HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-03-09, Page 4PAGE FOUR. THE. LU•CKNoW sPITINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO WFJDIITF DAY,; MAR. 9th, .1960' FOR.' SALE FOR SALE -3090 square ibales of. good mi*ed hay; also 5 Collie pulls: 'James Fnleon, R. 2 Luck- x►ow °' FOR . SALE egg. washer and Holstein bull calf, one week old.. Dirk Van Dermger,. Larigside, R, 5. .Lucknow, .phone 529-W-122. Wingh am. • 'C!R SALF -= 11'ehunks of. pigs, Carl McClenaghan, •. Whitechurch;. :phone 402'-J-1 Wingham. FOR. aSA.E—quantity y , ,.of baled hay, ' Arnold, :Stothers; Dungan- noxi, phone Dungannon '7-r=7:, .'FOR 'SALEthirty-five: weaned. piigs; from .6s •ta ' 8. weeks old; to sell;. at. Sale Barn price: Herb Buckton, :R. 6,; Lucknow, phone 26�-10; Riple „ FOR SALE -2 registered Short-` horn bulls:, Apply Bob -Lyons, 1, Lucknow• OATSb" FOUR SA TiE aibo 'iut 1000 ; 'bushels ."of 'Rodney oats,' good quality ;;threshed grainy $47.00 per :ton. Ken' Leddy,• R.R. 2'Au burn, phone 13-r-16, Dungannon;' • FOR SALE -- . 4 -speed Electric Portable ',Record~ Player, ;`• used very little: A-1 a condition $25.00: • D. M. Dillon, `'IKinlough, R R 2 Holyrood. • F ; SALE—Registered ; •/dual Purpose : Shorthorn Heifer due March • 10th, • also one,.. due ,Sepr. tember, 20th. Arnold' Alton, ,R. 7 Lucknow, phone, 67-r-1, Dun gannon., • . • WANTED GQOD FARM .f IOME WANTED for ;full grown . reat`Dane dog. Good with children. • Apply to J. .C. Trask; phone 274, . Lucknow. FOR SALE 4 Holstein Heif- ers, eif-ers, due : • in one week, ' price• $225.00 each. 1 Ayrshire heifer and calf, fresh two weeks,. a $190:. Ross ' Ilenry, Dungannon, 'phone • FOR SALE -- set of tractor chains 11 - 28, nearly new; _Internation- al power washing cream separa- tor, used one .year six heifers due•to freshen in April,` 1 Dur- ham .and 5 Herefords. °Parish Moffat, RJR. 3 Teeswater, phone Teeswater, 57-r-41. -- WANTED —=.one ' gander, A1a'1Y COMING. EVENTS ASH BINGO AND JACKPOT The weekly cash ,bingo will be held in the Legion Hall, 'Thurs- day, Thurs-day,IV[.arch 10th .at 8;45. 12 regular. games;, 3 ' share -the wealth games, and jackpot game: 58 numbers for $90.00. ; will. be .held, . 'in • the. Town Miall • NOTICES MacRae •; Beauty Shoppe will by closed' Monday and Tuesday, March 14th and 15tH while Mrs. 1VIacRae attends the Hairdres- sers' (Convention in Toronto. A ' special meeting, •'of the Lucknow ' Agricultulral� ' Society • EUCHRE, AND SHOOT on Tuesday, March 15th at 8;30. C, ome •to .the card party to be The. directors. and members are held• in the Legion' Hall',, Luck- requested to attend, and bring now, 'Friday, March llthat 8:30; pm;, under sponsorship of The to. Philip ‘.lVLacMillan,.,phone 24-5, Lucknow Women's; . Institute. Lucknow. Shoot and Euchre, Admission 50c WANTED =- homesfor. five kit, Extra; •i "Extra"' tens. Apply to Mrs, Wm• Hunter, , •The Annual .meeting! ,:Of the phone 63-R ,Lucknow.. • followers of St.' Patrick will be " WORK ,WANTED' ' Wortian would like full or part time :work, also ba'by-sitting. ' Call 178-J, Lucknow. WOOD •WANTED—wistv,to buy 10 cords 'of beech or` maple.'•green. body, wood, 1 ' foot:. long; James McNain, Annberley, phone, 110-r- 30, Ripley. AGGRESSIVE DEALERS make. 'easy money; selling our: `attrac tive `line of; . dailynecessities in. a protected territory, Lovely . dis- play case. Guaranteed and Well=- known products. High commis- sion," bonus, • no risk. FAM SLE Dept. M-7 1600 Delorimier, Mon- treal. • PERSONAL,. FEEL OLD? WANT TO FEEL • YOUNGER? Thousands ::of. men, women past 40 pep up quick. • with help of Ostrex Tonic ;Tab-; lets; Make ` 3=day test:. Only 69c.' At, all druggists WOOD FOR SALE —good hard maple wood,' in truck load lots, McMillan Brothers, Lucknow. WANTED JAIL GUARD • for : Bruce Count = Jail, .Walkerton. Qualifications. — 'minimum height,' 5'-8";• age 25-45;. 'tion, iGlrade ,:10 -, Grade ` $ accepted if ex -service man. ' :• All ''applicants must be phy- sically fit:- and _will be required. to..: pass an ' intelligence test and medical : examination. Starting heldin• the Legion Hall, Luck= flow on Friday, March 18th. Pri- zes 'for early admission, ist Door Prize, drawn at 10:45 p.m: Boyd's Orchestra." CALICO BALL . The Calico'Ball sponsored by. the Kairshea W.I.,.will :bee held in the. Town. Hall, Lucknow, Fri- day, April 8th.' Carruthers Or chestra. ., Lunch counter, • .home made pies. Admission, 75c. RECEPTION SATURDAY. • • A reception will be held at :Holyrood Township, Hall on Saturday, Mareh ;12, for Mr. and •;Mrs. Donald Smith. Carruther's orchestra:: Ladies. 'please bring • lunch. Everyone welcome. • • RECEPTION A .reception: •will be held in the Le �io -Hall,Lucknow, on Fri- day,- n day," March .:11th, for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray, ,newly - 'weds Farrier's . • Orchestra, everyone welcome: ST. PATRICK'S "TEA • A St.: --Patr-ick's •.}Tea .` will be held:, in "the . ,Lucknow United Church. • Fellowship room ., • ori Thursday, March :17th at .2:30; o'clock.under the • auspices ' `of the` W.A •• The • ladies are 4nyited salary $2,850 per year. 4874otir ,week. R For application .forms; contact, Governor A. E: Ferguson, Wal- kerton., FURNITURE': SPECIALS 5 -piece chrome sets, from $47,50;- :: 3 -piece bedroom suites from $79; Bunk bed outfits, complete with springfilled mattresses .$69.00; • Ar'borite' step : and ' .coffee .tables from $9,95,', odd chests of draniv`- ers; Broadloom carpet, . from $5.50 a sq. yd.; special .prices on • all chesterfield suites and bed- room suites, Motorola TV sets,; Redlining chairs with vibrators, • $62.50. fl . :JOHNSTONE FURNITURE Lucknow, • . • Plone 76 NEED MONEY? • Unlimited, funds available on farms homes,': motels,, stores,, etc. Fast service anywhere: N� re- tainer fees. DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A. Wilson Ave., Toronto. ' WIE 3-2353 • HELP W"A$TED• EARN EXTRA, MONEY -selling chicks • in your district ; for • old established ',hatchery with • a franchise for: • one of • the best selling layers in 'America. _Far- mer•.s,' Poultrymen and :, dealers calling. : on farmers and ;poultry- men are making good money. Our own salesman available help you:' close sales `For, f 11 details, write `Box • No.:; T. F.,. Lucknow Sentinel. • SALES HELP . WANTED,' MALE MAN WANTED.—Continue many years of •Rawlei. h- Service in b Bruce County. Previous experi- ence or capital ,investment not SIGN PAINTING !I'IR>U`}CK LETTERING` SHOW* CARDS, WOOD LETTERS ALL " TYPES OF- SI'GN'S CORDON HARRIS Phone 364 Kincardine suggestions for revision of the sokindly remembered her and the balby with, ;gifts an cards. . �. Mrs, 441ex'. MacLennan.. vv' to. express her sincere thanks to • everyone who was so " thought- ful and.kind while she 'was .a: patient in' Wingham Hospital and since returningi . home,' CARD OF THANKS I wish to sincerely thank..all those who so kindly ,remember-• ed me while in the 'hospital. and at .home: Leo Beauchamp; Annie ,Durnin wishes to thank all those who remembered her with'. cards, letters, treats • and visits while a patient in Wing ham Hospital, • Mrs = Gordon Lyons wishes to sincerely thank- all, • those ; who prize .list, . in order. that they .• may be .printed' as soonas pos. sibl'e. Convention delegates re Port. Mrs. Fred McQuiliin, Sec.' FARMERS' INCOME TAX Farmers' Income Tax will be dismissed- by a Director of the :Department of ,National Revenue at Kitchener, 'at meetings • on; 'Wednesday, March 16th;. at Tees=•' water'. Town Hall at .1;30 p.m;,;; Thursday, 'March • 17th at Paisley Oddfellaw,s,."Hall' at 1.30' prn.< to . attend. , ELECTRICAL ` ' i repair work, radios, toasters, irons, electric -fences, anything in the ;electrical. line, ' prompt service, reasonable prices; Lyons Radio Shop, phone 84, Lucknow. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS. we sell them singly or in quantities and take, 'orders for books, speci- ally printed' to : your require- ments.: '. For prompt service, phone .35 ' The Lucknow ;Sentinel, ,CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold it any 'quantity. Custom butchering : in .Government licensed. abattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from Monday`• through Thursday: necessary. You are' 'eligible if BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET. you own a car, bear a good 're- putation andare able:and 'will- ing to work 7 - 8 hours each day. For information write Rawleigh's Dept' B-271-914, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. • FOR RENT WATERLOO 'CATTLE 'BREEDING'' ASSOCIATION • "Where 'Better. Bulls .Are • 'Used" ARTIFICIAL INSEIVYINATION SERVICE FOR RENT—east. part of duplex FOR ALL BREEDS OF CATTLE home, .3-piece,;bath, all. (modern "Farrier owned ' and controlled conveniences:. Possession . may be obtained' after February • 18th. -Mrs. • John Carruthers; ,Lucknow. TENDERS Tenders ' for the installation:' of an • oil ,furnace, , in S.S. No. 1, Huron. Township, will be receiv- ed-by eceiv-ed-'by the secretary until . Satur- day; March .26th..Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Furnace to be installed during Easter holidays: • Chester Campbell,' sec:-Treas., R.R. 1 ' Kincardine, phone Ripley •30-r-10. REFILL; "ROBLEMS SOLVED Micropoint ball point: pen ` re fills; solve ..°that "does, it fit" probt'eni :for all pens. They ..fit paper -mate, .. eversharp, • scripto, waterman, sheaffer, • wearever and .183 other.. 'popular: makes. See -:for', yourself, unconditionally guaranteed, 49c at The Lucknow .Phone 35, .Lucknow. • `AUCTION SERVICE Allan Maclntyre • Licensed Auctioneer •. • Lucknow, • Phone 281 SMITTY'S BROADLOOM CLEARANCE SALE We • are clearing out all C:A,R PET remnants: of all Wool. Hardtwist atour cost. Over 25 pieces . suitable for stairs, rugs and • wall to wall — 7' popular shades,. Save $5.70. sq. 'yard. Shop Early at Smitty's Shopping Centre in Hanover. RUBBER• ' STAMPS of all kinds, made to your specifications, are available at The Lucknow Sen -• tinel, phone 35, FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser - Vice, •. repairs to all makes of of all • cleaners. Used cleaners vacuum makes for sale. Robert IC. Peek, Varna, 'telephone 'Hensall 696-r-2. • • • Call us' between,:., 1:30 3 and .10.00 a.m. weep days aaau .. 6:00and 8:00 p.m Saturd6'Y • evenings. • at Clinton Zenith•' 9-5650 Collect Kincardine 460 DEAD STOCK' SERVICE ;HIGI=IEST CASH PRICES Paid for Sick:, Down or Disabled Cows & Horses , also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old horses 4c per pound you GORDON'TAYLOR PPhone 44-r-24, Lucknow 1#.,R. 2 Lucknow 24-hour; service AUTOMOTIVE Glass-Steering,Bod Repairs g .� Y �.. Lubrication, -etc For Quality Service, see DAVIDSON'S- TEXACO `'SERVICE Phone 3201 :. Goderi4ch • No. 8 •' Highway NEW: '`or RENEWAL subscrip- tions for the. Family Herald are, taken by. The ,Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, direct ,representatives of the .publishers 1 ' y, ear, $1.50; 3 years, $3:, . 5 'years; • $4.. Saver. a lotof bother; let tis handle your subscriptions. FIRST ;TIME. EVER ••• Saturday Evening Post• for, new subscribers, . 37 weeks for $2.97. This is .a saving of ,;$2.08 on. single copy, • price Now, is the time to. be added to 'the :marl"- ing list: Offer ' good until March 31st. The. Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35. •• ' OBITUARY' • CHARLES W. TWAMLEY • Charles Wilbert Twamley in. Westminster Hospital, London on Tuesday; 1VIarelf 1st at: the age. • of 62. He was born' in Ashfield': Township . on.: May . 15th,: 189.7, On' March •, 21st, • 1925, he• married Annie Brown of 'Kinloss. Town-- ship: He served with the 160th Bat 'talidn in World War I, and for the past ten years: had been, en -gaged ,as ••a:. construction •engin eer. He was a ' member` of . Elk • Lake; Masonic ' Lodge: • . The funeral •service Was held at; the McLennan and: MacKen- zie. acKen-zie. Memorial Chapel on Friday.,: March ' 4th, .conducted by Rev.:'` Wallace. McClean. interment was in 'South • Kinloss* Cemetery, the pallbearers being Wrri.. Twamley, George. Tozer, Arthur Johnston; George Twamley, Wilfred .Dien. nen, Torn 'Twamley• Survivors are Mrs. Twamley; y,.. two daughters, Mrs. George:' Toz- -- er • (Betty); Mrs. Charles, Lock=' ' wood,. (Shirley); • and • a '. son, Willi*, all of London. Also sur- .viiving'' :are. a sister, Mrs, Milton Kilpatrick .,(Clara)' of :Goderich •and a granddaughhter. He was predefceased by two.' .brothers ' 'Wesley'. and George Twamley_ and a sister Mrs... Ber; tha Finnigan. • • .• SEPTIC T.A;NKS'• . Septic- Tanks, cess . pools, . etc.,. pumped and cleaned with ,mod- ern modern: equipment,, All 'work .guar- anteed. Louis. ;Blakey R..2, Brus- sels,. phone 42-r-6. Brussels. • STATIONERY. 'NEEDS can ` be filled , at •Thee Sentinel writing g paper, envelopes, . hasty notes, thank you notes,`,' boxed. greeting • cards, Magic markers and` refills, file : folders, receipt books, .state - merit pads, `scratch pads, pens, refills, ' and many other items: The •Lucknow Sentinel, ' phone 35, Lucknow. Is Your Subscription Paid? TOP SHORTHORN AT:BU L SALE ALE Storni .warnings by,. weather,'. forcasters :put :a •'crimp in. the bull sale ' held in Toronto last Week; with very few buyers on hand, ' ., resulting in ' ' depressed prices: But, two animals from, the.' Culbert herd at Dungannon• weresought after,' by Breeding • Units, arid a's a result •, they 'brought the . top" Shorthorn pri= ces. W A. Culbert' and ',Sens, Dun gannon, ; sold; ' Maple • Emblem Gold Medal•••to' 'Waterloo 'Cattle. Breeding Unit for $090. Maple Em'bl'em Gold. Standard was sold ..to; the Quinte Cattle: :Breeding Unit at ',Bellville for $1,400,00 They were .sired . .by Maple• Emblem ' .Good Luck, ' the Cul- bert 'il erd sire, which -has sired the highest average daily,: gain of any bull in Ontario. This --kr—the fourth Culbert • bull • to have' been .sold in less • than• a year to breeding, units: Two animals were 'sold •in July to. the Truro Nova Scotia'. Breed ins WEEK -END : SPECIALS AT ohnston Meat Mar FRESH :GROUND •BEEP,, 1b.; Y i y 39c OUR OWN SLICED:BACON, Ib ,; _ 45c NO, 1 WEINERS, ib. ,' ;', , ,. , . , . 39c 1 Ib. OF BUTTER AT 59c WITH EVERY $3.00 PURCHASE Phoy-Day' 444444444 i4,4440