HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-13, Page 2'PAGE. TWO THE' L.UCKNOW SENTINEL, , LUCKNOW. , ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, ' JAN.13th, 1900 WHO ISS BEING ENTERTAINED? Having beeng Having . quite critical of many of . the CBC, dramatic productions on; 'television we• decided not to `belabour the subject .'further. But, capping everything was the performance: on Tuesday -night. .of last -'"week "The Cocktail Party,' •.sponsored by a .motor car company: Determined to find out 'if it ' was "us," a : private poll .was conducted of .a cross : section' of the citizens of this ' com ;rnunity,, • who, ' we suggest, ., have -as • much intelligence as the residents of any average community ' across the '.land. ' ` Our contacts broughtthe unanimous opinion of terrible" and few viewers, if any, suffered throughout the agonizing hour and a half, that it, lasted. One would think we area nation of frustrated neuro- tics, and the thought was expressed that the writers and producers of the perfor- mance, erfor mance, should, have ,'been .the; ones to,' visit the . psychiatrist - in the play. It is regrett— able that this dramatic • ability should be devoted to such a nebulous and purpose— less plot,. and: certainly' with the rank and. file of the viewers .it was not a good public'_ relations job for the• sponsor. Here:. ,are some of the, reactions: Retired' Farmer — "It "It was one of, the 'most disgusting performances yet , shown,. and adding to my 'disgust was the promin- s. ence given ; to' the ,drinking scenes: 1 turned it off .' and • enjoyed some good music on. the record player." This gentleman` also referred to the hanging' scene in .the: pre- . vious'' Sunday evening show.' ' • which he '. termed "abominable.'" Saleslady — "It . was the `'most crazy, mixedup thing 1 `ever saw."• Widow -- "I just turned it School Teacher, • disgustedly, "I. shut it ' off," Young Male • Adult' •'=' "It =.was the g,_ craziest thing l ever '`saw I soon fell • asleep.- ' Car„Salesman., "It-Wa'sv8tupiou` get' a ' good' one ori two' and „then they come up. with one ,likk this; It was far worse 'than the one that another car manufacturer declined to.. sponsor= because of a hanging ''scene. Teacher — I' didn't see it, but too much ofour reading .• matter and television prod..uctionsare of a ,degenerate nature, that ` make it the ` more '`difficult ' for our outh' to keep.their feet on the '.. y. ground.” ' Two ministers we:. contacted . were among those who hadn't seen the perfor- mance, but we • talked to no one who had '' a good word fol it, We irritated,.at least one staunch L'ib eral by our . remarks last week about Mr. Pearson,. and we, appreciate being told his feelings. His contention is that. it's part of the party leader's job to criticize and , at - tack the Government. With this we agree, with limitations, It's part of the job, but our expressed opinion is 4 that on 'a national TV hookup, •. the Liberal, . Leader could further his cause and that , of hisparty by "selling.. himself." He is recognized inter-, nationally as an outstanding' statesman; and , as we said, and stillthink, constant tele- vision . attacks do .not become' him.' . He'll.' have plenty ofopportunity for that during the ,session which opens on Thursday. "HITHERTO HATH • THE ' LORD HELPED US". (1st Samuel 1;:12) Hitherto.. the ':Loral hath . helped us!' Need: we then in • doubt and fear, Step across th' approaching threshold Of a New and untried year? charges "Be.13e.. not thou : dismayed;" He g , "All.. thy steps shall ordered be, Lo, my presence shall • go with thee, Leave thy future all to Me." Hitherto the Lord hath helped us, Step by step and day , by .day Remember ; how we sought .. His.. blessing Ere we started on our way; When the year:: that now is' closing Was :a stranger, yet we knew, lf.:we humbly claimed His guidance, He would lead:' us safely through. Mercies'"from His hand each morning, Fresh as drops of glist'ning dew; • Grace abundant was our: portion, And His strength did ours renew. Needs for body, : soul' and spirit From ' His bountiful supply, • All were • ours for just the asking, Treasures gold • could never buy Hitherto the Lord hath helped us, Tho' strife and tumult fill the world, Heartq.. of men :,'. for,;, fear are failing As missiles ; , into ; space are hurled. .1 -Ie ' has promised to defend us' With a strong and : outstretched Arm, And ` tho':dangers lurk :: around us, In' His care we're safe from harm, Hitherto; the Lord hath helped us, Yet, rnid d changing. scenes ` of Time, Trials, sorrows' may beset us, Loss of .friends'. or strength decline. He who .marks .• the. sparrow's . falling,; With His great all -seeing eye, ' On His changeless love ' unfailing, We may:; steadfastly rely. Hitherto the Lord hath helped us! Hath there other helpers' been, On .-whose. arms with 'cairn assurance We could confidently lean) He's the One above all others, Shepherd, Saviour; Guide and . Friend, Who hath ; led'. thus far, will lead. "us, Safely to our journey's end. (M. Readings). Letters . To Th. a Editor Editor Lucknow Sentinel;. Dear Sir: - As ' preparations are 'being .made for the new home in Wal- kerton, and 'as' the •committee : in charge deserves credit for ,. their part of the work, the question is still asked, "Is. this the 'answer, building ; a new ' home, where there is already.' one,and also spending.: all . the money in one • ST. HELENS The :January meeting ': of 'the: W.I. , was held in the hall with an attendance of 20 members:, Roll call . answered by 'name a vegetable beginning' :with the first ,letter 'of your name. A dis- cussion arose' on getting cup boards 'for the Hall. It was, de- cided, to e-cided,'to send one unit '"by the next meeting and decide defin-, itely •'if suitable. Mrs. Fred Mc- Quillan, • Home; 'Economics :and Healtha' convener, • gave , a very interesting. paper. Two readings by Miss W. D. Rutherford and , a piano instrumental by •.Mrs; William Rutherford were' much. enjoyed,. Current 'events prepar- ed by .'Miss Mary ,Murry' were read by Mrs. W. A. Miller. A well . prepared motto by ' Mrs. • 'Eldon Miller, 'good ,health and good • 'sense are two of life's greatest blessings, was read by Mrs.: Ross Gammie. The meet- ing closed with. the Queen and Institute Glace . after' which a ,social time; Was enjoyed with lovely, lunch' 'served by the hos- tesses, • • • Mr: and Mrs. Larry, Jones of London visited over the week• end at the ,,.home . of Elwood, 'Barbour, POEM HAS FINE NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE AND MEMORIES pry the . Editorial page of this `issue ,is a poem, most suited to; the start of a New, Year, but, Which,. was delayed in reaching us for•, the intended 'is'sue. The author is a form. er resident, ,and the .• following personal letter ;gives explanationfor the poem, and 'willas well be of interest to -friends 'here arid the . many. who have :cherished memories of the fate Rev. and Mrs. Robert MacCallum. • • Dear Campbell,' Gree`ings front Vancouver land, B.C. ', Each year's end finds fewer'of the old 'friends of Lucknow left,a I, am., thinking 'just now of.Evan Geddes, who passed on the first part of the year. i worked With him in the Bank of Hamilton' fora year or more about 1918 How the years • are slipping by 'a'nd 1960 will soon be upon us. I would like to ask you Camp- bell,, 'if you would 'kihdly' print the enclosed poem' . in, the last paper, "Lucknow Sentinel ;of the year,' It is sent ,to the Sentinel, '040 East Road; Saanichton, B.C. Is - MEMBERSHIP GROWING IN BLACK. "KNIGHT LODGE .Mr. John •- Emerson, ;:Gilbert Hamilton and Lloyd Bell at- tended the monthly meeting of the 'Black Knight Lodge, at Amberley on- Wednesday of last •week, The : meeting, was, well 'attended • B. puke of� Kincardine was initiated.' 'into the Lodge. Arrangements were made for a Black Knight and Orange Ser- vice for the late Sir Kni• especially. 'for the 'friends who Cherish memories 'of my, 'dear mother and father. Sincerely yours, Martha (MacCallum) Readings. GETS WRITE-UP IN DAIRY JOURNAL W. R. Howey, manager ; of the. Lucknow. and Cargill- branches of Silverwoods, Dairies, was ie "cently elected • president of .the 'Ontario. Creamerymen's : Associa tion. place?" The .thought in mind, Bruce being` a ' different' 'shape • from most counties, , and the distance from a large number of the cen- tres ranges from 40 to 80 miles, one large Home is not the an= swer. We know a large number of reeves were against . this, ibut were riot able to change it. After all we still have„ to depend an our local Homes which certainly deserve a lot of credit. The town of . Kincardine, ” ;Lucknow; and Ripley, Kincardine and Huron and Kinloss townships share of the'new Home will be approxi- mately $120,000 • of which 50% will be• paid by the Government. According • to . the* Jiine " session report the accomodation: gill be: Bed 'Care " 48 beds. Sick Bay. • ' 4 'beds, Quiet Room 1. bed; Staff 6 beds. Speciale Care 26 beds... Psychiatric • 2 beds. Ambulatory 16 beds. The share 'of .. the patients for. the territory, -just mentioned would be around „19. At present their are around 70 in the. • dif- ferent Homes in these' localities. It is certainly not the cost of the Horne that is the .main ob jection, if: it was going to suit the ' older; people,' Sorely "1Q0% of Bruce County want them to get: the best, .of. care but they certainly do not want them sent so .fear from their old homes,. and we also know they will not, want: to go.• • If . the • local., Homes are still' going, to have to. look after'the g g big :percentage of those needing care, Would it ;. not , have ' been more . reasonable . to be spending our money in at least four .dif- ferent places, divided • over the Countynear hospitals? It has been `; argued the Government will not 'go: for smaller Homes, on , account of Administration costs being too high,....,How. is it' the cost in . the local small hospitals.. is a .' lot less per day than in the larger; ones? . The ;Govern- 'ment is willing it seems• to :.want to'co-operate:in anything the ma- jority ;,of people want. Interested: Party, Ripley, Ont: ght Leslie Ray whose funeral "took place on Saturday. After the close of the meet- ing, :lunch :was • served. This Black Knight Lodge is known 'to' Joshua 'Preceptory .No; 132. Not 'many years ago it 'was' struggling along with a _ small membership, At ' the present time • it ',is making rapid pro- gress with a . membership of 65 active members. The success is c1u ' mainly to the good leader- ship and cooperation. In, the, December issue of:_' the, 'Canadian Dairy and Ice Cream Journal, • the, following' article. appeared under the caption '"Dairy, `Personalities. •In Canada." HOLD UNITED S.S.:. : ANNUAL MEETING The annual ' meeting of the Lucknow United` Church Sunday School was held last week with. encouraging reports • given. Trea- surer, Gordon Morrison reported, an 'increase in 'both 'Missionary and local ,giving$. Attendance at. the Sunday School is' close to 150 each Sunday. • Bruce MacKenzie..'was return- ed as superintendent for anoth er year. and Melvin Morrison as assistant superintendent. Gordon. Morrison was elected as secre tary-treasurer,. with• 'Donald Thompson , and' Franklin Murdie as assistants. Others elected. ,were, Cradle Roll Superinfend= ent, Mrs. H. .D.. Thompson; pianist; Mrs. Ross, .Comm. ng, assistant . pianists, .Mrs, Raynard Ackert, Rev, G. Geiger, Miss Marion Reavie; lantern operators Fraser Ashton, Bob :Andrew, Ernest Ackert. .An anonymous donation • 'was received of ' a Bible for each classroom in the new Church House. ,The Church house. has relieved a very crowded' condi- tion hi the , Sunday 'School. 'and teachers are very satisfied, with the facilities offered. Have You Renewed 'Into Stab cription7, • W. R. ':HOWEY. '. Wilmer :Robert Howey `was, born in Lucknow,' Ontario, .on November. 3rd, 1898, 'a son of ' James Howey and. Mary Jane Hbwey. He was educated in the local public ; school and the •. Lucknow ,Continuation School from' which. he received his .Jun." for Matriculation ,Certificate. After trying ; a number of types, of. jobs inthe. home .town, Mr. Howey got his 'start in the dairy industry in 1923 with the' Silverwood •.'organization. On IVIarch 1st of that ' year ' he joined the staff of the Lucknow' 'Com- pany • which;: was the . second branch of •Silverwood's :Limited,' London, Ontario. On April. lst, 1929, he was ap- Pointed, Manager of Silver..wood's Cargill , Creamery, , Limited, Car- gill, Ontario, and remained. in, 1( charge . of this,plant until. Sep- tember, 1931.After, short per 'iods of :service, mostly. in the ice .: cream division, with the London, Woodstock' and 'Stratford bran- ches of Silverwood's : , he was transferred to Kitchener . Branch in- the fall. 'of 1932 and remain- ed there for 20 years. In ,the• fall of ' 1952, Mr.> Howey returned: to his home town and, the .branches in -which he obtained' his first experience.; in' the dairy. indust ry,' as; manager of the',Lucknow and ':Cargill :,branches of Silver wood 'Dailies Limited. , Keenly,- aware of the Contribu- tion • of associations to the Wel- fare of the :dairy , industry, Mr. Hovey; .has•, been. . active, in: the affairs of the. Ohtario Creamery, men's Association •and the On tario' Association • of Ice Cream Manufacturers. He has' 'served the ;Ontario:' Creamerymen's As-' •,' sociation in various ` offices, in - eluding' that of , vice-president, Western Ontario; for. • the `past, two years, arid at the recent an- nual ':convention he was elected: : president .of this important pro- vincial organization. Mr.: Howey is a member of the, Siiverwood:Dairies' Quarter Cen- tury •,Club with . :thirty-seven .years' of ,service. He is a member: of the 'board of Lucknow: United Church, 'vice-chairman of= the Lucknow' District. High ,Scihool Board,: and: a charter member of the Lucknow and "District Lions r. Club, An ardent hunter, .and' fisher- man, •he_ has given up hunting recent years; ,and .increased his fishing, mostly for • speckled bass ',and trout, small mouth muskies • in the local lakes and rivers. He and' his wife :enjoy seeing:' far -away/ places by car andafter 'covering Most of Can- g. ada and the United States, they took one of, their longest trips last year.to the Yukon •arid A las= ka. '