HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-13, Page 5house..44 'The second thing. I'm .not go- ing to do is put it in • a trust. ac- count so my kids can go to col: lege. My kids can get through. college the, same way I "did, by borrowing the' • money from One of their uncles. Nor 'do I plan to invest it for my old age. If I get hold of that $70,000, I'll never live to a ripe old ' age, •I /1 can guarantee that, *, * * With a bankroll 'like.. that, I'll, live like a rriillionaire. First, I'll get credit cards, ,good anywhere,; for everything, from • dinners to dancing • girls. These won't : cost. . me a •nickel. Then I'll .buy a whole flock of plane tickets, on. the 'Buy' Now—Pay Later • plan, I'll outfit the whole family from top to toe, `using my credit cards. Then, ; away we ':.go.. Trips around the world ' andback... visits to all the exoticplaces, the. lush spots, •for forbidden 'fields. Tutor for the -kids. French maid "for Mom. Swedish masseuse for; Dad. 'Their salaries would be 1the ' only expense,, as everything else would, go- on • the credit cards, • We'd `see the world in .high style for; about two years. • At the end "of -that time,: I figure the FBI. and the Mounties; would ,be.. Closing' in,• 'We'd' ship the: kids;,' ':back to one of their aunts in Canada. We'd sock. the remaining 5Q,000 ,into a Swiss' bank, and retire' to •.live, happily. on . the interest; for ' our.' brief remaining: sp,an, on.; the golden isle of Majorca. Our only extra- vagance, xtra-vafance, would" be •;the.:occasional dispatch; ` to credit card compan- ies and airiines, of cables saying: ••" So; sue' mer! • : ..• ST. HELENS Mr.' and, Mrs. Eldon. Miller 'an,d LoisL of U have ° moved into Mrs. . John Midler s house in Liucknow for the" win'tpi; '.:months :: 'Mrs.,:Allan Cranston wo. first:'• TORONTO'S MOST CONVNIEN' .900 rooms and suites with tub, shower, radio andTV Home of the Canadian Pump Room -Dancing . , -. no eov ere no 'minimum, Ample Parking; Fine Convention Facilities. Family Plant' UNIVERSITY AVENUE AT• KING STREET ,Telephone EMpire 2-1848.• TORONTO prize and' Mrs: Allan Miller se- cond for the • ladies. :Mr., Lorne Forster, first aid .Terry • Wilson, •second. for, the gents at the shoot party sponsored by'; the Women's Institute' in: the Community ,Hall, 'on •Friday right. • There were 7' _tables playing, Mr..and Mrs, Fred:. Thom "son ..p and Benny of `Exeter were . week ••• end. Visitors with, . Mrs.. ' Thomp son's. ' . parents, Mr.; and' ' Mrs.' 'Gordon.' MacPherson: • Mr.,. and ,Mrs, :, W; Rice ac- cotnpanied. by Ir; ' ,,and ; Mrs'. John .Hall\of ; Lucknow were.. in 'Hillsburg • on Sundayowing', to the death .of ' 1VIr. 'George. Bryan. Mrs; Ernest Gaunt •is making favourable. ' recovery :following' surgery' in' Victoria Hospital': in London last .Week. ; • 4 WORKSLON0ER SERVICE STOPS its. the exclu. .sive Chipper, Chain cutter design, proven :by Canadian " Woodsmen' to• be, best for Canadian conditions; -Tough;:; new 'Oregon .Chipper Chain cuts :.fast, stays : sharp longer, and can -be filed . .easily .and • qu'i'ckly. ain Look for tough new :Dragon Chipper Chain in this green and, black box. FOR OREGON x , SALES AND SERVICE: ' 1lrrF OR2E A. McDoflaId • SALES; ` and SERVICE PHONE 4 -NV, TEESWATER. ,.'ONT. s f. i ' :'3.'. ! ,4 !.'..V,,r,� ,V.'Mk ,7W1c iJ11`VA' , r� i,' r• 't; •'19 " r, M C W'EDNESDAY,. .JAN, , 13t1•I96Q• - • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .. JCKNOW, •ONTARIO PAGE FIVE y+,wr4lottR*mlYwna•o***dono,N**o***nry!p!,,*►*rf)***i�}�0���1 ' and HEATING, ESSO, OIL BURNER SALES •AND. SERVICE PLUMBING Phone 73 . ;.Lucknow .�il�ti�r.�r.��r�,+.:��le�n�a��,!�..>•N•sn��oo��.�..o..!w,rr!�r��ro.�..� y Agn�ws.'. INSURANCE .:Agency GENERAL ;INSURANCE Business'.39, ',: HOWARD AGNEW Residence 138 ' CULROSS CORNERS Having experienced the *first snow storm' of the season,• Mr.. Lorne Becking : and his snow pOugh' are ibecoming. •a familiar, sight. . • lyirs: : Frank • Brown . and • Reg'. spent .?luesday , evening .with' Mr. and. Mrs. John S•chuinacher'' and Charlie. ' • Last . week the. Inspector.' made his semi'•annual' .:visit to our. school. . • • Mrs Clayton, , Meyet spent last. week ih . Hamilton on :account' of. Abe illness of her mother-in- 1avtf: • Mrs. Meyer.. . Mrs. Frank. • - •Brown; spent Thursday' afternoon .. with ; Mrs. Wm: Hodgins; Bervie. ` Congratulations to Mrs. Frank Schumacher . on winning, valued. at, .fifteen .dol- lars 'ina, draw at'Church's .and' ..Miss` Joan .'Lamont •on winning' a:; blanket at Kings Mr. arid • Mrs,' • Morley. Wall Were.. the • guests of :Mr.. and Mrs. Jas...Wraith, Wednesday ,evening. .Mrs. Frank • Brown .• and: Reg visited Thursday ' evening at the. home of ••the Wilson Bros, ' ' and Mrs. Ritchie, Zion. are spending :some trine` • •with •Mr.• and Mrs: Elmer Wall...' On Sunday'. evening, •. -Mrs: Frank Brown and Reg were :din- ner • guests .af ' .Mr. • and ' . Mrs.. Harold ' Nicholson and family, of .Bervie. ,.• Mr,• and Mrs.' John• Schuma cher spent Sunday . evening with 'Mr; and Mrs. Jas: Wraith. wli TECHURC. Mr.. •anal.., Mrs., Harry ..Swan , at- tended the wedding of, his' bre they; ..Mr. :W..Swan. to Miss 'Don na. Siirridge'' of ' Kincardine ' ,on 'Saturday, January 9th, ' Mrs. Brian •Boothrn:an +left .:on Thursday,for her home ;in Hazel - .dine, •Alberta: • ath •'..Sym • . is :extended•, to : the. Y p .y family :of . the -late. Mrs. .Jane Kennedy;. who passed away at •her borne . en.rJanuary:: 9th. in her'., ninety-eigth • year. • Little :Janice ; Farrier. ,is • .under the :doctor's!" Care with 'German, measles•..:, There's no. betteilwayto cut:fer-: tinter costs than • to take advan tage of the early seastin discounts on Co-op Fertilizer. UN!TEO co-oPERATIVESiiro, R1U' before Plus an Additional, BY -PAYING CASH , IN 10 . DAYS ucknow District Coop, immliniwitvratour Sugar and Spice By .. , ii:. ;I, Smiley Bought aboutmy eleventy-sev- en lie sweepstakes ticket the other 'day. 1 could line- the walls of my. :study with the• old. ones, ifI had. a study. They're sort: of pretty' too, with that.' chubby dame on. the front' staring at you ''quizzi- wally, ` and practically saying: "Sucker!" . * Every tine I buy 'one,. I kick myself: "Why': are you • doing this?" I ask me in 'disgust.' "First of all, it's against the law. .Se= cond,,. you don't give: a tippler's tart .about "helping out ' the, Irish hospitals. Third, if you have an odd quid . to throw arou4id, why don't •you .give it to something worthwhile, • like. theestablish- ment of a school where people 'Could learn to , smile, in twelve. easy lesons, attractive. partners, no experience .necesary?" *' ' *' *,• But every Anne I, give myself a going-over like that, a still, small voice within me ,says: "Aw. shaddup. This time. we're'•gonna wint'''er. Seventy thousand 'sing- les of the : glorious green. Can't miss.': Gotta,. feelin'.'' This .tiny voice is knownas • ,Human' : Nat- ure or Arrant Greed,..depending on., :whether' it's y.•our, ..own some.body'.else''s. ' • It's' a' fact, ::though, ' that every' time' I pay, over part of the gro eery .money 'for•_ one'of'those little offpink sheets with an the fine print on. them, I do` have a sud- den, dazzling vision ' of winning $70,000, or whatever.. it is they give you It . must , be something like one :of. those spells in which a: Holy Roller- sees the vision• and starts to , roll, *.:*.'*' • ,Trouble . is, something always jars 'me out of my trance before. I can build; up ;the faith and really get into it I'm sitting ' in •.the'of flee,: clutching rny'sweeps>. ticket. I'm `'looking out the. window.. I. don't see the snow ;Ijelting• down. and miserable .''feIlow-towrismen crouching their •way 'through noses dripping:: •*. * • No, 'what .. I . see is ,the white gleaming , beach it Rio, as 'the planedips its wing to. make the circuit of Sugar' Loaf mountain; Or the firm, brown, Spanish ser- ving -wench er=ving wench" setting' up: breakfast on . the 'terrace,. over -looking the Mediterranean `;. Or. the. ' agile,, frizzy -headed ' kid scrambling up the ` palm ' tree., on Koalahuao, to fetch Me a fresh coconut.: Aid just about then a . metallic Canadian. voice clangs ' into my' reverie :with "say, I. wanna ,ptid' da ' nadentha paper: .I, got some real. good ,pigs •for sale":and'`I• know 1' m 'back, • 1.. ha'ven't won the sweeps, it's snowing outside, and: it's the middle of •.January,. in the • true north .• •strong, and • freezing. ' However, Hope springs 'eternal. on the hurnan beast, as the old Norse folk=song has; it. I wish Faith • and Charity would make it a ..sister; act. Nothing: will ever convin6e; me that,I'm not going to win the .next Sweepstakes. 'And I don't .mean one of; those pidd� ling consolation. prizs; either. I. mean the bundle. It'h got to hap:. pen , soon, while I have a', nodi .cum of health and a Vestige of youth left, or it's too late. Next summer, I'IL, be 40. After that, who cares? The first thing I'rn .•not ;going. to do with the money is buy a. house. That's all those dopes can ever say • who are .•iriterViewed' 'after they Win one, I've got a house, of,sorts•+ Whywaste Mon- ey building'. 'a fancy new one? And have some "bum, living in it fifty years from now, curse me, upand down because I made • such a mess of building . his r • IL: •_. „ •,old!?-' 04.4105.*Sritainiliir MK -4 1 •