HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-13, Page 12PAGE TWFIrVE TBE: LucloTor 'SI NTaTEL,., z ucNir w, ONTA$1O . l • WEDNESDAY, JAN, lath, 196¢. PRE STACK: TAKING DROP IN, AND LOOK THEM OVER AGENT''FOR, KINCARDINE CLEANERS1 Free Piok-Vp and Delivery Monday and Thursday. LADIES' and MEN'S ` WEAR MI Int nnd.Is■nneI■msaaa ■n■;nraao,a■an1aue.u■�wana�adi ■ ■ ■ is School Students. El ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ,. ■ '. ■ , ■ ■ ,' Jessie Allin, Chairman.:''i !otice. to " • On account of the increased . enrolment at the. Lucknow Public School and the Prob- lem .of supervision, the 'Board requests .that students do not 'arrive at the school beforea quarter to ' nine in the morning, and ' one o'clock,"iin the afternoon. The Board also.. re- quests, that students do not interfere at any time with the work of ',those' on patrol ' duty. The: parents'; co-operation in these mat- ters would be, greatly appreciated. LUCKNOW PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD ■ t■ng/■���si1/f`u/pApu■/u■r■.■guA■■■u■■aa■Iuu/■a/■r.' EN'gram 'and dancing. 1E '" ' Mr an 1VIrs .11 e`w Culbert. Windsor announce:: the',,.en gagement : of their daiughter Patrleia Jean, . to Mr ;Gerald: Breutigan, ;of Hanohr, son of` 1V Ir. and Mks:Harold Harold Breutigan of , ; Hangver, The ' marriage; to ,•,fake°: `place at St,:, Aidans Angli- an Church; Wilidsor, on ."Satur- : lay, February .6th, 1960. at 4;30 o'clocl. , Mr, and :Mrs.: George . Fisher, Whitechurch; announce the en- °.gagement • •of ' their `. ,daughter, Katl leer Annetta; tp ..Mr. ' Win.: Wilfred iC'bson; -,'son..of Mr... and Mrs Marshall Gibson,,; Ashfield.: The marriage will; take place, in Chalmers Presbyterian" Church, Whitechurch. on Saturday, .Janu- ary 30th at 2:341 • p.m • ARTIFICIAL ICE (Continued; from page 1) uary '25th; were 'sold.. The occa 'was; Anglican rector in ;Luck sion :willfeature dinner, pro- ' now. •`• Coin cans for welfare work, and draw +. tickets for';ae • $100.00 Easter ,;Outfit , prize Were distil- buted to members THAT a .:reception .was held 'in the ' Legion Hall on . Friday for : Mr. `• :and . . Mrs: .Stewart • Stanley who were ereti married in the West 'and carne .East' be. fore. Christmas. Stewart. is 'a son. of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanley:: The :presentation of a purse of .money. 'Was made by. Donald Macintyre and Carmen McQuillin. . THAT Mr.. and Mrs. Guest Mit cheli and' 'family' were 'in To.: ronto on Saturday, attending a family 'reunion;, which a nark • ed the first time they had all .been together'. in some twenty, • years. ' The '.parents are' Rev. and, Mrs. ; A. S. Mitchell- now, of Hamilton,: and who ;at one time Discount Prices AFTER INVENTORY 1 SUPREME . ALUMINUM, COOKING UTENSILS'. and SUPER HEALTH PLASTIC WARE ELECTRIC IRONS, TOASTERS, FRY PANS. and PERCOLATORS PYREX WARE °BUTCHER NIVES. and. BREAD, ;KNIVES - ROAST PANS GARBAGE CANS *4444' in. Murdie Hardware -y-r ' Luckno y Son l SEE BY 'TIDE. SENTINEL THAT Hall's .Red and. White Store , are increasing :their floor .space at the back of the, stdre by about ' 2'0 feet and, expect work to be completed. this ,week. . MAT Miss .Ethel Robertson of Lucknow quietly 'observed' her 87th birthday on Sunday at her home- here, and continues 'to enjoy good health. Another of the Village's' senior citizens, rs.. John Hamilton observed • r' 88th:birthday on Tuesday. 7 THAT there!s-- pneumonia: "bug" •quite prevalent • now, and , a number front this community are, or have been, hospitalized with it. • THAT' Alan. Cooper who was formerly located here • with' the Bruce ' County, Health Unit was in town last •Wednesday, taking testsof the ;municipal water supply. Alan went from here• to 'Owen Sound where, he :was with the health depart meat ' in that , city, until re- cently. when he took a position with . the Water ' : Resources' Commission with headquarters. in Toronto,. and it was in this' _connection that he wasp mak ing the ; water 'check : last. week: THAT 'Mrs: Ernest Carter who -has not :been enjoying the best of: health for sometime,:` 'suf- fered another. ,seizure Wednes day morning :and was taken to her ''personal' physician'•"'at ' Winghani,• and then 'to Wing- • ham Hospital, ' where .. she . is • still a patient undergoing med-: ical examination to "determine the cause. THAT friends here` of. Mrs. A. 'G. Elliott will be pleased to know that she is quite well,, is' inter ested' 'in daily 'events and is about every ; day THAT Brussels 'Motors, a con- sistent used.' car advertiser : in The 'Sentinel for several `years ..has 'opened a 'new sales head=' quarters, • at 'the north end .of that . town.. The new building is heated and is 180. x 60 feet sothat all' `their cars can . be. keptunder cover in: the win- ter; THAT ' in: renewing their Sentinel subscription,' Ewart and Jean McKeith of . 'Vancouver send best wishes for a happy'.'.and prosperous . New Year to all theirold friends andneigh bours in and around Lucknow. THAT for the present, Rev. H. L. Jennings is holding service at ;St. Pauls Anglican. Church,: 'Ripley. at 9:40 .a.m: each • Sun- day; with' service at St. ' Peters Church, Lucknow,. commencing at 11:10 am. to provide suf- ficient time for commuting between ,parishes. •Afternoon services are held at Dungan- non and, Port Albert as usual. THAT North Huron County • L.O.L. is sponsoring a fifteen minute • 'radio , 'broadcast on Sunday, January , 17th on ¶CFRB,• Toronto, beginning" at 4:05 .p.m: Ross Errington of. St. Helens is .the Deputy County Master of the ''North' Huron Lodges, THAT Fred Steward, 'son • of Mr. arid; Mrs. Charles Steward, wits, recently appointed manager of the ,new Ibranch office of Car- rathers, and Evans .Ltd., ; real •'estate, broker in . the East'- town' ,Shopping . Plaz •in ton. don. • cknow Frull YOUR BARGAIN. FOODLAND KLEENEX TISSUE SALE. 6 n k 98c • • ' .. Regular or Chubby. Save . 19c. M - ;� , • . SLICED LIGHT TUNA. Save 19c. • Tastes Like Chicken. 73/4. Feature. .6111 , ti n3 89e MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE SALE. Your Favourite Instant. Large 6 . oz, far CORN SYRUP SALE. Beehive or Crown Brand. 5 lb. tin. THRIFT LIQUID 'DETERGENT. SAVE 6c. i Mild. t Pink, ;Lotion Mild. 12 oz.. Bot .le. Special c 33c HEY . KIDS! COME AND GET YOUR `BOOK COVERS. ' NOTHING TO BUY. THEY'RE FREE: HURRY, HURRY. Valuei Effective January 14, 15, 16. ; We Sell For ,Less" Phone: 119, Lucknow LEMON BU•NS. SAVE .4.c PAY ONLY 29c THAT, • Ron Forster' is a patient ' in Wingham'.Hospital,: receiv .ing treatment for a back in= jurysuffered some time ago, arid is 'also': having a bout with . pneumonia. -pleural A MuNI p. 'L ' OFFICE • _..CIIA O F.. (Continued'.from page. 1) year ago. • •• • "The The. moreyou give us the .more -we'll give you„, Mr. Bris-' tow said 'as he, outlined plans. for a more' :beautiful .village.. The Clerk was . authorized to apply 'for tlie ti ,statutory, road grant. Council :spent $11,686.51' On roads last ;year, which was • Welt • within ' the . estimates and of which the government' .pays 50%. Main., expenditures were: 'construction $7,035:56, culverts $717.98,. maintenance •$3,94.5.12. It was decided•. to renew mem-' bership in the' Ontario Munici- pal Electrical Association, '. as it was inted..'out that onl'y'. through an, association "could one battle for lower hydro rates. Reeve Joynt ' pointed , out that some slight concession had been obtained. and 'that' efforts',' were being made by municipalities west of Walkerton. '. to :obtain - low tension equalization. Peak Toads, are 'costly to local opera - 'tions,' hut' are uncontrollable. Seek. Office. Information The 'present municipal . office .is regarded . as inadequate, and • with rental, .taxes,. and heating costs .totalling', well over $1,000 annually,' the matter . of a new munici all -owne offi was p y. d ce again discussed: lit was ; decided to .eget. information from H.E.P.C. • officials. in•this• matter. . A ; survey • is 'being made of municipal 'fie and °'liability in- ' surance by the «Frank', Cowan Company. Council is to inspect' the Town Hall basement regarding coin.... ,pletion of'': renovations. 'An in- spection of ..hydro lines -will be made at an early date, and of. village roads _ when conditions. permit in the spring. Reeve Joynt had ; recommend= e4' at the morning session, that the tree pruning : program by hydro- experts' be • continued, as a few hundred dollars spent each'' year . paid dividends in • good, hydro service. Information' .is also .'to' be'. ob- tained as to the cost of a bridge' • over the river,'a 'block ':north of Campbell Street, that wouldtper- mit . an access road for trucks to unload at : the .back of • the stores and relieve :rriairistreet congestion. No. 1 9 Hay. Pasture Mixture Containing The New Varieties — Climax Timothy, Lincoln Brome,Ranger Alfalfa and Treated For Root and Fungus ` Diseases. 32% RANGER .ALFALFA 15%a. LINCOLN BROME GRASS 15% CANADIAN BROME GRASS 15% CLIMAN TIMOTHY 10% ONT.. D.C. RED CLOVER -10%d PERENNIAL RYE' GRASS 3% LADINO CLOVER 1. SOW 20 LBS. PER ACRE. `..., .• , $9:75 acre R. FINLAYSON Phone 91, Lucknow