HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-03-23, Page 3PE NESI1AY,. MAR. 23rd, 1960 THE I UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY AYLMER TOMATO SOUP .: Save 4c,' 10 oz. tins . ', , FLEECY. LAUNDRY RINSE Save 3c, 32 , .oz:.btl. .RED & WHITE CATSUP, 3 for 34c • 39c Save 1Oc, 11, oz, 3 for .49c:: .. HOMOGENIZED PEANUT ..BUTTER Red & White, 18 35c 35c:. EARLY RISER COFFEE BEANS. R. &. W., Fresh Ground, ..lb, 5,9c. • 6c This Coupon Is Worth' 6c on the purchase of a PINT BRICK of SUNSPUN ICE• CREAM .. Regular Price 25c. BRING IN THIS AD & SAVE 6c ONLY 19c 'PHONE. 26 - FREE DELIVERY .oral & General Cecil ; and Alfred : Armstrong of . Port Colborne spent the week -end with 'their 'brother, J. C Armstrong. .:and , Mrs. Arm- ' strong. ° ' Mrs: . Russell: Clipperton of London spent the • week -end. with (her'. mother,, :Mrs. .Siam Reid . Mrs, Harvey Ackert. of . Kin- cardine spent .. a . week with ' Mme, and Mrs. Ernie: Ackert while both were recuperating from 'Pneumonia. Mrs.: Etta 'Roberts returned . to her home- here on Saturday,. ;af=' terbeing hospitalized. in Wing-. ham for over four weeks` Alvin Hodgins and Miss. Alma Ricketts of London spent the. Weekend With' Mr. and Mrs.; Oscar Hodgitis. • Mr. and Mrs: Gordon. Steward. • and son Bruce and Mr -Fred Ste -- ward. of London were recent vis-. itofsat the home :..of : their ,par- ents, Mr. and ;Mrs. Charles Ste; ward: there's a -ig^difference. �lb tweerr carving a career for your-' self and 'chiselling one. Presbyteri:an Church Rev. Wallace Mcclean. 'SUNDAY; MARCH. 27th 11:00 aun. MOrning. Worship 12;15 p.m. Sunday School' • 3;00. p.m. Dungannon .1 istry. triends are welcome., LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: rtev Gordan R. Geiger, 10:00 a.m. Chtireh School. Sermon theme: • ' It' never hurts ,to track, a Mr. and Mrs.; Gene Tunney and Rickey of ,Holyrood, Mr and' .Mrs. ;Julius, Fisher,' .David. and Grace of Listowel, Mr. Mike ,Ma- son of Ashfield, -Mr. and : Mrs. °Billie , Neabel .and .'.family; of Langside ` were, visitors on. Sun-- day;�with 'Mrs. George Graham: and Jack. Wright • THAT 'with the. hog marketing , question a confused and Con-. troversial. question, there will be considerable interest in the •,tvhieh other interests are, be- Speakeri 'present. The .Sentinel quicklY found. 'family's Great. Dane . dog. • THAT MiSs ,Carol kelin, daugh- ter •of Mr. and Mrs. William Helm of Zion, has successful- ly ypassed the hair dressing examination. at Brimo's School of Hair Design :in LOndlon. THAT•'Old King Winter , cannot haye" heard that 'is officially spring, or he is defiantly hOld- snow. on Monday night, along with •cold, blizzardy wind. THAT 'Karen 'Groskorth, a Grade ,13 student 'at Wing - ham District High School, has ' been 'chosen Queen's Club re- presentative. She is 17 and the daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. , Elwood Groskorth. of White: ech eh.' Karen ",cOrripleted Grade 12 with a 77% average, THAT' :leek.. Hussey of town entered ,Victoria Hospital, in London, • on. Monday of last Week for 5c -rays. On Tuesday. .df this, weelc hp underwent THAT Colin 1Vtot)oriaid of St, Helens, and who doesn't lay any clairn to Irish ancestry, . was 86 years of .age on Thurs- . daY, March 17th. -:-St Patricks THAT. we • do 'make niiitakes„ bUt we correct scores of. er- Tors. and omissions week in' & week out, .which others make and' would ,otherwise '.'creep" into, 'the papet. In one ' brief item; .fOr example, 'we .had to add a mine and correct a date in .order,for it to Make sense.. THAT pictured'in. the Free Press Vance - Woodstock guest speaker, at an engineers socie- • ty banquet held In. Somerville .HouSe at the 'University .of Western 'Ontario; .Gary, 'Suter of •Lucknow and. Professor L. S.. Lauchland, 'head of. the eti• gineering-science,. department Suter Of 'LucknoW is president • of the Engineering Society. of THAT Mr..: and. .14ra. Robert guests of -honor at a reception held in the '.Wroxeter 'Com, .munity • Hall :.on Friday even - We' SPECIALLiE IN for the BRIDE, GROOM, ATTENDANTS find FAMILY Complete line in Dad's and Mother's apparel . F plan for Wedding Parties in kome & church -'... Stock -WE HAVE RENTAL ON CRINOLINES . FREE' . ALTERATIONS Special Orders on' Travel bUtfits, Hats, Lingerie FoundatiOn Wear, Coats, Dresses -and Suits . PHONE ot DROP IN FOR APPOINTMENT Miss Universe ccintest, the Rose Bowl parade. at Pasadena on New years, and next January YCeUm qatre will be • in ,Washingeon for the WINGHAM Inaugural Parade, • zwo shows each night Neddy received his member- Hist at 7.15 • ship card. recently at the anni- • versary and awards banquet held in the Lafayette Hotel. Thursdai, Friday, Saturday, similarly.. honored the .pre- t'ucknt'w, atinoUnce , the. • engagement of their ,niece, Shin, THAT -41 -re -Canadian .Legiat-Ser, Vice Bureau Officer, Mr. A. H. scott, London, will be visiting Branch 'NC,. 809, Lucknotv on , 2.:30 p.m.. Any veterans wishing to see Scott should. 'be at .the Legion. Hall at 'this time. THAT x-rays On Tuesday con- ,. finned 'that Mrs. James Cul- , bert Suffered a , badly, fractur- ed' hip and she Was. taken to ,London, that afternoon 'to have the fracture Pinned:: 'MAT the editorial' space is this series\ of articles WhiCh are currently being written by Harry S, Congdon, director of the BruCe ,County . Children's 'Aid Society. BECOMES' MEIV1BER 'OF LONG .BEACH BAND Mrs. Ed Thom 'is the proud grandmother theSe days, having recentlY - received word that ed as a member' of 'the •Long Beach. Junior Concert Band. , ,Neddy is the 13 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Martin ,(Jean Thom). They moved to Califor- nia, froni• Detroit last fall.. • Neddy Plays the , clarinet in this band which has quite a 'dis- tinguished- record, . arid has scores of important 'bookings during the year, These include, to InentiOn a few, a concert at 'Las Vegas, the Easter parade in -Vraneis. •MaciRinald,- son-. 6f Mr, and' Mrs. 'Thomas MacDonald , of take 'place ' in 'the Presbyterian Church, Lu.Cknow, on Saturday, April 16th at '2 ' .Franh Sinatra, Eleanor Parker Edward G. Robinson . 'Matinee Sattirda):. ,afternoon At liiiimilimommompummons 1• GopmucH "Oregon Trail" In'. Color. Monday, .TuaidaY, Mara.. 28 . and 29 • Actually 'filmed in:'0110-; America's tra'cl'cless jungles: land of the Amazon 1, "LOVE' SLAVES OF THE' .AMAZONS" 1 •L--- In EaStinan COlor ' Pat oone -4- Arlene . Dahl --. James , Mason ,.. YOu II .Will enjoy this tongue-m-cneeK science -fiction I tale of a 'rantasne ,exploration. to .the 'eartn s center. 1 I "JOURNEY TO, THE 'CENTRE OF THE. EARTH" I. 4.4.1111.4!4111.41411.6.1iillii1411j$11•61,11111041.1111111;114111111.0,111011141.101404e..14004.11011114,olmo...m.I.41104.414.141.04•,4~ 41) • • • • • •