HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-06, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JAN. 6th,; 1960
Mr. Keith Maulden spent
Christmas With Mr... and Mrs.
Arthur . Phillips and Peggy., at
,Mrs. Jack Hewiftl' Alex,. Diane,:
' 'Brenda and 'Heather spent a feW
days, .with relatives at- London, •
Mr. and Mrs, Weir Eckenswil-
• ler and',family spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. ,Angus; Mc-•
Arthur and : family. .
Rev. 'Benson Cox, Mr. . and
.Mrs, William', Coz and Edna and
May. Boyle attended a family
dinner at 'the home of Mr. and
Mrs. jack Scott, con 4' Huron.
Mr. and Mrs. ;Lloyd Conway
Of North Bayvisited during the
and week with Mr. Mrs.. Bert
Nicholson , .and, family, . . •
easy -to -get -to Hotel ; .. The
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Mr.; and Mrs • Bert Nicholson
and ; family_.. attended ' a .family
gathering at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Hedley at Kincar-
Mrs. Joe Scott; of,. Ripley visit-
; ,with ,her= .sister, Mrs. Weir
Eckenswi'ller on' Wednesday,
• . Mr. and Mrs., Charlie Murray;
Mr. and ,Mrs. Cecil Sutton were
Christmas visitors' with Mr.' and
Mrs. Lyman' Sutton. .
Mr'. Arthur Phillips ',and 'Peg-
gy, 111r. Kent Smith of Fonthill
spent, Christmas with. Mr. J. R.
Lane, Mr. and ' .Mrs. • Frank
Maulden and Keith..Mrs_ Maul -
den •returned to Fonthill to visit
with her sister; Mrs, Phillips, .
extend congratulations to
Mrs. • Jack Barr
. _. . for winning.' a
xnix-master and Mr. Gary Sut-
ton' for' winning the- Lone Ran-
-ger set at. the, Christmas draw at
f ueknow.. at' Siegrists`. and Crest
•.Mr. Donald.Ea'rie of Port Dov
er.spent Christmas .with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Schneller and family:
Mr.' and , Mrs.'• •Jack ' Barr and.
.family', •spent 'Christrrias ;with . her
::,parents, Mr, and. Mrs, Gilbert -
latnil 'o
t n.
Christmas: visitors with'. 'Mr:.
and:'Mrs. Perry Hodgins • and
Sharon •'were; Mrs. William.Per-
cy, Mias Winnifred Percy, Mr.
Harold: Percy and .family, .:Mrs.,
John,`>arr and Donald .Mr: and
1VIrs• Morley; `Bushell ,and family,
• Mr .and Mrs.' ;Tack'. Barr: and
family; Messrs. Percy - Barr; Dou-`
,gall. Campbell,' Larry •Carter:'
Mr.'..and. .Mrs.. Ezra Stanley'
'were,. dinner guests With. '•Mr;
and f Mrs. R. •Kaake. • •••
....Mr. and M'rs. "Russell'. 'Barr • of
Toronto, Mr, and '' Mrs: •; Morley
'Bushell: and family; •and Mrs..
:Jack Barr anal 'family; attended a
family ;dinner '•at the'• 'hor'ne' of
Mrs.. Barr .„arid ':Donald. •
• Mrs„,. Gordon Valad sand • son,
'Keith :of Kingsbridge, 'visited ,on
'Wednesday' 'with,. Mrs.` 'George
The .School
me"etng n• was
on Wednesday.•:.afternoon with
three' 'ladies ` and seven 'Men
presenting the section:. Mr Frank
1Vlauaden ' the,..' retiring ' .trustee
SERVICE. STOPS It s the:.exclu
sive Chipper. Chain cutter design,'' proven by..Canadian
Woodsmen to be best for Canadian conditions. Tough
new Oregon' Chipper Chain cuts fast; '.stays sharp •
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Look for tough new Oregon •
Chipper Chain in this 'green•.
and Mack box..
: M�D�il,aid
chaired• •the, • meetingg; Mrs. Bert'
Nicholson. , was secretary. :Mr.
Morley Bushell 'was appointed
to the ' 'board to . succeed' Mr, F
1VMaulden> for, a three yearoterm
Business .matters ,were discussed.
Mr. and Mrs., Walter '$reckies.
and family, Mr. Fred Guest, Mrs..
Gertrude Bushell, Mr. and Mrs.
Russell: Bushell and 'Bob were
New: .Year' visitors. with Mr.;
and .Mrs:. Edbert ,.'Bushell' and
• Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haldenby
''of Co
n vil
s le Mrs
Y. k . ,
Margaret Dudley' ' of ,Lucknb'w
were New 'Years visitors'with
Mr. nd ' Mrs. William ; E'. Hald-
enby, •
Miss: Beverley e
Stant.,' '_ , _.
e of . Knt
. y y .
chener' spent pe t the holiday at her
home here,.
• Mrs. Alen Percy' spent ••a few
days with, Mr. • and Mrs. Hugh
Jansen and 'children.'
:Mrs. .J. W.. Colwell with other
members . of: ' her ' family were,
New Years :visitors with Mr 'and''
Mrs. Walter Forster • and family.:
Congratulations to Mr. and'
Mrs. Howard•Oji•. (nee Winne
fred • McFarlan) on the gift ':of. a
baby ` daughter; . to , Ntr ,and Mrs.
Hu'g'h Jahsern , (nee ` Marion • Per-
cy) a !baby boy, Douglas D'wight;
to Mr. and Mrs 'Bill Haldenby,
(nee •Irene . •Roulston) a ''baby
girl '
The Holyrood W.I.will nieet
on Thursday with Mrs.. Mark
Johnston ' and Mrs . William.
Eadie hostesses. ,Roll • call, ,A re-
solution. I' •would. 'like to see our
government make; Topic; Mrs
P. A. Murray.; Motto, All • roads
worth tak ing lead : upwards,
Contest;• • dozen 'homemade
rolls; ' Directors, Mrs P..` A.' Mur
ray, :Mrs.'. Ed . 'T'homps. on.
The T: ,Annual • Vestry meeting'
of the :Anglican Church was .'held
on Tuesday,, December,:29th: All
•reports•'. showed:.. a • .successful
'year, The following officers
were elected:.. Rectors'. Warden, I
Don Gillespie;; Peoples:, Warden;
Harold' :Halderiby;: Synod dele-
gates, Bert Nichoson;`Howard
Thompson., .Vestry. Clerk, Miss'
:Edna Boyle,' Board of Manage-:
ment, F#,ev.'': Benson Cox, . Miss.
'Edna Boyle; Harold • Haldenby,
fi n .Gillespie, :William Co,
ert Nicholson,' Howard :.Thorrip-•
son,., 'Midford Wall, . ; Delbert
Hedley and Tom` Hodgins, Audi.-
tors, Rae Haldenby, Alex' -.He
•witt; ' Sunday.. School, Superinten-
dant, , Rae' ' Haldenby, Caretaker,
Miss May Boyle; 'Sidesmen,
Messrs,' 'Gerald Rhody. and: 'Mid -
ford, Wall; 'Chancel Guild, Mrs
William: Cox;. Mrs. Tom Hodgins,
Miss May . Boyle A -.vote of
thanks,' ,was tendered Mr.. Bert
Nicholson retiring' warden
Mr. and 'Mrs..'Don flialderibY.
of Montreal. returned : after
spending Christmas with his
parents? • Mr. and Mrs.,.: N. E.
,Haldenby and family:
.Mr. and Mrs: Norman 'Fry and
:family of ' Georgetown visited
Sunday with Mr.• and Mrs. 'Wm,,
E. Haldenby.
Mr. and . Mrs ' Jack 'Hodgins
and M°rs.. James, 1Vf, Hodgins at-
tended the Golden Wedding •:An=
niversary. • of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed-
gar,.Harrison, •Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack iGillespie
and • farnily df Sarnia visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. in
Gillespie and Ronrnie,
Mr. ,and :Mrs.Gerald' Rhody
and family spent Christmas with
her parents, ' Mr. '.and Mrs.
Claude .Dore.
Mrs.,'Winnie;_ Thompson is
spending awhile with Mr., and..
Mrs. 'Jack Hodgins, John and
Visitors during the week with.
Mr; and ' Mrs; Gerald Rhody
were Dr. Ralph 'and Mrs. Rhody,
Porte Elgin, Mr. and Mrs, Harold
Otto, • Southampton; , . Mr. Max.
Rhody, Mrs., Wm. Rhody and.
Miss Joan Bluhm, Elmwood,' Mr.;
and Mrs. Jim .IVIetwan•and fam-
ily of Kinloss;
Mr.' and Mrs. Howard Thonp-
son, ' Purple Grove, visited Sun-
day with Mr: and Mrs. ` Bert
Nicholson and ,,family, '
' Mr. Joe Dillon: and his mother
pent ' Christirias with, relatives
at Toronto: .•
Y 2 . y i a ay•+ ti"7.aZ K' Y,J!M,I*V,, ;yam+*::•yy� 2ESNd'I1�,u!t»�i�}� ��eMZ .
�� .�_I��t1���I.Y �•.i��~A�I.•k w,.�RA'.i�aT��I.r. �/i.;�,..���.1.4/.J��I��I.4..��I W:M+...KI`,Cfj�W'Y�XL7.i���
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Westinghouse exclusiversDirect Air Flbw
Drying. dries clothes :fluffier ...:''faster..
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ster & MacKir
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I a,.o� j4i4.410%ry:•.� ♦ � Le. ..� � .,:..r, i n...� ra L.... � Irea+>... a i •,,.;•
Mrs. ' Frank. Maulden 'returned
home from Fonthill' where she
Visited with Mi. and Mrs.. Ar-
thur Phillips and Peggy.. •
Mr ' 'arid. Mrs. Alfred Buckton,
Mr.' arid Mrs. Tom 'Morrison. Of
Wliitec'hurch, Mrs.: 'Brian Booth -
man ". of -Alberta, , Miss: Betty
Hamilton, Niagaria, Mrs., Gilbert'
Hamilton, Donald and ' Ross visit-
ed' • during th.e.. Week With M•r.
•and, Mrs. •Ja• ck Barr and family. •
Friends of Mr;; ,George Gra-
hami ,are sorry to' learn of his
recen.t•illness. . All • join in wish-.
'Mg him a 'speedy recovery.. •
.Mr. Wallace. Hewitt ,of Water
ford visited' here with Mr, and
Mr's. George Graham ,and Mr.,
and Mrs. Jack Hewitt,: and •fam-
ily .and : other. relatives:
•• •'Mr,'And Mrs. Miller 'Hartwick
and Wayne and Mr. Scott Walsh,
Kincardine, visited with Mrs.
Gertrude Walsh on Sunday last. i
Mr: • Wesley .;Guest and Fred
Spent 'ChirStmas in London with,'
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. lohristone
and family. Mr Guest remained
for a visit. •
Mr. and Mrs. 'Howard McGuire
of Wingha'm, Mr.' and••Mrs. Clare'
Snarling and Allan,, M1. and Mrs.
Harold Haldenby and family,
spent • Christmas', with , Mr and
Mrs. George Haldenby.
Mr.' and Mrs.;Eldon Eckens-
wilier returned from the west
where they attended the funeral
of his ' brother, the late' George
ECltenswiller. '
Mr. and Mrs. Weir Eekenswil'
• Y
ler ,entertained relatives . ;at
New Year's dinner: •
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley en
•tertakhed; at • -'a dinner on . Satlir
day evening; .Mr, - and Mrs.. Rae.
' Stanley and children,. Kinloss,
Miss ' Patricia Thompson,; Luck
now, Mrs.: . Eva ,Stanley, Mr. and
Mrs ,A. Eizenga and,`1VIichael of
London, Mrs., Harvey-. Hodgins
and •'Kenneth.: :.
Mrs. Audrey Borthwick :re,
turned to St. Catharines after
spending 'awhile with her par-
ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. James Hod-
Christmas visitors with " Edna,
and May 'Boyle: were Mr. and'
'Mrs; Chris 'Shelton of. Hanover, •
Mr. and ; Mrs. George Haldenby,
-Rev. Benson ; `Cox; Mr. and Nis.
•Wihiarri. Cox.
Mr. and. Mrs: ' "Ezra Stanley
and family Mrs. Harvey, Hod-
gins and Kenneth, Miss • Ruth
Barnwall and friend spent New
Years with Mr.. and Mrs. Rae
Stanley and family, Kinloss
Master Arthur Stanley; visited
during the holiday with his bro
ther Larry Stanley at .Kinloss.
The two lads .accotllpanied 'their.
aunt, Mrs." R. J. Kaake . to. Chat
hani where they., spen': Nevv.
Year's with Mr. and Mrs.. .Ar.
thur 1VIel'vin, .
Little Cheryl 'phot of London •
visited'' with Mrs..' Harvey Hod-
Have. Your iter,' ed 1 t'W