HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-03-16, Page 12•••1/4 • PAGE TEN' • „ . Allik Ales Adak 40, THE mamas aNT1NEL, Lucxxow; ONTARIO • ..*ED.14A5DAy, 1VTAR, 16th, *. 1960 • ' ° 1.$ ' •" 1. • ‘•• ; A Carnival Of 1141 -gains ' This • „ •,, THURSDAY, -FRIDAY, 'SATURDAY,. • • March 17;18,; 19. . and ALL NEXT WEEK A Storefdl Of BigBargais' is, Featuring "WIFE SAYER" SPECIALS "BIG TOP" BARGAINS for ,the HANDYMAN THE ALL-NEW CORONADO APPLIANCES for 1960 - • . • BICYCLE. ACCESSORIES, ETC., ETG; No Run -Outs All Items* Advertised Will Be Duplicated • • • .1 11 , . PHONE •50. LT,JCKNOVV•, „ • . • „ ,„ Pluuthingf • Heating, Wlrnig, Eavetroitghing . . , . 7.• 41111r11.111rIPTIOMP SUB zEito:orA.THER IiggyAILED LAST WEEK - , • • , . • • 'March ' has .produce d .some .pleasant Winter is weather, last week 'featuring sunny and 'sub :Zero conditions', .4,4t with a bite in .the wind. days last week rought earlY:, morning sub zero te ra-' tures,. Starting on' Sunday, March O 6th ,Witliva low •of Cbeiow. day's .10w was '1.1..,:;„above; • dar,;•1 be101-WeilitesdaY, 9 tier . low; Thursday, .• 5 above; Friday,, 6:: below; Saturday, ,. 10 • below; Sunday, 8, below and Monday of • this .week, 3 above. . • With high, snow banks lining many country roads, ;fingers are SPORT • INTERMEOtATES OUT, LOST OVERTIMETILT • • Luck** IntermediateS' are through for • the season. With their "backs . to the .wall" 0 on Monday night, they dropped an 8-7 overtime joust to the Blyth visitori,' who coped the group honors. ; ' It was a five !game set which ••Blyth won 3 to 1. Blyth won the opener, but Lucknow tied it up on Wednesday night on home ice 7 to 5. with Graham getting the 'hat trick, ;Arnold 2 goals and Baker and •Wilson one .eaeh. On Friday night in Blyth, Luck/tow dropped a 10. to. 7 ver- dict, so it was ' do or die . here Monday night. Lucknow took a I 372 edge in the first period.. The second frame . ended 474' and at the end, of. regulation time it stood 7-7,, with Blyth getting the tie43reaker, on which road the group title, in 0 the overtime., Jim. Wilson .netted three; Don Arnold 2 'and Ron Graham and Jatk,'Blue, 0.0 one each. Failure of referees to 'arrive caused a, 0 late • start, and a spec-; tater 0 brawl resulted in another delay, 0 that saw the game finish at near midnight. 0 ,It is unfortunate that a few trouble makers can cause • a ",!sporting blackeye.".Their pest- ering tatics apparently preCipit- ated a brawl, and on one occa- sion the ,arnea:lights:•were teM- piararily. turned . Off. to "cool' out the participants:. ••• ' kept crossed in .case, March would unleash a blizzard for whichit. -haS' been nototions. , on: occasjoii in the past -• • • United Church Explorers Explorers met . 1VIonclay, March 14th, with anatiendande of eleven We opened with the Explorers purpose andthen .the . business :iri which Ross Hallam seriptiOn? .••• was. appointed treasurer. Barb- ara' Cameron told a Story, from New Magic. It •• was, arranged that the:Explorers be on CKNX • • Story Time on Saturday. 0 0000 00000 . • ••• , • . Edge Bluevale Team . • Some. "pick-up" .teams have , been.haying a • lot. of 'hockey fun. of latewith. the Weatherman's co -Operation.. The "Belfast Bel ters'''. recently edged the "blue - vale Bouncer?), by, a score "thought.. to about 13-9. 00 0 . • • - . . . . . • 'HaVe You Renewed -YOur • • . • the faMoui • . . . vEithecupTg INSULATION ••• ZONOLITE INSULATION IS FIREPROOF • • • It Can Be Poured Between The Joists In The Attic, And Between Studs In The Side-walls, And Your Home Is Sealed For Year -Round Comfort. - for Building, Remodelling Use GYPROC FIRE PROTECTIVE ' WALLBOARD No Warping, No Shrinkage, No Swelling, Light Weight, Yet Tough And flexible. Takes Any Type Of Decora- tion, Cuts' and Nails Like Wood, Permanent & Durable JOHN W. phone 415o • ENDEILISO Lucknow • I TIMBER ..•TIPS• The Cubs • and Gophers. scored 2 poiiits. each in . a very hard . fought battle. Harold •EiringtOn'S • 657 supported by high singles ;by. • •Dick Park. and the Caesar. ' duo counted for two, games While C. • Greer and Russ Button With. 746 rand 705 led the Gophers in their I 2 point game'. .. The ,other •sheets . are •missing' ..I but we understand ,the scores ,vere Tigers , 4, Pole •Cats '0; Zeb- ,raa• 4, Beavers 0.: ••• , . A Standing:-..' ",' . •• . .. cubs 13, Tigers 9; Gophers. 8, Zebras 8, 'Pole Cats 6, Beavers 4. eam effort spotted by high •.singles -.paid Off 'as •the Coons 'stored. a3 point victory .over. the Squirrels and won the B. Group • playoffs. Singles by Howard Ag- new, ' jack . Treleaven .and jack. Fisher gave the, Coonsthe need- ed push with singlesby the freck • Button duo and Gerd Brooks only good for 1 point. , Fred Young's 617, led the Lion •!team attack In their 3 point vie- • tory .over the Chipmunks.' M. HUnter's'single was, top Mark On the uncompleted Chipmunk Sheet; • •' • B Final Standing;-• Coons. 10, Lions 7, SqUirrels5,, •ChipMunks, 2. . '• PEE VVEE TEAM WINS TVVO, • LOSES ' ONE IN PAST .WEEK re .You. anAngler?? • We mean: the kind who figures out the angles not the fishy hind!' Well, here's a good angle for any Mita of angle; - to hock on*. to , • You get good insurance protection and service with • CIA -auto and -farm family protection. For full details call; CECIL FALCONER Whitechurch, 0 Phone Wingham 570-J-3 CIA, Co -Operators Insurance Association Vanstone .scored the Wingham gOals. Back on 'Wingharn ice on Saturday morning the home team caught 'fire and defeated Lucknow 5-2. Theodore Saint scored two. .goals for Wingham with single markers' .going 0ta, Jim Nasmith, . Joe Vanstone and Ronnie Deyell. Bruce, Henderson scored both Lucknow goals. Lucknow, goal, 0 ,Mike Foran; defente, Keith ,.Loder, Wallace, Houston; centre,. Bruce Hender- son; wings, Edward Brown, Rus- sell Allin; • alternates, Donald • Saunders, „Donald Andrew, Doug aVlacKenile, Doug 'Campbell, Wayne Jamieson, Doug Alton, Larry Farrish, Terry R:athwell, • • , , . . • The Lucknow Pee, Wee team • played. three games in four days O last week and, thanks to Keith Loder we received a• detailed • report• of the. !games. 0. In Ripley last . Wednesday. ' night Lucknow shut out the Ripley team.. 4-Q. Goal . scorers O for the local .t. -girt. were Wallace ' HOustori 2, Edward; Brown and Brtiee Henderson, (Me eath. Wingham played in Lueknow op.rriday night :with pueknow • edging the Wingharn boys 3-2. flenald Andrew' scored two goals for Lucknow arid. Eruee ilencl.! erso. one. all Nisinith and,Joe • • I SEE BY THE SENTINEL, THAT the Town of Kincardine •has started to wrestle with the Problem of a sewerage system and disposal plant, which will cost.• between .$600,000 and .•$800,000: • THAT plans *are being 'draWn.',up for. the construction .:, of. a $12,000,,0 community Memorial hall. at, Atiburn. • THAT Harold Austin had a very , SucceSsiur auction' . sale last O week with: a'.nurnber of Hol- .stein.cows sellmg. 'particularly. O Well. Allan Macintyre. was the' auctioneer. • • • THAT'.. club leaders 0 from WCary-: en'S. Institutes . in South Bruce attended ,a training'school in Walkerton for- the 4-Hhome makers project, "The .Stipper Club." , From: this locality. • Kairehea, Mrs.' Allister • :Hughes, •Mrs. Wrn. MacIntyre; •.: HolyroOd, Mrs.. Raynard.. Ack- ert, . Mrs. „Frank .,Thoinpson, Mrs. :Frank iMaulden, Harold : 1-la1denby; • 'Purple Grove,. MiS.. Frank Dore? Mrs. R. •iftobertson.; .• Silver Lake, Mrs. Edward Bannerman, Mrs: ' Ronald Thacker • THAT Mrs. Grant: MacDiarniid • had -a 'fall near the arena last. • Wednesday evening While.' on' her way to choir praCtice', which resulted in a fractured, right wrist. which will be .in •a . , .„..,,„........4,..„.„..,,,,........,„............„„,...„......„,,„...„.....„,p..H.,,...„,,....„...„,„...., 1 7 .. . n HELLO! : , ELLO! 1 . i New Spring 'Cottons Showing, InipOrt and Domestic samassuipsonalarnammasamea, Complete Line of . . . uto Supplies and ACCESSORIES We also CairY . • ' ScARFE'S THIX PAINT For afl your. needs call at •ALLAN REED'S ROS • . SERVICE STATION. ' • .One ..11lock*:$9utit, Of .Arena. Phone 65, Lueknow , cast for a tirne.. !THAT there -will be. general:in- •.terest..in the weight gains. 41 • the Geiger' .triplets, three healthy yoting infants, who are • showing, steady progress. At • • theage: of 'six • Weeks Paul headed the list 'With a gain of :3 pounds; • /1 Ounce';: Alan;. • pounds, '6 ounces; Roas, 1 lb., 13 Ounces ' THAT at the 1.4icknoW Women's' • Institute •card 'party . on Friday, Winners: were Shoot:, 'Peter !, Johnston, •thigh; Mrs: Ed Thom, low; Euchre, 'Mrs. ‘Qtfo'poPp, • high.. Mrs J. 'Emerson low. . Door 'prize, Mrs,. Lorne Ivers. THAT Shirley Mdore, :daughter •.of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. .Moore •of• • Lucknow,• last week completed : a - six . monthscourse • at the London Sehool of. ilairdres7 • sing. • . THAT Mrs. Wilson Irwin re- . turned, home •On Sunday and. is able . t� about each' day, .. as she makes a. splendid re- • covery from her recent illness. She was ,88 on. Sattirday. THAT .a reception: was held • the Lticknotv Legion .Hail on • Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. Bob IVIawbray, newlYWeds Music , *as supplied by Far - O rier's Orchestra and at • the : Itinch hour, Ross McDonagh read an address of best wish-' • • es. to the young • couple and • Ted Collyer ,presented •them. with: a gift of money • Bordered Skirtings Broaddoth‘ Polished . Cottons 1• • Prints, Dan River Ginghams Chinos - 'Certiliroy Foulards Petti Point Quilt Patches • Each purchaser of materials to the value of $10.00 May select a night gown or apron FftEE. '(Please bring this advt.)