HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-02-10, Page 1$3.00. A Year Ini Advance $1.00 Extra Toa'U.S.A,
.. � • . EI?NESDAY, ,k'EB.. 10th, . 1960
Council to Obtain. lnformation On Bre
Sidewalks, Service Truck, Aerial
A .bridge over the. Nine Mile
River, a town truck - With attach
able aerial ladder and artificial
ice, were among • the subjects
: which engaged the 'attention ' of,
the Village Council at the .Feb-
ruary meeting which lasted till
close to midnight,
• S. 13.. Stothers., a former coun-
cillor, appeared ,before Council
requesting a grant for the Agri-
cultural :Society. By an oversight,
the 1959 grant had note been .re. quested . or 'passed; and. Council
did not see their. way clear to
approve. it now. A 1960. grant of
$'100.00 was made,:•an increase. of
15:00. over the usual grant.. ' A
pending revision. 'of Town . Hall
rental . fees may offset the in-
crease to some degree.
Can't CO mit` Other 'Councils
Delegated by the Lions Club,,
Charles • Webster ' and. Gordon
Fisher met 'Council . regarding
the proposed. artificial ice pro
ject. Few facts or .figures were
available and " the matter ; was.
discussed in general terms; with
Council stressing, that in ' event
of the Club > installing' artificial
ice, the present `Board could not
commit: future councils • in res-
pect to' meeting l operating • defi
The debenture ori the arena
building has retired but .Council,,
is'• annually •' ��a ' ing 'an operating
3' P Y g
deficit of about $500.00, varying
somewhat according,' to the sea-
son. �.
It was•`stated that it was ".only
peanuts" what, coud be 'obtained
in recreational •grants towards
operation of. artificial • ice.
"Can't . Xmprove Ourselves"
'Council's. previous discussion
of a municipal, building prompt-
ed Archie Smith to, attend the
Meeting, pointing out•, to . ,the
Board, that: his • vacant store
(the former .I.G:A, Store). and
apartment was•• for sale' .or rent.
.It has a basement foundation for
°a vault, which he had removed
The premises was ;• at.. one,
occupied by the Bank of Hamil-
ton. Council felt that they "could-
n't improve' themselves," by such.
• 'Members ::of the : Village. ,.
Council. forgot ' to set their .••
• own salaries at the -January
inaugural meeting, and the
February meeting was draw-
ing to a close : before '
oversight was righted./
, To keep the record straight
the Board again voted a
$100,00. each with:: the Reeve,
as. last,' year, • preferring to
receive the'same as :council
gf Jack' ' Gilchrist has accepted
the position of,, parts 'Manager .. in
a General Motors. dealership.. in,
'Hamilton;. which is rated one of
the ' best in .Canada.` Jack, as
:sullied the position on February,
'1st. He had ,previously 'held a
sin filar position, on a smaller
scale in' Toronto.' Mrs. Gilchrist
.and. their- son Brian are Continu-
ing to .. reside . in ' Toronto until
:they 'caw obtain 'a home .in Him -
Jack is the son 'of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Gilchristof Kinloss;•Town-
Meeting • in . Clinton . 4ast week
with Bruce Keys` of VarnaP re-
sidinlg, the -Huron-Perth Short-
.` horn Club .made plans forthe
These includethe, re, Tonal
, g. .
show in Stratford on Septemlber
21st, the fall sale tentatively set
• for Lucknow with ': Andrew
Gaunt -as sales :;manager, a bus
trip to..Olken Sotind and a ban-
quet in December. at, Egrnond-•
AndrewGaunt, • a 'director. f
the Ontario. Shorthorn. Club and
a past president, reported on . the
convention held •• at Guelph.The
provincial club .is comprised of
1,030 members andlast year.
close to '$1,200 was given . in
special prizes' to 4-H club mem
bers in pr.'omoting; '. calf ' club
work. .
Mr: Gaunt 'is ' the immediate
pastpresident of . the Ontario
Shorthorn, Association and is
succeeded by' Ernie Crawford of
Oro .Station. Andy has' been on
the .provincial board for . twelve
years. '
At the . provincial annual he
was named as one of five On-
tario . representatives on the
Dominion' Board, and Will attend
the Canadian annual meeting in
dmonton, leaving Toronto • on
ebruairy 21st for the three -clay
'convention, >
Mr. ,and • Mrs: 'Mike Hogan.
who are 'spending :'the winter in
London with their daughter,
Miss Irene Hogan,', Reg .,N.,: were.
59 years. Married on. Friday,
February 5th.- They spent the.
Mr. Ho 'g an, • son' , of • Mr: and
Mrs. William 'Hogan, ' Mary
Ford; daughter /of Mr. and ,Mrs:
Thomas Ford, .all of Ashfield
were , married at St. Joseph's
Church, Kingsbridge ' on ' Febru
'`ary .5th;• 1901, with his brother,
Father John Hogan ' as :celebrant.
Father Hogan was:. 91' in' D.e-•.
cembef: and. ' is still hale and
hearty. He was ordained into the.
priesthood in •18.96, over 03 years
. On the .occasion :of . their: wed-
ding anniversar' Mrand, Mrs.
. Y�. .
Hogan have the 'best wishes of
a.host ;'of friends, They` havea
family of five, Wilfred Hogan of
Toronto; ` Basil and .,,Dennis of
Ashfield; Irene of London and
Mrs: '•A. • J. Norris . (Lorena)'. Of
On• •Friday, February 5th, at
.2 p:in. in 'Listowel the Rev: Si-.
.moon Terpstra • was installedinto
the Listowel and JC ucknow
charge of the Christian Reform-
ed Church. The :service, was, ,in:
charge of the .Rev. Ala J. Van
den. of :' Drayton:. • The preacher
was' the. Revs `David B;' Muir of
Imlay City, Michigan. 'The ex-
hortation • to the • congregation
was giv/en by the :Rev. J. C;
Derksori of Guelph. '
During the Servic
Service the Revr
F. IL Paull, L:Th, , of • Christ
Church, Anglican, 'brought
greetings • from the Listowel!
Ministerial Association and the
Rev,. II. L. Jennings of . St.
Peters , Anglican Church,'•• Luck-
hw tir
o for the LucknoMinister-
sal' Association '
After the service a reception
was held for the Rev,: Sinton . And
Mrs, Terpstra, and': .their three
On the 61st,and. last, ' number
to be called, 'Mrs. - Alex Inglis.
won the $100.00' jackpot . at the
To Attend .Conventions :
Council will be represented at
both the Ontario Municipal Elec-
trical Association conventions and
the Good Roads Convention • in
Toronto, during' the next .few
weeks, and will take advantage'
of the opportunity ` to make' some
'official ; contacts.
One will be upon H.E.P.C. of-
ficials ' to see what might.' ;be
available. . in an aerial ladder
one • which ' would replace., the
hazardous 'contraption now used.
for replacing, , street lights and
such jobs. If one is purchased it
Will . be of sufficient height to
reach to the roofof the highest,
building . , in the' ' Village' and
would be available to the Fire
To Inspect Pollution Areas
Another visit will . be to Dr..
Berry's off ice „of the Water:' Re-.
sources Commission • requesting
an engineer" to look::; over pollu
• tion '• areas in the Village this
'sprir'g and: take steps 'to have'
them cleaned.: up, the -Reeve re i-
terating that only;by such: steps
Can. we avoid being eventually.
saddled , 'with .a sewage disposal
system. a
Need .New Truck
With indications that hydro,
rebates and'. subsidies may be
on iderable C untir-
l is consider-
s o x •• e
(Continued on. Pat, 10)
February' r1934•:»� —
';Fe year`
many apple
trees were, killed is
well .remembered ,by. many When
it. is recalled to, mind. Delving
back into •' the records, J". M.
Greer, 'refreshed. our 'memory.
For 21 nights: : in February,'; of
that year; the i . temperature
dropped to below '.,zero: On:the
8th, it 'didn't rise .above 16 be -
law all day, and on , the 9th, : the,
mercury ` sagged to 34. ' below
zero, 'the ..coldest ever officially
recorded in ::this community:.,
Legion:'s 'weekly cash bingo last
Thursday night. •
With .a good possibility of the
prize being won,the biggest I:
crowd of . the winter . was ori
hand. • A : new .. j ackpot' will ` be
,tatted this: week with a value
of $75.00 on 55 calls. It will in
crease in value by $5.00 a week,
with an additional number cal-
led`. each'' week until it is .work
In ' addition the weekly cash
bingo features ••12 ,regular games
3 share-the:wealth gam es:
A ratepayers rieeting •' of the
Lochalsh School section:' was.
held' recently when .Gordon. ;Fin-
layson, Mrs., .Dave MacDonald
and John MacLeod .were dele-
gated to, ;confer with adjacent.
:school sections in Ashfield, to
discuss the educational. picture;'
and future; • course, .of action.
At the ,,beginningof the 'year•.
Trustee Boards were set up ;in,
the School • Sections of Kintail,
Laurier and . Hemlock ,City after
these - sections •withdrew from the
Ashfield : a Township Area: It
was the • intention of . the ;Loch-:
alsh section to withdraw from
the area also, but' due to tech-
nicalities this course• •was not`
possible at that time.
The four sections" had in mind
a new two -room; school, , or an
`addition to the Lochalsh School::
Since then, it hat -beer'. - sug-
igested that ' one or two `other
sections might be included • iri,
the new • "area.?? •
All . such: matters will be up:
for, and planning.
when a meeting ofrepresenta-
tives of the; -•various sections is..
held at, an • early date; and from
which' .could stem the first : con=
The, death of James Eric • pea-
'ton occurred .on. Wednesday;.
January 27th .iri 'St. ,,Michael's
Hospital, • Toronto; m his eight
eenth year. n
He was a son of Jack and Meta
Beaton of Scarboro. Jim's father
spent: his 'boyhood on' the 4th
Concession of Kinloss and laterr'
was '•employed in the Bank
Luckno. w:
Foljowing an accident, Jinn;
was " hospitalized .for some time
but • seemed to reCoven and re-
eturned:• to school:, However, • he
later, developed severe headaches
-and .:it:. was discovered that he
had an ' aneurism, a clot on a
%blood vessel .in the ,brain.•
operation was performed . on
Monday,' January' . 25th, but• he
died alio days later
Jim was a yo. ung lad �beloved,
by everyone and took .an. active
part' in the Young People's or•
.ganizations and in . the Sunday
School: of : his church and , his
young- life left a mark on all
he touched.• .
He is survived'Iby.; . his parents,'
and one brother, Graham. '
Rev.. ' Wallace McClean, •whose• : ...
'ministry at .the Lucknow: Pres
byterian Church is shortly draw;
ing to a close, received nineteen'
persons :into church, membership.,'
at the sacrament service ' on Sun-• -:
day: . .
They : were: Douglas .Harton,
Mrs and •::iVf ,. rs 'Fre: d'•Gil lir`
Mr. and • Mrs. Robert Gilchrist;
Mr.'' and Mrs: Barry •
;McDonagh; �
Mrs:: ' J: Jordan ,,• Mrs: Duncan:
MacConnell Mrs. Isabel Mac
Dona/d;- -Mr: and ' Mrs: ,D,avid
Kirkland,' Mr. an Mrs. John'..
Emmerson, Ian Morton, Tony
Johnston, Garry ;Johnston,' Rob - :1•••''
ertW tson
.Wa .. ,Marion Scott.-
cott ' •'.•
trete : ste'ps for ,a new :p
a proach. Dr. , Wilfred Black ''of North
to the e•
ducational: needs of , this, Bay spent the week -end with
portion of the. Township parents, Mr. and'. Mrs Roy black:
Lions In
avor' of TackTrng �rtifacial
all Tenders To Determine Actual Cost
By 'a standing vote. on Monday
night,: member's :of . the 'Lucknow
and District Lions Club, indicat:
ed by :a large' majority that
they favor.' undertaking.. the ;,pro-
ject of ; installation of artificial
ice. They gave further assurance
that they would work•'to: -put it
over= -and there: are none .but
who will agree that; it *ill re-
:quire a tremendous effort., ..
Initial plans, are aimed ' at es_
tablishing a. fund,.' and:to . concen-
trate ori building;. itup to a 'size-
able amount, and thenconduct-
in ,a .hose -to o
g , u h use and farm-'
to -farm solicitation •: of ,the Edi
s -
tri toachieve the objective.
The subject 'got a good airing-
at Monday's meeting and was
climaxed by 'A notion by Lions,
George Joynt and Chas. Web-
step, that tenders be called for
the installation of artificial ice,
with no obligation attached, so
that the Club would •. know ex
actly • what the . undertaking
would! cost.
Delegation. Reports
Lions Charles Webster art'
Gordon Fisher, appointed by' the
Club' to interview, the Village
Council, reported on Monday
night. Their •.'contact. had been.
to determine Council's position
in event of an operating' deficit.
The report was to the effect that
1 Could .one ' counci' u ld not commit
another • to the responsibility of
assurning ''such a 'deficit.' ,Lion
George •Joys t, reiterated Coun-
cil's position on Monday.. night,.
pointing put that 'only 'On a
'straight money Eby -law, : requir-
ing a vote of the people, would
the • municip:ality • ,be thus ,.Corn:
This. 'project, if•.: achieved,, : will
be Lion's 'sp'onsored and financed.
but the Clulb ' would . not want
to assume the operation, of the
arena: This ' is done under. an
Arena • Commission, and in°'event
of an' operating deficit,. ' the
Municipality .would no . doubt_ be
requested 'to. pick ,. up "the tab,,"'
This'i ' the' point that Was being
stressed :that one Council ' could
.riot coininitt another to'this ob
ligation:. However, it 'was point-
ed out ':that within reason, such
.deficits •are generally accepted.
in ,'any, municipality
•Recent publicity -.iven -: God-
erich..., P, . ,y g a
Arena deficit .of .. $5,80Q: is . .
minimized ' in • the light of.'a pop
ulation of over 6,000 people, and '
which v wouldrepresent little.
more than a •nzill on their as-
sessment. •
Thee Lucknow now Village Council • ;
has 'been •picking • up an 'annual
rink deficit of some $500 snore,.
or, less, for a time, `in -addition
to. a debenture: payment •of close: '.
to $500: which is.:riow. retired.
Tti round figures this ran to,
around, $1.000•'6.. year or approxi'
• (Continued on 'page' 9)
Heav snowfall'sll
• y a s in recent.
weeks haverequired an increas-
ed tempo in: 'snowplowing . and
snow :renioval operations: The
job is complicated, by . 'parked
motor vehicles; sand./enforcement
.the overnight .parking regula-
tion is necesary..
TO. facilitate in keeping 'the
MOW. pushed back in the lbusi
ness section • on Highway 86,
overnight ' parking on the main
thoroughfare is prohibited, This
Applies from 2:00 am. on,..each
night. •
While Andrew Gaunt is at-
tending the ..Dominion Shorthorn `
Breeders' :Association meeting
two ,Weeks from now in Bdtnon
ton it will afford him the op-
1 ortunity i to visit with his''bro= '
them, John Gaunt who 'has live&
the •west :for 'many years:.
It is about 35 year since Andy
and John have been together,
It is close to 45 years since -John
went to :.the West. tui 1910
John, Stewart McGuire and' Gore
don Cameron left the St. Helens
district 'for western t•annds
,t •