HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-03-16, Page 10PAGE F.1'GHT' ° KINLOUGH, ,Mr. 'and Mrs. Beverley (Bud). Sutton have moved to their: farm. near Langside. We regret Losing this young couple from *Ur. community. Mr. and'• Mrs. John Coling of Con. 4 Huron visited Friday With Mr.' and Mrs. William Cox and Rev. Penson Cox. 'Mr, Tom: Hodgins; who ' is a patient in • Victoria Hospital,. London is. ,making favourable ;,progress •' following. an operation which he .underwent on Wed- nesday. Mrs. George •-Haldenby, enter- .tained the W.A. at her' home on Thursday ,afternoon. Mrs. 'Roy .Schneller ..presided,' .The hymn,, "0 Master let me walk with • Thee" Opened the ' meeting, prayers ' followed: Mrs. Heiden- ' by read the scripture> andeach. member answered the roll ;call. with the word' "Repent". J. W. Ca1we11gave an .interest- ing meditation and read a poem. Minutes arid, business' followed. The, Deanery Allocation was ac cepted 'Mrs; Gerald' . iihody was convener " and conducted. a Bible Locally a�. ii m�. gt�} #'m r. egister. ForIY18:. . Carboni Snapout. forms Gas and' Oil:' Truck nut CoutmuoUs;' Business. F'Q>E ms oulnter Checkgooks estaura1nit` `Milli ine LUCKNOW ,SENTINEL phone 35. DERSON'S •Ladies' and, Men'sWear=-85 Fashion :Millinery, BR'IDA � GOWNS F, ORMALS THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, " LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDI .' sDAy, : MAR. 16th, 1960 STHELENS Mr. and 'Mrs., Gordon Mac- Pherson attended the marriage 'of their nephew, Mr. • Wm. B y - nerd and, 'MSS. Evelyn Donald son at- Hawksbury, Quebec on Saturday: They accompanied. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Raynard. of Ethel and also visited with Ft. Lt. and Mrs. ' Keith . Black and boys at .Ottawa. • • ' Mrs Lloyd Humphrey is a patient in Victoria.. Hospital,. Lendon. Her ,many friends nape for 'a speedy • recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. "MacPher- son . and Janet were in London on. Sunday where Janet was scheduled ` to undergo surgery at :the. ` 'Children's War Memorial hPospion tal on ;Ida.for MrsMac-fewhersremaina days; Mr.;, and Mrs., . Fred, McQuillin•: were recent, visitors with Mr., and' Mrs • Carl..:Johnston and family at Biuevale. • • ' There were .10:' tables splaying at the 'card party held at S.S. No. 3 . on Friday evening. Dorothy: Taylor won the: first` prize for the; ladies at • shoot and, Frank, McQuillin ,: Was the winner for the `men, ' The travelling .: shoot prize was won by Ken Taylor: High honors ' in euchre went ..to Ted Redmond and Mrs. '; Tom Webster • and . consolation prizes to Steve •Noble. and.; Mrs.' Peter Jefferson Who won the draw when tied with Mrs. William. Purdon. Prizes :for the euchre" were • donated ';Iby Mrs., John -Noble. quiz. Others ' taking . -part m :in• grawere Mrs, Howard Thornp- son,'Miss May Boyle,.'Mrs. Gert - ,rude Walsh, Mrs. . Wm. Cox, krs.. Midford Wall, Mrs. George 'Hal deaby, Mrs. Roy: Schneller: Miss Edna, Boyle . had change of "Hymn Time, when- each +nem= :ber chose a hymn with • the thought of the 'cross and then each hymn was ;:sung..:The hymn' "We've . a • story to :tell to the Nations"' and sprayer closed the, meeting..' Dain` refreshments were"' ser"ved.- by the hostess and her daughter ; Irs. Clare Spall-•. ing. Mrs.Gertrude .Walsh . gave the• courtesy remarks: • Mrs. Norman E...:(Ted) '' Hald-. eniby. who has :been a :patient, in Victoria Hospital; .London; for the past;• ,few weeks 'following , a major' operation was 'able to• re- turn Thome on, Thursday. • A most:'pleasant evening:' was Spent, in Kinlqugh. Orange • Hall On Friday evening' when; rela— tives , and ,friends planned , a . hap- py , get-together: 'while Mr.. and Mrs. George" ,Colwell are 'visit- ing here`. arid `before their . return 'to Dawson Creek, British 'Colum- bia. Miss • • Eva .. Culbert and Mr Lorne Culbert ` of 'Con. 10 Huron and:.Mr. William Wall visited on Sunday with Mrs. Archie:. SMC Farian, and ' Spence Mr. and Mrs. iCliris Shelton of Hanover visited on Sunday : `with friends here. A number from ,here- attended a reception . for/ Mr. and •'Mrs,• •Donald Smith which was held at Holyrood Hall on ,• Saturday night. Ernest Ackert. read an ad- dress and Jack 'Ackert made, the presentation ' on behalf of the community. • Mr. and. Mrs.Bert Nicholson and Evelyn, Allan and 'Lois visi- ted onSunday with Mr. • and Mrs. Rex Stewart at Millarton. • Mrs. Frank Maulden enter-.. tallied ladies on Friday at quilting.'' • • The A.Y.P.A. had a most en - j oyable skating ,Party on �Satur- day evening at the Lucknow Arena, Afterwards they • were entertained at' the home of Mr. and Mrs: Ross Irwin ,fora de- licious lunch. • • . Misses Erlma` and Sandra ercy and •Barbara Murray, • essrs. Gerald' Murray " and Hugh Lane attended the' banquet and meet- ing of the,'Bruce County Junior Far-mer'rs and Junior Institute on Saturday at Paisley. TORONTO'S easy -to -get -to Hotel . ;, . The LORD SIMCOE. Relax in luxury ---900 rooms with tub, shower, radio and TV. Home of the Canadian Pump Room— Dancing minimum. Ample Parking. . no cover, no CANADA: The Lord Elgin, Ottawa The Lord Simcoe, Tozontor' CHICAGO: The Shorn= The Hotels Ambassador ' University Avenue at King Stmt Telephone EMpiri 24e48 -rebut 022456 "The doctor told me I had low blood pressure." "How , did you cure it?" "I worried until I ,got high } blood pressure, OBITUARY MILS. WM..KNOX This community was saddened on Saturday morning, February 37th to learn of the sudden death of • Mrs.,. William • G. Knox, aged. 66 years.. Mrs. Knox was. formerly Ida. H. Barkley, youngest daughter of the late John and Anna (Henry) Barkley of 'Dungannon, and, spent her early life in that to cality. She. taught in. Prosperity .and Carlow schools' prion- to •going, West in. 1916 to her brother's home in Orinoco District, near Limerick, Sask. After teaching at Orinoco and Limerick schools she was married to Wm. G. R.nox in" December 1919. They farmed for several years in Or- inoco district . -Meanwhile .. resid- ing . in Limerick. • In 1957.they- retired to Assini-. iboia, owing. to ,Mr. Knox's un- paired health. - Mrs. Knox was ; a • faithful member of the United Church, a life member of the W.M.S. and a Member of the W.A. Besides • her husbwnd, she is survived by two sons, Jack.. and Murray both; farmers of Lithe - rick district, . also :one daughter, Maureen of :the Prairie Christian Training Centre' at Fore • Qu Ap- pelle and 2 : grandchildren. A. little daughter; Madeline passed away in 1927 at the age of.two years. Two sisters '. survive, Mrs. it. Gardner and Mrs. Joseph Cobbe of Assiniboia, Sask. Mrs. Knox was a fine example ofa real Christian, and loved by all who, knew her.. "Aunt tda" will be sadly missed by her CULROSS CORNERS On Tuesdayevening the 4-H'. club. girls met at the home of Mrs. Raynard Ackert. Officers elected were ;President, Elaine Meyers; Vice President, ' Elda Will; "secretary, Barbara Mur- ray; treasurer, Corabelle Thomp- son; Pres. -Rep., Beverley Wall.. ..1*s. Ackert dictated notes on -dishwashing-,and • cleanliness.. Barbara Murray demonstrated measurements and Mrs. Frank. Thompson made biscuits. `There. were seven girls present, Cora - belle Thompson thanked . the :hostess. The next meeting will. be held .. at , the : home of , Mrs. Frank Thompson. Mr. Tom Hodgins ' is hospitali- zed in London having undergone surgery. . Mr. and Mrs: Alex Whytock were dinner guests Sunday, 'of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whytock and :family, Wingham. many nephews and neices as well as by. a host of. friends. Rev. J. Heatherinton who con- ducted on ducte d the. funeral services in. Trinity United.Church; Lime ,rick, on March 1st, spoke elo- quently .from St Paul's text, "For. me . to live is Christ but to die is •gain .'> Friends ' /and relatives were ,present from Regina, Fort Qu Appelle, Moose Jaw .and Assini- boia. The burial Was in Hillcrest Cemetery, Limerick,. with Ross Undertakers' in : charge ' The pallbearers ` were six .nep hews:' William and• John Cobbe, Wilbur Barkley, • George, Knox, Arthur ' Sinclair and Melvin • Headrick.' Mrs.; Ted Haldenby has' re- turned home from London Hos- pital. , Mr, James Hodgins, and .little daughter flew home from; Van-. couver and is with- his mother, Mrs: Tom Hodgins.. 'The community' was well re-- • presented at the John Deere Day in Teeswater, Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg ac- . companied. by Mr. and Mrs, John Schumacher motored to Cooks-- • ville on, Friday'. The ladies re- mained in the city, spending the week -end with Miss Ellen .Mc-: Bride and other relatives. • Mr. and ' 1VIrs, Don Robertson and family,. Georgetown, • spent' the wg,ek-end at thehome of her • parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schumacher. Little Dianne Rob- ertson remained' for a visit with. her ,grandparents.. Old Blackie the crow has r.e-, turned to the community. ,Seems'. like .a welcome ` sign •of spring. .Mr. :and Mrs. James Wraith spent Sunday evening with. Mr. acid MAlex . Whytock. . .Mr. and Mrs. •Mprley Wall and.' fanr}ily.. visited . Sunday with Mrs. R. Whitehead, Teeswater. The community extends syin.` pathy to ' Mr. Clayton Meyer 'and. relatives in the death at Haml- .ton ; of • his mother, Mrs.. Meyer. • BORN OSBORNE—At • Kincardine Gen- ., eral' Hospital, March 4th, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborne, A.R. 6, •' • Lucknow, ..a daughter, Joyce Anne. MacMILLAN - , In Hotel Dieu Hospital, St;. Catharines, 7. on March 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. James MacMillan, a son, a bro- ther for David and Joseph. • ' Shepherds, maybe. Not this lovely lady. Her mind - is, still and quietbecause it is free of problems." Family all bedded down safely with nothing on the ,horizon to threatenthe security of their small world. Certainly not money • problems not since' she insisted on building .up a safe reserve of savings at "My Bank". Pleasant dreams are built on. such tranquility. Are yours? ......'.... •..i..•..••••'iS•.•••ro..ii..r.•.•..•i..•...••...•....•••••F.••••••• v►.n, n abo�rr► Fo L my MONE1(t it. TO a MUM allADIAfit yt, fi. re BAw*. OF MO r TREAT 6/cradai cue ama...9eueiyi 54 0614 WORKING .WITH CANADIANS I,N EVERY WALK' OF LIFE SINCE 1.817