HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-02-24, Page 8. • PAGE EIMIT,
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WEDIISDAY, 24tht 1960
Mrs, Milton Rayner was • in
•the chair for the Feb. meeting at
home ' of Mrs. Roibert Mad -
Kenzie,: After the opening hymn
Miss ,IMatidie Fisher gave tre
iStudY pn "Love.',Repdrt
of the °Tiled :Tidings magazine
was read by %Mrs. Noble JOhn-
• . ston. Mrs.. Morgan•'Henderson
' gave a report on the • Presbyter-
ial held in Wingharn., rt was de-
' eided 'to send Mrs: Robert Mac-
Kenzie to Synodical as . a rep-
resentative of the Presbytery,
Syneclicat will be held at Wood-..
-stoCk Presbyterian church where
Rev. GeOrge Douglas is minister.
Mrs. Jack. MatDonald read .the
topic which .WaS prepared .by
Mrs. Norman Taylor, f011oWed
• a discussion'. Mrs: •Milton
• :Rayner gave our thanks and
appreciation • to: Mrs. •McClean
who had been an inspiration and reading entitled. "A Martha
• .,,,
help to alt during their. stay, in
Lucknow. Mrs. 'McClean was
Presented with a gift and re-
plied most fittingly. "God be
with you till we meet •again"
was sung as a prayer to Mrs.
McClean and the meeting .closed
with. the, Mizpah Benediction, •
Ashfield Presbyterian W.M.S.
Mrs. D. A. MacLean opened
the' meeting. of Ashfield
at the home' of Mrs,. Wm. Ross
on Thursday, . •February 18th
with prayer •and rePeating 'of
the W.M.S. purpose in unison,
Mrs. 'Gordon Finlayson, gave, the
scripturee, meditation and prayer.
Thisdealt with Jest' cotnmand
to Peter to feed my •sheep arid
feed my lambs To -clay' it isstill
as urgent and demanding of
,our loyalty as it,was when .given
,to Peter.
We, have so many OP-
pprtunities for feeding the lambs
and the 'sheep too. Mrs. Emile
McLennan gave a reading, Kind-
ness never fails...,MrS. Alex Far-
rish gave he second and third
trip of DrrLivingstone to Afri-
ca, •Mrs. Grant Famish led in
prayer. Mrs. Earl Howes gave, a
At one time or another every raiser .of cattle and
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NOW—you can solve this problem with NEW AMAZ-
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attend the special meeting being sponsored by Elmer.
Umbach Pharmacy on Thursday, February 25th`. froin
'2 :00 to 4;00 p.m. at the LEGION HALL, LUCKNOW.
Mr. Bill Tunbridge, technical representative from Nicho-
las International will /be on hand to informally discuss
and show ,film slides of this important NEW subject '
Refreshments Will Be Served •
nevis' I SUltARCEl. ttcy
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'Prayer." Mrs. Keith .johnson •
gave a very 'lnteresting history
• of the early churCh in Ireland,
• its missionaries, • schools and
mOnasteries. • Roll call Was an-
• swered with a, proverb. Mrs. D.
A. MacLean. gave,the econcl
.PQrtion .the stuy book. on
Africa. A Bible. qUiz was cork!,
ducted by Mrs. D. A, MacLean.
In closing he thanked' all. who
had,' helped in" 'any way.. • Mrs.
Wm. !Rog's, • president, presided
for the • business' portion. • Mrs,
Earl Howes '.Vvas appointed .Home
.Helpers Sec., Mrs. Colin:. Howes
'assistant leader ,for .the
and Mrs.. Peter '; Vanderlay, Life
Membership Sec Mrs.. D. R.
MacKenzie gave the treasurer's
report.. Mrs. Reuben *Wilson •re-•
p9rted on the bale and the ladies,
are going to, make a quilt for .the
bale. 'Miss Sadie Johnson ' and
Mrs. Colin Hovves were appoint-
ed io visit the sick and shut-ins
for • the first quarter of. _1960.
Mrs. .William'lVfaeDonakl offered
her home for. the March,- meeting
whigh will be the World :Day
of Prayer. Meeting closed, with
the Mizpah Benediction, and
lunch , was, served. •
Hacketts and W.A, •
The Lord's Prayer was • the.
• theme of our February meeting
which :was held at the, 'home 'of
Mrs. Jim Nelson on Tharaday
•with 16. members 'present. Mrs.
Wilfred -Hackett presided, 'open-
ing. with hymn 325, follovved byI
.the • scripture taken by Mrs. Less
Ritchie and cornments by Mrs.'
• Andrew ,Ritchie.' Prayer was Of-
fered by Mrs. Jim. Nelson. The
roll' call ,was answered by a'410)11-.
ation to 'the bale for Miss 'sa-
elle Miller,. Educational' mis-
Sionary. China. Anyone with
further donations' of used cloth-
• ing are to,: -.be ;handed in, to .Mrs.
Jim Nelson within the • 'next
Month: 'The' Christian' steward-
ship director, Mrs., Bert Alton
reported that' the alloCatieri for
'this year is. • $143.:, Miss Jean
Bridifearian, 'Itidore, is the
missionary for our.,.prayers for
the next ,,two' years. The, offering
was then taken and a 50c dona-
tion from Pach;meMber for. flan-
elette • for the May, hale. ' Also
flannelette remnants would be
appreciated for the ' crib •quilt.
Mrs. Cliff j.Meriary gave an in-
formative report on . our :mis-
sionary, :arid _offered • prayer for
her; The Lord's Prayer •was re-
peated' in .unison' 'after Mrs.
Kaiser had explained and guided
us• to pray,' more sincerely and
thoughtfully • of , the prayer we
pray. each day. The chapter "On
• the • Bridge" : aken from the
. study book. by Mrs. Arnold. Al-
• ton showed- us well the, revolu-
tion in the minds 'of young Af-
ricans • changing • from the old
ways to. new Western Customs,
'Mrs.' Bert Alton 'presided for a
short discussion . of • W.A. ibusi-
• ness:. ' The. • quilt 'blocks were
handed in and they are to. be
• quilted .at Mrs.' AndrewRitchie's
at .a latter, date. A piano . solo'
• 'by Barbara Nelson was ,enjoyed
arid a very , dainty lunch was.
served by '1Virs., Reg 'Broome and
Mrs. Nelson.
. .
Evening AuxtharY Ilnited Church
The -.President, Mrs.. V. Hunter
• opened the meeting with a'read-
•tre� N�wEvap�ratod MUk reCipies,..,
• •
.400 il;UtOii Steeiit,Torolifo,
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your telephone provides them all—and more—at
minimum cost.. .• •
ing "Tasks." Prayer was offered
by Mrs. G. Johnston: Mrs. ..C.
CraWford -reported for the
Friendship -Committee.. Mrs., D:
Leader for the Christian Stew-
ardship and, Mrs. 'Jessie Allin
for the Associate members Dates
to remember 'are ;March 4th,,:The
World's Day PI ,Prayer '.to ,•be
held. in` the Anglian
and March 30th; the Bruce PreS.;
.byterial in Kincardine, -,'Mernber4
are .isked to please remember
articles for the baby's • layette.
.Andrew took eharge-
of the 'worship ,service with Mrs.
B. Elliott; Mrs. H. Webster, 1VIrs.
E.. Button and Mrs. D. Leader
.an appropriate reading.
Valentine."' Mrs. C. 'Short .dis-
cussed , the • chapter "Adrift"
from theoStitily Book. -This chap....
'ter deals with the .temptations
the people Of this .continent are
experiencing M trying 'to adopt ‘.
the .Western ideas and cUstopis•
yet, tied, by generations • .pasts•
to:• their.. old' .tribal laws 'and,
dustoiris.- Mrs: J.Allin favored
with a lively plane solo. MS. A.
Andrew closed • with . Prayer '
Twenty-tWO. Members attended,
SIGNS FOR SALE -,-"No - Tres.:
'passing",, '"For Sale" and "For
Rent" signs available' .at The
assisting. • Mrs. • G. 'Whitby gave LucknoW, Sentinel, phone,' 35.
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