HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-03-16, Page 4PAGE, FOIA: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LIJCKNoW, ONTABZt 'WEDNESDAY, . MAR 16th, 1990 SALE. FOR ,,SALE W-4 International. tractor, in' • good condition.. John.. Gaunt,. Whitechurch, •Phone 401- 'w-2, Wingham.> • . RO1 quantity of ,-nixed ;hay,; all; baled, barn full •of nice clean straw, 4'ack Van Osch,; B. 3 . Lucknow, phone `Dungannon FOR SALE --- Holstein cow, due to .freshen right away. Durham cow, just freshened. .For parti- culars phone Elmer : Hooey; 1x3- r=7,- BATF 1500 bales .hay, mow of loose straw; about 15100 bushels. Garry,► • Oats, and • barley,. ,. Apply Eldon. Miller, . Lucknow, phone 1594V.' • S1 AW FOR. SALE . - quantity of . good- .,clean shredded. , straw. Bob', rCainpbell,. ' . phone; ., 68-r-10 Dungannon. w• FOR SALE - two. good, . cows, one. Holstein,' due March 20; one Durham due end of March, right in every. :way.. Doug Dreri- nazi,:phone '66"-r-5 Dungannon. BECOME . our representative in your locality._ Make big; money, selling Vitamins, tonics„ cost' et- ics, household and farm neces- sities. Highest :commission, and bonus. PAMLEX, ' Dept. 1/1-8,. 1600 Delerim er, Montreal. • •'WOOD FOR SALE good hard • maple woodt • in ' truck' load 'lots. McMillan' Brothers, Lucknow, FOR SALE- Quantity' Of used shallow, and deep well . pumps, both. jets and working ..heads; also used 'electric .motors . A to. HP and Woods Electric 3 nd used ec Grinder. Pollock' Electric hone 190,. Ripley. FOR SALE 4'sash'. suitable for• poultry ;house,: _1 extra, heavy' door, .2 oil . space. 'heaters. All'. ° ,at reduced prices. Wm. .` 'Hardie arid• Son WANTED WANTED:''-=; Good • big saddle horse, must be sound.. Write' to. J..Coxnbe, .R,R, 11 London, , • . • HELP WANTED Woman .for• night 'duty ..in Nursing Home, 3: or 4 nights a Week, No extperience. necessary,, will train, suitable' applicant. REGISTERED NURSE '. 'required as full time supervisor for . 1, floor licensed Nursing dome.. Days' Only. 5 day week, salary $250.00:, Aipply to Mrs: Hendee - son, Fainhayen, Kincardine. SALES . HELP WANED, MALE MAN WANTED -- 'CONTINUE Rawleigh . Service to . Consumers .in Bruce County, -Get into a pro- fitable business `of your own.. No Previous . experience or capital investment needed, ' For 'inf orma, tion write Rawleigh's , Dept $471-916, 4005 Richelieu, Mon- treal; ' LOST LOST—blue tail gate. from ;pick- up truck. :Information as to; its whereabouts, will ;be::appreciated by 'Al Johnston, butcher, . Luck now, ' • • ,LOST, man's Rodan'ia Wrist. watch.. in . the vicinity. of the. arena. Finder. :please contact Wayne'Atkirison, T.ucknovir , `SMI'rTY'S'BROADLOOM' CLEARANCE SALE 'We are clearing, out. all, CAIN' PET , remnants of • all . f Wool Hardtwist at . our', cost: Over'. 25 .p'ieces . suitable .for' 'stairs; .rugs arid, wall.•to• wall ':.• ,'7 popular shades: 'Save.'$5.70 sq yard. Shop; Early at , Smitty's" Shopping. Centre yin 1 Hanovep. Por SALE --+plastic models of boats, cars, .planes,':and 'custorn- izing kits: Apply 'Jim Watson at Elmer Urnbach's residence after 4 p.m. SPRING CLEANING SPECIALS Eureka "Mobile Aire" vacuum cleaner, reg.' .$119:00; •Speciai ';$85.00. and • .your old• cleaner. Thor clothes dryers, reg... $249.95, . Special $185.00;' Frigidaire . cloth- es dryers . priced. from $179.95.: • GREER TV* & ELECTRIC NEED!; MONEY? Unlimited funds''' ;available on farms, homes, motels, stares, etc. Fast service anywhere[ ' •' No re- tainer fees. , DELAY INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson Ave., Toronto.' ME 3-2353' •FURNITUIE" `SPECIALS' • 5-Piece.chrome sets,': from $47.50; 3-piecebedroom suites from $79.; Runk .bed outfits, complete'. with springfii ed mattresses •' $69.06; Arborite step ,and coffee tables from ,$9.95.; odd chests of draw- ers; . Broadloom ' carpet, • from $5.50,a, sq: yd.; special prices on • all- chesterfield suites and bed- ' room suites, Motorola TV sets; Reclining chairs with ''vib'rators, -662,50, • JOH STONE' FURNITURE, , Lucknow, -1Phone 76 • RUBBER '.STAMPS of all kinds,. made :to .your specifications, .'are available at The Liieknow : Sen- tinel, phone ; 35. CUSTOM: CAR PAINTING. • A nice new paint job is money Well spent, single' or• two 'tone, hot ' spray' method, ' fender... and body work, rusted panels ~'and sections replaced. N. W.: Winter-: stein. • • (1 building' west.: of 'Town, Hall) ' .Income.' Tax: Returns • If •you"are a farmer and have= n't filed tax returns, my. =advice' GM I NG 'EVENTS CASH BINGO AND $ACKPQT The weekly cash bingo. will be held in the Legion Hall, Thurs- day, March 17th, , at 8:45. • 12 regular , gaznes; 3 share -the. wealth games, ..and jackpot game mmb 5p numbers for *95.00. to D•TIME DANCE Hard Time April 'Fools Dance, sponsored by •the Lady Foresters Court Sepoy on Friday, April on 1st in Lucknow . TwHall', Carruthers orchestra, Lunch counter.. Prizes for costumes. Admission 75c. ' RECEPTION °SATURDAY A reception for Mr. and Mrs. William (Bud) McInnes will be held, in" the Legion Hall, Walker- ton, , on, Saturday, • March , 19th,. Everyone welcome. REFILL rROBLEMS SOLVED Micropoint .ballpoint pen re- fills solve that . "does it fit". problem. • for ,all peps. They • fit paper -mate, •eversharp, , ;scripto, waterinan,, sheaffei, . w:earever. and 183 other. popular makes; See •'for yourself, unconditionally guaranteed, 49c at The Lucknow Sentinel, 'phone 35, Lucknow. AUTOMOTIVE Gass -Steering --Body • Repairs ,Lubrication,' etc. • For Quality Service, see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO SERVICE Phone: 320 -` Goderich No. ' 8.: Highway NEW orRENEWAL subscrip tions. for. the. Family. Herald are taken' by The: Lueknow Sentinel, phone 35,'• 'direct• representatives. of the publishers. 1. year, $150; 3 years; $3.; "5 years, $4. Save; a lot of bother., let us,•handle. your subscriptions /• FIRST ' TIME EVER Saturday; Evening .Post," for new `subscribers,: 37' weeks for $2.97This. is. a •saving of $2.08 onsingle copy price. - Now the bane to be added •to the mail=. ing 'list. 'offer good,'. until. March 31st.::, The • Lucknow . Sentinel,' phone .35. SEPTIC TANKS ., Septic Tanks .cess '..pools, .etc., pumped 'and cleaned with mod= ern equipment. `All work guar- "anteed. Louis Blaixe, R,,:.' 2 • Brus- Bels,' phone. 42-r=6 Brussels. ': • TYPEWRITER. RIBBON Typewriter •'ribbons ' for any make of 'machine are now avail-. able 'it•' the Lucknow.' -Sentinel., to ,you . ism --do :so. If .you'% have .No.matter what ;the machine, "we filed regularly'; let ' me •check have , the ribbon.. Phone 35, Luck - your Capital. Cost Allowance i now (depreciation :schedule) S. J:- . PYMM ......... P.O. Bob ;74, Lucknow Ont:... WATERLOO • • Public Accountant since 1944.. CATTLE BREEDING: pp AiCTION SEBQICE ASSOCIATION, f • • Air2n MadIntyre • Licensed Auctioneer. Lucknow, Phone ' 281 ELECTRICAL - - repair Work, radios, toasters,; irons, electric feces, anything in the' electrical line, • prompt :service, . reasonable prices; Lyons Radio Shop, phone 84, Lucknow. COUNTER: CCriECK $QOKS •-rtve self them singly or in quantities 'and ' take orders .for books • speci- Wally "printed to , your ' require tents.. For ' prompt "service, phone 35, The Life -mow Sentinel.. .. ' cUSTO i ,.BVtenta NG • 1- Beef and ; pork sold. in any quantity. Custom butchering in Governmentlicensed. abattoir. Pigs every Tuesday.. Beef trent, Monday' through Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT '191Ak1T ',Where Better Bulls Are "iJSed" .ARTIFICIAL' INSEMINATION ' SERVICE !FOR ALL BREEDS OF CATTLE Farmer owned `' and controlled. :SIGN PAINTING: - TRUCK AINTING:TRUCK. 'LETTERING SHOW !CARDS WOOD LETTERS, ALL TYPES OF • SIGNS :GORDON: HARRIS Phone 394 Kincardine PERSONALIZED' LABELS 800 with your- name and 'address in plastic dispenser, 'only $L, Dti Thompson, Lucknowc• FILTER QUEEN . Sales and Ser- vice, . repairs . to . all makes ' of vacitu n cleaners. Used cleaners of all' hakes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna, telephone •Hensall 696,44, • NOTICES Beryl's' Beauty Salon will re- sume operations on Monday next, 'March. 21st. Mrs, Ken Mowbray,, Effective next week, March 23, the single copy 'p rice of- The Sentinel will • be 10c.. The yearly rate of • $$3,Q0 per, annum is un- changed which figures out 'a 6c Per, copy on the Yearly basis, NOTICE The Annual Meeting ' of the Subscribers of . the Hur on and and Kinloss Municipal ' Telephone System.' will be held• in the'. Township Hall, ' Ripley,. Friday, March 25th, 1960. at 2:00,• ppm., for the purpose "of receiving' the Auditor's Report for the year 1959 anddiscussing other' busi- ness in connection with the $Y - stern, Dated at Ripley this; 14th "day of March. ' Stewart Needham, Chairman, 1' ,Clayton• Nicholson, ,Manager TENDERS Tenders for the 'installation. of an oil furnace in S.S. •- No: 1, Huron .Township, will :be receiv ed by the secretary until ,,Satur day,, March 26th.. 'Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Furnace' . to ..beinstalled during • Easter . :holidays • Chester . Campbell, sec.-Treas.; R.R. ' 1 Kincardine, ` phone Ripley • CARD OF THAtd'KS Mr. 'and :Mrs; •.Ernest . Ackert wish to sincerely thank all their friends • forthe kindnessand goodwill 'shown to them' while they' were , sick;, WANTED ;.,. WANTED TQ BUY • '• All kinds of USED 'FURNITURE, STOVE5 and FEA HER TICKS,. any. other, articles -for sale. , cy Phone Collect Brussels 260, or write LOUIS WA)CMA N•,• „ Box 47; Brussels, Ont. Eldon Miller. " wishes to con vey, • his' sincere ' thanks to..: all. who were so kind and ' thought- ful'' while he •was - a. -patient in; Wingharn Hospital, A . .special thanks.tq 'Dr..:M. H. Corrin , and the staff 'at the ;hospital 1 .wish -to 'thank: all who' •sent cards and treats while I was in London. • /Special. thanks to • all. *who helped those at homer and. also , Dr Finlayson and . Russell. Whitby, All: 'was- 'appreciated • Amber Carrick: ' Call' us between, ' 7;30' and 10:00 a.ni:, week .days • and 6:00 and '8:00' p.m. Saturday , evenings at, Clinton ,Zenith' 9-5650 or, Collect Kincardine .460 • DEAD STOCK. SERVICE . HIGHEST CASH PRICES. ,Paid for. Sick, Down' or . Disabled Cows. 8r .'Horses alis Dead Cows and Hames at: Cash Value Old horses • 4c 'per .pound CORDON• TAYLOR. Phone .44-i-24, Luckiadw RA. 2 Lucknow 24 -hots service Mervyn Hodgins swishes to,• sincerelythank. all, those who' re- membered. him with cards: and treats while he ,vcas on-' the ,sick• list: The family , of the '•fate' ,Mrs.. James DeGruchy wish' to 'ack- novledge with sincere thanks and appreciation all the kind acts and expressions, of' s'ynhpathy extended them in -their .bereave- . ;merit: CAR ' OF THANKS The family' of the; late Mrs, • Oliver 'Smith ..';Wish to . acknow- ledge with, heartfelt thanks •and appreciation the many kind 'and, thoughtful.: acts during Mrs, •" Smith's 'illness and the expres ' sions of sympathy, and,, acts of kindness, extended them in the Ioss'''of a dear wife and- mother;, • I' wish to sincerely thank' rry many, friends; who were so: kind. to:: i'ne'. in' . Many. . ways while l . was: a. patient in Wingham Hose pital. .A special thanks also to the ' nursing staff and Doctors, M. H. Corrin and D. R. Finlay-' "son These acts were Sincerely appreciated.'i., • Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon. Mr. , Jack Henderson and fain- ily.. wish to . •acknowledge . with heartfelt thanks and ,appreciation the many '.kind' and thoughtful .' acts during' Mrs. Henderson's illness;: and. the : expressions of `syinpathy', and acts .of kindness extended them in .the loss '. of .a: dear' wife and mother.. " I wish to .•tliank "all those who were so kind to me ,while '.I was a. patient. an.. Wingham .Hospital. and since : corning home; '.to Drs.'. Corrin and ' Finlayson and the whole .: nursing,: staff; also the:. Church , and Clergy,,,,, the many . People ` .and organizations;'' who sent letters, cards', 'flowers and fruit and es �eciall'-' the huri- P Y dreds• who visited'•,ine personally :and took my hand wishing:• me a speedy recovery. Those are the. kind of .people who, make living :worth .while.: • T - A: :CAMERON. We wish to 'thank our friends' and neighbours • for • all kindness to us during'. Mrs: Craig's illness in the '.hospital and also kiricli ness• and .'sympathy in our recent bereavement. .Special, thanks, . to, Dr. ,A; Nimmo, Mrs. 1Viorrey and' .her staff, . special nurses, Dr. Beginning ' his . sermon, .:' the preacher said: " Brothers . and sisters, you . have come here. to pray for .rain. ; I'd 'like to 'ask. one question; Where: are your, um- '. brellas?,:, LOCHALSH Miss Louise - MacLennan .. and Bruce' Millet+ . of Toronto : spent the week -end with Mr. .and Mrs. Emile MacLennan: : Mr. and ..Mrs..aeorge : McGil- livray. of Kincardine • spent Sun- day ;with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver' 1VIcCharles. A card patty -was' held at the school on 'Tuesday evening Mrs. K. L. . MacKenzie of .De- troit spent • the week -end at her horrie;'here. Mr. .and •" Mrs.' Allan McLean and centlyfamily, of Collingwood visited with • Mr.. ;and Mrs.' .•Dan McLean Finlay and Tom'' MacDonald, visited 'in St. Josephs hospital, MclZi�bbon end • R. A. Currie and . : . Do Sons.' 'John Craig and famL ily, . wonho'doisn' makingwith"Mr'a •gsood•MarcccDO ergnald, •- WEEK -ENI) SPECIALS AT. „SWEET. PICKLED . COTTAGE ROLLS 39c SEAN BEEF' BOILS .PEAMEAL.• BACK . BACON $ . . 29c 59c• ,P01* & BEANS; 20 ciz'a. tins. y.: 2. for 35c' CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR, SATISFACTION Phone' •41