HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-03-23, Page 10PAGE TNN • THE LUCKNUW SEI�TINEL,; wormow, 'ONT SPORT.. CER'1.IFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT wishes to announce his " entry into PUBLIC PRA•CTIC E in the 'offices. of '. Malcomson and Clark, Kincardine EFFECTIVE " MARCH 15, .1960 Office Hours:: 2:00 p.m.. to 4:00 ' p.m : daily Saturday: 9:00 a m to noon Telephone: Residence, 336; Office, 55 KINCARDINE, ONTARIO INCREASE TUITION: FEE (Continued from P age 1) A "detailed breakdown 'of fig- ures was. presented , to the group frown the tw,o : school •sections: Tlie 195.9 expenditures r totalled '$32,790 ' and after ! receipts •:were • deducted . °it, made a levy on. the taxpayer ;of. $13,500:,' The estima- ted.: expenditures for 1960 • .were :figured at .$35,530, $25,630' of which 'is , teachers' salaries.: The.:. receipts a I were .estimated ' 'at '$20,530 .making n ' levy on. ..the taxpayer: of $15,000.. These : esti, nates. for. the .coming .year take into consideration. the salary. in- Creases;offered to. the teachers, but not to, ; include._ _ increased revenue from•.raising the .tuition, or the increased . expenditurein the, possibility of hiringa' tea- cher and 'opening another room: includes: SerVices.. The Lucknow .Board explain ed that the tuition fee paid :by the . rural sections., .included all the pupils' text : books, work books; . dental ' care ,and hot Jun- ches.. If parents • from another:, sec tion; that isnot' closed" send. their, children to the Lucknow School the: fee, .paid° by the parents `''themselves • is ' $35 Rural parents sending their .:children to kind:: ergarten . pay , a ,,fee • ;of $15:00 The'.board .impressed on the 'two rural .sections that they would .'have to knew 'of their 'in- children " next year. .Both sect- ions' are' quite satisfied' with past and :present relations with the Lucknow .School. but one ';mean- bet of the 'Paramount ;group said he .. felt, with a • large enrollment forseen• in Paramount area, that they could not afford ' to contin- ue ..to. send their .pupils. to. Luck - now in view : of the.. figures pre sented in connection, with.' the proposed •Hemlock City 'school; The:opinion, was . expressed that it •did .not 'seem that many the. Zion community .were in- terested.:in .the TIemlock City proposal but that,t there : was "other • talk in the township" As + near • as can .be determined .LucknoW'i enr ollment in'.grades next year,. will ::be, -kindergarten, 25; G.ratle one, 47; • Grade two, ,35;•'Grade three, 46; Grade 'fouir, 24;;Grade 'fiive,'29;:Grade.six, 19.; Grade_seven, 24; Grade eight, 47. PEE-WEES DEFEAT RIPL IN CLOSE, CONTEST --- Lucknow • Pee -Wee hockey team . defeated ;Rivpley Z-1 in Ripley last Thursday 'night. There was no scoring in the first period. 'In, the. ,second,. Ed- ward (Brown scored for 'l,uck- now with., Ripley getting their :goal later in. the period. Bruce Henderson :scored. the • un nkibig goal for the Sepoys late, in the third ,period. ; Lucknow'and Luca are sche- duled • to .start the' Gocderich Young • Canada. ,tournament on. Saturday, April': 9th, at 8:30 a.m. It Will be an early ,rise for. Ernie Button and his squad that:. morning. • BUSH: LEAGUE HOCKEY 'With winter weather continu- ing and regular arena ,activities pretty well wound up, the "bush league" boys are .having- a 'field day. On Mondaynight Dungan- non squeeked out a . 5-4win' over Belfast. with Jack Hender- son officiating; • Weather permitting Belfast and Bluevale. are scheduled for a go.- on` Wednesday . night and Belfast and • Dungannon will tangle on Friday night. ' SQUIRT TEAM COMPETES IN "'MILDMAY TOURNAMENT The .Lucknow Squirthockey team,-' under Milt Rayner , and fiord Bailey, competed :.iri the. Squirt tournament at: Mildmay on '.Saturday.:' Lucknow. lost in ' the : first round. to 'Paisley—,11-0. 'Paisley. 'went on to 'defeat Tara 2,0 and' Teeswater 5-1 :to win the:sham- pionship: • •Eight : teams. from the "D" classification competed in the tourria'rnen, sponsored '.by -the Mildmay ; Recreation' .Council.: PASTOR'S: WIFE._ -_. AWARDS.PRESENTED At ',the Bruce County Achievement Day ,at Walkerton on 'Saturday ' , provincial' certifi- cates and pins were presented to. • Barbara :. Murray of Holyrood, Joyce McNay, of ' Lucknow . and Alice 'Dickison of Teeswater, by. Mrs. Harvey Houston, president' of: South Bruce •'Woinen's .Insti- tutes. Institutes... 'County '.:honour, pins ,and ce •- tificates'.were also awarded and among. -the ' recipients` were Katherine' Bushell of. Purple PASSED `A'VVAM...•._.,' MRS. JOHN C. HUTTON The • death 'of Mrs. John ; C.� Hutton' caused..widespread ';sor- row' " iii • the community. .Mrs. Hutton, whosehttsband" has been'pastor of -pine .• River United, 'Church, -for ,several ,'years, . pas- sed away. in St..Joseph's Hospi- .tal, London, •' On Wednesday, .March 16th, after •a. lengthy 111- 'ness. She was q5.. She was"her. pastor -'husband's devoted' help . terutions soon ,so as., .plans could Grove • and ; Beverley Wall. of mate ' ` arid a. `faithfu • and earn- te• ' the .Hol 'rood. . 1 . :be' made :• to • .ac�cornmoda Y • .est• worker In all phases • of, 11 c�F • • FLOOR TILE rigtens Any ' Room In - The - House Over 100 Colors From Which To Choose: CEILING TILE;; Covers ' Over Dingy, / Cracked Ceilings ' Gives Any Room A New Modem ' Look. • • 1 . .FOLDING,. DOORS Space Saving, .Attractive. Avaiiable; In 9 Beautiful 'Colors. Heavy Quality. 1 PAINTED WALL TELE. For Kitchen or Bath Has A Heavy Duty, ' . Baked, Glossy Finish. Just A `Wipe Of A Cloth ,And If Sparkles. Comes 'In Over 12 Colors. •. OHIO'*•. H'E LER ON ,,LUM R LT Phone 150',' Lucknow -Church- work. work. Hutton- was •the: foriner. Laura Christine Greig and was born at Collingwood. .She -Vas a• -daughter of -Robert. Robert. G,reig.,' native of :Edinburgh, Scotland, and Margaret Tait 'of Galt. On. August. 18th, ..1925 in : Toronto, she ; married .Rev: Hutton,' a na- tive of W ingham:..' Besides her,. husband she is survived by a son, Donald of Fort Williain; a daughter Ruth of Toronto and a grandson, Murray.' Two . bro thers" and two sisters also sur- vive. ,Pour brothers predeceased I. her Ministers ' of Bruce Presby::-. tery :were in char"•geeµ of the fun- eral. service held. in .Pine, River United Church . •On Battirday, March 19th, and , conducted :by Revs. R. R. iConxier, George Sach and Douglas .Dunlop. touring the service a, duet was sung by • Mrs. David Henderson and Mrs. Leroy Walden: Interment .was in: Ripley ce- metery the pallbearers. being Mac Boyd, 'Bert Irwin, ; Donald Courtney, .Morris • Reid, .,.Ralph Elliott, Gordon Clark. . 'Honorary pallbearers were Al-. •fred Fry, W. Smith, W, lI1 Law- rence, G. H.' Pace, Revs, C. F. Waite, G R. Geiger, J, H. Slade; A. J. Qrr,•. C. Manning, P, C. Renner., :.r,• ,'W, Sharer, G; . W. Kaiser, N. NIcCornbie. • WEDNESDAY, 111.4... 23rd, 1960 1, • IT'S EASY TO PERK. UP YOUR KITCHEN with MOore's Dula mel i Lovely semi -gloss finish for ceilings, walls and trim • _ Excellent for plaster, wood .9r metal • Dries overnight 1 Beautiful decorator colors Beni • amen ooze Its Murdie f3 Hardware Lucknow K S1GSBRIDGE 'Mr. Francis Griffin of Flint Michigan visited: with Thomas, Wallace over .the week=end, :- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Keane Will. soon be taking 'up 'residence in, Lucknow,.. having.. • ;.sold their farm• ori . the- 7th Con. -.of—Ash field last,' week'. • Congratulations ' • to .Mr. ' and 'Mrs. Jos::: O'Brien • of :.Goderich (formerly' Mary ;Margaret. Dal- ton of tliis parish) upon the ar- -rival .of daughterr •on-- St. Pat= ricks Day. in Alexandra ' Hospi- . tal, Goderich. • ' • „Mr: ''Jos. Martin of Hamilton, Miss- Frances;' `Dalton of. 'Rivers dale, Douglas Frayne of.L• London Dan • Kelly and Walter.. Kelly of London were week -end visiters 'Mrs. Alvin Collinson has " been a patient. in *Goderich.• Hospital for: the; past week, also Mrs. Cy- ril 'Austin, who sprained. the ' li- gament ; of her back in a . fall re- cently at.; her home here, We wish them '.both a. speedy recovery..'; ,Miss Betty • ' Moerbeck and , BOLLN• r '. ANDERSON—in Wingh'am Hos- pital on Friday, March 18th, to Mr1. and Mrs, Gordon Wi Ander- son, 13,.R 7) Lucknow, a daugh- ter, a • sister for"ini, Patsy . and • oho;,,, friend of Goderich were Sun- day visitors with the ,Leo Moer beck family. •ALWAYS.THINKS OF LUCKNOW AS HOME .. Received a,:letter from Mrs: Jaynes 'Brisbin: 'a few`" -days ago:. informingus of a ,change of ad- dress " from Ajax to the Picker ing district. •. . Mrs. Brisbin" is. the former _Helens 'MacDonald, .1.d'aughter of the late Rev, and7Mrs.7 C: -'H. - MaeDonald. she appreciates the. news the Sentinel : brings her of friends "•at home" and said; "I'll always think of. "Lucknow as horne and 'L. realize how Med-. nate. I was. tolive in one place for nearly:: • twenty.year•'s,.. for there . '.are .advantages that one can't appreciate' if continually tearing up roots. And'. -moving." The woman who • stays:''away from the bridge party often gets • the •most BE READ' ! FOR/'SPRING WITH ONE : OF THESE'BIG VALUE CARS.' '1959 Chev Biscayne sedan, 'automatic, fully 'equipped $2,395 1959 Pontiac , Laurentian • sedan, . automatic, fully equipped ..• $2,595 "1959 Chev Belair sedan;: automatic, fully , .equipped $2,495 1959 Biscayne: sedan, fully equipped + $2,250 2--1958 ,Ford Fairlanes, ''automatic $2,150 1958 Olds. 4 -door hardtop, .automatic, fully powered $2,495 1958 Chev :Biscayne„;sedan,automatic, fully equipped: V-8 motor” , , $2,250 1958 Pontiac .Strato-chief, sedan, fully equipped' '$205 3.1958 ;Chev, ,Standard Sedans • • $1,995 1957 Chev. Belair sedan $1,705 1956' Chev Deluxe sedan , .•• ,, ,`'r $1,2b5 1956 Chev'•Deluxe sedan +..:. ...:.1.r:.yi.v...1,...,... $1,395 1956 Mercury ury Sedan, full.. power $1,495 1956 Ford coach, - 8 ' cylinder $1,195 1954 Pontiac with radio .....1 .. $795' 1.1. '.. ....� ... ....:� 1.....911 1954 Buick sedan, automatic r i.,., ' .. ,• 1953' Ford sedan, automatic ,;: ,.1i ........r ,..... ,$495• 1953 Ford. sedan. ;.;, „-, ,,� . •. '$595 A. number of 1954 ' Chev. 'sedans and coaches , ' : '.$650 $89$ TRUCKS! ,.,.,.....,;:.. $1,095 complete with racks 14• foot TRUCKS! 1956 Chev half -ton pickup 1955 International, 3 -ton,, body 1953. Chev . half -ton pickup 1950. Chev „half ton picokup ii- - { . .1 444,14641.1.1 "Y YAiA 1111;1 11250 'Y .ia.'ir ansa, a iti...�7i 'i.11i lila 1. r Y4Y $4•295. .. bili..... 1.• ..... ...1Y1v.. X125. • rMrusseI5 Dities Service Dealer' ,O Ors. els Phnac 113, BrusS ,