HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-02-24, Page 64 Jjl .1* •• „." " ,) • • • PAGE •tt • •• 'TAB L'ycKNONit SENTINEL, L'EMIC.NO1V, ONTARIC wgmlysi5Ayo mi. 24th,, MA • gat and Sim , By, W. B. -1. Smiley • • 'Each year, when Brotherhood •*week cOmpa along, we are urged -to love one r another, for at least • seven days. It's not so tough. I find that - I .can sit • ihaekt think it, grit my teeth and feel a great love for all my , brothers in •the world black, yello*, brown and -puce. —v—V— • • • It's easy enough to love hum; Amity, as a whole. What is- more dilreuit is to like the brutes: in • ilividhally. Only 'a saint could •ttblde some of 'the felons infest- ing.'socie0r. Even a mother re- • cOlIS On occasion when con- . fronted 'with her latest contribu- tion to mankind. • - • • • • All this brotherhood business .rather tricky: Rabbis, priests and 'ministers, along with irien'of' goodwill everywhere, lend their names to the hopeful 'statements issued: about Brotherhood• Week. ,But wouldn't *there be a' holy old • holocaust • if a 'rabbi's daughter told. Dad • she was crazy a'bout • thiS Roman Catholic boy, but the wOuldift ;Marry „ them, , so • they Were going to join hands in 'front of the Presbyterian parson: The editor Who pens a thotight tbierint:and sincere bditorial- In support .0 Brotherhood Week. would go up like a Roman Cand- le•if his on walked in a,nd asked the .old man's blessing On: him- self' and the pretty• ..black nurse from • the 'West he was: about to wed. - • The intellect. tellS, %IS that we are all brothers under the skin. But the OldAciam in eacif,of us croons a different ,melody. So, if we„, can't swing till% brotherhood deal on pure Christian love for our fella* man, let's try the other kind, •Sick and crippled humanity must learn to walk before it flies.. We need crut- ches, not wings. , • We'll have to start with a few basic assnmptions. .Jet's estab- lish, 'first of all, that sex is here to stay. Any questions? All •right, then. Next, let • us agree that -blood is thicker than Water. Third, let us adopt the somewhat Shaky' , theory that parents love their children and children love their parents. Even when either, or both, are monsters. ---v--v-- • • Next. step IS te. 'encourage word -wide promiScuity. e And it doesn't' 'mean •what you think. •Dictionary says it .means- "indis- criminate ' mingling." I don't know how this is to be brought about, but 'that's a••rnincir 'detail. I'm only interested in •the , bold • *- sweep of the plan itself:. , • So there we are, mingling in. discrimmately all over the wor1d. Brazilian • beauties ' are being swept. off their feet by • If. all the Worl,Were Christian, end 'even . half • the people in' it ' were' real;ChristianS,'this broth- . • • erly love have • chance. ChriStianity vast- ly ; Miimiziape, red by polo religi- ions, a Very striall, 444ertent- . age cif • those who profess : it • are anythi»g, more than nominal ,..• '• Christians So the hope .of ach- ieving the trim brotherhood' t:if man through Christian 14ve' is 1u1, for for :the time being: •• • :•There is- another type. of love that just :might provide a solu- tion. It was siggested to me by a Faithful Reader, Who knows . I am interested in Ore$ Problems like improving my golf score, or .tryntg to reach 40 without • going stone bald. I pass it along With the hope that the Brother- - • 'hood Week. boys . will, -adept • it, • and stop paYing, hp . service to an ideal that goes .against the fundamental fiendishness of us ,mOrtals. . • , • Canadian sa ilors. Nehru's. second cousin is head -over -heels with Mao Tse ,Tung's niece. Eisenho- -wer's grandson is mooing over Kruschey's granddaughter. Bud dhist, is falling for Latter Day Saint. •IVIoslem girl . is tittering behind veil •-When Baptist 'boy gives her the eye. . '• • Get the r. picture? It, wouldn't be five years until there ' was a' tremendous crop- of -Urchins •of every .hue, scattered. all over the world' This would do more t� relieve' international • tension than having 84 cousecutive sum - 'mit meetings, plus a Brother- hood Week once • month, • • • The speed •of Ctranspora3en. in -this jet. agewould. be . a great asset to the plan. Parents could hop to Hongkong to babysit for the week -en& erandparents could nip over, to Athens .for the rnarriage of their grandson• to that ravishing • Orthadok Greek wench. • t ,' • Surely even. 'Comrade ,Krus they could not task...the first: button for. an 'exchange of nu- clear, rnissiles, if, he knew that his beloved granddaughter Volga and her frstborn. were, living, happily. with , • their. 'American husband and father in ,Pitts- • TORONTO'S MOST CONVENIEFII ,900 rooms and suites with •Jub, shower, radio and TV ' Home of the Canadian Pump Room—Dancing ...no cover, no Minimum. Ample Parking. • Fine Convention Facilities. • Family Plan. , ihr •• UNIVERSITY AVENUE' AT. KIN t• STREEt , • • Telephone EMpke 21848 12] TORONTO • MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument • correctlY designed, from quality material, . " rely oil • SKELTON MEMORIAL$ Pat e71,Over Six O'Hagan, Prop. YP.• Establirth..ontario , • . Walkerton • Pilo* 638'.w ,,••••44,9••••••••004:rn4PW,64.~ aso4NPA:A."144!..4P4•40•••••!...PM:#4.4,...,.... • blugh: What U.S:, President as hard -.to • handleras if could order the Strategic • Air Command to, strike, if he. knew his faveurite ' grandehild was happily sucking his thin -rip in Omsk? • • That's the only kind of broth- erhood that we: can achieve in a • • hurry. Good old, human, selfish, •'''''''''''''''''''"••••"`",~^••••••••" • were all Irish, , A.iiyane for •world-wide pro., - misctiity? • Have •YoU -Renewed our huh. seription • • family ties would tear down the •fences and pull 1 aside ,the cur tains. Besides, it would be a, lot. of fun. • • In my own family, we've al- ready taken a halting step in the •right direction. One •of my bro- thers married an English girl, the other a ...Dutch girl; and, •I married one who is pure half - Irish, which makes her- only half 1 SANDERSON'S • • • Ladies' and,. 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