HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-02-10, Page 5•
w41).NF.,SDAY,, FEB,10th, 1900 •
United Cheer& VV.M.S.,.
The Afternoon Auxiliary. 'Of
the United :Church W.M.S. held
their meeting on. February 2nd,
with , an .attendance of 26 mem-.
• bers and 2 • guess. Following the
opening exercises :and conduct-
ing' of !business matters,Mrs. W.
• - Howey, convener Of the progr,
committee took the chair. .The
program centred..on the .theme
• "The • Lord's Prayer" iind ap-•
propriate hymns and scripture
readings were used. Mrs. G.
• Brooks and Mrs.. Cumming as-
sisted. Mrs. Howey, in the inter-
pretation of the prayer. Mrs.
Campbell accompanied )by Mrs.
Cumming sang "The Ninety and
Nine," Which was'much- appreci-
ated, Mrs. R. Robertson gave *
carefully -prepared talk • on the
Stiudy!Beok •chapter entitled La-
norny problems of •the African
people today, Dr. and Mrs. Ross,
authors of. the book "Africa. Di -
turbed," are in close • touch with
the coloured 13ebnle of the Congo
and as missienarles• understand
and; sympathize with their un -
•rest., The committee in charge
of this fine prograM and lunch
was, Mrs. W. liqwey, Mrs. G.
Broeks and Mrs.R.-Cnmming,
• • , • , • .
South Kinloss WMS
The. February meeting of the
,South. Kinloss W.M.S. was held
in Lucknow oti Wedneiday, af-
ternoon at the home of the Sec-
retary,. Mrs. •W. F. MacDonald
with Mrs. Herb Bucktim presid-
ing. •
• Roil call was, ...responded to
•with, a. Bible • verse containing
the word 'Iprosper." Psalm 34
had' been assigned for home
study and -individual replies to:
seven leading questions on this
• chapter were given. Miss Mar-
tha Sutherland, Mrs. R. MacMil-
lan and Mrs. H. Austin led in
terla In Wingham was given by
Mrs. H. Lavis and Mrs. Lloyd
MacDougall had the study, on the
ork of our Ukranian and: Italit
an Churches. Mrs. A: MacLeed,
accompanied by, IVIrs. W; Hodg-
kinson Contributed a solo; and
MrS, . Colwell • read a story
'from the% Congo. ..Bible quiZes
were, conducted .iby Mrs. Donglas
Graliani. and :Mrs. L. MacDen7„
gall. Atthe conclusien of the
program members.. viewed a
television interview over Clt.INJ;E
with Dr. and Mit. Nimmo telling
of their recent trip to. Formosa
and exhibiting souvenirs of that
• island. The directors and the
hostess- served a tasty lunch.
Next • meeting will. be at 'the
home •of. Mrs, Ross MacMillan on
March 4th, , ,the World's Day of
• . • •
Kincardine United Church con-
gregation 'is. considering plans
for a.$40,000 Christian Education
• hour, Land; Laws and Cash Eco- prayers. A report Of the Presby- Building adjoining. the' church.
with the finest automated
equipment to assure adequate
SiluR-GAIN supply.
. 1 • • • • • • • • .•
.-..:coNTINuousiopip. QUALITY :CONTROLS..
-.eyerY. 3 minutes a saniple of
is drawn for laboratory analyses...• • - •
••- • • .,•••
is a continuing program in
'labs" and fields.
SHUR-GAIN is backed by experience,
unmatched by any other
Canadian fertilizer manufacturer.
throughout February, .$1.50 per ton
early deliirerY discounts are yours. for the.
taking... with additional diseounts for
prompt payment . . discounts can total
as high as $5.50 per ton on some analyses.
When youtake advantage of early delivery SHUR-GAIN discounts, there's
king or hardening in Storage;Sfitia:-GAIN
• no need to worry about ca
Seleated-Granulated Fertilizer with its controlled low -moisture content,
airid•grantiled texture retains smooth fiowing, consistency through
, 'Prolonged Storage. SHIJR-GAIN` guarantees perfect drillabilitY; greater
ofphosphortis and almost Coinplete. free dom from dust.
SHUR-GA1N proben' for Canadian conditions
. . •
The •Fertilizers• Eatt—.
• (lluxon . Twp. Council)
• • Huron , Township. Council met
on February .lst With Alfred
Walden acting as ..Reeve in the
absence. of Chester Emrnerton
• who has: been -fighting with the
•flu. - ' •• .
Moved by
that we' 'advertise for tenders
for the crushing, and hauling of
12,000 yards of -gravel for :the
Township roads. •
Moved. by Martin-loivry--that'
• the, following' accounts be paid:
Mrs. John S. MacDonald, care
of hall, $9.00; Robert Loytrry,!
repairing • door and • lumber,
13.00; Robert Wood, refund of
taxes, 43.31.; tineardine News,
Printing, 266.27; Ripley Legion,
grant onhall rents; I0.00;:\Earl
Tout, :registration of deaths,
2.00; Graham Cook, covering
dump, .17.50; post office, unem-
ployment , stamps, 20.64; ' R. H.
Martyn, tre•asurer's bond, 12.00. Kincardine Pavilion Friday ev-.
• spent Thursday
',rhanudesMdarys. aAttleerxiipWoph.ywtoiethk
Mr. and Mrs. William Starile
•• '
Mrs. ,Frank Brown.and Reg .-. • . •
nd'eveMilrins.g Hv jasritv°eAsY
Nicholson and PAilv and Mrs, •
40f1-4TgmhhersNi.:,17..h:nsl7ninirh, e.tBomeart:siteot,e; home
nCsday- afternoon with eighteen . ,
ladies present. • • • •••
Mr: and Mrs. Lloyd Whytecic •.
and 'Mfamrs.ilyiveWreinttghWhanlytaonckd aMurd... 4
, •
Langside, were visitors'• •
wTuheystdoacyk.with Mr. and M. rs. Alex •
(" •
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart,
spent Thursday afternoon at. :t 8
inWweinagrhea:rHeYos report,.pticofal., Mrs. : : ''''.:,,,.,' • .'_, 4
Catherine O'Neill to'be a ptient ,.,••
.• ...' ,..`1.
Many, from the community at-. • . . '..',,' ,',. •.,!•',I.
tended the (benefit dance in the
Road Accounts-PaYr011, No. 2. ening for Mr. Russell ,Needham,: ' ". , , .,.". ' ";:,•.'-.,-; ' ..
SteVe. Irwin, superintendent, Ripley, who .lost: an arm and re-'. ' ',,. '",.','••',,,', ;• ....1.!
$25222;. -tinest Walden, grader, celved.. other injuries in a ' har- ' ' ' ::*tf",-'; '' , •!,':;, !.s
. , ,
• 221.46; Wayne , Lowry„ wing,
'140.40; Har.veY.' Thompson, dragr•
ging, 6,75; w: T. 13ouliton, drag-
ging and fencing, 31.70.
• 'Road Voucher
. •,
Frank's' Garage, „truck repairs,'
• $6:19; McArthur Hardware, tools,
11.55; Roy Marshall, snow plOw
ing,' , '327.25; Gordon...Stewart;
.snowplowing, 553.50; William.
Kempton,:, snow • plowing ' and,
-Sanding, 493:00; W. L. , Shantz;
Snow plewing, 4013:00;.
,• Cofling
Brothers, snow plowing, 315.00;
Norman Barnard, sanding and.
salt, • 57.50;• 1Vlorford' McKay, re-
Laughlin's garage; wiper blade,
/75; McPherion'a garage, water
puny, 5.05; C. Sholtz., London,
tools, .13.85;• Ray • Gorden Ltd,stove, 29.75;' County of Bruce,
• patching and ,paving, • 627.55;
SiftO • Salt Co.,.'• highway .sal;t„..
62,50; Gordon. EmnertOn; sand-
ing 1.6$0; 'Chester Camp -
belt:. sanding hills, 21:00;.. Ken
• .MtKay; repairs 'and • storage,
• •N• 20.95; Emile Ritchie, -sand,, -12.75;
• Harry Colling, danding,and•lead-
ing,, 134.00; SteVe,IrWiii, mileage
and truck license, 3730; George
Echnonson, - tile, .g.30; GrahamCook, snow piowing, 39.00,.
Keith Carter, • .snow blowing,
31.:501 Howard Hodge; repairs,
148,70; -D. G. MacDonald, gas,
vesting accident ,last fall.
Mrs.. Tom 'Collison and Mrs.
•'Mary 0',berle, Preston, are stay-
ing' at the home of Mrs. Catim-
rine O'Neill; Mr. arid Mrs, • Bob
Fischer,. ,Kitchener, spent the
week -end at the Same hoine.
WO privets h.*).
6,01.-privelit both)
pairs to Cat. grader, 129-.50; Mc- Hotel'. P11 TDP
Broadway at 43,0frost . .
: • • At tits "Cwittiway.,to' Tin* SottwO
; .
• 700 &Oasis It SuiteS —most with Alt.
. .
MOved by • McKinn,on-Lowry
. .
that •we adjourn to meet., again
on. March
gATtit, TOUT,
Kintail 'WI. Mpeting •
• The February rneeting. of the
Kintait W.I. was held •'in .the
• hoe of Mrs, •Bill • McDenald:'.
The Opening Ode was Sung and
*the Mary -Stewart Collect was
recited. The roll call was an ex-.
change 'of Valentine, The Min.....
• tiles *ere. read along 'With coin-
rnunicatiodi and 'the bus were
-paid: It vasdecided 'to support'.
-project No. 3 toinsta1I..an rfiter-
c0111 sYsteni in the Cotinty'Herrie
at Clinton...Mary Alton fayered
us with a lovely piano Solo& af- I
ter ',which her MOther',• Mrs. Bert.
Alton gave us a reading of what
Grace, Farrish says to Pete when
they are out driVing. A contest..
was conducted by *ITheda Mac-
kenzie., The meeting closed with f
the, 'singing ,Of the "Queen" and
grace. • • 1
A lovely ":Valentine• Ta"• .1
which was really, a supper, was
served 'by those in. charge,
CONDITIONING. riatufladiw, 1
• • Ililoasat Re.stiattront4-tteiffewShop-
C.tiektigioungit ;
le!sie.!915rt !°11°41 • . • .
1L13 pliSei0 7.nOrSt ossivenienaSs au
as itlit Skews. PhySicIssi, Sight's/hi Meiji.
• •
•!beim & Piing Retervitiotio.' Radiehlritimmtr
• 4
23, COiumbus 5-7400
900 rooms and suites with
tub, shower, radio and TV
• HOme of the Canadian Pump
• Room -Dancing ... no cover, •
-no minimum. Ample Parking.
Fine Convention Facilities.
Family Plan..
Telephone EMpire 2-1848 •
,r r4t
• Business 39 • HOWARD AGNEW Reiidente ).38
. .
444.10:41.0.444.10464:44.04,04:04/404.044.11. 400,4040•444/44
ilitetts101010 ."-.1.,Iiikst-4*-Aw-kzwisssig.*:!ey...., • ,'•
Po . 44