HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-03-23, Page 12PAGE' .EUC'KNOW SENTINEL, 1EC , LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,' MAR 200, 19G0 'GIRLS' , ani RE -TEENS" Fresh‘ young styles in pretty new coats . designed to' flatter 'young girls. Fashioned from wools and, wool blends in plain and novelty weavesand tweed weaves. Soft spring :shades of turquoise, powder, red, beige, pink, black and white checks. Fitted and loose "styles.. Sizes 7-12; $9.95 to $15.95; 10-14n, '$16.95 to $2.1.95 'LIT'T'LE GIRLS' COAT SETS A nice• collection,. of ' 2. piece coat and hat sets. to flatter little girls. : They're fashioned . from wool, novelty checks and tweeds. Many pretty styles, both dressy and; tailored in •lovely Spring shad- es of mint, red, powder, pink,, gold. Sizes. 2, 3, 3x,-$6:95' to $11.95; 4, 6, 6x, $9.95' to '$17.95. Visit our MILLINERY DEPT. for the`. / SMALL FRY COAT SETS CLEARING We have. a few clearings in coat: sets in sizes 2 .3x as low as $1.98 - and in sizes 4 6x' 'as low as ': $5.95. GENT FOR•" KINCARDINE CLEANERS 'ree' Pick=Up" .and ' Delivery. Monday: ;and Thursday.:.. LADIES' and . MEN'S WEAR T • the district has been .cir- cularized with sale bills list- ing tremendous savings at the. Rathwell' ' Shoe Store annual spring ' sale, :: which started Wednesday morning. -THAT -new drapes have been hung. on ; • the` windows of • the Lucknow United Church Sun- day School adding an improv- ed appearances : to ': the base- ment of, the church. ' I SEE BY THE SENTINEL THAT' Teeswater was really. •in; the news last week, when a group . of ..irate ladies `manned' snow shovels rin a token de- monstration aimed at '"sham-. •Ing -.the council into. removing the snow banks" :which, lined, ...the . main street. T1AT••at'a recent meeting of the Wingham ,Hospital Board, the overcrowded . condition'•. was • discussed... At "the time there were 128 patients under care, in what is rated as a.. 99 -bed HHospittal. THAT • mernbersof. the United Church, Explorers Group, .:ac- companied ' by their, leaders, Mrs: George ;Whitby ,and Mrs.. Kennet1k Murdie, stook part in. OKNX •,Stoi y; Time program on Saturday afternoon.. THAT Mr,' and Mrs.:W B. An- derson returned to their home • here `. on Monday' after spend- ing the past ' few weeks . , iri' Floxida:: , HA.T Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steward quietly observed their 49th 'Wedding anniversary on Tuesday, . March 22nd. . 1. THAT members of.. the Lucknow District .Hugh .School ' Board, __.had a ;personal interview on Friday evening, with an appli-- -cant for the position of prin- ' cipal to succeed Mr Hoag. The ' Board receivedseveral appli- cations obit for the' most. part they lacked the qualifications necessary for. Department ap-• proval.` The Board last :week repeated the `"principal want- ed" anted :advertisement' in the Globe and Mail. YOUR' " BARGAIN FOODLAND ICE .CREAM STALE. Save 10c. " Silver:.wood's •• for Quality. Half -Gallon . c HIGHLAND PRIDE COFFEE. Our Exclusive Top. Seller. Sale. Pound.. 9c BEANS WITH PORK. Save 16c. 6 �� York Brand.. Large 24 off. Feature. n 8 c MARMALADE SALE. Save, ,Save. Wyona Three Fruit. Large 24 oz. Jar. ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIK. 41c. Robin Hood White. Feature.: k HERE'S • A REAL .TIMELY ;BARGAIN. HI-FLO SYRUP . FOR:: DESSERT TOPPINGS, .ASSORTED. BUY:.ONE 49c. GET ONE FREE • Values Effective March 24, 25, 261 We Sell For Less Phone 119, Luckrrow THAT the Huron 'County Fruit Growers annual banquet and meeting was held at.. Clinton last . week.. Lorne Woods - of St. Helens concluded a two-year term as _president, , and was 'succeeded by ' . William: Mac- Kenzie of Exeter.` .Among ":the: guests were Warden and Mrs: W:EST.4'N'S.:FEA•TU:RE. SAVE44c CINNAMON • :BUTTERHORNS ONLY 3'" nosh.. and: Steve''Stothers • o • Lucknow. THAT. the Legion weekly bongo will ' .be, held , on .'Wednesday. (tonight) instead of Thursday as 'usual with a: jackpot; of 100. with 60, numbers ' called. Last week it was only one John Durnin of West Wawa- , number short of going.. sa si u■ee■nasi■aeeeee•ieiueee euae■aen aeae. uos sinranaeiaanani to a■ :an eaiieee•e iannan■n■nnneea.ulls ialli llikg1 faeaoas�sss1 s.. ■. us Sale Continues SLASHED -= You SAVE 'on every Dollar in the store w on sale and MUST .be, sold. Further: Reductions. FREE: Friday and Saturday FIRST QUALITY , NYLONS' With every .$5.00 'purchase % of ' • yard goods, dry goods and toys. ■ sr PLAID WORKSHIRTS ' See these- "Bell" plaid work- •• ' ■ shirts for men reg. g:`$298•ha $3.75. Is each. One Sale Price _ $2:19.. is a• ■: ■ .4 • • • • ■ 6 M �i ee�a■e ri ■iaaecir ■iiia■■■rs�■ra aaa■■in. wawa ia•aaiikaMOMMin aaisMIiii®Aeir as i e■ s ire w'Neiseese er�isr�e�N N1 wrii 'esrr�r t•• • BOYS' JEANS Look! Boys lined , jeans, 6 to 12 years, were $3.98. Clearing ' At. Just -- $2.49 . pair. .BOYS' FLEECE UNDEEWEAR BUY. it up now at 'Cost. Combine- tion, $1.22 ea., Vent & Drawers;' • 570 •,each. . • PAINT & ENAMEL $1.00 qt. AT TSE MARKET STORE PRICES Everything PENMAN'S UNDERWEAR Men's . Penman's Underwear `Sale "95" line, vest and draw ers ' , just $3.50 each; "71'• line, large sizes, 0.•19 peach.,. SAVE 30% • HERE • BLUE ,WILLOW DINNERWARE • • Plates. ,.., : 44e Cups •and .saucers .... 46c Small plates '24c Fruits ...: 24c Cereals . •' 27c Ladies' Hats, your choice; ' 75c ea. • BLOUSES $2.98 'and $3.98 reg: Sale BOYS' SHIRTS 2 to 6X : W b te, Shirts . 68c ea. Xmas cards, ligh-ts,'etc HALF PRICE: • ' . • 1.96 FREE ONE:PAIR NYLON WORK SOX • with ,.every $5:00 purchase of Men's wear. PYJAMAS Girls' flannelette ,pyjaxnas, $219• FINE QUALITY .PRINTS Sanforized,, regular '69e and 75e. 'Sale; 50 . cents yard, MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Men's lhne dress; shirts, $3.95 lines. Sale. price -- $2:88 each. STILL A' FEW LEFT` Snow suits, Car casts, • Jackets, values . from : $6.95 to:$8.95. Sale :price .$3,00 each: Ladies' Underwear, Bloomers,: etc -- HALF PRICE• • BOY'S SHIRTS. .Boys' : plaid . and stripe shirts,; j better grade. One sale price $1.33 • each... r i•. ■ MEN' • STURDY WORK PANT •Reg.. $3.98 , Sale - S.99 each. Bib OVERALLS Mostly • large • ;sizes. : :Special Clearance, $3.00 pr SIG BATH TOWELS $1:29 $;1:39 'value. 88c each, UNDERWEAR . Men's Spring. and Summer weight ' underwear, ` combination and separates -- 25%a off. J• PRINT ;and; BROADCLOTH.' 59c `- •69c ;lines, going at 40c yd. Plaid` scarves -- 68c. • ' • y Fancy handkerchiefs: 25c Knitted' hats -- $1.48 r 0 M • i 0 1 .0 :'r ■ •0 . 1 .1 • r .'. i' MANY MORE ' e , T BARGAINS. r- too numrou�c to Lrs Di‘up •un frequently and see for,.youraelf. the GREA . SAVINGS on every single item in'the store M r #' i .1