HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-03-23, Page 4PAGE FOUR • HE LUCKNOW •SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 'ONTA' WEDNESDAY, : MAR. 23rd,196Q, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES-- First Insertion 2c per word; minimum charge 5 Qc, Repeat ` Insertions, 1 12c Per word, minimum.. 40c, Notices, Cards of Thanks anc, Coming Events,, minimum 75c. In Memoriams, :minimum $1,00., 25c. extra for replies to The Sentinel, Billing charge of..1 Oc for each. bill rendered. F'OR SALE FOR . SAd .--2 French doors, size 2-6 x 6.8 with . glass. 'Fred • Entherlin, phone 194,, Lu now. FOR ISALE--Clare Jewel wood and electric' combination stove; Like bevy.: Bill. Rintoul, R:R. ' 2 Lucknow, phone -117-W-2, Wing= ham. a. FORSALE—well ' started veal calves and. seven '.. sows due 'in' May, .Th. C. van Diepen, , R.R:: 7' Lucknow,; "phone" Dungannon . FOUR. SALE—Fleetwood, Electric 4 -speed , record • player.. A-1' con- drtion,. phone •Ripley 2367. PIG FOR .,'SALE -. Lacombe- Yorkshire breeding Stock. Boar.; and open gilts, , Free from •dis-" •;ease, R.: T. Kilpatrick,, Con. 8, Ashfield, ' phone ' Dunganinon 77-2. FOR SAT.F,--1i ht, ' .coloured sport g jacket, black .trousers, ' size 7-8.` years. •Apply Mrs, Harold •Rit chie, :Lucknow, phone . 96. :. FOR ' SALE 1/4 horse' used electric 'motors;. $9.00. • Jim Lyons` Radio °Shop; phone •8.4>; Lucknow; PUFFS ;FO�R' SALE •. Police and Collie cross, very.' intelligent:. Apply J. Alvin Hackett; Con..10 Ashfield; , phone• Dungannon 7.0 r-1'8 / • :FOR '+SALE Durhacri.:.cow;..:' due. end , ofMarch, ;bred ':'Hereford'.: Apply, to, 'James:, McTavish,' R. 1 ' 7idpley, ; phone 2-r-29. .FOR SALE -- electric ' portable sewing ; machine.. in-: excellent condition,,. exceptionally . ;good buy: Mrs. ' Gerald Rathwell, phone , 117, Lucknow: WOOD FOR SALE - good hard i 1 oo •. ,in truck' load lots. ia w d McMillan `Brothers,: "Lucknow. WANTED WANTED , TO .TRENT- an unfur- nished, house or .apartment. Ap- ply Mrs Rae Boak,. R:R. 3 `L°uck- pow, phorie . Dungannon 68-r-5 • WANTED—good home for Hu's- kie dog, good with children, Alf Ritchie, phone 264..Lucknow. • . WANTED—single man :.for- faxen. Work, middle age manprefer red, .good wages, start April .lst. Apply Alex Parrish, phone 80-r- 7, Dungannon. Aet 'now for`•' big earnings! Sell. in your surroundings:. our gar- anteed products mostly; house- hold and farm.. necessities fully•, guaranteed. ' High ' -commission,, bonus, ' etc.. • Experience helpful, not necessary. Details: FAMILEX Dept. M-9, .' 1600 Delorimmier; Montreal. • SALES HELP WANTED, ::MALE HERE IS YOUR. • OPPORTUNITY Good ,Rawleigh: Business '. now available 'in• Bruce ;County. Write • for information. ,Rawleigh's Dept. A-271-922, 4005, • Richelieu, Mon., treal: . FOR SALE — Quantity of : ,used. shallow and deep well pumps, both; jets' and ' 'Working heads; also--: used- -electric :motors- —1/4• -to: 3 HP and used • Woods Electric Grinder: Pollock Electric, .phone :196, Ripley, Income Tax Returns, ' .. • If :you .are a farmer: and have, n't filed tax; returns,my advice to you is—ado so If you:'.: have filed . regularly',.: let • :me check • your. ' Capital Cost • Allowance (depreciation schedule). - S.' J. PYMM • P.O. Box' 74 • Lucknow, Ont '. Public 'Accountant since 1944• •NEED MONEY? • s Unlimited . funds available . on farms; homes, motels; stores; . etc. Fast • :service anywhere: ' •No re- tainer ° fees. DELRAY INVESTMENTS Wilson Ave., ,Toronto.: ME 3-2353 PERSONAL: FEEL OLD? WANT TO EEL YOUNGER? Thousands of men, women past 40 pep, t .''quick with help of ' Ostrex ..Tonic Tab- lets.. Mak'e' 3 -day test., Only 69c, ' Apt all druggists,. ':• 'MEMBERSHIP REPRES . ENTATIVE � REQUIRED:' Enroll' Farn Service and -1VJotor Club. Memberships in this local- ity., O.A A•. providesthe finest for rural and, city dwellers: .. home -sewn, •-26ears and Pleasant :: ork :' full or part...time. 4.. y easa w address Pa„t.. , Rush name . and "address fora. full information.. , as territories • , are going fast.' You should , have . a car.. Male , female: Write;' Sales ivranager,134 817, 'London, Can ada. COMING. EVENTS NOTICES ° . .... .. HOLO OPEN HOUSE The week weekly ash bingo JACKPOT be TO E C AND held in the Legion Hall,' Wed- neSday, 'March 23rd at 8:45. 12' regular games; 3 • share -the ',afternoon and evening, on the wealth, games, and jackpot game occasion of their fiftieth wedd- 60 . numbers for .$100.00; (Note ing' anniversary. change, of date). Anyone 'interested in forming a field crop competition• in 'bats -grain corn . or 'ensilag'e, or ;all 3, sponsored .by ', the ' Agricultural Society, -is. requested to contact Fred iMcQuillin: or S. E. Robert son' at. an early' date, as the, sup- ply ;of new varieties • of seed is limited. • • Mt. and Mrs. Angus Graham will be at —home to their friends. on Saturday, , 'March Z6th, both HARD TIME ' DANCE' Hard Time April Fools Dance, sponsored by the. Lady Foresters, Court Sepoy on Friday, • April; 1st in Lucknow Town ; Hall:. Carruthers orchestra. • Lunch. counter:. Prizes ; for:, costumes. Admission 75c; DANCE IN 'LUCKNOW ,• Colwanash'' Junior Fanners will hold a dance in the Lucknow Legion Hall this. Friday, March 25th. 'Tiffin's orchestra. . 'PROGRAM, AND, 'DANCE Variety program an d dance•'.in Whitechurch ' 'Community Hall oz . Wednesday, .March 30th, at 8:30, under 'auspices of Women's Institute. ' .Lunch counter. ' Tif fin's orchestra. Admision, ;adults BOX SOCIAL .AND DANCE Lucknow and' District Lions Club : is:.,sponsoring 'a public: dance and •box' social ,on ;Monday next, March: ,28th. Carruther's orchestra, . Everyone welcome: 'roceeds for convention fund. CALICO, BALL The Calico ''Bali sponsored by the' Kairsbea •WL' will .be held 'in the. Town Hall, Lucknow,'Fri-: day, April • 8th: •:Dancing' from 9:30 •:1:.Judging at. 1I:00 pan. sharp. Carruthers • • Orchestra. Lunch : counter, • sandwiches,, homeinade pies :''pd' coffee: Ad- miss•ion :7.5c. Glass 1. -- ready made, '25 years sand `+4un.der, pri- zes,. $3.,.••$2.; :Class :2 : ready. :Made,. 26 years: and over, prizes '$3.,• $2.; Class • - • home -sewn, 25' years and' under; $3., 2.; Class' LOST LOST—a Lions hat, at the : re cent Lions :Club carnival:: Finder the time to be added to the mail please leave at . Buttons Meat Market.. rng ''list: Offer good . until " March The Lucknow Sentinel,.. FOR RENT phone 35: •. >'o`ver.;;:.$3., $2.; Class 5 --% rho : e- Sewn.'. Special , for High :'School Students by Hall's Groceryz "$3., '$2'.; Winners in class .5 . not . eligi- ble• in ::class 3. .FIRST-' TIME ' EVER' Saturday Evening •Post for new. subscriber's,' 37, weeks for $2.97.•' This is a saying. of. $2.08 on single copy price. Now. is' LAND: FOR .RENT - 25' acres, fall -plowed ,' to rentor -put • in -On: shares; have young collie Wig," would . make good cattle` ' dog, free, • t� someone who will pro- vide •,good hen*. Elwood' Barb-'' 696-r-2. • our, : R, 2 :Lucknow, phone ` 44 -r - ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs: Marvin , McDow ell • 'of ' Belgrave, Ontario would be " pleased . to.. welcome ` their friends, old neighbours and ac- quaintances at their' , home on. Thursday, March 31st from two to five. in the afternoon and sev- en to ten in 'the evening, :on the occasion of their fiftieth anni- versary. CARD OF THANKS KS Mrs. J. Bushell' and • family wish• to express'' their .sincere, thanks to relatives, friends .and neighibours: for kindness • and 'sympathy shown them. during their ' recent. bereavement., . E013 and Shirley Mowbray would like to , thank. , 'all • .those 'responsible' for arranging and. all those who attended the two; receptions ,tor " them, at 'Luck-: now and . Wroxeter. Mrs. 'Wilson Irwin wishes tb ++ sincerely thank all, those Who •I remembered her with birthday 1'cardsY and get-w.ell ' cards while, in the. hosp.Ltal:. - , Memmbers. of' the .Stuart 'Family, 'wish to thank all ' their' neigh, , bouts ,and relatives for their heir kindness to them during. ,the,ill nesS and the ,passing of their dear sister Anna. Special thanks to• those who'. provided transpor- tation to Wingham and Toronto Hospitals:- to: > • the St. Helens W.M.S. Woxnan's' Association & Women's Institute and. •all who. sent floral contributions. Special thanks also to• Dr. Corrin and the ' Wingham Hospital :staff .and nurses; to Rev. B. F. Green and to . Rev. .'Kenneth McMillan.of Toronto. All these kindneses will ' long be remembered. Charles, Joel .George and, May Stuart. NOTICE The Annual Meeting ;of the Subscribers of . the ' Duron and Kinloss Municipal • Telephone System will. be held,' in the Township Hall, P ' 'Ri .ley, Friday,. March' 25th, 1960 at` 2:00`, p.m: for 'the purpose of receiving the Auditor's Report ' • .for the .year. 1959 and , discussing otherbusi- ness :'in. connection with the .Sy - stern. Dated at Ripley this 14th day of March Stewart Needham, 'Chairman, Clayton Nicholson; •Manager, APPLICATIONS: Applications will; 'be received by, the undersigned . until 6:00. p,m.,' April 4th, 1960 for a grad- er':o erator for the • Townshi of p p ; Ashfield at: a'salary of $1.10' per Donald 1Vl. Simpson, • Clerk. AUCTION SALE. Clearing auction sale 'of mod- ern , farm equipment and imple merits ...at 'MacDona'ld Brothers,. Spruce NookFarms, Lot' 57, Con:. 2, Htiron Township on Thursday, March .31st at ' 1:00 pm. -No re- serve stock was ' sold last fall. See bills for -list 'and terms. *Mac- Donald 'Bros,, prop; 'Donald: `B: Blue, auc. CUSTOM : BUTC.HE*ING Beef ., and pork sold in any FILTER UEEN .Sales and Ser quantity, Custom; ,butchering Q. 'itGovernmer}t • licensed • abattoir ,vice, repa s_ . _tn ' all . makes of . vacuum gleaners. 'Used cleaners' Pig -every- Tuesday,: -Beef••-from. o1; Monday through' Thursday. f all makes..far sale. K; Peck, Varna,°telephoneIensall, BUTTON'S MEAT''.MARKET. • SIGN PAINTING TF7,TJC LETTERING SHOW' CARDS Woo]) ,LETTERS ALL' TYPES, or SIGNS; GORDON HARRIS Phone 364 Kincardine AUTOMOTIVE, Glass-'---Steering—Body Reairs Lubrication, etc., For Quality Service, see: . DAVIDSON'S ' TEXACO ' ' SERVICE Phone 320'. •• NO. 8 Highway • CEMENT SILOS,' Orders .'now being :booked for ,construction of ' cement silos. Geta•job that will last and save money too/By' placing your ori• der now, you'll avoid • the spring rush. Arnold'Bugill, '92 ,Garnbria Road, phone JAckson 4-94371 Goderich. • 'CUSTOM CAR PAINTING A nice new paint; job is money well spent, single or two tone,, hot spray .method, .fender and body work, rusted panels and. sections replaced. N. W. Winter stein« ' (1. • building ' west of Town Hall) AUCTION SERVICE Allan Maelntyre Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow, ' Phone 281 ELECTRICAL' -- repair work, radios, ' toasters', irons, electric fences, anything in the electrical line, prompt service, reasonable prices; Lyons Radio Shop, phone 84, Lucknow. • SEPTIC TANKS .WATERLOO ,.... CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where 'Better ' Bulls. Are •'Med"• ARTIFICIAL ,INSEMINATION ,SERVICE- . FOR ALL BREEDS OF CATTLE:. ...Farmer : owned and controlled. us between, / 7:30 `. arid 00 a 0 1 : a.m, week' days and ' 6:00, and ' 800 p:m. Saturday evenings at 'Clinton Zenith 9-5650. • '.or . Collect Kincardine 460• DEAD STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST CASH PRICES: 'aid 'for Sick, Down or' Di,abled, Cows &, Horses,. • also Dead Cows and Horses at ti Cash. •Value. Old horses 4c per pound. GORDON TAYLOR Phone 44-r-24, LUcknot, 2 1.1ucknoW 24-hour ''Service Septic 'Tanks,' cess pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with mod- ern. equiprhent. ,All- work guar- anteed. Louis Blake, R. 2 , . Brus- sels, phone 42-r-6 Brussels. SIN MEMORIAM M HUNTER—in ` lovingmemory emoy of Tour dear : huslaand and; 'father, John Hunter, Who ,passed away. at, Melita, ' Manitoba,, ::on March. ;24, '1959. -If all the' World were 'ours to give We'd' give it, yes, ,,and' snore, To see • your loving senile again... And• greet you at the door:•..• How often • there ; comes before Your: dear- face, kind - and, true: For death can never take away' Our ,memories of.you, Lovingly reirerribered and sadly :missed','by "histwife, Mary and. family. ROUSE—in -loving `,` memory . of Syddy Rouse .who "-passed away one year age March 26th', at the - age sof• :fourteen., years. '• •Our • family 'circle has been 'broken, A link gone from our. chain, • But though'•:we're ',parted for . While," . We ''know we'll met 'again. Sadly missed by Mother and Dad,., sisters Judy, . Doris and 'Joan. • REFILL '?ROBLEMS 'SOLVED Micropoint :ball point pen re- fills solve that "does it • fit". Problem. 'for all pens. They fit 'paper mate, eversharp, scripto, 'waterma'n, sheaffer, wearever and 183 other ',:popular makes. See for yourself, unconditionally. guaranteed, 49c at The •Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, Lucknow., 'RUBBER STAMPS of aj�l'l kinds, made to. your specifications, are. available at The Lucknow Sen ,tinel, phone 35.' BUCKINGHAM—in, (memory .of: Eldon'iBuckingham.',on, the anni- versary of'his death. There is .a day' of sunny rest For• every' dark" and troubled night, ' • And grief • may bide • an evening guest : • .But joy shall, ;come,. with morn- ing. light. • For God :hath: marked:each sor•` rowing day . • And numbered every secret tear, And heaven's long .age of , bliss • shall pay For all his children. suffer ,here. Always. remembered .by Mo- ther and Father. Typewriter ,ribbons for any make of. machine are now avail- able at the • Lucknow Sentinel; No matter what the machine, ,we,• have- the ribbon. Phone 35,: Luck• n.ow Special ohn St,On. Beef ' Sale ;at' BLADE ROAST, .lb.' : 4 , , ,. : 5I -(ORT RIB, `Ibi r . w :' ; ,. '., • STEWING BEEF, Ib. , :. x ,. : , , 55c CUSTOM. KILLING TO YOIJR` SATISFACTION 1 Phone 41 55c 55c 404044,44 .40444,....veseko