HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-06, Page 1•
$3.00 •AYear IP•Advance -- $1,00 Extra To Us;A.
Mother's Back Broken Bringing
Home'For Xmas;
Invalid Daughter
r .
ors: Saari • Ciipskey of Belfast
suffered three' fractured verte-
brae in; her back' in a fall. at her
home on the Wednesday prior
to Christmas...SShe was. ''taken to.
Win. liatn,Hospital where a body
cast was applied • on Thursd ay
of last week. She is, able to. move
• about 'and was expected to re-
turn home early : this week .
The distressing •injury , was re,
ceived under ironical • and dis-
appointing conditions.: Their
'daughter;, Mary Cupskey, was
being. 'brought from Wingham
Hospital on • a • stretcher so she
could spend Christmas at her
Belfast home Mrs.. Cu sk
caught her heel on the door sill
as : she carried one end of the
• stretcher, . and ..as . she fell 'part-
ially 'under it; suffered the back
injury.. Marie was unharmed:
• Chester Nicholson was helping
with the stretcher and .they„ had.
passed through the: verandah:`and
were at the threshold of the
house :when the . ;mishap' occur -
It was necessary • to take
:;Marie .'back to . the hospital • by
ambulance which then returned
to; remove Mrs. Cupskey to 'the
•same ••-institution.
• li
Victim of :Poo'
Most of our readers are aware
..that Vlarie•.was •a victim of polio,
;which` left her all, 'but totally
paralyzed It' was ten. years •.ago
last September,` that :Marie, then
a: '.vivacious young ; girl of . 17
years; was striciken. She: :was em-•
• ployed. at Galt at the ' time and
'Was:tushed.'oariailtda Hospi
and. paced in an '-iron •lung
as' the. :paralysis spread. It .left
her ttiat •'she • ':could '.:move only-
her head and the, fingers of -:her
. right hand. There 'has. - been little
change ' in 'her Condition since
then; ::although , she.' has since
;mastered the art ...of • writing let-
ters. with the lini.ted'use •of het"
. •right"•hand.
-"Marie •vxas dependent • • on the
respirator for some " time, but
when : she could safely, lease it
night .and . day, she ' .was • bro,ight',
to • her home, ' where she was
.'cared for for a long period.•'Fin-
• ally it, was necessary' to take her
to Winghan for : hospital :'care,
and' there she , has remained
bright and cheerful 'for these
many years,.
The. courage and »stamina of"
this • young woman was display-
ed: a year' or :so• ago when it was
necessary to. • take her • to Lon -
,don to undergo a . gallbladder
operation.; ...
• Lucknnw `,homes took • on ' .a
snore-tha rdinary festive air
at stmas time as a result of
The Sentinel mailing ' hrat•
was ,revised 'prior to New
. Years and subscription pay-
- ,rrients up to December 30th,
are' advanced 4ccordingly
'and should show on the
'mailing label on this issue;'
In 'case' of errors please' ad
vise us at once: .
• There ca i be no mistaking ,
if your subscription has .,run
out, ,or is in arrears.' If' the.
'label on your paper does not
carry a "60", you are ,in the.
above' class. 'The exception:.
• tothis will be those who
have paid, their_, ubscription
• since . December 30th.,
,See that your label takes
othe new:look
e. promotion .of: outdoor decor
a•tions' -by the ' Luckriow • and.
District • Horticultural. . Society.
And this no doubt is,. only 'the
beginning of an : increasing inter-
est .in '.such ..seasonal decorating..
The Society :put. up : small cash
prizes ` for . the best : decorated'.
homes arid Wm.',Schmid `offered
a. special • prize This was 'won
by' Chas. 'Bristow. • The Horti-:'
,cultural .,Society cash •prizes
were won by June Collyer, • Mrs..
Wellington' Henderson :and Mrs..
Ken Mowbray
The:. judge' was . L J. Siefert
of Kitchener. He was impressed
by the showing in thg first un-
•deg,rtaki this kind • ;of,. here.
To ShowSlides ' .•
B is.-.
r tow
fo.ak coloured
night p
ictures ' of several' Luck-
now homes, and . these slides . will
.be projected at : the. Society's
'next '• regular meeting on Friday,
,January y ` 15th.:.
The., judge's comments in con--
nection. with' the local :'contest.
willbe'sumrriarized at this meet-
There ' will be • a.. ictorial con=
.test to determine. ust how well
yob know your .village;; and
awards..: for' ,identifyin the most
properties correctly. ttend and
enjoy yourself, 'and : b : the . way,
bring a pencil.
• : The Horticultural Society•
woad, like •;:to thank all those
'who participated in the Christ
mas decorating program. All
readily agree that .the village
.took on a most 'pleasing .'atmos=•
.pherefor the;;•; Christmas 'season..
Dungannon Phone
Sleet, Norflial Service By Week Enc
The klurox and Kinloss • Tele•- •
'phone ' System was a victim ` of
the sleet storm •which struck
this district.' on. Monday; of last
week. The :icing,.•was the worst
:in the': Dungannon' Area, and .this
section of the``'system.• took° the
worst beating,. , with telephone'.
service: being bally ' disrupted.
North of ' Dungannon comtnun-
leation was expected to be fully
restored, by mid -Week,' and to the
south of Dungannon it: is hoped
to, have the system :again in
fu11, operation by : the week -end,
according ' to: Clayton Nicholson,
manager of •:the System:: ' '
•The Ripley and Bervie • :, ex-
change did not suffer so•, much
arid service 'was 'not•~so seriouly.
affected. Lines' did not • cone
down,- but poles were tipped Out
by the "bouncing" action of the
sleet coated lines. These poles.
...Were ' replaced,. temporarily at
least, with some resetting re-
quired in the summer.
Long distance service was•
maintained on the li 'and K tine,
to Lucknow.o.The Dungannon Sy-
stem: also had' long' `distance ser-
ser,-vice. . ,
The ,Dungannon Exchange,
oaken over a cott:le Of ;Nears
7.ago. bV the -Huron- a'ld—Kinlos
System, operates'.: in Dungannon,
Auburn Ashfield, East and West
Wawanosh'and-Col.bourne •-
`-Between Dungannon; and the
Nile • more than a dozen "poles
were down;, some;'of them'. car-:
,tying'.' as many as .forty wires.
These were iced into the ground,
and .delayed repair. ,work: Good
progress . is. ,being made this.
week, and weather • permitti.ng;'
it is anticipated that the System
will be in full :operation. bythe
end •of the Week.. • •
To, Replace With Cable
It is the plan of the H. and 'K:
•to replace these heavily loaded
h .ca•ble, which .has been
lines wit
on order' for sme time. The. Sy' -
stem': has on hand some ` cable
and it ' is . planned to. use it for
temporary repairs where the, pole
linessuffered the ; most' damage.
;Mrs. Albert Maslen, •Stratford,
wishes to ,announce the 'engage -
Mont of hoer'daughter, Carroll to
Dr Jack. Collins McKim, son of
Mr; and r'r s, A. E. McKim,.
- w 'the Marriage to take
.nlare on January 30th,; at the
Ile organized -Church of Jesus
r.,..,. •i of'l.4rttel` • pay Saints mi
ElMer Howald,. age 35, a. bro
tier of : Harold �Howald of Con. •
•2, .. Kinloss; died ' suddenly on
New Year's .Day.,. Elmer works
•in'. London, ..and had come home
to spend New Years .With .:his
arents, Mr. •`'and. Mrs. Art flo-
wald • at Denfield: •
His father ' found : him' dead in
bed:.tn•„New • Year's •.day.
The funeral •was held. on Mon-
day with burial in Grand .Bend.:
Besides his parents he 'is sur-
vived by- :five: brothers and four
sisters. •
Elmer spent 'Christmas in
Kinloss 'with his,•,brother :Harold.
who is on the Hudson farm
� C :E.
Lucknow District : High :$ohool-�.
g ,
.Board • has been • fortunate in Ob-
taining a specialist. in :science,
to fill, the • vacancy on the •'staff.
caused by the' 'death of WmM.
MacDonald •''
Mr MacDonald's successor.. is
M. '. R: Ballard,; , B:A., ' B.Paed., a;
retired teacher who' for 35 years
was principal .Of the Moose •Jaw
Collegiate,' and' is:g 'graduate ..of
'MVlcMaster University• '
Organist Service
Mrs.•'.' Wallace' Miller who has
resi nedas Organist of, the St.
Helens United Church after' 35
ing aService '°was'honour:ed
. rant the e
conclusion'• of the 'Sunday
• service : *henMr' •Lorne
Woods read the': 'fol]:owrng • ad-
dress a:::id Mr: ;G,ordon MacPher
son. made the presentation of •a.
gift 'of ,money.
Dear • •Ars, Miller:
' It is with regret • that we,'have.
learned of 'your resignation as
organist of. :our 'church: ,: In the •
last thirtjr fire''°yeers• you have
given •' faithful service, '.•,: having
missed, very; few 'Sundays in all
that tune:
We' :. reatly ' appreciate your'
,•g ,
careful preparation and ,sever-•
end ,playing: •of the -church music:
'Your: co-operation w ith' , the
choir has been of great assist:
ante to thein in the service each
We., hope that you may be able
to • ,• give continued service '• in
the work of 'the Master:
As a, token: -of„ our appreciation
we would ask you, to accept this
gift,- signed on behalf of ,•the
corig're, ation,• 'John' Cameron,
Gordon . MacPherson, Lorne'
Mrs.. : Miller' • ;expressed ` her ..
thanks .for. the `gift and .for the.
kindness and• co operation'of the
ininister,•`tlie' choir and the, coli-
'gregation'• throughout the years:.
Mrs.' E., W. Rice has °been
gaged: as organist,, and •commen='
bed :herduties ori Sunday, • Janu-
ary 3rd... ,
Mrs: Miller 'assumed the duties •:
as organistas successor to Mrs.•
Elizabeth (Rutherford) Balls, .
Sentinel;` Photo
Trustee in .Boards •'n Three
o t I
..Nor �:hEnd: ect�onsIn, : .tAshfield:,.
Ashfield ' Township's Coniplext Circulated Petition'
educational system has had, three The outcome of. .'the. April.
more• • individual , trustee boards , meeting. was••• to "appoint canvas-
• established in the .'school sections sers' to• cir. culate :petitions seek''
of l antail, Laurier. and flenilock ing:`withdrawal from the: Ash
•City:. I field Area to form a new '4 -sec -
sec -This is' the: result,. and .seem-
tion area: `,, : ..•
ingly not . the intent, of a rate- However, Ashfield Counci
(payers'`: meeting' held last April felt tae.ir initial, authority : s
to "discuss theafea,ibility of; these limited' to' hp'iroval 'of . with
three - sections and the Lgchalsh:! draival from the A$hfield Area,•
;section, withdrawing . ,froin =thee and rt was on that"'basis .that
Ashfield 'School Area; .to: 'form .,a the petition was 'sanctioned,..
four,section area:. The proposal: :The withdrawal applied to all
was that a new two -room school', but the Lochalsh section, 'which
might' be built toserve these is a, undrool . section ' cp-.
' ' ion
four sections. •,with an alternati;�e prising pai�t,of Huro•
n Townshipm,,
suggestion of an addition ,to the.,and' the necessary formalities
Lochalsh School, ' I were • not carried. out to release
• ' : i this section, which .remains, a
Two Schools • In 4 Sections i part' of the Ashfield School l Area
For ,,some : time only'', two' which is now reduced tb some
schools have • been in o-eration.� four schools, with 'three in the.::.
in these 'four;; sections under .jar- southerly part of the ,'"o'wnship.
isdietion ..•of. the Area. `:Board: i /
Kintail pupils have for several 1 ,Rateoayerr' neetin:
s were
years been 'transported , to "S.S,1 (Continued on page •-11)
No. 15, Hemlock City and. pup-
ils of, S.S.:'No, 12 Laurier, have LEAVES. NEXT, WEEK
been •• tra°iisported to Lochalsh ;011T OVERSEAS 'POSTING'
11r arida Mrs. Ballard, who
have been living in Moose Jaw,
have taken nup. residence 'in the
home . of Mrs Eileen 'White.
Mr. Ballard • assumed •his new
duties with the . re -opening of
High 'School on Mond.
He is . a brother-in-law of Mr•
A. R Scott, principal of ' the
Goderich . Collegiate.
In Moose Jaw Mr. and Mrs.
Ballard attended St. Andrews
United Church, ,where he acted
as• clerk of session, , •
Mr. and ' Mrs. Ballard have
two daughters, Mrs. W. F. Clark,,
iv*se husband Is minister •of
Zio- united' .Church in Moose
:raw, ' n4 Mr's, 'Ftitssell 'O unison
of Sa e:•Ste. Marie, whose hus-
band its vice-priricipal ' of one of
, the :pnbEc schools in that city:
School. •
This plan 'will,.n tinue'in op--
•eration ` under the newly Psta=:
hushed 'trustee' 'board's.: Mrs:
James Mac•T'avish teacfies at
Hemlock City and Mrs. }lovrarcl
Blake assumedp-S
emanent duties
at •Lochalsh with the'• start of the
Nervi Year'. She . cu'creeds Mi•.5:
Ma,Charles, who .had .be,.i1 surly
plying since' Mrs, Do'rialrl. F?lr.tc"'s
resignation "due to'' 17ealth rens-
D.' F. ;(Dennis) 'Ernberl•in ha's'
been spending a fur•'ough here
-at 'the hom r ,of his parents, Mr.
and , Mrs, Fred Einberlin. 'lie.
has been. in the 'R.C,A.F. for 3
years and for the Tit year,: and
a half was 'stationed• at: Green-
wood, 1\tova Scotia. ,
•has ,received a four -yea -s!
overeas ro•,tin•g, air"• will •fly.
next .honr'av `fi+om, Ottawa • to