HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-02-17, Page 3Y WEDNESDAY; FES. 17th, .1960 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK . QW„ ONTARIO PAGE' TIM= AGED LADY B:LI N.D • SEVERAL, YEARS • PHONE LIBSY'S.FCY., -QUALITY PEA Save15c,15oz. .. .•, CROWN SYRUP Save 2c, 2'8 . CLARK'S " IRISH' STEW Save 7c., 15 oz FREE DELiIVERY for. 59c • . 29c RED and . WHITE EVAP6RATED MILK Save 2e;, •tall , . , . , 2 for 27c MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT.. COFFEE `Save 24c, 6: oz. jar , .. ,, . ;, . , '. 95c • h .SANpE,RSO......N`5�: • Ladies' and: Men's, Wear --$5 Fashion •.. Millinery BRIDAL GOWNS FORMALS .. Lyceum Theatre . : 2 for 59e' SWAN 'LIQUID DETERGENT . , ,., 10c -off ` save 14c gt. 79c. TREESWEET FCY. ORANGE :JUICE' Save .10c, 48 oz. .39c. CORDUROY DECORATOR CUSI-JON (with $5:00' purchase). WINGHAM wo shows each night First at 7.15: SUNSPUN ICE •CREAMr. IA' gat, .. 85c Hilray Farm • A'LL ASH.FI.EL'D.. .RAVEL TE:ND:ERS, Take. advantage of depressed farmprices your freezer = go directly to the farm of, • RAYNARD ACK E T, . HOLYROOD Phone ' Lucknow 101-r-13 or: Ni 1 e 2 4-r 28 �pix. FRONT QUARTERS -34c HIND QUARTERS -48c. SIDES . OF PORK -25c ut, 'and•. Wrapped. for .freezer; 3c per lb. extra . This '.Is'• Choice ' Hereford . Beef ,Steers: or Heifers • WE ALSO CARRY SCHNEIDER'S MEATS CUSTOM - KILLING A SPECIALTY We `:use as much care with yourmeat as with our own and we hang your meat a week : or more as desired in modern coolers d- 'fill' Eeb).uary/, ist, ..1960 • Council' met on the above date; with all ¢nembers ' present. Min-..utes :.of . the last' meeting. were read and .approved on. motion .of Howard' and 1VMCKenzie. Gibson and Br fer• '$1,100 . from.` tion :to' :Road Con 1959 allottme Bradley anGibson ''.clerk' • was instructed call for .tenders, for. approximately •2,000 cu. ''yds. of 2. inch •gravel• • ,and' 15,000 : cu.s yds of • 5/8'inch: `gravel: ` 'Tenders to . be. in, March 5th, 1960. Howard .and . Bradley -7 -to : .pay 'the : ,foll°w-ing accounts.. Bradley, and Howard—to .give• approval . to' the -final' . plan .of Su'b-division on part lot' 16; pre sented: by '.John:. Kelly. • Howard ..:and McKenzie. -•clerk advertise for Warble Fly` 'Con trop • for 1960'... .• 1• No 1' 'appoiinting•. of-:. ricers and setting salaries for 1960' :''was . given final • 'reading and passed on ''motion ' of .How-' •ad and .McKenzie. Jack Farrish, ' 'sno plogw hin •, $955.50.; 'Chester. Nicholson, snow- ploughing, '545.10; 10; Murray .John' • ston, snowploughing, 474:50;; Lloyd Hodges,' snowploughing 531.00; Walter ' Brow,ii, , snow- ploughin,g, 100.00:: Jim. ,Hunter, payroll,: 142.00; Douglas Hackett,' -7,9.20; :Joe McGee, 19.20.; 'Albert McGee, ` 48.00;.Donald - Curran; 5.60; Herbert, C. Curran, road sept.,. 11500; Leslie .Scholtz, 20.00; iImperial . Oil ,Ltd,: fuel • oil. acid ` tax,• 154.40; Bill Hunter, : pre-' stone, 5;25', Dominion' • Roads, Edges for snowplow, 40.58; W. R. Mole, , trucking ...and• sanding, 58.00; +Huron:. County Federation of 'Agriculture; 1959 •.levy, 9.94.08 Donald. 'M. ;Simpson, collecting. Federation of Agriculture, 35,00; Signal • Star; advertising, 3.7:5;; Huron ' County Soil and Crop Improvement Association, grant, 15.00; Heber Eedy,, relief.account. . Anderson, .44.92; , . Herman Phillips, relief :''officer, 6.00; Greers' Nursing Horne, indigent. 'account, M. Ward and L. •Irwin, , 232.25. . Council adjourned • .to meet March'7th at 1;30 p.m, on motion of Gibson and Bradley. ' " '• Donald'"M. Simpson, Clerk' • MRS,: WILLIAM PERCY (By . Kinlough• Correspondent) • Mrs.• William ,'Percy of Kin lough celebrated her .87th birth day on Thursday, February 11th,, With: a family - dinner. .held it her honour. 'She was the :foarrner. Marion' • MacDonald 'of -.the. '. Kin - gad area:. Her parents.. were the late . Alexander and Mary, Mac Donald.. She and. her • husband Williarcn ''•Percy .were. 'married in. 1901 and .Mrs. Percy . cameas. a. bride. to 'the ,home' where -she still •resides with her son -Harold' Percy .who is. '.reeve. 'of/."Kinloss Township and ;Where she is lov- ingly cared. for by, her daughter, Miss ,Winnifred' 'Percy, R.N.- She returned ' from' ,her, nursing . • car=. eer after the death'. of Harold's. wife: •(Tena Orr) :to .be with. her mother and: the small .children in the home. Other members. of the 'family, (Cora), Mrs,, John Thursday, Friday, . Saturday,' February : 18,. 19,: 20. Stanley Baker,. • in•• YESTERDAYS ENEMY • A rugged war 'film .about 'Brit Troops ' in'• B urma - in -. ,1942. ley,.,—to . trans- Barr; (Hazel), ridge; ;Construe- uction on the grant. Cattle Killed 'Every Day ig,s' Ori Tuesday ENGAGEMENTS •; . Mr., and Mrs: Harvey., Reidt,, Wroxeter, '.wish to announcethe. engagement . of their daughter; Shirley Louise to" Mr. Kenneth. 1iobert'Mowbray, 'son :of 'Mr. • and' ,Mrs.. Kenneth Mowbray, ,Luck= now;, the: marriage' to take ..place' early. in March.; L'UCKNOW' UNITED CH U RCHI Minister,- Rev. -Gordon: B. Geiger; B.A., B.D. • .SUNDAY, -FEBIttARY 21st - 10:00 a.rn. Church School:: 11:00.a.m. Divine' :Worship.. ' ',Lticknow Boy , Scout Troop. n attendance.. Nursery during -church.' Thought For The. Week .A man is' just as biglas the smallest:' thing that upsets �' him. .ee�.,...,",.,.w...n1..r..Iuew.. .1r.1 .;. Luc nor Presbyterian Church Minister:. , / Rev. Wallace McClean SU14DAy . , FEBRUARY: 21st • oval &General Mrs: Jack 'England is : a' patient in Wingham' -Hospital: Harvey Hall and . John of ' De- troit spent .the '. week -end'" here. D..A. ' MacKenzie of ..Luckiiow is a: patient. in Victoria' Hospital,. London. • • Mrs. J..13. Anderson returned 1ast week from. Wirighatn" hospi- tal, .where " she: had ' been a. pati-, ent for .the past 'few ":weeks. •Mr. and Mrs. •. Chas. .Webster and Mr: ' and Mrs. Bob Maeln tosh spent the past ' •week• ' holi- Baying , "in, New :York city. • :Au.' and_Mrs, • Wellingtbn Henderson/ . returned .on Friday from a three' weeks' "visit .in the States., They; spent two weeks in Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs:.' Herb. Nesbitt and a; week 'in Florida.. Mr. and :1VIrs Mike. Sanderson and Mrs. JarnesMacDonald spent the week -end" in 'Tol'edo'', Ohio, with•,Mr. and Mrs. Michaele Kosmyno. •Mr. and Mrs. George Saunders ders Gordon and Lloyd'. were in . Park- hill on"• Wednesday, ,attending:.the funeral • of ' their cousin', • Mrs: Osgood Steeper. "inlay's annual clearance sale: of wallpaper starts this' Friday and needs' ' no introduction to those who regularly take advan-- tage; of the opportunity to . buy quality papers at bargain prices. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer NYacKett-' zie. and Mr. and: Mrs. • Don Thompson spent the week -end in Barrie with Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Reid. On their return, they were storm -stayed in Stayner o'zt Sun' day night.' 11::00 a.m.. Morning Worship Mrs. Perry: Hod • Guy. Rolfe, :. gins` and 'Alex all Hire in • this community and were : present With their 'families at the birth- day Party... -} Mrs. Prcy :lost . her eyesight some years' ago, but it is,' Won- derful how well ,she manages around , the• -home .: She . was .a • • faithful member of 'the Presby= •terian. W.M.S.and. arras • made a life ` member some years ago. Heartiest ' congratulations are extended' 'from - neighbours and. friends for .Many more :happy. birthdays. us fU;t • • ATTENTION ALI. 1 , At ..one time ,or another' every raiser of cattle: .an .sheep _ has the problem of.. "unthrifty", "poor -doing"' animals. The. a animals' can. • be suffering from . Cobalt 'deficiency and: a continuous daily supply ofthe eseental trace mineral is , nec_.essark ' for the manufacture of Vitamin B-12. NOW—you: can solve this problem with NEW, AMAZ-, INO, "•Permanco" Cobalt Bullets. ' Pennaco" :• Bullets are : the. • ONLY "one -dose method ' . of maintaining, a, continuous daily : supply• .of :Cobalt:. 'To learn " 'more ' ab.out.. -- "The PlusB nefits rrf "Permaco 'Bulletin g attend the 'special: :meeting: being Sponsored by 'Elmer Umbach P harmacy on' Thursday; February 25th !from 2:00 to •4:00. :.p.m. at the . LEGION HALL, .LUCKNOW. •Mr Bill' Tunbridge, technical' representative: frorn Nicho- las• International will be on hand to informally discuss and 'show fi!rn " slides of this important NEW . subject.. Refreshments :Will .' 'Be Served GODER1e11, low Playing February .17, .18, 19, 20 Alfred I-Iitchcock's •• latest.• and greatest-' thrill; myster - • '`NORTH .:BY • NORTI'IWEST" -•-•= In -color-Vistavision ' 1 Starring Cary Grant, EvaMriaintand James Mason. Monday, Tuesday, . Wednesday,. February 22, 23, 24.: ; Sandra Dee .-T• Tereza Wright - John Saxon •• and .James' Whitmore .. Tel` story of 'a small town where .messy. minus and evil' ossi threatened' d'ece;it. p the happiness, of two • young lovers. . • matter was Omitted te Wing - ham Hospital suffering from' ,pnettmonia and a heart condi-. ton, and will be absent from i, Thursday, Friday,. Saturday, February 25,, .28,. 27 - "THE RESTLESS YEARS" • Zn .Scope and'• Color • Denny Miller 'and Joanna Barnes A.. brand new Tarazan-Jane team in a freshly ex- citing > .tale from the Edgar Rice Burroughs all-time "TARZAN THE APE MAN' • -- In 1 echnicolor