HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-02-24, Page 5WEDNE.AY, FEB,. 24th, 1960, THE LUCKNOW „SENTINEL, LUCK1TOW, ONTARIO OBITUARY" ' . London, Thursday, January 21st, 19604 .' ' .He had been a . hospital patient since • early October,. Born. '.January THOMAS HENRY BRADLEY Thomas Henry . Bradley passed away, in St.Joseph's Hospital, 2nd,, 11880' on a' with. a 1111P4 NPELINE MILIIIN6: SYSTE HOICE--.. ;OF TYPES 10 117 YOUR 'NEEDS: !Mel& MILKING lightweight, ileieptifically designed .milker features: balanced claw ... gg10 oe•tyype. inflations for. faster pipe- line: milking... UNiv>swi. •pulsator. famous for dependability. MILK CONVEYING,. Pipeline transfer eliminates carry • • ing milk. Saves :time .. effort and improves milk quality .by " greater' sanitation. r/Ull• RECEIVING' ,and COOLING Milk'Releaeer or Receiving Vessel' ,Systems for milk, handliq to atmos-' pheric. bulk coolers, UNIVNR8AL VACUUIt" BULK CaoLER-The'.., FiNssr for bulk milk storage! `Vacuum feature eliminates need . of releaser. • 5 'seta' WASHING and' SANITIZING Mechanical: washing- for pipeline and milker units UNIVERSAL Kleen-O-Matic• controls COM- PLETE Pipeline OMPLETE'Pipeline System washing AUTo}IATICALLY! how TO COOLER GRADE. A..� HERRINGBONE: WALK-THRU • SIDE-OPINING:°TANDEM «lilifi.ftm ►����i►�i►�il�l►�i1�1�1►�i�� STANCHION' .BARN, • THE .WAY 'Con. 1, Huron township, a • son of the .late. Jahn- ;and Mary (Mul- lin) Bradley.' In. February,' 1902 he married Ida ' Pritcrd• who predeceased 'him.. July 1948. He. farmed dor many. years on Con 2:' Bruee township. ' He is survived by one daughter, Iiene, (Mrs.. Fates Bonnett), and two sons, Stuart and Hugh.' "all of Bruce township; •a . brother •Al fred, , a • patient in . Southampton. Hospital, six. ,grandchildren and: six ,great-grandchildren. . He wa°s• • predeceased . by a dauggbter,, Pansy , May, one' sis- ter, Margaret, Mrs..,' Walter Wil- lie, .four' brothers, .Stuart, Geo., :fames and Robert. , Funeral services' were conduc- ted. January 23rd from the Link- later ' funeral home, Kincardine by the Rev. Roderick 1VlcLeod of Tiverton. Presbyterian Church. instead, of i is pastor, Rev. Glen Betterly of: the United Brethren; Church who is • ill.. ' . • ' Mis. • G. _ Betterly and Mrs. E. Hyde, sang a• duet,' Beyond; the Sunset.. Floral tributes -were car. vied by Gordon Bradley, ' Ern..est. Young: and Russell . McTeer. `Pallbearers were Robert Bon netti :Percy Giesz, Archie Ship- ley; ' Wilbur Gottschalk, ' Hugh. Bonnett and .William Bonnett. •. 'emporafy •.entorribment. `was , made• in Kincardine cemetery chapel. 1. CALL FQ1t 'GRAVEL, WARBLE' TENDERS' KINLOSS COUNCIL MINUTES` Kinloss Council, met in ; . the Hall, February 1st,' 1960; as.;per adjournanent,• All memberst•pre sent. • " The minutes' ' of the "January 4th me.etingre we. approved and; • signed. • Grants of $10.00. each were given to the War Memorial Hos pital, •London, and $t. John Am- bulance; Woodstock. Tenders are ` to" be :called ,for the Warble Fly Campaaign. • for 1960, and for the gravel'eontract for ,1960. • By -Law 'No 3, . 1960, was pre- pared and ifinally .passed, provid ing :for'• construction and mainte nance of the •Township roads in 1960.. Application for the ,Statutory:, Grant '• on the ' Road • Expenditure for- the year 1959;1•amounting t6 $53,667.00 • was completed, and to be.: forwarded • ; to' • the • District Municipal Engineer at 'Owen 'Sound. + Council adjourned,to meet .again on 1VMonday, • March'.. 7th '1900. or at, the call of the Reeve.' • Cheques .,Issued Laverne' Dowling, ,Whitechurch St: lights, $2.94; Ontario Hydro, Wingham,. Whitechurch ;St. lights, ; 28,13;' Mrs. Thompson; caretaking, 8.50; Mrs. Jean:: ,H.enderson, nursing care, ' January 60,' ',100.00;. Luck now . Nursing"Home; nursing De- cember. 59, 'Jan.. 60;40..00; .Car- 1li.ay : Farms advantage' T�.ake ,�...of ...depressed farm prices .to fill: your freezer, go directly to the .farm of, RAYNARD ACIKERT, :HOLYROOD Phone,: 'Lucknow :1011-13 or Ripley. 24-r-28 FRONT : QUARTERS 34c HIND QUARTERS -48c SIDES OF PORK -25c s Cut and Wrapped for freezer, 3c per .lb. extra. This • Is Choice ; Hereford"' Beef—Steers •or .Heifers WE. ALSO CARRY ''SCHNEIDER'S' MEATS CUSTOM KILLING A'SPECIALTY We; use "as; much oare-'with your .meat as with our own and we hang your meat a' week or more, as 'desired in •In Cattle ,Killed Every Day Pigs :On:Tuesda; 000 6.70-15 FIRST LINE RAYON .• 6.70-15 FIRST LINE NYLON No Trade -In Require Liberal Allowance for Recappable Tires $15.95' $17.95 • $.:A1igfleflt;a,d:baiaflcin Motorcade' Dealer: Phone `3 LucknoW ilgr-s-•. 140, 4 i't Sne,4 Jar 60, 2O2.2';; War Memorial Hospital, London, .grant,,• 10.00; .. Municipal World, supplies, 15.54Municipal; J. R. Lane,, Reg ,;B.M:D. ;1959; 2.50; St. John :Ambulance, grant,• .:10.00;. Village of ' Lucknorw,,: G Hamil-' tonFire `• call,. • 10000, Frank Thompson, ..iReg. , . 10 tax arrears letters, •2.00;; J: R. Lane,' postage, 5:90,,. Highway • cheques:'.'— Donald Henderson, fence bonus, .$40.00; John •.W. • •Henderson '`:Ltd.,' 2 •pc. lumber, 2.40; Cities Service; fuel, 313.94'•; Roy. Cornish, grading with tractor, 26.25; Huron and Kinloss ••Telephone,° calls :.11.75; .Culross Tovrinship, Boundary ac- count, 1,786.51; Lloyd Johnston; repair at shed;, 20.05; B. M.: Ross,, survey at 4th and' 12th eons.- . 130.00;. ' ton Gillespie, standing. • time, . December `, 59; •100.00;'. "Lorne ' Becking, snow plowing • 44015; li H Banner- man; snow plowing, ;308.00; Mor- 1LLjON f'ANADIANI' LOY 1N:T.:fk... • rison's Garage, ;welding+ grader, 111.55; William Scott, blasting and ,Rep,:' chains, 11.30; . Silver 'Lake Store, shovel, 4,50; Morford Mc j Kay,. Ssinder acid: mounted, '65.00; Wesley . Guest, gravel, 180.65; Mrs.•"William M'acIntyre, gravel, 90:00; , ,Kincardine ' Township, ' ,boundary : "account, , 882.50; :Don. Gillespie, snow plowing, 721.00; Frank Brown Est.; gravel,•24.00; I "Reg. Brown, •load}}'ng : and draw in .gravel,; 141.00; J., R. Lane, • Uneinploynzerlt stardps, '16.16; John ,Hodgins, 'snow plowing, 57:50, " Rays Stanley, trucking' �. ' 'sand;: 28.00: RLANE; Clerk. HELD 'DAUGHTER, MOTHER BANQUET Members 'of the Presbyterian Church ' C.G.LT. group• enter- tained their' mothers` and: my- stery . mothers • at •a banquet, on Monday: 'evening. Nancy • ' Forster; the president of the C.G.I•.T, presided. The guest` speaker was Mrs:. William Tiffin •of: Wingham 'who. gave .a snlendad-address on thea C.G.I.T.• Pi?rpose, which is: "As. a Can-' adian Gird .In ' Training; under. the ieadership•'of°'Jesus, ,it is. my' rur'nose to• Cherish` health, seek ti'u.th; know God, 'serve others. and thus With: His help become. tilt girl God' would have me be." • J•rt et Finlayson .thanked' Mrs. Tiffin and 1V1argaret` .Ann Mui- lin 'thanked 'the ladies' o the rVenzng Auxiliary who catered.. • Ti1e nrog'ram• anclucled a'''plano •rin by Janet ,Finlayson.; ' .vocal ry yet: by 'Nancy,' Forster • and, :marine. Jamieson:, eatYies; and a sing -song conducted by Dianne Jamieson withaccompaniment by n"ss Kay, McIntosh. • The 'evening wash+under • the direction of Gladys MacDonald' and Val Macintosh, who served A4 C,G, LT leaders for sotne time, rid have . 'been succeeded +by. rs. `V. A. Mowbray and Mrs. Stewart . Ja nieson,.