HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-02-24, Page 11WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24th, 1960; -.7 ARTIFICIAL ICE (Continued froom Page 1) ,commented that. :it was a big project, . and a . lot of money • would have to be: gathered. Not only the Lions, but .the entire 'community must be behind if,•: and it can materialize more quickly than we think, he • said. . • Public. Speaking . , - T Lion Milt Rayner • reported' on •the public speaking co ,test; . • sponsored ' by the . Club.. ' our; contestants, from. the 'High Se ' • will be heard at the. next,' meet- ' eet ' ing, ' :.and she pointed out they. could; • hear more, and that any • boy or .girl of a. Club member could enter ,` in addition to' the •THE I,,W J PW: SrEN'I'INF.I, LIJCKNQ T, ONT'ARIQ TAGEEL«EVE1,. other 'four contestants. Told. Of, Trip Lion "Doug Harton gave an in- • teresting . travelogue of his 25,000 mile, world cruise, last fall,: and • brought . back a banner from Sydney Lion& Club,' the mother• • cluib • of Lionism, in Australia. He. presented the banner' to .the Lucknow Olub and' offered to ob- . tain sixniliar tokens for the lo- cal club, so that,'. they... could, re= ciprocate on such ,occasions. Mr. Harton emphasized,, the importance , ' of making 'friends; in and out of Lioiism. and the 'doors ,that •were• ;opened to! :him 1• as a result regardless of :Color. or..creed The English lan ;uage ,is all that• is necessary' td take you :around the• world,- he said Sponsor ,Grain • Club. Lions : Jack MacKenzie. • and Blake `Alton: reported for :the :Agricultural • Committee: ' They recommended sponsoring a grain club : in . con unction.• with the Agricultural Society. and a farm home beautification "before and after", contest ' Plan. ' Ice -Carnival ThBoys' oys' and 'Girls' 'Commit tee was authorized to Proceed with the annual ice carnival, and `has• 'set 'the', date' for. •Friday, •March •4th, A Box Spcial is• planned' for Marchh"28th•;,,,,andlnioiithlydr_raws' .for a:$50.; 'prize are �bein'g' held for the convention' .fund HELD `SPEA.KI:NG CONTEST HERE Saugeen District •1Bigh Sohool ' •at Port ;Eligiin_ ands Chesley_':Dis- trict High .:School both .had two first ."prize winners at the :Cen- tral Western: Ontario Secondary School'Association ;Public Speak- ing Contest held at the :Lucknow District .High •, School last Thurs., day 'night: Betty lRassman of r Chesley; ,aeon: first in the senior ;girl divi McKinnon of on . Peter. �on the with ,Kerry plac- sion with ,Carol' 'Mc Kincardine placingsec , Guthrie, of Saugeen senior boys award . Buckingham of Kincardine ing • second: In the junior girl competition Joanne Smith:: of Saugeen was first .and Gladys ,MacDonald of Lucknow:, ' second, Junior 'boy winner Was Keith Golem ' of Chesley with Gregory: Saxby of. Kincardine• placing'•second. Other; entries • from Lucknow included` Joanne- Crozier. and Bilj', And- rew in the'••senior competition,: and in the, junior,• Barry John- s:ton. Chairman for•• the senior' coni;, petition which ` was held in the auditorium. was Warren Brown. Tirriekeeper `, was 'Mrs. Gordon Johnston and •the judgies from Wingham high School'. were; `Clayton Shackleton, § e n'i o r Judge, • Mrs, Mary Cleland and Miss Nancy Walker. The junior competition was • held• in another room ' in, the school ,wfth chairman 'Volney, Ray. Ronald Kelterborn acted as timekeeper. The three judges; also from the W Ingham High School were, senior judge, •Don Raper,Miss Sally Slosser and, Ed Brophy; A '• r ;Son g also were P. W g, M. .. Ballard and .Henry' 'J. Down Of. ;$augeen. Students competed in •the contest from Locknow, 'Sauge-en, Chesley and. 1, inca,rdine District High Schools, STRUCK BY CAR, Lli TLE 'TOT D1 ED A #Our -year-old Detroit girl,. -and .a. great-niece of Mr. and Mrs.- Thomas Burns of Luckriow, died of injuries - she' suffered when struck by a car which jumped •thee curb. r*. The little !girl was Marilyn, 'Kay '• Aumann, daughter of Mr.. and • Mrs. Reginald Aumann : - of Detroit. The child's grandmother the . former , lViary Pickering, ,(Mrs.. Wm. Alexander) and her maternal .•, great-grand•nother ' is Mrs. John 'Pickering, a native of Paramount; • Marilyn would have .!been five on'' March 29th. 'She was struck down. on Sunday;; "'January 3lst in front• of the church whichshe was attending : with her „parents„ Her father had her, and, her. 2 year-old , brother. `iftilliam by :the hand, • when . a. car jumped : the curb. Marilyn died of injuries the .following Tuesday. The' father. and .her little bro- ther: were hospitalized but • were not seriously injured. The 'moth erkwvas not involved. The driver of the car 'side- swiped. another vehicle -,before jumping, the ;curb, A'manslaugh ter charge . was, under conidera- tion. ib LAMPSHADE' DISPLAY'': Thirteen W•I groups.in Huron • County which have been •,mak- ing lampshades ''in' the project `•`New, `Lamps, for Old",., will d - 'play them, at Summary, Day at Clinton on : March :2nd. Leaders of the Dungannon .11 -ranch are Mrs' Wilbur .Brown and.Mrs.:Ce cil Blake, and of the Auburn branch, .Mrs•. ;T..Lawlor arid -Mrs. G. Dobie INSURANCE MEETING (Cont nued from page 1) •Retirin : directors- • this_, �g ��y_•. were Donald , MacKay of' Ripley •and'John F. MacLennan of R.R. 3 Goderich. Another vacancy, on:. the board :_was .caused by 'the re - 'cent death : of Lorne,.Johnston. of Lucknow. Donald . MacKay., :' nominated, by ,Dave Jeffrey :and` ,seconded by . Bruce 'McGillivray, was re elected'< by :acclamation.Mr. Mac Kay . said that 'she: • had been .a. director for twenty-seven• years and that.this would be the last. time the °policyholderswould be voting' for him. 'John '• MacLennan was nomin- ated bi Wilfred Farrish and J. S. Daltonand, received the • accla mation for another term • Three In . Election • Three men were nominated' to fill the vacancy , caused; by the death, .of Lorne" 'Johnston: :Stan McGratten; by' Don...Paquette and Dick', ' Buchanan; 'William Wig- gins; by :. Gordon McPhee. .and., Harvey 'Culbert;. ',Ronald ' Pent 'land, by Elmerand•Harold. Dougherty. • William Wiggin, . who resides` just east of :the Nile was elected. on the: first ballot.'• Scrutineers appointed by :,the candidates were Mr. McGratten, 'Dick r Buchanan; Mr ; Wiggins, Harvey Culbert; Mr. Pentland, Victor Black; ' Policyholders, Bert Thompson. Other . • directors ' , of 'the . coin-' p "anJ', most of who spoke ; briefly are Brown Smyth, A.K. 2 Au- burn Paul Caesar,. ;R R. ' 1, Dunigannon; ,,Berson irwin Bel grave; Ross McPhee, R.R; 3 Au burn; c eorge Feagan, Goderich. Others called on were Marvin McDowell, a retired director of the; company, Andrew' .Ritchie,. Reeve of Ashfield Township and Don Thompson of the, Lucknow Sentinel.. • Raises Proxy Question Director Donald MacKay raised the question of the policy- holders votg ;by proxy for the annual meeting Mr. MacKay said •that • soros of ;his - policyhol dens had to ,drive from. as. far as Port Agin and felt it only fair, hi Weather conditions Such as • invested in our GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES to ;earn •.. 1 TO 5 YEARS Don't delay - interest begins the ' day . you invest your money.'.. To invest see your local agent or send us your cheque: Ont -of -town cheques are accepted . at ' par • SllO1RTGAGE' Founded In 1877 • Head.:Offipe:. Stratford,'', British Mortgage' & ,Trust, Company, .Stratford I eri lose m cheque for $ for investment for. e y q .. Please :send me a folder giving full • information. NAME AiDD,RESS years. would" Abe, :able to : record their to next to.nathing.: Another sug- directors investigate .the pOssibilL.s votes : by proxy.: Considerable gestion was 'that , the tittle.. of year ity of voting `by ;.proxy • and if ofthe nn :m discussion ;centred around thisa ual eetmg be clang they felt . it `worthy, ; that. it be Matto. Some felt it: would cut •ed.voted`, on ' at the •' next annual i'ttendae ann:, m ualeeting-~a. attendance A, motion-waspassed;` that•,•the • meeting...'• . • : - ; . na■■■■■■■■.•:■s■•■4■s■•■■,■■sio■■■,■•■s•■••■■■■■•■osim nmono■■■!■■■■■■■I/lltheta • ■ . . ■: ■ • _ _ _ . ■• ■• • Sponsored By The . Lucknow District ;Liions Club MI ■ . -r e� �. �. v ,� �� ■ v .a v ai, . v : r ■ .ter u ■.• ■ III • �� ice■+ ' ..�, • At 7:45 O'Clock ,Sharp' t'Kll)AY, MARCH 4 ;- • COSTUME EVENTS ■ P. RE -SCHOOL & :KINDERGARTEN ■' ,Fancy Boy or' Girl ..'.$L50 $1.00° i Coimic Boy or Girl 1.50 1.00 • Best. Couple'1.50' 1'.:00 ■ / ■ PUBLIC .SCOOL STUDENTS: :Grades 1 and ■ : 1~'ancy ,BOY; or Girl 31.50 $1.00 ' Comic Boy' Or Girl :'. 1:50 . 1.00 Best Couple ... ..1.5 0 1.00 ▪ Grades S and 4: ■ Fanoy Boy :or Girl: • .• . $1.50 $1..00 CO nic Boy or Girl '.: , . 1.5 0: • 1.00 • Best ' Coup.le ... 1.5 0 1..00 Grades 5 and 6. A `Fancy ' boy or Girl ...:.. $1..5:0 $1.:00. i' Comic • B'oy, or Girl . '.• . 1.5 0' °• 1.'00 • ▪ Best' Couple • . •1'.50 • is . • Grades 7 and 8: : Fancy Boy Or, "CO' . $,T 5 0 ma 'Comic Boy"or Girl ; . '1.5.0> ✓ Best: Couple ..' . 130 $1.00 1.00; 1.00 HIGI-i'• SCi•IOOL STUDENTS: • ■; Fancy B0y,or Girl .• $1'.50 $1;.00° r■i' Comic Bay or.' G%rl. w , . • 1..5 0 • •1'.00 Best Couple . `., ; ... 1`..50' '; 1: n0 ■ ADULTS: Fancy Lady or 'Gent Comic'"Lady or Gent Best Couple 1.:50.• 1•.00 .75 ': 75 1.50 -1.00•.�.: 75 SPECIAL' EVENTS Queen of Carnival $8.00 Lion Costutne Race' ■. • • ■ • ■ as ■ RACES :, ■. • Girls race, Grades i & 2 ` ...75 .50 :25 �' ■• 75 Boys'. race, Grades :1 $c ..75 .50 .25' . ■ :75. ■ Girls :race,•, Grades. 3 &' 4: -..:75 �5 i' ' ..:50 .2 -Boys' race, Grades 3 & 4 75 .50 . .25 •i� .7 Girls' race,; Grades 5 & 6f.'..75 .50 .25 n 5 ''Boys' race Grades 5& 675 .50 25 .75 +. Girls race. Grades 7 & 8 ' • '• Boys! race, .Grad75es- 7 & $ .. , .. ; .5 U, : :25• ro 75: Girls' race, 14 to 16• yrs. '.' .. 75 .50'• .25 ■ ;75 Boys' race,! 14 to 16 yrs,•' .75 .50 .25 ■ Gents' race,. aver P 16 yrs.... 1.00 .5 0 r ■ • C MUSICAL CHAIRS: . sr • ,Boys', 1';2 yrs. and over ....75 .50. • .25 .■' Girls', 12 . yrs. and over ;75 .50 .25' i; the day of the rneetry< that i... itlittut* ernait• itO irt.amu��arnaae■■■ may" , •�'.YW""!MiC��rlii,.y.� , tau,.-��,... �.,: 1•. -ti A. , 4 . 21, 44 :9 • . I