HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-02-10, Page 6PAGE SIX THE LUCKNOW SENTIl EL, 'LI1CKNOW, ONTARIO.. WEDNESDAY,, , FEB.. '10th, 1960 WHITECHURCH Mrs. ' Norina. Taylor. of, New Stork . is visiting at the home of •heli brothel', Mr.• and' ; Mrs. Tom. ;Morrison; ,• Mrs. G. Gilleapie. who spent the past -month the - hoYe of her , soh to Sarnia, returned to. her •. home' in the :village on ursd ` Sweet 'Ilftystery!" whichw as staged during • the program. Mrs:, Mary McAuley, Acton,.' is visiting Mr. and Mrs; Frank: Ritchie and "Anne of Zion." • Douglas and MarjorieAlton, attended elle Ice. Follies at Tor- onto , on • Friday.. Miss ' Betty .Alton is assisting" Mrs. Howard Blake at present. Nati' Thomson.visited stthe; ' home of Mr anti • }Mrs. \netbr. • •Every man needs a wife be: Fani.nerson.on'Sunday, _ cause many things go wrong; tha . one',.can't blame.on' the govern- ment. ZION. 112r, •and. Mrs. William G. Hun- ter ' aid Miss Norma Murray at- tended the 52nd annual, "At Nome . at • Stratford • Teachers' College on Friday, February 5. Marlene Hunter is a member of the Teachers' College 'choir. 'Dur- ing the programme a half' °hour' of folk songs and negro Spirit, (gals: were rendered by the • choir. Mervin McDonald . 'of . Lucknow 'played the leading . part in the sixty • minute farce` — ' "Ah, .SANDERSON':S :. . Ladies' and Men's' Wear -85; Fashion. Millinery • • . BR1,DAL GOWNS .FORMALS NOW is The Time. To . Order Your pring /ertilizer .SAVE AS .MUCH- AS $11.00 PER TON. . on some .Brands• No Agent's Fees Just. Small Trucking Charge BRUCE MacMILLAN Agent For ; Elniiira' and Harriston Fertilizers. )4now, ,.rboarim. tOfNlo.ai.1.woepio.eai..if 11l1Fm.f} f/*nof iwsoawaooiflif PLUMBING and HEATING : f fESSO OIL BURNER ''SALES AND SERVICE' :Phone .73 :,Lucknow.. Bred for Business .. Neer. Layers from.SW FT HAVER STARCROSS ` 2 Winner of both the. 1958. and 1959' Canadian Central. Random Sample Tests over leading U.S. and . Canadian: entries. Placed in top quartile in .1958:. and 1959 Missouri Random Sample Test. High producer of .large white eggs of ' excellent interior quality. Has • good feed efficiency and livability. Ideal for either.' $oor or cage • .. ORDER THIS OUTSTANDING • LAYER NOW FROM TRELEAVEN LEAVEN' MILLING CO. LIMITED" -- Phone Lucknow 9 ORVILLE ELLIOTT R.R. '3, Holyrood Phone Ripley 24-r-26 • HAYCHERY, DIVISIc N' r 0:9 • By W, ti; T. Sinlley' Read in one of the;agossip col- .umns ,the : other, '-day that:Cary Grant, the. movie.• actor; made a special 'trip by'': jet 6,0:00. miles to Hongkong to .see his' tailor: The' itefh' went fon: "Cary thinks this particular •Oriental suitrpaker is: the best in, the,•world, and is any- body going to argue with Cary?" *: *.* Not me, Madame. Considering that. Item calmly, I could only come to the conclusion that Cary and. I have a lot of , different things ..on our .11.0114s..And I don't say' that.. in envy.. I , have a per fectly • good suit. As far. as I'm concerned, it's• just as good` as the day I got it,four years : ago, * . Every year about this time there's:. a newspaper. .convention, and every year ft takes me' about three weeks to talk my: wife ,into going. She • 'can't 'go• because she hasn't anything. to . wear. "So buy yourself: • a dress",h say.. Turns: out she ',has .a ; dress, but she. doesn't' have :a, ,fur coat . That brings that .conversation to an abrupt, ;halt. * *' •• Then' she tries to make me feel like a,• heel' with. the old,reverse psychology. "I can't possibly ask Mother to " keep • the children again. And you know how worn' out we are ,after a• convention. •I haven't a Stitch. to . wear , except that .old black . thing. My ironing is three weeks''.behind L. sinriply can't go;: in' fact.I ,don't, • even /want to go. Why .don't. you go .alone?' You'd enjoy. getting .away from us •for a. couple of days." This I' ,getat lunch. hour,;.: for example. I am supposed to reply: "Now; come on, •sweetie. Your mother won't ' mind having the'. kids. It does '• •us .good to get' away. That black; dress • looks: :terrific. 'Don't worry about your• ironing: 'ou. •know.': I wouldn't. go 'without you;" 'What I .:say i.s; "OK"When I' get. home: at six., .she has :.a dress • ripped. ,apart;: .her mother lined up, and- is des- perately. ironing clothes • for the. whole family' for the.' week end. MON For' sound counsel and,'a fair price on n monument correctly designed from quality Material, rely gin; SKELTON MEMORIALS:. Pat;. O'Hagan, Prop. Established • Over- .: Sixty :Years Phone .638.:W Walkerton Ontario • GaviII,er,. Mc[ntoSh & Ward. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS' Bell Telephone Building • WALKERTON ,1 E. KENNEDY, B.Ed., B.A., C.A.—Resident Manager Manager Telephones: Business 6.3 3 ; Residence 106 gone . back • tog that delight of my childhood, long. underwear.. Na More shivering; in shorts for "pie. No more creaking hips, treacher-' ous 'kidneys and paralyzed knee7. caps, *. s .Only trouble is that r have just the one suit, which. L..got' for Christmas. So* when it's' ;in .the,, wash, ..I ,have ' .to 'wear pyjama bottoms, or : risk a '.cold. Couple. of weeks ago,' .We :: were at the opening of, the legislature, and. attended *the . Cieutenant�Gover-' nor''s. reception afterwards: There Was. a 'big .line-up to shake hands with the host and his wife, and the' Premier and his wife The Premier • was really friend- ly. "So.•glad you could come,' he beamed; . and shook hands' warmly. "Well, it sure was •hard to ,get away in ' the • middle • Of . the :week . i, started to tell him,: and ,my wife bit me a• kidney punch from behind.that almost downed me. • • +f` • *. • When we got to. the 'Lieuten- ant'Governor; •I watched the •guy ahead of• me in line, to See, what he'd, .do. He bowed ' slightly:, as he shook 'hands with the,. L.G. This :year,. She tried ..a new gimmick., :'Instead .sof •. that >tiane wor.n% antic ' about having noth- ing • to ' wear,. ..she assured me, .with some coldness, that.. , I ', was so- shabby she, Wouldn't hi, seen with nie at a ragpickers' rally; let alone a convention of urbane, well-groomed newspaper editors. This was unfair and she, knew it. ' I have "that ;gpod ,gray ;suit. have• a genuine'Harris . tweed jacket, ; made:: in Montreal; ' that> I ::got . at the same time, the year we went to 'that convention down : east, about., '56, ' And ', a good stout pair of black shoes,, 'resoled ,a ;couple of 'times, but taking • a nice shine, that I. bought for the:.satxe . trip. •• My .topcoat is ,a 'bit. shabby, but after all, it ' was second: hand when l bought it .three. years' ago from an old air force , sidekick • 'who'd • gone a bit alcoholic. The, two top : buttonholes are, sloppy. as. a sow's ear, but 'the bottom one stays buttoned.'And "the lin ing is like new, It's detachable, and, 1 never- seem to get 'it zip- ped• in for the : cold weather. • * * . ,Atl.in all, I'm not asharied•to be. seen in any company; and I haven't been. turned. away from any . .place .since the 'time the " waiter in the pub asked me if I' was 18 and I said sure, I'm 19, and he said well' 'get the 'hell out of here sonny, 'yeti ,gotta be 21, What `started the Old, 'Girl on this jump, I 'do • believe, Was my long derwear . and its recent ter . I've ntrayai. this ''acrid - unfortunate be ' up my youthful. vanity, with ',great great relief, and So I. did. And when . my head went .own, . my 'eye • was caught. by something. A big,. fat .flap of red-stripedflannelette .pyjama .; .pants, draped over my :shoe. It: had slipped out • of.. '.my . sock, .where .I, stuff them'-.sthey .won't. show. , • ••*' * * • • There ;followed 20 minutes of', acute anguish, in that huge re- ception room. 'full Of beatify.and galantry, before I, could find a place • to • crouch and re -stuff them. And it took.'me• three ,days. '' ' to qnduce.my:. wife to recognize :my, presence. on., earth.' ' She, would;. agree to go t0 ',the convention this year only when I' ' ' proniised to: wear my ,pale , gray ;pyjama bottoms, instead .of the' red -striped" flannelette. Assessment :Upheld" In a judgement handed, down recently: ' by . Judge P. S. Mac Kenzie, the . assessment, on :the Paisley ;Inn" was sustained, A'n assessment 'adjustment was madee. last, year 'by the, :Paisley .Couit Of 'Revision reducing, the total.. figure from. $33,050 .to $29,500.'' This was not ``satisfactory, to. the appelants; who took the` matter before .::the County . Judge., ..fertilizer The erop you : harvest will . be better if you feed it properly with CO-OP Fertilizer.. Crops• with plenty of "grow" are the results of plenty of readily available fertilizer nutrients/. . plenty of ' Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash. ORDER YOURS NO'W BY TAKING DELIVERY BEFORE FEBRUARY 29th, YOU;. WILL RECEIVE per ton Discount . -PLUS 'Soo CASH DISCOUNT • cknow District Phone 7t.