HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-12-06, Page 11s '
WEDNESBATt ITEC,. '6th, 1.081:
*Accidents: Don't:
Come GifI..-V.rapped'
A skid in your car can result
inextensive and EXPENSIVE
damage' to your own or someone
else's car or property' painful
and EXPENSIVE injuriOS t4 you
or to' others, . .
A slip on the ice can, result in
painful and EXPENSIVE .injuries
'. ' and.
couldhelp you pay the price tag
on these accidents! •
For full details,' call:.
Lloyd Montgomery
•At a public hearing' by •the,On
tario Municipal' Board, consid-
erable opposition . was voiced . to,
,the application of Zuric,'h •C:ouneil.
to. dispense' with -a vote for per=
missioh •,to build: a new municipal.
Work has .been completed' ;'of
installing an: artificial 'ice plant
••'' in the Tara curling rink.
*' * >
•Rev.,D. Leslie Elder of Sea:
forth .has received "a call to "Al-
monte 'Presbyterian' church 'and,
expects to assume•his, new charge
in mid-December. Mr. ' Elder :'.is
moderator of Hl,iron-Maitland
Fa.niilyNight ,At
youth Kinloss
Mr. and. Mrs. Donald McLel-
lan and Mr, ,and Mrs. Norman
McLellan of Ailsa: Craig visited
Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs.' Frank
MacKenzie and, family,,
Miss Carol Stanley of Stratford
spent the week -end •with her
parents. •
-.A Family Nrghr. was' held in
South Kinloss•Church on Wedgies,
day evening. Mr. •• Frank Mac-
Kenzie was chairman for the'pro-
gramme. Musical' numbers Were
given by the C.O,C. and Explor-
er groups with leaders Mrs,,. Keith.
and Mrs, '.Dickie. reviewing some
of the year's activities. Miss Dean
PJi�,acLeed gave a splendid :Scotch
reading, Rev, R. MacLeod intro
dueed the guest speaker; Rev. N.
MacCombie. of Ripley , whohad
an.inspiring message for the many
children present. A film on• Fam-'
ily Togetherness was shown: tev.
MacLeod closed with prayer
after which the ladies served a
delicious lunch.
Mr." Hughie. Houston zreturned.,
home on Wednesday after spend-
ing the :past year in Western •Can,
ada, •
Presbytery. .
.*. '*
• Larry' and 'Raymond Mercer. of,
Hanover were in •New York re-
cently,' auditioning with ' the
R.CA: ' V icto, r'• Company' for • • re-
'cording's; of their vocal numbers.
Frbni • New York they :went to •
Halifax ...for engagements in •the
Maritimes., . •
'* .*. *.
Walter•' R. ,Lawson, vice-presi
.dent, and• genera1 'manager of
Sifto :Salt Limited; has, announced'
plans' for a $i,900,OOO '.rebuil'di'ng
project at, the company's fine
sa'itevaporating..plant' at .:Gode
rich. The . new', plant will be
erected on a property . adjacent
.to the 'present evaporating plant
and -will be ,completed without.
interruption' •of, fine -salt produc
tion:. •at Godericl,. The Company.
:also' • has a; . large 'rock -salt. mine
at. .Goderith,:' where an expansion
program- is in progress.
• -"I.,/
* •r'
tltiat fgranary of yours can •Help, yott cut feedinnco is
this yeull ar. •Mid Co-op Concentrates with ydur -grain d
` will. have an economical 'and high-poWerefeed. Let 1,000 o -o .
1; Dairy Concentrates help your cows give „Y _ a
of • milk' , , ' Use Co-op �3eef •Cori'centrates with Stitbes.•rol.
ill and Aureont cin to give you the'•inbst gain per lb, of feed . .
l'es, for u resttlt�•getting and cost-cutting feeding program,. use
r •
Gideon Society
Fresents Bibles
Mrs, Herb Emerton was hos-
tess for the ' m
Reids Corners W.I.
on Thursday .afternoon. Twenty-
two ladies attended' 'the meeting
which opened with the ode and.
collect. Roll, call was answered
by naming •a favorite Radio mor
'TV progrh fi After the business
Part of the meeting, Mrs. Herb
Emrnert.on who is public relations
convenor, conducted - the , pro=
gram which, .followed. The motto,.
"Let us , remember that our in
terest vs, in concord not conflict,.
and that our real emminence
rests in the victory of peace", was
ably given by. Miss .Grace ' Came-
ron: Mrs. Donald Courtney gave
her report •on the Area Conven-`
tion Meld ' recently at Hanover.
•Miss. Ethel Chapman, one of the
speakers at the :.convention gave
an interesting • address on "fain=
ily life." Provincial Police, Jac -
Hatch, "who was guest speaker
the Institute meeting• gave an
informative talk on "Cominon
Safety rules" and afterwards
'answered • questions which the
ladies • appreciated. very much;.
Mrs, Cecil Holland then :favored
with a solo after 'which Mrs.
Gordon Emmerton gave her re=.
port on. the Area ,convention with
manyinteresting points.' Ways &,
means' 'of raisingfundsfor the
Institute were also, discussed.
Mrs. Gordon Emmerton invited
.the ladies to Lurgan Parish hall
where She ywill be • hostess for
the,.adternodn of•Decerriber. 1401;
Mrs. Art, Courtney, gave the:. cour-
tesy remarks . afterwhichlunch'
was served ' by . Mrs. George
Wi'ghtman-. and Mts. William M.
dock and a social hour
Bibles were presented'to pupils
nf. grade 5 at Huron West Area.
Schopl�,: by the Gideon Society.
recently. Other 'grades had'been,
previously presented : Mr.• Lloyd
Hutton and ` Mr. J. Iirkdonne11,
..distributed the • Bibles. '
Student teachers ;at Huron :West
Area., School in Mrs. °David 'Hen..-
derson's ,room are .'Miss'. Audrey
Lowry and Miss M. Buckton
The : sympathy of the eommun-
i•ty goes out to Mrs: Alexander
MacDonald and 'family in 'the pas-'
'sing of Mr. :MacDonald' after a'
short illness. • .
Rev.. S R. • Lupton,rector. of
St. 'Lukes • AngliFan .Churdi `.; at.
Lurgan . was , unable to conduct
services. on Sunday; owing to an
attack/of "flus" • • • •
At Pine River' United Church;
service on Sunday, Phylis Brad-
ley, Joyce',Thorburn, Sheila , Col
•lens an:d'` ` Esther : Gibson ,sang•
"What. Child Is This" accompan-'
i'ed.•by Mary *lien Sh'iells.
. .Mr. and Mrs.. Chester Emmer-
ton and; family visited in Kitch
finer on Sunday With ,Mr.:. and
Mrs, Clarence Levoi. •
On Wednesday night. the Squir-
rels led by Bill Buttondowned
the Chipmunks 3 to':.1..George'
Whitby put up `the best effort;
for they Chipmunks.
•Freda Errington 'scored 605
plus 48 • handicap and also ' took •
the high flat single. score for the
ladies . with a A0 game, was high'
bowler for thea Lions who took
3 points from the Pole Cats. Mike
Sanderson rolling 59;0, plus 21 and
Charlie Webster 591 were best
for the' Pole Cats;
The .Beavers, came through
with team effort again to Win 2'
games and :the' pinfall from ,the
Wolverines. A. Baker rolledover
63O for the Wolverines high Scor,.
. e •,Merle •Elliott with 630, 'Charl'ie
.ley' o 's Elliott's
A,n s n 619 and Bryce
1561 led the Gophers to a •4 point
r oo.
' � ■ � � - ,: V`1Ctt5ry,-over. the %tngaroa,s. non
l✓1liott was again highi. bowler
Phone 71, `' k for the losers.
limine , rf ..:._„ •,., .. .. ': ,The Cubs still ntaintained th'e'ir
To. The Electors, Oi
Ashfield Township
Ladies. ,and Gentlemen:
wish, to, extend my sincere :th nks to those who,
supported me;.. my congratulations to the successful caned-
dates and my best wishes to the 1962' Council.
The 'Se'ason's Greetings To All,,
Andrew Ritchie
To The' .Electors Of ..
AShfield ToVnshp
Ladies and .Gentlemen:
, Thank you sincerely for 'your 'confidence and support
in electing me as reeve. I assure you it will floe my constant.
endeavour to continue• to serve., the Township to the best
of my ability, as "'in` the past,
• The .Seasons Best Wishes To One And ;All,,
Sincerely, •
Donald , H. MacKenzie:
o The Electors :Of .
Huron Township
Ladies ,and•' Gentlemen:
' Please accept my sincere thanks and appreciation .for
your support in • electing me deputy-reeve.:.I will continue
in:my efforts to, serve you well anti :merit your confidence.
The Seasorl•'• s 'Greetings To All, . .
• Sincerely,
Wit.. R.: Low•ry
To : The Eleetors Of
Huron . Township
Ladies and , • Gentlemen:.
.. VIay • I. at this time say a . sincere "Thank .•You" to. all
/who supported me at the polls on Monday last.. It •• was
deeply 'appreciated, and'' I', will try • :to serve you to ,the best
of • rimy ability • as' I haue in -the. past.: • ' '
• On behalf of my wifeand, family, I. wish, -to extend to:
all. best, wishes', for A Very. ,Merry Christmas and a Happy
and . Prosperous New Yeai '
• ;Sincerely, `
Chester .: _Emerton
lead in the .standing by • a 3 to • 1
win .over the: Tigers. Dick :Park,
w'as . High, • scorer for , th'e .Cubs
with 639:• Bill:'Stewart rolled' 6111
for the"Tigers.
Mary'aiid Jack Fisherput up a
:good. effort for the Coons, but '.it
Was not enough to: stop, the :Zeb-
ras. from.. scoring • 4', points. '. Ruth
Jardine rolled .a flat, 'triple of '622.•
plus, ,48 handicap for., 6:79 , pins.•
and the Jamieson duo• had a• corn-
bined total of 1196 for the.Zebras.
1leinernber bowlers, the turkey
roll •will be December; 134 14 • and
December 20, 21. All scores of
Decernber,:13,, 14 will be entered
for the prizes with the remain-
ing members of the, teams enter-
ing scores from' December .20, 21•.
Tickets for a draw will be given
out to the teams this week
Cubs .2$, Beavers 25, :Squirrels
24, Gophers •24,' ole Cats . 23,
Chiprriunks 22 'Coons 21, Zebras
21, Tigers 19, Lions 19, Kangaroos
7, Wolverines '7.
Vendors have been . publiciy
accused by a 'political spokesman
of making "mountains but of
molehills" in • connection ' with
sales .tax collections.
We "delight", .in. exposing some
of 'those so ,called molehills. Here's
an example.•
The Village and Public''School
financial, statements' are conibin- '
ed m „one , book•let.
On '.the. 'municipal Portion' we
have •to collect11% Federalsales•'
tax. . The Federal tax does ` not •
apply on the school .section of :the
Then we have . to consider the
Provincial. tax. They get their,
3% on •'both portions of the book:
But indeciding what is 'taxable '
and ,what isn't, we have to-' bear
in mind .that some school room
supplies are not . subject to the.
3% • school tax.
Simple, isn't it'. Or, are
I still with us? •
0E1147 •Ii•oamm.i ii•aauim..47sii.as.ii..isso neo dae.%.iiii a►irsd.am Iaint.it+Yi iYlu l ti0i
to discuss
shfield Tominship Hall No. 9 School
Ninth Concession of Ashfield
onday, December 11th and
McidaY,. December 1.8th, r 1 961
13O ppm. . ,
Ontario 'Department of. Agriculture, Irxteit,sion Branch
,at pseseritative Huron' County
D H. t1�ii;les rrW.• lt`ur2e
................. ..... ,,..-• ..- .,:
ii�r►a.�.i�.rr � ti�l�►t1ib�U�NS�Y+rtlJrill�t�waa+►riiiiC. wsr.in►oadrwtrrJr►v ~off