HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-03-09, Page 13WEDNESDAY, MAR.. 9tli, 1960 SECOND OF SEVEN S:ISTERS.. PASSES 'KHE LACKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN i1+fR,S1. , RODERICK IVIacKENZIE:. ' , The death of ' Mrs. Roderick MacKenzie, a .beloved and, prac- tically a .lifelong- resident of Ashfield' Township, occurred in Toronto General Hospital on Thursday,•March 3rd. She was in her 81st year.. • Mrs.. MacKenzie had not en joyed .the best 'of health for a time; and had been making her .home with her daughter, Mrs., C. • R. Jackman of Lorne Park, near Toronto: She was hospital- izde , only a • few days.: She.' was the former Sarah Alice .Taylor, daughter of David L. Taylor of Scotland and Fran-, ces Johnston of Northern Ire- land. !Sarah ,was born in Ash- field on 'October..1lth,, 1879, and was one of a family of seven sisters and. four brothers; :• The 'brothers . are predeceased and 1VIrs. MacKenzie's death is the second '• break.. ifi . the seven 'sis- ters,MVrs. '. James Montgomery having..`passed away. last June. • In February 1914,. she married Roderick • MacKenzie . of Ashfield w:ho, predeceased her in 1931. ' Mrs. MacKenzie was a Chart- er member of the Kintail Wom- en's 'Institute, and., upon the: oc- ,°casion .of the ' 50th. anniversary of 'its foundinglast fall, .Mrs. Mac- Kenzie Was present and had :the .honour of cutting the birthday cake. • She was •one. of the. early • secretaries of, the Institute. The funeral service was 'con ducted by • Rev.- Neil: 'McCornbie of Ashfield Presbyterian ...Church :.at the 'Johnstone Funeral Home in . Lucknow .'.'ori • M'onday. ..Mrs. Gordon Montgomery was .organ- ist.• Interment .was in Kintail: Cemetery. The ..pallbearers were five nephews, ,Gordon. Montgom= .ery, Lucknow; Warren Wylds of A.shfield;•. Bill ..MacDonald, ; Kin- tail, Donald` MacKenzie, of Port Albert; D. A., MaeLennan,..Loch- alsh and Cecil Webster` of Lon- don: A profusion of '•floral butes Was born :•by 'relatives and neighbours:: • Mrs M ac �enzie ` is surviiieci 'One by •one son, David hof ,Kincardine; one , daughter,!, Mrs. C. R. ' Jack- man . (Ethel) . of Lorne: Park and a gr nddaughter, Miss 'Beverley MacKenzie of Kincar. dine "Five sisters : survive, Mrs 'Neil Mac- Donald :(Maggie) of Kintail; Mrs. Alex.Johnstone' (Annie) , of,•Chi- cago; Mrs. Dan WYlds:' (Ethel) of I Ashfield;.,Mrs. Jack Cowan (Edith) of Ashfield; Mrs. Bob Wagner. (.Isabelle) of • Detroit. She was predeceased by .' her husband; a . sister, Mrs. Catherine , Montgomery and ' four brothers, Will, 'Charlie, David ands Fames ytlio' died in infancy. s:• A • DDRESSED' W.I. ON'. CONDITIONS IN H.OLL4ND. Reed's Corners Women's In- stitute' nstitute', meeting was held with Mrs: Donald. 'Courtney presiding and Mrs. Bob Courtney as' acting secretary. This meeting had as its the ."Intel •national♦ Day" 'so . each Member was asked: to answer, : the roll. call' ,. with • "Something . I have learned '•from : a new Canadian." The • District Annual will be held in . Luck - new on June. 10th,: The group de- cided .not • to enter :the Tweeds. muir contest this year.' .Very .in- teresting current events . 'of •. the past year were -read by Mrs. Jack Reid., The leaderstraining. school for the 4-H Homethaking Club "The' .Supper ' Club" to be ,held March 3rd and 4th:'was an• - nounced. The motto of the day= Those ' who plant kindness, gather love" was very ably giv • en . by Mrs. Mervyn Hooey:, Mrs. Wilfrid • Steele introduced the guest' speaker, Mrs, Peter Vanderlay Who . spoke on , " liv- ?ng conditions • . in Holland." Frv'eryone enjoyed hearing this • interesting talk acid found 'the maty articles brought by the speaker .quite. inforMat ve, ' The meeting closed and: all enjoyed a social time,, with Mrs.. John 'teed and Mrs. Kelvin Hen- derson as hostesses. March weather which held no hint . of •spring's approach, pro= vided "excellent ice .for the .earn-_. ival last, Thursday night, • but it was a bit too much on the chilly side ' for the spectators who were outnumbered. by those in • cost ume.. There, was ' an unexpectedly large turnout of. , those in, cost- umed with little folk quite con apieious.: The regalia was .varied;, colorful,;' comic and original, and it wasn't an 'easy task for the judges, who were Mrs. Harvey Houston, Mrs. Mark' Raithby and Mrs. 'Milton Rayner. • The event was sponsored by the Lucknow and District Lions Club, . with the committee in charge headed by Donald Mac ,Kinnon. The Lions, do.not con- sider this annual event a Profit makirvg� • ,venture; but. on Thurs- day night the prize money and other expenses . were consider= ably inexcess of the• receipts.. The ;Country Lions had .. more roar in theist ' than ' the short- handed, anaemic Village Lions who' were `overpowered .4-0 in a brooinball '.game which was .the concluding featureof the night. Jack Henderson was referee. • Queen, of the carnival: was 11-� year-old Linda:O'Donnell, daugh-' ter of Mr.: and Mrs. Jin' O'Don- nell. . • . Prize winners were : as follows; Pre -School • and Kindergarten, ancy, Margaret ..Montgomery, 'Susan Hall, 'Kenny • Hamilton: Coiriic,' Kim, Cowan,: Linda. Ham ilton, Joanne .McRae.''Couple,, !:Bonnie •Boyle .arid Lorraine' Doyle; Cathy Joynt.. and Janet ,Cook. :Grades 1.. 'and.2 - Fancy, Gail Jamieson, Deborah Corrin,Carol Drown, Comic, Roy. Geiger, Dori-, hie . MaoDonal'd ,Allan Andrew. Couple, .Nancy Wealden and Lin- da,' Walden,; Joanne Greer: and Greg. runter.', Grades 3 arid 4 , •= . Fancy,. Nan- / Kirkland, an-/,'Kirkland, ..Murray. • White, Drew MacRae.' Comic, ' Eleanor Whitby,' Pi mny Collyer;'° Garry, McKenzie. Couple, :Terry ,Taylor and . :Linda' Boyle, Roddy Mc- Donagh • and:. Beverley., 1VIacDon= ald ' Grades 5 and 6-- Fancy, Joan; -McKenzie; Donna Button, .Marie Brooks Comic,' Elliott, Whitby, Marybelle Hunter, ,.,Bruce •: Hen-° Berson.:; CFouple, Barbara. Came- ron ,and ' Peggty MacDonald; Don- ald Andrew and •Doug.'Campbell: :Grades 7 and 8 ' Fancy, YOUNG PEOPLE 'TAKING. LEAD ' IN TEMPEIiAN'CE Mr. 'Hubert McConnell a re- ,presentative ''of the. Ontario Teinperance Federation,: gave a Most .forceful` sermon in.' the '•Un_ ited Church on Sunday morning: It .was not one of • facts and fig- urets, ' or 'of condemnation. :Mr. • McConnell took the 'pen, sonal iMy Son," "My. Daughter" approach in keeping . them from the thin ice. ". and treacherous paths of beverage alcohol in seeking theanswer to this pro- bleni that 'is 'resulting.. in ' an al cohol, soaked . society. He , pointed out that the ab- stainer, the alcoholic, the ..social drinker, the ones who boast they 'can "handler ' their , liquor" ' :all .shrug off the problem;. as' their' responsibility. Butyoung ; people are facing. up t� it, and he:Went on to des- cribe the spontaneous results of a youth rally which led to, the. formation of 'roc Alpha, a teen age organization, to Combat the evil. • The Temperance Society is fending its support in' various ways : ,to this new group. Mt: 1VMoConnell felt the solu- tion .rested , largely.. with. the Young •People and parental guidance and e,tample, The brewers and distillers soon lose their old Customers, he said. They need • a new crop Of customers, and maturing young. people have it .vithiri their. power top punt many of the Out- lets "out of business," by re= (raining from' patronizing them. Costume at Lions :Ice ,r1iva A BIT Of 'IRISH was appropri- ate for ' the . March 'ice carnival' sponsored by the ' Lucknow and. District: Lions Club .'last Thurs- Mr 'and Mrs. Glen Walden of day, Here are • pictured ',Linda�'Lucknow,. who received a best and Nancy Walden;, daughters of couple prize' in their Irish •.attire.••: Sherry "Jardine, • Sharon , Whitby, Marilyn Henderson. Couple, Dianne Humphrey .and Ann' Ar nold, Mary Murdie and: ' Cheryl; :Whitby. .. High School : —. Fancy,':. Sharon g, O'Donnell, Betty'Mathers, Barb-, aro Icomic,, Jim Wat- son, . Marjorie Alton, Doug. Mac- Kinnon. Adults -Fancy, Gordon. .. -�- Y� Bailey,: Jack MacKenzie, . Cecil Blake. Comic, :Shirley < Sinclair, Mrs. Al Hamilton, . Al Hamilton. e Couple, Mrs: Jessie ` Alhn and Russell Allen; Races: Boys, 6-7 John Einberlin, Jimmy MacDonald,Donnie'. Mac- Donald. Girls, , 6-7 Donna Mullin, .: Gail . ' Jamieson, C of Campbell: ' Boys, 8-9 ;=' . Terry Taylor, Bob•Humphrey, tied; Y � p y� Drew MacRae Girls, 8-9: Don- na Pentland, Marilyn Armstrong, Nancy., Corrin. Boys, 10-11,, -- Donald Andrew, Keith.. Leder, Jack .Mullin. Girls, 10:11,— Bar- • A i."•,. baro' Cameron, Mary • Finlayson, Marion• Button. Boys, 1243, -- Ross Forster.,,Kenny Kirkland, Russell. Allen. Girj, 12-13 Marilyn : Henderson, : Barbara Rathwell, . Marlene Porter. Boys, 14-15 Ross .Forster;. Douglas' 1VIeKirinori, • Bob Watson: ; Girls, 1445: —` :Linda: Button, Kathleen Hackett; Shirley. Sinclair: Men's race Ross Forster,,' Dr. M. H. •Corrin. Musical 'chairs: Boys,. Ross Forster. Girls, Marilyn Henderson. • P111NT YOUR WALLS WITH THE FASHIONABLE SO'CAIoi` in the 'smart woman's clothes .... in, the lovely 'paint harmonies of her 1iome ! .In decorating.: your rooms,, ., you'll find that painting walls with the lovely soft• shades of 'Super Kern -Tone, is' theperfect way to achieve this 'smart, ntw "Softer Locik' Washable ;Super Ken—Tones. brings you a beautiful mat finish , ..' easy painting .. . easy clean-up afterwards. .• • The De Luxe' Latex Wall Paint YES1. 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