HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-03-23, Page 7WEDNESDAY, MAR 23rd, 1960 R THE.-:LUCiCNOWSENTIIy,EL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • PAGE SEVEN ' h ' ? $y' • •C 'tom • Hoag FOR PRODUCTIVE HAX AND PASTURE , ,• 'Mixed Tay and pasture yielding 2 •tons . dry. matter'. per acre requires approximately 90 lbs. nitrogen,: '45 lbs. phosphorous and . 90 lbs. po- tassium. * With an application of 8. tons 'manure •per acre, approximately 24 lbs. nitrogen, '8 lbs. phosphor- ous and 32 lbs. potassium is all thatwill be made available the firstyear. Legumes can supply some of the nitrogen lacking,but phos- phorous and potassium will have to be supplied supplementary. For, example, where grasses dominate on heavy land ` which is manured .. once :.every three years; • ' there should. be a 'fall application of 5-10-15 at • ' 300 to 600 lbs. per acre every 3 years For further recommendations consult. ' your: local: Agri Rep. or COOP. "• CO-OP Has :the; Anal si.s YOU NEED 'LOCHALSH The ,C.G.L.T. meeting., was held at. the ` horrid, of .Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ''MacKenzie.' Mrs.. Ewan McLean ' was in charge: ME and Mrs., Warren Wylds :and : family: visited in St.. Marys with... Mrs.' W.ylds: ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred. Stone: The. W.M.S. Meeting. •of . Ash- field ;Presbyterian' :Church was held . at. :.the home 'sof "•Mrs. -Win MacDonald at , Iintail. Mrs.' `D .R.. MacKenzie Was in. charge of the ' devotional part. Mrs:': Bill Ross ' ' conducted the : business part of the, meeting'. The Rev. Neil 'tMacCombie cat.; led_ on=several-in=the-community'- ::d'uring the': past ;:week. .Mr. 'and Mrs. Oliver MoChar' les and John .and Mrs. D. B. MacKenzie' ;spent Friday in Lon don:. Mr. and Mrs. ;Emile.' MacLen- nan. entertained acLen-nan.entertained • Mr.' • and Mrs.: Ab.Magee-and' Mr.. and Mrs. Dan. • • • MacLean on. Saturday evening. I SuTiday 'visitors With :Mr. ;and Mrs. Dan Wylds were Mr.' and Mrs Llbydd Wylds. and ;familyti• of Ripley. • • A.. social :, :evening and • card party •• were held . at. Lochalsh School • on'• :Tuesday • last. Mr. Donald' Blue - :and Mrs. Emile'. 'MacLennan won prizes. for high count Consolation prizes were; on...by. Oliver• McCharles . and Mrs :Gordon' Finlayson.' , Mrs.. Daisy .McCharles is visit- ring iri Clinton with ..Mr. 'and. Mrs. 'Norman Carter: Initiation =for ' Explorers of Ashfield • Presbyterian ' Church 1 was'' held • on Friday. evening. Mr: Elmer.., "Umbach' was, guest 'speaker..• ' - Visitors ' with' Mr. 'and • ;Mrs. Oliver' McCharles • and. John were : Allan MpCharles, of Toron- to • and -Donald McCharles 'and Marie .Jordan. '. of Brantford. • ,Mrs. • len Elplick •• and baby dauie�hter arrived home from Sugar and Spic By W. I:. T. • Smiley • There. is ' no more constant 'critic • of the 'Canadian "way of 1' e,". ' whatever that is, than ours truly. I am so attracted to the vast ` handsome • visage " of Canada that I cannot resist, the • temptation to try. 'some rowgh,: surgery" on an ugly wen that threatens to mar it. • Wingham Hospital,. J aviller:, :Mclntosh'� War+ 'CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell • Telephone : Building • WALKERTON 6: E. I E"N IEUY, `B..Ed., B.A., .0 A. --Resident Manager Telephones: ; Business 633, .Residence 106 :. �Hvw .. .; .. �. - � �I�MI•N"N�NLI�MMrMIJ�Nrt.MI•IIMILN•�. 1:01..n-rn�"i..►b .,isorr.i ►li4s$$••.. r4 oortiwo�n�0hr►1 i�11 i 1 40 ROY, I!A PLUMBING and HEATING £SSO OIL. BURNER SALES .AND SERVICE Phone ?S ..:.. Luckttow w* w a:�•�:rw�Niir��drt+�NM�iiilil��)�iiiri}i�ii'iMr'i��+�iwr Jr Butthere. are two types of people who arouse. in me a furi- ous defence of my country and my fellow -countrymen, to the' point where I get so carried away that, I'm. apt' -'to •declare flatly, with 'nothing but hotrage to back it up, 'that -we are -both ivelhligh perfect. . —v—v—. The first of these is the Can •adian who affects to find 'noth-• ng of value in this countryor its people. These birds• claim there is no, • culture' this side of the Atlantic. . They aver ,.that Canad•ians are • crude and ' crass. all Canadians. were interested Tin., Other .Canadians, that. is, •v --v— ' .. .. •• . was : money and cars, and . me They are the people who read 'trying to tell him that our grand the book critics, not the books. fathers were carving• a new land They' ' wax indignant because out of' the wilderness and :build-' their " fellow -Canadians ' Would ing : tr• anscontinentai; railroads rather watch' a first-class hockey when his grandfathers -.were .ear - game •. than a third-rate: French ving.:eaeh other up and: building• movie. ,They • • have• never been international illwill. . • east of, ;Kingston,. Ontario,• but v '- compare Canadian manners, and That's the trouble ,with .these modes •ruthlesslwith • those: ''of . • y discussions. They • get out of Europe. • . _v—v___ hand • Some, cynical European With one breath they •sneer tells me, in .that continental ac ,tells that Canada ' has not the that . Canada has . absolutely :rip vestiges of a national' culture Culture. With, ,the hex' .•:they What I should do •' is calmly ,trot rhapsodize over ' some dog s- out ' Stephen Leacock, the Group., 'breakfast 'of a play the CBC has o f. iSeven, Karsh, thg Stratford inflicted upon. us. Festival' the 'Cal ary. Stampede, Land Wayne sand Shuster, lively �rhey: live ''in : toe city, these monuments , to our unique cul - characters,' but come' from small' ' =development Instead, 1 towns: They haunt the fringes of tural •wind uip hollering at him ' the arts, but have no talent. • If • _v,—v:_. they take : you • out • to . diner,; The' trouble with ,these sad' you'll east in a . gpaint dump with 'a soiled tal►lec oth Arid get' . a dogs is that nobody 'Tis . particu- bottle, of cheap bingo with the .`larly :.impressed by :'them. • The' inevitable spaghetti and meat, crude Canadians are': too busy _balls; making +money and helping with —v -•-v: • • Their numbers are small,- their opinions irribecile and, their.in- :fluenee . featherweight..:They have shanp. tongues, and:bad' 'tanners. Nevertheless;'; while • irritating • • i 1 •• All favoured varieties of • seetl grain available REGISTERED, CERTIFIED and COMMERCIAL GRADES a ;SPECIAL SEED ' GR►IN MIXES' Contac t us early for ..your requirements as good seed. stocks are.limited, this year. GARRY OATS and FLAX CONTRACTS AVAILABLE DERSON FLAX PRUDUG Phone 21W Lucknow the `dishes and building homes, and meeting payments to.- ;'be enthralled py . glowing tales of the fabulous culture of .Europe: That is 'the first. shock to : the ' ego :• of -these, Europeans ' who • $Corn Us. they. are harmless: Best ,thing to • _. do is : let them drivel : around..'t--v—v-: among themselves, being all ;eon-. . Another . thing, is that many tinental and cultured. Which. I 'of them come from large cosmo : . do, when I can controlmy •tem politan cities straight ,'to Toren .per in, :their :presence. Which is to. That is • a trumatic experi seldom.; Which is.foolish. , ence.„ in itself.'Thus, :.they. see -v—v:- npne . of • the grandeur : of Canada, �, :.: nothing of the simple "nobility of:. +.•.:•.•.:w.`.•.. The other type that . makes me a roaring Canadian natlona ist us ,Canadians, No :blushing now, l chi s , , however,: is: a bird of a :different p ' —v—v_ :plumage, -and . a • :more worthy Fortunately, these soured; `cri- f- oe This is the disgointled uro- .tics are only---a--`-thiy--` rifrieritty. pean,. •Whose personal' frustra- Mo `.•'.E a e'ns m st ur• p a who come here bions•and bitterness spill :out in, are ; realists. ' Tley find fault. stinging, clever 'diatribes against, with thingssoin'e . in our `Cana- • Canadians and 'their Manner 'of dian mode, of living, as we: ;all, living: - doz. But they . are ready to adapt . d: t Th have t th TORONTO'S MOST CON�!$NIEN .900 rooms and suites with - tub, shower, radio and TV Rome of the Canadian Pump Room -Dancing ing .. no cover+'• no minimum. Ample Parking. Fine Consention°Faciiiitiea.:. :Family Plan, • UNIVERSITY AVENUE AT .KING STREET •• Telephone EMpire 2-1846 TORONTO .v v_ •Frequently, . these are ' *ell.ed-: ucated, intelligent. and: sensitive people, , who simply cannot ad, just to a new life: ;1' Have 'met them • ::arid : fought. them •,, right down the line, •'but it's hopeless.` Last•, one I encountered ' •was : a • • Czech • who . 'seemed to have a TAX, • RATEs •SOA.lt AS. czip :.on • his •szoulder about all EDUCATION COSTS- GTO ,TJP things. Canadian. We ended up shouting at,each 'other across the --bar in his re- creation room 'in his ,$2.5,400 'hoihe, hints trying to tell me .that SANDE°RSON'S • 'L -allies: -aYid .Men s', rin%car--$. Fashion.. • Millinery.; BRIDAL G OWNS.. an accep.,., • They • Ye cu e • umbilical cord They 'realize that. FORMALS if • they are : willing to give of themselves to this country, they • will' receive from it.. • Them we are' glad. to' .have.' ' `�+ • to higher education costs." Goderich is anticipating a 'sub- atantial jump as -it. • is expected the . 'Goderich District Collegiate .. Institute• levy alone will be up;• Hanover residential tax rate 4:5!Mills.. According to 'the cur=. has been ' increased this year. ,by rent budget Ashfield will con=e 4:2 • mills . to 'an all time high of ,tribute. -$16,922 to G D.C.L main- 60.7- :mills. The Hanover Po&t tenance• and West ' Wawanash,,:. says."the • increase is •ri-fainly due• , $12,542, wit Free! Marie Fraser' -s, new "Teatime Treats'.'recipes Write today l r DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Streets Toronto y. -,••tiff.•••. •