HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-13, Page 11WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13th.,, ' 1960
(To. Late ,:For 'Last Week)
miss' Shannon Shiflett and.
friends. from Alpena spent New
- Years with relatives,. here.
Mr. ' MVlicha,el 'O'Neill and .Mrs.
Martha .O'Neill are visiting with
the', Moore . ' family" in A1gonac
for` a few days, Mary! Martha
.'.Moore,~ returned: to , her home
with 'them after a week's hbli-
days here,
!Sympathy is. • extended to Mrs.
Mary Doherty upon the 'sudden
death of her brother, Clarence'
Kelly, in Goderich on Saturday,
January .3rd,
Sympathy is also: • extended ' to
the family . of the .late Mrs. Dan-
iel Devlin, (formerly ,Mabel
Young) of Colborne Township,
.• whose. death occurred. in London
on. December nth,. ,Surviving
are three sons, and seven • gr. and..
children, one brother Ernest of
Goderich R.R.. and two sisters,.
• Mrs. Herb. ,Lamprey : of Gode-
rich; ,and .Mrs. Quinlan of Strat-
ford.... lVir: • Devlin predeceased
his wife on July 10th,' 1959.
• The. Annual . ,School' •Meeting
took, place in the School •Rooms:
on'• Wednesday last, with.,* large.
attendance. The retiring • Trustee,
•' Eugene , Vrayne . , was re-elected.
Reports were 'read •by Jos. C,0'-
•• Keefe, Sec.-Treas'., and the In=
spector's: report, congratulating
our teacher; . . Mrs 'Walter Clare
for the splendid • progress ;tnade•
•by•the; pupils during the. past
.term, • .
•Mr, Andrew Martin, a. Veteran -
Trustee himself, who .takes a'
keen ` interest ,, in School affairs,
:Moved' .a ',vote of'. thanks to.. the
School. Board for • their.' fine ac-
coniplishments • .during the,' past
year, and wished , Trustees, 'Vin-
cent • Austin, ; Joseph Courtney,•.
• Gene Frayine` and "Jos. -O'Keefe,
• Sec Treas every. success., for the
:year 1960 • , k•
Connolly of 'Kinkora
visited with:.•the. . Don'. ~ Frayne
:fainily during the • week..' Mrs.
Dwyer 'returned to `Kinkora with
him, • 'to visit her :. sisters :' ,Mrs.
Connolly , in Stratf rd• Hospital,
following a heart attack, ''
• Ur; : Michael 'Dalton. is a pati.
ient : in Goderich Hospital• and
we hope for his early recovery.
'Mrs: Emil'•Fahl. ; and daughter
of . Hamilton, Mr. •:and Mrs. John.
Dietrich :and family of . Kitchen=
er,<'and the . Bruce Hansford fam
• i1y• of Galt. were New• Years
visitors ' here
KINLOUGH• Thirty' 'Years Ago
The Holyrood Womens Insti- staff 'were • Kate ,MacDonald
•tute meeting was 'held on Thurs- Mar area` MacCallum Mrs. H. G.
day afternoon . at the hall . with - g
Mrs. Mark 'JohnstonandMrs. Sherriiff, .Isobel tMurdie:. ,
The entrance class. of 21 stu-
W lliam...Eadie 'hostesses . Mrs.
dets, wer *all successdu i
nFrank Maulden Presided and
the Institute Ode and:MarySte- passing; Roy Collyer, Mae Mc-
Mahon , Dorothy Nixon, Clark
wart Collect 'opened the meet-.
ing. A donation was voted to
the . Sick. Childrens • .hospital.
Plans 'were. . made; for, a . ,'card
party., Roll call "A resolution •I,
.would like to see the Govern-
ment. make."... . Judges for the
:Memlbers of the ;Public school
• Finlayson, Robert,' 'Thompson,
Jim Henderson; ' Harold ' Greer;
'Myrtle Hamilton,.. Ethel Brown,
George' Webster, Helen MacLeod;
Ernie Baker, Wilson Armstrong,.
Kenneth Cameron, Phyllis Cou-
sins, ' Donalda Douglas,; Leonard.
homemade rolls were Mrs: Pass- Irwin, Clare .Johnston, Winni
more, ;and Mrs. H. Houston. fred Johnstone, Roszella Mullin,
Prizes • went :to' Mrs. William Freda Steward
Eadie and Mrs. Lorne 'Eadie, The William' Hiabick died from the
convener,, Mrs P. A. . Murray .effects of • being "gassed" in
Presided and gave: the topic on France: •in .. World War I.
"New Years.", Community sing- The death of Brown, 111allough
ing followed. The ' motto, • "All occurred. suddenly at. Peterbor-
roads worth taking lead. up- ough, just nine months' after the
wards. by Mrs, Ed Thoriipson. death of his rwife ' the former
Readings were given by, Mrs.' Etta .Belle. MacDonald, An 8-,
William Eadie, Mrs. Frank year-:pld. son David survived. •
Thompson,. Mrs. - Sam Farmer ' Edwin Jarvis, 84, of West Wa-
and Mrs; Stewart . McDonald. wanosh was :; fatally injured
Harvey. Houston,District .when the car in. which . he
:President, addressed the meeting . was a passenger' *turned over
.and also talked ori .Home decor- near Zetland bridge....
ating,. Mrs' . P 'A.. Murray, gave The . "human fly" visited Luck
the. courtesy remarks: The. meet- ' now 'and gave ^ a• demonstration, of:
ing, closed with' The ,Queen;' and the ease : with which • he could
Grace. ' and • tasty refreshments scale the ' front ` of the . Cain
were served. House,
Mr: and Uri.. Alex: Percy . and Archie .McKinnon. ' of Kinloss
family were • dinner 'guests with had his barn • destroyed, by fire.
Mr. and Mrs.' Perry Hodgins and Two sisters, Miss Margaret
•Sharon.O'Callaghan of Fordyce and:
l ,.r
Mrs 'J.. W. Colwell has. 'been M, s .5. •'Jarriieson• 36,, , of Toronto
spending a •few days with her 1' were killed.' in a : car : accident
sister, 'Mrs. Annetta Bushell who + while returning.. from Teeswater
has not - been 'enjo'ying good .reunion{ Driver of the car, who,
health the past • few days..' , escaped ;serious `injury,. was John
Mrs. Clare:•$parling and Allan
of Walkerton' visited with ,Mr OLD TIME COLVMN�
and 'Mrs George Ealdenby on
the week=ends' then Mrs Hald- ` _
enby • accompanied :George • ; to In spite : of : • consistently
Torontofor the week where more; pages: than The •.Sen
,she • will visit .
.with Mr. '. ' and
Mrs Arthur 'Ilalderiby:' • .tinek has ever run. ibefore,`
Mr. and: 'Mrs. :William :Burt,
we invariably • are' .crowded.::
Messes Fred Guest• and ;Jamesfor., space ' every. week and
Hod'London went to'London on; Mon :as • a result ' -one • feature'
g which has', suffered .most is
day and •visited, with Mr. and :.
Mrs, StanleyJohnstone and the Old Tune' Colurni To
many, particularly• older%` re -
family ••Mr. •Wesleyquest. � who. • .. inter -
•%sidents`, it is of special.n
had been :with. :his ..daughter;
Jean since Christmas returned,
home. Several 'columns of'. these
Mr.. :H
and Mrs. George alder items have :been in ; type
by visited on Sunday evening
ready, for printing, for_weeks.:'
with aVlr. and .Mrs:' Howard Mc- . We hopethis issue tobe able
Guire' .at 'Whigham. o find. space,:for some of'.
Miss Donna :'Nicholson ei `King them:, By now,' of course;.
cardine spent the: week -end :• at theyrefer to itemsoccurrin g`
•her home' here,., . . in decades ending with a nine.
• For instances ten years ago
would• refer. to:.1949...
L 0.O'K:.I N.G:(B A:C'K W A R D.S
Ten Years Ago:
A: move' was ;commenced ' to
' • form a • Lucknow. • district' .high,
school area. .• • •
:Council ,and Fire Company de-
cided on the purchase of a fire
truck at an approximate' cost of
Rev.. J. W . Stewart `' accepted
a call to. Trafalgar after an. 8 -
year .ministry here.
New . pulpit furniture ' in the-
Luckriow' :Presbyterian. Church
was dedicaded:to the memory of
• Miss Marion MacDougall` :•
A .house and barn on the Rob-
ert Button .:farm, a half -mile
.north of Lucknow• was destroy-•
ed by fire. The - residence, where.
the •fire originated, was tenant-
ed' by Mr. and 1VIrs. Murray'
Hardy,.: who lost. all their be-.
longings.. '
A large" frame storage shed,
east of • • the CNB, tracks, ' and
owned by the Co-op;. was gutted
Eby fire.
At a public meeting` in Wing
ham, 'opposition was freely • voic
ed by representatives `of muni-:
cipalities in this district in re-
gard to joining. the Wingham
• ..high school 'district
Clifford Wagner,. age 5; ,had
his. leg broken when struck •iby a
car at the eastern outskirts
the Village..
Dr.. W. V. \Tohnston, was elect-
ed .president of the Ontario Med-,
real Association,
•V '
Twenty Years- Ago
Douglas MacDiarmid, in his
10th year, was instantly killed
when he rode his' bicycle oust of
the laneway Into the' 'path o :;,
westbound . car. '
There was a ten -cent boost in
the price of hair cuts,, to 35c
A barn at J. .W.• Joynt's resi-
dence was' destroyed ° by fire, af-
ter being struck ' by lightning,' •
• The School. Board decided to
pay, the special train transport-
ation. costs of 'the, public school
children to Stratford to ' see the
King .and' Queen: , . ••
Muriel Blake, 19; Of Ashfield,
who. had been in an iron lung •
for over a year and _ • a ' . half,
since paralyzed by polio, was
taken by ambulance to a Spec-
ial point along the, route in
London to see, Their ,Majesties.
Fire destroyed Jim' Hyde's
blacksmith shop,. at • St., Helens
Mr's. Clair Irwin died 'suddenly
in . her 42nd year+
John Donald Murray and Dr.
J. F. 'MacKenzie, two Ashfield
natives, mere honored for their
long' and devoted service to Cen-
tral Presbyterian. Church in De-
"troit..• •
The Clansmen 'were financing
a ,swimming' :pool by deepening
orf the old .waterworks pump
house :pond. The quality of ',the
water, later made this 'effort" of
no avail.
O'Mally ,of Detroit, son of Mr..
and . Mrs. Peter O'Mally of, St.
Forty Years. .Ago,:
: Parkie Wiggins;,, second. base-
man for the Dungannon . ball•
team had •his leg ibroken• . in a
ball' game with L:ucknow in the
Caledonian Park.
• Nursing''' Sister, ,Agnes. McQuaig.
arrived •home from.,: overseas in
mid -summer.'
Rev. Fulton. Irwin Dame from
Glencoe asminister of Lucknow
Methodist 'church. •
Rev. Alexander. Miller died :in
Scotland. He was pastor of Ash-
field •Pr'esbyterian Church for
1.3 years, leaving in 1910. to re
turn to: Scotland.. .
Each week . The Sentinel ` re-
ported boys returning from 'over=•
seas.. The July 10th issue, an-
nounced ,the' return of Tom and
Alex MacDonald, two. df four,
sons of. =Mr. and Mrs. D.': S. Mac-
Donald, who • had served over-
seas. 'Alf.' Mitchell. and Arthur
Newman: were , others who re-.
turned. •
Bertha Blair, •18, dai.ghter of
and Mrs. ',Ashley "Blair of
Harriston, and formerly of Luck -
now, . ! wa$buried , in Greenhill
Cemetery.. • .• .
HH, • A. Doupe, principal . of
Luck'now.'Continuation and Pub-
lic School, resigned . after seven
Years in Lucknow;• to/ accept a
position at'Port Credit.
Foster G.- Moffat, of • Langside`
had 8 big steers killed by one
stroke of .lightning. Peter : Graf
removed. the hides and thecar-
casses_. were buried.
Arthur Roulston, 37 -yeas -old
;resident of ' the-:jungannon dis-
trict received, a 30=day jail 'sen-.
;tence•and his "licence was can-
celled for two years. when he
pleadedguilty to a careless driv'-•
ing charge '' in 'Police Court in
Walkerton last ,week.
The charge arose from a head .
on collison• • on the:. Bluewater
Highway north of •Amberley on,
November 'grid, • in' Which Jaynes
C. MacDonald, ":age 05, of Con.
6 Huron Township was killed:
He was found ,on the .highway. .
beside the wrecked car:'
Severely injured iri the •crash;'
was Mrs. d .
eleven yearMacson;`DonalAllan.andThtheeirr
15-year=old, daughter, 'Catherine
was less severely' injured. The...
MapDonald's , were ,homeward
bound from ; spending the even-
ing at his brother's home, west,
o f Amberley.' .. . '
Art 'Roulstori,' was pinned in'.
his:•. car, and 'suffered a com
pound -fracture of .the 'left leg,
chest and facial :injuries. He ap
peared in court . last; week on
In.; passing the jail Sentence
Magistrate •Otto McClevis ;said;
"This .court • has been `imposing
fines on drivers convicted after
fatal, accidents. In future it.. will
be a ' jail sent•ence:"
"Wouldn't be',without it", says.
Leroy Culbert of • Wiarton in
renewing his subscription.
of the . .
�ckhow Nursing,
WWI Everyone. A : Happy :, and 'Prosperous New Year.
r P'
A special thank. you to , the many friends who made
the holiday season a happier one . 'by their many gifts
'of cake, candy, :. fruit and ice cream;
Also to the Carolers 'from the Lucknow Churches
and -•;the Wingham Salvation Army".
To the many visitors . who found Gime to call in
the old year, may ",they come again in the . New Year.
They ' are : most ''welcome.
Dresses for .everyone
Many styles, fabrics and
colours to choose from.
• Famous • • make' ::. = at
substantial, savings.
Plailn - • Pleated — Reversibles
Regular $12.95 to.: $23.95
$8.95 TO $16.95
SHAGS Wool,' Orlon Magicon an ii
'Cardigans and Pullovers,
SAVE 25 Per cent
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