HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-06, Page 11WEDNESDAY, JAN. 6th,, 1960:
(Continued from page 1) .
'held in. the three withdrawing
Sections last week, when -the
following • trustees were: named
Hemlocl • City , jack, Mac:
Kenzie,. Gordon Robb, • Warren
Wy1ds :with • Roy .MacKay ap-
pointedas secretary.
Laurier -- Sam Gibson, 3 yrs.;
• Eldon; iradley, • 2 yrs.; Ray Cfoi-
1 year; Reuben Wilson,
Kintail — Bob Simp.son_,. Doug,
• Drennan;• Alex 'Parrish ' Hugliie'
MacKenzie, secretary.
Phone service disruption made:
,it impossible `to learn the length
of appointment of the. Hemlock
City and Kintail trustees.
At the April meeting J. H.
Kinhead's plea Was, "What ever
course, you pursue please don't
•. break 'it up 'into • four, little ;pie=
ces:.' This is practically what has
- happened by the turn, of events,
and ' does, not •'seem . to he the de-
• sired ,objective generally. It. can
`,be expected that ' • the newly,
:elected Boards • will eventually
'confer'on. "where do we go from
here." •
The : death of Mrs. Robinson
Woods; a belotred resident:: of the
St. • Helen's • district,, where shed
carne as a 'bride sixty years
ago, . occurred;; in Kitchener on
Monday, December:. 28th, in her
92nd year.
.Mrs.' Woods' death occurred at
the home of her daughter; 'Mrs.
• Alex Murdie, with whom 'it •had
Mr.' :Dotiglas Harton returned
to : the Village prior to 'Christmas
after' completing, a three month's
world, cruise; which took him
some 25,000 miles:
Australia' wasabout' the half
way, point, and at'' Sydney; Doug
found o'ne°,'Harton in' the 'tele
phone book It turned' ut to be
a second • cousin,., Miss Jean •'. Har
too whom..•be ,had never :seen.
before:, At :Luton, England, a.
short ' distance from London, he
°met .three other;: cousins,' also, for'
`the first time, and a year '•ago,
he. made the: acquaintance.. of • a.
• cousin in Vancouver, with whom
he visited. prior 'to .the: start . of
his cruise this year in mid-Sep-
teniber' frank .Vancouver. •.
Doug . sailed on '-the .British'
line vessel: Himiraya, and points
.of call were San Francisco,
Angeles, I onolulu," Yokahorna;:.
'• Kobe,'Hong. Kong, ',Manilla; Syd:
ney;'Milliourne,;' ` 'Freemantle,
Singapore, Colombo, • Aden,'.:Suez;
Port Said; Malta and ' London.
At Sydney'. Mr. Hatton attend-:
ed :a . Lions Club ' meeting He,
was ' particularly • intrigued by.
•the : Far' •East. . Another fascinat-
ing place was the ancient . cata
combs at • Malta.' From ` London,
Mr ;Hayton 'took ,a side• trip :to.•
Edinburgh ., and at St. Giles Cathe-
dral ::attended , a.:festival concert
the highlight of which was the
rendition of the coronation an -
,them,. composed, for the corona-
tion: of King' James . and Queen
Mary in •:Westminster': Abbey. in'
:.'1685. •
Mr.-.Harton sailed from Liver -
Pool on the Cunard line Sylvan
is • and docked at Halifax on' De
•c'ember 18th. Wild'''' Atlantic
storms were: reported ,t that
time, :but Doug didn't: think 'the
voyage 'turastoo bad even. if. it
was behind schedule, and in any
event, ,he, didn't :miss a meal;'
While . December did cut' ` lip
,capers with • an outgoing., ,sleet
•storm, the. month Was:''otherwise
very uniform froth':a :tempera-
ture standpoint, with but:little
'snow and ''leasant holiday :wed-.
ther. .•
• The, high for the month was
'46 • degrees with a low of 3
above. There were 2.23' inches of
,rain- and only .8 inches of .snow
as compared with the all time
record December snowfall sof 73
inches .last year.. -
The all time high • temperature
for Christmas Day was in 1.89.5
when: the 'Mercury climbed to • a
balmy, • '69 degrees, The late
IVIalcolin MacDonald 'vas' 'the of
ficial Weather observer here at
that the and in .recording the•
ternperattire he added a margin;
• al note which,:said; "h'oney bees
:flying."' •
been,` herr custom•: to' spend the
past fewwinters and return to'
her •.St. Helens ;home in the sum-
Mrs..•Woods had spent a happy
Christrtias with her entire fam
ily, and ., three days later'passed
away „peacefully', and, , unexpect-
•She wvas the .former :Annie
Johnson, daughter `, of - Mr. ' and
Mrs. ' Alexander Johnson, of
Brucefield, •where . she 'married,
Mr . Woods: on. Noventber 22nd,•
1899 .She *as one of a family'
of Six..Her only : surviving; sis :
ter, ' Miss . Charlotte ' Johnson'
a, patient at the Lucknow Nurs-
ing ;Horne
and Mrs Woods ,were both
respected and highly . • esteemed
residents ' of,, -St.', 'Helens: They
were ' .spared: • to' 'observe. •'•their
56th :Wedding. anniversary ,be -
" A jar of jam was: the contri-
buting factor to a 'pleasant
,Christmas. Day roadside meeting
Of, the Publisher's a family. and
Rev, and Mrs. ,Grant: Melklejohn..
The • 'Meiklej ohns . had spent.
Christmas at. Marmora, and- the
Thornpsohs at -:Norwood. Both
were homeward bound that` of--
terneon. As mothers Will, Mrs.
Meiklejohn had sent. along ` a
jar of jam, which >w•a' placed in
the suit case.' A. shortsdistance
of..'.Norwood concern.. as to
wheitrher -le not 'the jam might
leak; _causeda stop• on the
shoulder of the highway.
A$ the. Thompsoncar whizzed
by, a familiar -.figure, it seemed,
was bending ove r the lock,. 'of
the car trunk, Couldn't see his
face, but • could it ',be Grant
Meiklejohn. The. only way to
find out' was pull` up, which we'
did, and our guess was, right,
with the result we had a : pleasant
half-hour chat on :the roadside
With ,little Ruth Meiklejohn's
afternoon nap .continuing quite
unaware - of the "reunion." •
At ; i3owmanville we stopped.
to.. say .' hello ' ' to Mr: and Mrs.
Andrew Thompson and ', fan.ly;
.."Andy":' has 'made a :good recov-
ery• from a heart:. .attack suffer-
ed - over a ,year. ago. .
A •new electrically heated
room •pub„iic school is being. op
ened . • soon " in Bowmanville,,
which •w.ill .' make the'• ;fourth•
school under' his ,principalship,
with a :staff ..of some two Score
Thank You' Sincerely For Past Favours.
We Look. Forward To A. Continuance
Of Our'Pleasant Business Relations.
* May Be Filled With All Good Things
During Telephone Service Disruption
Phone Collect. ;1406 Carlow
'Miss Betty Alton ' .is assisting
'Mr's. Howard Blake. •
Mr..• and ,,Mrs.. W. `•G. Hunter
and Marlene and. '.,Larry • spent.
Friday :with.:�Mr, and Mrs.' 'Sid
Score '.Gardner.
Mr,.? and • Mrs. Jim Smith and
Congratulations ' to' Mr:. and
Mrs. A. g. Buckton Who quietly
celebrated •. their 55th' wedding
Mrs. 'Jean „' Fapernick,. •.Mr..' and.'
Mrs 'Robert Irvin,' Mr.. and ., Mrs.
Harvey •.'' Ritchie; Mr'. • and Mrs.
Eldon; Ritchie and: their families
and Mr. • and''Mrs Elmer .,Wall,'
anniversary' on January:• 5th.
Francis •'and Wayne, Henry
spent the ' Christmas holidays
with , Mr. and Mrs.' a.
of 'Toronto. .
visited :Chris�trnas •Eve 'with 1VIr. Mr.` Wand, • Mrs.: Jack Gillespie
and Mrs. Wii1' Ritchie ' ! • I and familyof • Sarnia S' ent.:.'.the
fore :Mr:.' Woods'..death in August . Christmas visitors in the cora- week -end with Mrs..;G.:. Gilles -
of 1956 -at the' age of.•':90.. He -triunity, .were: Mr.:•and Mrs. Mac :pie.' Mrs; Gillespie .returned with
came to St.' 'Helens as `a 'child/Scott., Mr. and . Mrs. ,Cliff Men there' and will spend a month in
and. was. ..the 'last, .member of a ary and ;• family, ' Mr. and, Mrs Sarnia.
family '..of -ten children' Of Mr. John • Hunter with ' Mr's.. Jake Mr• ,and . Mrs, Frank . Stockill.
and Mrs. Robert Woods.' Hunter;`Mr' andzMrs. Ken Laid and . son of ..Blind Riven are
. Mrs.':.`lVoods '. was`. a faithful. law and giris, Mr Harold 'Gard='
:and . devoted ' Member" `. of ;. St ner with Mr' and. Mrs.' ; George
Helens'United Church and, was Hunter; Mr. and Mrs:; 'Frank
a .life .member of " the W.M S: Ritchie' , and 'Ann,'•wth Mr.. and
Rev. B F,Green' of St:Helerns
conducted the funeral•, service at:
the: McLennan and MacKenzie.
Memorial Chapel .on' Wednesday,.
December' 30th Interment "Was
in Greenhill' .Cemetery with six
nephews acting as pallbearers.
Arnold, and Elmer .Wood's," 'Dr:
Alvin Woods of Dundas, : and
.Robert, John ".and Lorne Durnin.
Mrs.; Woods. is .survived by a
seri' Lorne; on the; home farm at
St.. Helens and ?by: two ' daughters
spending a • week ; with her .par
ents, Mr : and Mrs. T: Morrison:
Mr. And. Mrs. Angus ` Falconer
had as dinner '• guests ;on -New
Mrs. Cameron McAuley; • : Mr. and : Year's Day, , Mr and • Mrs. Bert
Mrs D. A:, Illackett :and., "Joan Jackson, Blyth;. Mr. and.
with Mr. and Mrs.. Alex Leaver;: Harry .Jackson and family, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie. and Mrs. ` Jack ' McIntyre•: of
and- family . with Mr. and.' Mrs. 'Wingham. ,, Mr, and ,Mrs: Cecil
Jack 'McLean;,.Mr: and •Mrs: Falconer.'
Charlie Anderson and ;; family, Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Barr. and
Mr.• arid; Mrs. Barry McDonagh, •, family of. 'Kinlough visited. at
Chuck ';McDonagh -and Mr,: • and the home of Mr, and Mrs: Tom
-.Mrs. . Fred Anderson with, Mr: Morrison on ''Sunday.
and: Mrs. Jac Miss' W "Farrier returned ' to
Jack' iViclSonagh; • Mr.W. .
and Mrs:: Allen Ritchie and;fam- Toronto :.after spending the
ily with ;Mr., and.: Mrs. '*Tom Cul -Christmas' holidays with her
Mrs.' Alex Murdie ` (Mabel) 'of 1 bent; Mr. and Mrs: •Eldon Ritchie parents;:
Kitchener; • Mrs. :Mel ..`'Brownand boys with Mr. arid Mrs. Er- • , .Mr. and' Mrs. Georges Fisher
(Irene) of '`Kitchener,: •two grand- nest Bogie Mr: and Mrs ;Donald and family spent New •Year's,
children;•Bob Murdie and Donna Murray,'• Mr. . and . Mrs : Fred Day' at,. the home of Mr and
Woods' and: ner, sister, Charlotte Shropshaii ,• and. ' Mr. an Mrs.
Johnson. Russel {Irvin and :their families
Mrs: T. Jantzi • of 'Milverton. ••
Mr;' and Mrs.: Nelson Ray -
RUN TO OVER $200.00.
nard, Mr: and Mrs. Charlie Wil- SEVERAL LUCKNOW STORES
kins :and theft family with. Mr.,.•
and : Mrs. William'. Irwin; Mr;. Christmas ' 'draw ':winners. /of
and .Mrs: Tom Hackett and Doug, which• we have• been informed
Miss Alleda ,Irwiri. with ,Mr. and arc:,Hall's Red . and White, 3
Mrs. Midford Wall Mr:, =hand Mrs: turkeys, Ron •, Forster, Mrs: Law -
Bill '.. Ross, . Doug Audreyand rence McLeod, Donald Hamilton;
In the recent campaign for the
Bible Society the sum of $208.50
was rec.eived-•Lucknow.•Preby-
torian, $.93.50; Lucknow United
Church, $70.00 St: Peter's A'ngli=,
can; • $13:00; : Ashfield United
Church,; $].2:0,0; Anonyni'ous .Don-
or, $20.00:..
l ev. H.:`L. • Jennings is secre-
tary' of :the) local; Bible Society
organization, and he . states •that
this' ' `.year's ,.donations • . are •up
from a• year. .ago.
Ladies': acid • Men's; Wear -8.5
Fashion , •Millinery
.. •
Mr. and Mrs John ,,Dickie of
Hope Bay . are spending,, a• few•
weeks with their • son, Mr. • and
Mrs. Ira ' Dickiei: and grandsons.
Miss Betty Hamilton., of 'Nia-
gara Falls spent the Christmas
vacation at the , home of her
parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. G. 'Ham-
Mr. ;and - Mrs. Richard `,Malleck
and five children 'of Kitchener
visited :Sunday at
the. home ,;of,
Mr. and• Mrs.: Dickie.
H •
?►N N V. R5 . ,
On Wednesda , ...December' 23
the ,family of Mr. and';Mrs. Roy
Irwin of West • -Wawanosh ,. held
a surprise •party •for .their
tints . it honour of Mr.' and :Mrs.
Irwin's 35th wedding
sary sar : w•hicl was ph:December
Those .present were:' .Mr. and
:Mrs: 'r omas Jamieson For '
_ dyde
Mrs. Thomas Magoffin and Mrs.
Sam Durnin, , Zion; Mr. ' and Mrs..
Glen Campbell and: Mr. and .Mrs.
Jack Irwin, .:Belfast; • Mr. and
•' Mrs. John Crowston` and Cecelia
Members cf' the 'family . also
present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Finlay . and Brenda, Bel
more;. "Mr.. 'and :.Mrs. Clare Hop,
per and family, Mr. .and ,MTS.:
Orland Irwin; Miss Ruth Irwin
IN:nigham.; Louise, at home. ,
Progressive • euchre was play-
layed. and the prizes were .won
g �
Mrs. Thomas . Ma � offin . hi ' h', la,:
'•dy,. Mrs. ,,John • Crowston,• second
high _lady; 'Mr. .Glen Campbell,
high' man, Mr. Clare Hopper,:',se
c• oed: high man.
Lunch concluded the,. evening'
and a ''three -tiered anniversary'
cake Was placed .in.•front.lof Mr.
and• Mrs. Irwin: Among the gifts
received; Roy and Vi Were pre:
sented. *1th anend-table wand.
table lamp • fromthe, family.
� 1st The • Sepoy store ' has-
and Mr, artd'.,Mrs�.• Lloyd Why- p � raze
tock and, family with Mr, and sock; patsy Foran, 2nd prize Letter To The. Editor;: .
Mrs.. Robert:- Helm; Mr.. and three bears, Miss., Lettie Cawley,' FEDERATION' APPRECIATES..
Mrs.. J. G. Ritchie and family, Ripley,; , 'Crest -Hardware, 1st
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilson and • prize cowboy. outfit, 'Gary Sut-•
Jim with Mr.' and. Mrs. Graydon ton, Kinloss, 'and prize doll, Mrs.
Ritchie;, 'Mr.: and Mrs; ..Davidi Olive Chisholm, Auburn.
Kirkland and • Babe with Mr.'''andl7r' : Other draws may have been
• ( held in: the area of which we '
•Mrs. .Gordon Kirkland. � •
Mr. and, Mrs. Mel' Brown and, were not . aware. We would ap-
Mrs.:•Mapble Murdie and: Bab of p'reGiate hearing of these.
Kitchener, Mr.. and Mrs: .Lorne
Woods and Donna visited.New KINLOSS NEWS
Year's Day with :Mr,• and Mrs.
Jack Gardner. Mr.: and Mrs. Lloyd 1VIacDeu-
.Church will be . at. 11 a:nt. for gall, Allan and Grace, and 'Mr,;
the mo li • of January._ and Mrs. Jack Needham, Suz;-
Mr, :id Mrs. Harry Hackettanne and °J'anie of Corunna were
and George and Mr, and Mrs: guests• Saturday at' the home of
Al: Hackett visited :Saturday with .Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Macnorn
Mr: and Mrs. D. A Hackett.
We . are glad to hear . Jack
' itchie i . feeling better,
gall of Owen Sound. Also there
were • Mr, and ,Mrs. Clair Mac -1
• .
Dear Sir';
The ,following is a- resolution'
that• was brought before the An '-
,nual Meeting of the,Bruce Coun-
ty Federation of. •Agriculture.
•..Whereas we have received ex-
cellent co-operation from the.,
press, serving our county. •
Therefore . be. 'it resolved that
the Bruce County Federation of
Agriculture, assembled in `An
vial Meeting, express 'their• ap-,
preciation to the daily ' and,
weekly press..serving the county
for ''their excellent support in
p bli ing Federation activities.
Yours very truly;,
. o Oswald, Sec I`ieldtnan,