yot
may enjoy good' health and' hap'R
-9iness, in your new• home.
.As a .token of 'our' esteem and
friendship, we ask you to ac-,•
e,A.,t A this gift, whichcan be. a
daily rewninder of your' neigh-
bours On the 6th.