HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-02-24, Page 7WEDNESDAY,. FEB. 24th, 1960 SUNDAY q /IS:ITORS • CAME BY PLANE.. (KINLOUfxH NEWS) . Miss Sharon Hodgins returned home • from • Kincardine hospital where she has been a patient, tor a, few . days. We 'wish her a speedy recovery, Mrs. Barry Blackwell and Jo- anne ' of London, visited .with; Mr, and. Mrs, Weir•'Eckenswiller and family: . • • ' •' Mrs.'. Audrey Borthwick of St. Catharines visited during. .the week with .her. parents,:. Mr. and • IHE,HUMP ON ,THE CAMEL'S°•BACK,'' • May look strange,. but ,it serves a'prac- • ticalpurpose. On the desert, the camel • frust go without food and.. water, for long periods, of time But•he is able to store nourishment in his hump sufficient :• to tide himself over the; lean, days that .• might lie ahead:: • There are apt to be lean days for every one. Life insurance can help tide you , :over many of:these for it provides cash;' ,; at times of greatest ''need.'A Sun' Life insurance program, for .example; can safeguard your widow's .independence,:, your children's :education, your`• home and your'retirement. years. Let Me tell THE' LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCiKNOW, ONTARIO 'PAGE SETT J Kinahan• It.R. 2, Lucknow Phone Winghain 1711-w-4. SUN LIFEASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA' Mrs., Jaynes M, Hodgins. Mrs. J. W. Colwell and Mrs. Don 1VIcCosh visited. on Monday with 1VIr, and Mrs,' John. Moore at Bervie. ' Mr, and Mrs., John. Bushell, Mr, and Mrs. ;Max Bushell •visit- ed ..an evening, during. the week with ' Mrs.. William ' Bushell in Wingham: hospital.. • The Presbyterian W.M,S.. met on Wednesday afternoon at the. home of , Mrs.. Frank Maulden. Mrs. Jack Barr read 'the scrip- ture from the 42ndchapter of Job. Mrs. Perry Hodgins led in prayer. Roll call, "Care". Read • ings were given ' by Mrs. Alex Percy' :on "prayer"': Mrs. Tom McDonald "The power of pray- er", Mrs. • Dorn Bushell;' "Take. time." '• Mrs. Stewart McDonald, Mrs. Mark Johnston,; Mrs. Frank Maulden 'Mrs.", John` 'Barr, Mrs. Don Bushell. Mrs. Jack Barr read a letter from Miss Lillian Dickson: Bible Quiz,; Genesis' 41 and 42. Suitalble hymns ' were sung. The Lord's `prayer was re- peated • in unison., Grace was sung and lunch .was 'served. Mrs. Lyman Sutton ,gave' the .closing' remarks. • • Congratulations to. Mr. and, Mrs, Keith Carter '(nee Ver- onica 'MurraMVy): who were •'mar- ried on Saturday: The Wedding dinnerwas.' served in" the Holy - rood hall by tl e. Holyrood , Wpm_ en's Institute. • 'Congratulations • to . Mr. and :Mrs. • Donal'd Smith ' 'who were married in .Owen Sound on Sat- urday last The H W I.: will • ' meet on Thursday, (evening), March 3rd at• the ':home. .:of Mrs.'Frank: Maulden.. Rol'1 call ".An Irish Joke "` Topic, The four. C's lead= ing ` to ,Success=Character, rage,. eheerf>llness,. Co-operation. Motto, "Be enthusiastic. s Contageous."; Conte. t. •Pat •r'icks , .Table ;Cent1 e. Directors;' Mrs._Vililham Eadie, Mrs." How- ard Harris, .Mrs. Bad- Sutton, Mrs. �Ra riard Ackert. . . . y The World ' Da�``yY of Prayer :for this. districts will•+be held on'.Fri- day, :March 4th in the Presby- terian' Church' at' .2:30' ,p..m. , with Mrs:: Tom McDonald key -woman. Friends' ;of Mrs. Annetta Bush- ell are pleased, to know that', she is . improving and was • :able to return ,to her.. home at Lucknow after being a-_ patient in . the Wingham .Hospital. Mrs.' J. W. Colwell' .: and Mrs. Don ' •MeCosh spent Thursday night. with her. Miss Marie :Schneller of Wing ham spent .the -week -end' at her home here •-•'.:• .... • Mr. and Mrs. Don 'McCosh and Richard visited ' on !Sunday ,with Mrs., J 'W. 'Colwell.'. .The ' fi,.Y.P.A: ` met On, Sunday evening at . the home of Sheila Haldenby'• with a good atten- dance. The. 'president ,.Alex'•'He- witt was in charge, Following the , devotional part 'the roll call. 'was answered with ,'the "word •"seek." . '.'he topic': was familiar., hymns "The Ninety and Nine by Elizabeth C. Clepharie 1868 given,.by Evelyn Nichbison ,and. • -FOR . . a 1 es • With, an :honourable TEST ALL. . YEAR. ROUND intardint Sre,amciy'.;,I,;imite: BRUCE. 'COUNTY'S PIONEER MILK PLANT . • • PHONE COLLECT DAY 176 , KINCARDINE NIGHT 562'' KINCARDINE. , CUIROSS' CORNERS Congratulations to".' Mr. and Mrs. Keith McCarter (nee . Ver- onica Murray) who • were mar- ried Saturday: The . happy couple will take up residence in. . Wal= laceburg, • . Congratulations to Miss Elaine Meyer onWinning, first class honours in. Grade I. theory in an examination held: recently •;in Walkerton by the Royal ;Conser- vatory onse r- vatory of Music of Toronto. Mr; • and Mrs: James : Wraith • accompanied 'Mr. and Mrs. Gor don $tolio and Mr.: Bob Stobo to. Ingerso1 on Thursday : and at tended the - •fiu'neral of Mr. Wil- • liam Gerrie.' who for: some time had been • a resident• • of Detroit: They also visited Miss, Minnie Turner of London. Mr. and Mrs. Paul• Steffen •arid i family'. have moved, •to. Teeswa- ter. . L A:' C. and Mrs. Russel 'Stewart and Babe; Trenton; are 'holidaying with his parents, Mr. and • Mrs, ' Toni Stewart Sunday visitors at the same' home were Mr,..; and • lyirs Alex Stewart'• and. family, Kincardine, 'Mr: . and •Mr's. Gerald Stewart, Kincardine ,and Mr.: and Mrs. Ian McPherson and' family, 8th con , The "flu .bug" ,has caught up with 'several •in the . community,' ;: ' Mr arid, Mrs. Frank Dobson,, andBilly, Paisley, spent Sunday with Mrs. A. .Greer . and boys. ••Owirmg to: the . 'illness of one, of the drivers, Mr. Don Donaldson: made the trip. to, Western'; Canada with one • of ` McLeliands cattle vans:. KINGSBRIDGE _t_ o laateLEorr.Last W'eek)_ ,,, • .Mrs. Walter. :Clare 'and ,the pupils Of: SS.' No . 2,: enjoyed . an afternoon's skating at Lucknow Arena • recently and 'instead of their usual Valentine -Party at the 'School, ' it, was:", deaded,7to have another skating party at lauCknow •Arena this week Congratulations •to • Mr. Wand. Mrs, Vincent' Austin ; upon the birth of' a daughter at Alexandra Hospital, Goderich: onFebruary 5th. ` ` ' •• Recent visitors here. were ,Mr, and Mrs. Jerry 'Eckert'; of. Water-' loo,' Danny Dalton of Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs. ,Lambertus of • "Wal: kerton and 1VMiss Frances"Dalton of ',Riversdale' "I Love to. , Tell ' the 'Story"` by Katherine Hankey 11868 given by, Diane. Hewitt These hymns were• then , sung. A' :„donation •to the Refugee; Church -,appeal was'. given•;;A Bible contest was corn ducted ebk Sheila : Haldenby and Sharon . Dillon: ,S.everal games` were played followed', with • a Geography': match, the ... closing. prayer and • Grace;; Refreshments 'were Served • and Karen'. Nichol son ' gave the courtesy remarks. • The . Presbyterian:; Y.P.S. , met on Sunday evening at the home of .Mr., Keith Maulden.. Makes First Flight:This,. Way • • Mr J_ ' R. Lane and Mr. and' Mrs, Frank • Maulden and . Keith ' were • pl:easanly ., surprised on Sunday when.'• r. • Arthur 'Phil-. •lips and his bro er-in-law, Mr.:; Rob Roy Smith, of ponthill land-: ed' .their: plane in; the field bac of Bud, `Sutton's • ibarn.' They re- •mained about. 3 hours; returning in. the afternoon. Little Dorinda Fggrster grand`. daughter of Mrs, ,T.. W, :Colwell was taken to Kincardine Hopi-. Hospi tar, • suffering from •a ' broken leg, Dorinda .is the daughter ;of Mr. and Mrs: Walter' Forster:. Mr. •' Ted Ha•ldeiiby was 'in. London during the • week with' ,Mrs.' Haldenby who 'underwent surgery on :Saturday. Mr, Rae ` Haldenby and Mrs, Delbert, Hedy. ley went to London' on Sunday to' be with their mother, ' •14r, and Mrs ° Bert ,Nicholson, Evelyn, Allan and Lois visited'' ori Sunday afternoon with Mr; ,arid Mrs.‘ George Cuyler' .and Ninny at Mil1'arton. • • PLUMBING, and: HEATING 'ESSO. OIL,,URNER SALES AND SERVICE Phone 73. •Luckiltow • Congratulations '' . to Mr. and Mrs. Hillary' Menard upon ..the birth of a daughter on February.. 5th; at Huntington. Station, Long • Island; N.Y:, where Mr., Menard is, stationed for the' • winter months f ,.with his hockey team. Mrs. Menard: 'is' the former Lor- etta‚ or-etta• Marie Austin of this' parish. • Congratulations also. •-to Mr. and Mrs. Jos..,Reed of Toronto, upon the birth of a ,son on Feb-. ruary •, 5th • in Toronto ' Hospital, Mrs. 'Reed . is; 'the. -former Eileen :Wallace. "of this 'parish. • 'Several carloads of 'young men'. froin• pis district enjoyed a very pleasant evening _ at. Ripley Arena' skating' ,' and playing hockey on. Friday •evening ' We' are 'glad to .hear •thati Mrs.. :Edward Foley is convalescing. in' Goderich, Hospital,- where she has , been a patientw'• for . the past • CHECK THESE RATES SINGLE .$5 (wllh privoto both)- `R11 DOUBLE V frith pithigto'bosh) • ilsTia ms's f,ry4 y Hotel EMP1TBE Broadway, of 63rd S f r•f • . M the "Getaway to. runes 'Square* ' • 700 rooms & suites _ most with AIR:. CONDITIONING, TV and radio' ' .0 Mccellent Restaurant—Coffee Shop -u. • Cocktail Lounge. '0 Garage•adjacent to',totaf .. ' PLUS awry special Empire convenience' intik ila Baby Sitter. Physician. • Sightaeeino Buw: links IL Plane Rcserioations,,:Radio & TV Tickets': :NEW YORK 23,;N : COlumbu:5=7400 with week , ., : end • with the T. J ' 'Drennan Mr. Donald Frayne visited family and with Mr. Drennan's • relatives in': London last' 'father, Mr; Thos.. Drennan of week. 1 Goderich : wlo , we are sorry to ' Mr: and Mrs.. Nickola 'Perry. hear has not' °been i'n good health. of .Detroit visited over • the week- lately.. NOW is >The 'Time `To Order Your ring Fens ��e SAVE ' AS MUCH AS $11.00 PER TON on %1 some Brands Just Small :Trucking. Charge No 'Agent's Fees .` BRUCE MaCMILLAN Agent For Minim and :Harridan Fertilizers o - Op Fertilizer The crop you' harvest will be better if you Feed it properly with CO-OP Fertilizer. Crops with plenty of "grow” are the results of plenty of readily available fertilizer nutrients . plenty of Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash. ORDER YOURS NOW BY TAKING DELIVERY BEFORE FEBRUARY 29th, YOU WILL RECEIVE ►�r ton Discount PLUS 5% CASH DISCOUNT District Co-op Phone 71 z ,t,