HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-12-13, Page 7•
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• • Moved by BuShell and MacIn-
COUNCIL MINUTES tYre,' that Councillor Acicgrt act
. ,Kinloss Municipal Council met.
- on 'December. 4th, 1961, as per
adjournment. All members pre-
. s.q4,t, Reeve Harold. Percy,
'4ttlp. to illness.
as Reeve Pro7,tern.
Moved by MacIntyre and .Evan
• that the •minutes Of the last. re-
gular meeting •of NoveMber .6th
and special .1T,leeting Of •NOVeMber
24th as .read „be: apprOved :and
signed. • • • .
• ••• • •••••
vi -
er, ;
dY •
B Ofm-woyslo ay lerty:CkriStMar
', •
Soinetirnes a.gift of money is .the only realistic .
'answer to a Christmas shopPing problem. If Money ,
is, the answer, to some names on ,our list —.see the
B'of M. "My Bank", can 'provide you with a war
to give that takes the chill off cold cash and trims "
your gift of money with festive decorations. •
• ' •PASSBOOKS Make a delightf41.
extra for some of the -small fry
on yOur.list, Yourgift if money •
is entered in a special passbook
and enclosed in a Christmas
•over guaranteed to Make yOung,
eyes pop with glee.
3. spEtim. CHRISTMAS CHEdUES are aVail-
, ' able in two Colimritil-holiday designs— one. for
giving ..come in gaily-
' decorated •envelopes,'or. ,
folders -that clearly. spell
out yotir Vitleticle .Wish;
Ideal for those'"hardto.-'
1)0y -for" people on your
'nit -6f -town and overseas
, gift- lists. • .
• personal and .one for, bukiness gving.. they are
• •"gift-wrapp.ed" in i
TO 3411(110N rAHADIANS
bright cover that glows
with the spiritioi the
icimh takafb
• . .
hr •
..Ser these ' ..;q)erial . •C h rist mas
pat ureS. al .fty: neigh ho 10. h ood
I) re sae), so I the,fl Of '1 iottav
• a0 • orgrt • I r
Chas(' mds Shappfitg:, list);
, •
. •
' Mo'ved•by MacIntyre and Evans '
that the Road Superintendent be
authorized to sand rOa4S at {$2.5.0
per, hour, supplying own truck
and to act as operator. himself.
" -Moved by Bushell and Mac-
Intyre,. that the Clerk w.tritg, B. M.
Rass, Eng. to have the. total cost
ok the ,Whitechurch .Water
turned in.by DeceMber .151th
SO that those concerned Can be
assessed forpayment, •
. , . ,
'Moved by Evans' and Bushell,
that the Clerk Write the White-
ctuirch Water Commission that
Payment is due on or before De-
cember 15th, 1961, and unpaid
accounts will be Put on deben-
tures. • • •
Movecl.by MaCIntY.re.and Bush-
ell, that 'we donate the sum of
$10.00 each to the -Christmas Seal
Campaign and to the War Mem-
orial Children's Hospital, London,
Moved by Evans and IVIacIntyre,
that we give a grant of' $10.00. to
the Mugeular Dystrophy associa-
'Moved by MabIntyre that 'th
• Clerk write Milan Moore re B
Law from Culross ToWnship,.• re
closing road. .
• Moved by Bushell and gvans,
: that the Clerk write Leslie Con -
gram re court of Revision On.
December 15th .at 7:30 o'clock 'in
the evening and • inform him
the 'cost of repair to drain being
Moved by MacIntyre and,Evans
that we Pay James, A. Howes,
Eng. ,feps ''of t$25.00 for Report On
Harris •
Moved by 'MacIrityre ' And
Bushell, that Councilior,s Evans
and Ackert be appointed to•haVe
a romp built in the shed hydro
installed,, and secure inforination
for • a heating unit. • „ ,
,ClieqUes issued: Harold
telephOne accoimt, $16'.75,;
.juclge .P.S. .MacKenzie, • Court of.
Revision Voters! List; 10.00; J.
Lane, Court of Revision Voters'
List, .20.65. Williarti Scott, Court
of Revision Vdters''. List, 5.65;
..of Lucknow, Div.: Court,
.fees, 51.50; Rent durnp,. 10.; 61.6.0;
BruCe County Seal Campaign;
grant, 10.00;'War Memorial Child-
ren's Hospital, grant, .1:0,00;4grs.
Catherine Collins, jiidges of Pub-
lic:Speaking, 6.16; Ripley 'Legion,
. •
Novernber :nth wreath, . 14.25;
'Fairhaven Nursing Home;. 'Nov-
emb'er .care, 1.08.00; ,Carrtithers, ICAgelgtt
Teeswater were, guests Saturday
evening Of IYIP. grAd: Mrs. 11,14.g11..
We wish to congratulate, our
elected ouncil.. Son e attgrided
the dance MondaYeyeniiigin.thg
Ripley Township-liall.
Miss Judy Rutledge, Ripley,
-sPent—the---wPpitnd wit4 Misses
Gladys and Marlene GawleY.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hutton and
family of Tiverton were Sunday
'guests, of Mr, and Mi.4aelc Far-
Mrs. FraTiN D9re and Pianne
visited Mrs: H'elen Swann.
Mrs. Walter Forster, Annetta,
Caroline and Joe -visited Mrs.
W. N. Bushell, Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fraser;
Lori,..and David of Maple, Mr, &
MrsfsRon Tiner and Karen of
London,visited Mrs. Herb Farrell,
• Miss Annetta Forster, Toronto,
Went the •week -end with Mr. and
Mr's. Walter Forster,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Patter-
son spent a fewdays in'TorOnto.
The Federation of Agriculture
Annual•meeting was held in Wal-
kerton on Tuesday, Those from
this area attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Boyle, Mr. ,and Mrs.
Gordon Patterson, Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold, 'Mr. Cameron IVIeAuleY,
Mr, and Mrs.. Alvin .Blackwell.
On the• -line for the light bulb
Blitz were "Jack Farrell, Jim
Brooks, John MacDonald,
M4CPOnald .
Gordon 'Brinciley. spent the;
week -end, .w.th'fi3Onnie Dore. • .
. , Kin"ough ()range Lodge had a.
euchre party Friday' evening,:
Winners were Mrs'. .411gX Percy
ah4. W.% Dore. •
4114 Mrs..licittPrf Smith
viS4:ed'Ur; :Mrs. William
Arnold, .
Mr: and 'Mrs. Stewart Hunter
visited and MrS• Sam -Pner-
Mrs. William Hugh,e§;•Goderich
spent SuridaY with Mr, and Mrs,..
Aurel Armstrong, • . • • •
Mr. • And' Mrs.. Ivan McFarlan • •
spent Wednesday evening with.
Mr, and..Mrs,, Gordon MacDonald.
Mrs. Helen Swann, Mr, Norval •
Stanley,.Mr:Milton Stanley were,
Sunday guests of Mr: and Mrs. .
Russell 'Stanley and family'.
Mr.. Floyd Stanley, .Stratford
Teachers' College was . practise
Aeaching last Week in a. sChoo,,
l„ •
pear Ripley.
-.Mrs. Frank Brown' • And Reg.
spent Tuesday .evening with Mr. •
Don Mccesh, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. land Mrs. Mat Lane and boys,
Kinlough. •
Mrs.. Arthur -Hodgins was the.
guest Wednesday evening of Mr. •
and .Mrs. Jarnes, Wraith, Lucknow,
Mrs. Frank Brown, and •Reg
• Miss Evelyn. Harkness vsjskteol I visited Thursday. evening with
Miss Nancy Dore.. , • I Mr, •and Mrs.' Ezra Stanley,
in -
Mr and. Mrs. Victor' Gawley lough. ' • , •
visited Mr. and Mrs Nelson Visitors at the hOrne &
. .
wig, UnderWbod. • Mrs. Tom ,Stewart Wednesday eti-• '
'Some from the 'Grove attended ening Were .mr. • and 'Mrs.. Orval
•the funeral of Mr. Cliff 'Huston, Wilson. and • family, Mrand,
at Southampton and of Mr. Lloyd 'Mrs.. James' Hodgins and family
,BeYl at Lucknow.m and Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg. •
Mrs:' Burton Collins, john and Miss Marie 13ecking,:Galt; spent
:Sandra spent Saturday in. G -ode- the Week -end with her parents, '
rich• • . .Mr. and Mrs.'Lorne Becking.'
Mr. and •. Mrs.'" Bert Brecken-• ' Mr. and Mrs Wiliram Kydd of
ridge, ..1gr.-,ancl,Mrs: Goldie Hus- London •'were week -end viSitors
top Were guests of Miss Marg.vet witir Mr. and Mrs.. Bill ,Kyd.d,.
Robertson and Mr. Don Robert-, a,nd MTS. Alex Whytock
sonattended a family''dinner. 'Friday
• The Lifebuoys, C.E, Girls and evening at the home of . Mr.; and .
c.q.I.T:.girl§. held a service •Sun- Mrs. Harold Bannerman, KinlOss.
day evening • in: Bervie United Mr. ' and Mrs. Ezra Stanley, .
Church Sharon, Xinlotigh, spent Saturday
Mr, and Nrs. Fred Gilchrist ..evening With Mr. and Mrs, Alex'
visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon WhYfock. • • '
1 ,
Nursing Horne, November card,
100:00; PineCrest Manor NurSing
Home, November. carol; 200.00;
-Village of Lucknow, . fire. call,
Barbers, 5090.; Robert- Turves,
v.voticl, 12.00; R...Lape, hydroat
hall, 26,16;"1VIrs. Mansfield, care-
taking, 29.37; ProVincial'Treasur-
er.,•inSulin, 1.61; Dr. W, G.Bruce,
Kincardine, dental • care, • :27.50t
uscular .Dystrophy Association,
grant,.10.00.; 'Tarries A. Howe•s,, fee
re -Harris •Drain, 25.00. '
Highway Cheques --- Carru-
thers,. Road Superintendent and
mileage; $408.55; H. 'MacMillan,.
. oberator, 210.00; 4..
; labOr, 30.80;' H. MacDonald, labor,
'• 23.20; Dominion Road Machinery
Co.,.. repair,. 01.02; 8er,vice
fuel 73.32t.John: W. :Hender-
son 'Co., luiribe,r, 18.33;'LaWrence
MacLeod, -sand and loading; 54:15;
Ray Stanley, drawing fill and,
sand, .160.25; • J. R. Lane, t.inern-
'ployment stamps, 5,28. , • •
Moved by Evans and Niacin -
tyre that we do now adjotirli: to
meet again on FridaY, December
154th at -7:36 o'clock in the even -
Mg. or at the call,of the Reeve.
• J. R. LANE, .Cienly.
• .
• Gift Suggestions
ELECTRIC CLOCKS .from.. • $ 595 4 ;
.MANTEL ,RADIOS, from 7 7 . . :$24:50
,.TRANSISTOR RADIOS,: from: . ;'.. . $39.95
:ELECTRIC RAZORS, from . , .. $19:50 D
STEAM IRONS, from; . . . ; . : $13,95
' PORTABLE MIXERS, from . . $14.95
.1 AUTOMATIC 'TOASTERS, from . . , $12:89. t
ke' AUTOMATIC FRY PANS . , . „$1.4.98
a ' ' • also • . :
_pa .
• , ; •
6 See The New Hooiter. '`Latk"
An electric .broom which gathers up the dust as g
• works. Only 7 pounds light.
'Miss Eva .'Culbert 'And • Mr.
Lorne' Culbert . were . recent .Visit.-
• 3
' ors with ,Mi. ••and : Mrs,' Jack. 2
Peterbdugh. . .. . • ... tzt
' Miss .Nancy ;bore • and Ronnie,' A
Dore visited their grandparents, Z5
Mr, and-Mri.. Claude bore,. ,
Purple Grov.e held their. De- • 141
cember 'meeting at the home of 6
, 'Mrs. Peter Leesen. Mrs. Prank • It:
BANK Or ..MoNTIAL 1. Game's tor Young and 014
Currte demonstrated Christmas 3 . '
iyirs,..nuret itrin$rong• and Mrs, . • .„ii„,71,i0.,i.,ii.001,i0,01p0„.
deoakeea 9a41 P44. Frank DOre spent Tuesday even,. ' 4 • !"7":"rqf'"'"r
Lueknoiv Branch MIL1ON RAYNFItf M',4iaget ing \Yilh .mrs• Wilbur .11°Ogin of • ' •
, Mr, Bervie and lVirs. Harvey HagedoHagedorn.44•
. •
Television, Stereo Record Players
Sporting Equipment
Consisting Of hockey .equipment, • .
•hunting and fishing equipment,
. 'V . and family 'Of Paisley Spent the t
• • , •
• • J
week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Jack X
wo.g:kiNo- WITH CANADIANS 10 NOW WALK 't3f ;OR tiN'et'' '107 ,. . l'ilmrric.:: I ana'a'l i)BY.01:t. ..mrst` ot,' ,t : of ,
. .. :t.,..lbtg.§ •
PHONE 1 10 ; „. LL.IKNOW
.. •
• • • t
• „ •••
, ,
'IA • 44,:* •
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• .1 • ,•
•• •4.
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