HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-29, Page 12PAGE 'TWELVE'.
WEDNESDAY, •NOV; ,29..th 1961
toyle President df. INes
etation. f Agriculture
The West ,Wawanosh Federa-
tion, of .Agriculture banquet and
annual Meeting. was ,held! at Nile
on Thursday evening with. an
attendance of ;125, A delicious
turkey dinner was served by .Nile
United. Church WA, Tom Web-
ster., thanked the ladies and Mrs..,
Harry Matthews ,replied,.
Atthe. head .table • were: Cyril
Boyce„ President; Murray Gaunt,
guest; speaker; Douglas McNeil, •
• past president of Huron Co,;'Mr,.
and Mrs: `Graham McNee, Mr. &
• Mrs. Charlie MacDonald, Mr, &
Mrs, Bob McAllister, Mr.' and
Mrs. Albert Taylor; Mr.' and Mrs.,
Tom; ..Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Net;
son Culbert, Mr.. and Mrs. Elroy
.Laidlaw, • Mr, and Mrs. George
Hallam, Howard Thompson, Bill
Caesar, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Two' musical numbers. were
given by Mr, and Mrs. Everett
Taylor accompanied by Mrs. Bob
Phillips of Auburn..'
Cyril Boyle, . president, presid-
ed for the evening.'
Bill •Caesar introduced Murray.
Gaunt; associate• farm, director' of Robert: 'McAlliste%.' , thanked
'KNX and a native of West .,Murray . and wished .him .every.:
'WaWanosh. Murray told of his trip. success.
to ' Bermuda in :October and had
slides of agriculturalscenes and
activities on this small island ,in
the'Atlantic, first settled in. 1609.
Gaines to be played up; 'gingham
Tuesday, December 5,, 8:00 .'9:30
High School vs Dungannon
Tuesday,, December 5, 9:30 - 11:00
Silverwoods vs Belfast
Wednesday,, Dec. ; 6, ' 9:00,10,4() T.;
—Kintail vs High School
Monday, . Dec. 11, 10:00 r, 11,20
—Belfast vs Kintail
Tuesday, Dec, 12, 8:00,9;20
- Silverwoods vs High SchoQ1
Tuesday, Dec. 12, 9:30, - 11:00.
—Kintail vs Dungannon
Wednesday, Dec. 13, 9':00 16:30
Silverwood$ vs Dungannon
Tuesday, Dec.. ' 19,
Kintail vs 'Silverwoods
Tuesday, • Dec. 19, 9:30 11:00
Belfast vs Dungannon
Wednesday, Dec. 20,.9 00;-.10',30
-- High School vs"Belfast`•
lows: Past President, , William
Caesar; President, Cyril ' Boyle;
1st 'vice, Robert McAllister; Sec.,'
12rs: Bessie McNee; Cream Pro-
ducers, Elroy, 'Laidlaw; Hog Pro-.
ducers,.Bob M Allister.; Beef Pro-
MURRAY GAUNT: •ducers,•, Tom Webster,, Poultry
Guest. Speaker. At W. W. • Producers, Albert Taylor; Wheat
.. 'Federation Banquet • Producers, . Howard Thompson;
•George:'Hallam gave two.hum-
hum-orous readings, '.
Douglas McNeil c.ondcted elec-
tion of officers for 1962; as fol -
x- r
You' Can ; Say. e/ Up To 35 Percent . On. Your 'Fuel
'Costs By :Insulating.::
�ermicutite) Insulation
To Get At Places
ease :liar
Lady Director, Mrs. `R•ober•t.�M c-
Allister; Directors, Mrs. William.
Wiggins, . Mrs. Charlie MacDon-
ald, Allan •Miller,: William. Wig-
gins, 'George'
ig-gins,'George• Hallam, Nelson' Cul-' '
pert and Bill. Good, . '•
Harvey Culbert mad'e brief re-
marks oh behalf of West. Wawa-
awa-nosh' council; .
•Mr' WilliamBuckingharn is in
Wingham hospital having treat-'
ment fora heart .condition. We.
`hope he will socn 1 e•. OK again,
Mr. • Edna Black is ' visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stanley and
famiat.. St Thom,
r1!r..ly. and Mrs. Williaasm • Atkinson
of Oshawa spent the week -end..
with Mr.' and Mrs. Herb .Finni-
Visitors 'With Mr; and Mrs.
Gordon. Congram were Mn;. and
Mrs, John Ternpl'eton and. .'Mar-
tin of Detroit. They had spent,
the surnmer in the country and •
enjoyed life at the farm house
of Mr. and Mrs.. T: C. Anderson;
while the latter, couple are tour-
ing Canada and. United States,
Other visitors, at the Congram
home were Mr, Roy Riseborough
and Mr. and Mrs. S. Stidolph of
Mr. and - Mrs; • Donald Glenn
and family spent the week -end.
with 'his parents, Mr...arid ,Mrs,
Frank. Glenn. ;Other visitors . at
the Glenn home were Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Glenn and family;
of Lucknow,_
Miss Eleanor Fark, who was in
car accident on • Saturday; No-'
vember 18th. near Blyth,• receiv-
ing : •a broken nose and: bruises
Wasable to leave- Clinton • Hospi- •
tai .and corn.,e' home; the first' of;
this week.:',
Mrs.' D. K. • MacIteer, and
daughter Maureen of. Wiliowdale
"spent a cbti;ple' of days last :week
(Continued from Page,,)
'' as councillor. :
LeQ Murray and ' Delbert.,lied-,
ley, members of the Kinloss
School Area Board which , d'ame
into being a year •ago, were re-
e=,. turned by acclamation. They *ser-;
ved one-year terms and were
•.eligible for reelection. The only
other nominee was Ernie Hama'
who did not qualify. Other mein,
• bets of the School • Board, st
• with a year to run of -their two- ;'.
year term are, Fraser McKinnon, •.
Orville Elliott and Lorne Eadie. „
Harvey Houston was chairman
of Friday's meeting. Besides the.
candidates others •'called ' on in-
cluded Elliott Carruthers, road
superintendent; Frank Thompson,.
treasurer;- Allister Hughes, J.
Pettapiece, Farish Moffat, Wal.
lace Conn, • Lloyd Ackert .and
• veteran cleric,. J. R. Lane.
. Nominations were received ,as
• - . For. Reeve• :
Harold Percy by John H'odgina.
and Orville Elliott.:. •
. :F. A. • Murray by Donald. 'MC -
Pherson and Gordon Hodgkinson.
Harold Percy by •WilliaxnEvans
and Jack Ackert.
, Harold Percy by D. Hedley &
J.ames Burt.
•• For •Council• a
Allan.MacIntyre by Leo Mur -
•'ray and.„J;ame's 'Burt..
`, William Evans by FrankLau:
den and Dan McInnis., - -
Elbert Bushell by Gordon' Hod-
; gk•inaon and Donald McPh.ersai...
Jack Ackert• by 'Wiliam Evans.
and J. Petta'piece.
.• For School -Trustees
Ernest Hanna'by P. A.Murrap
and ,John' McInnis. ' •
Leo. Murray by Brian Doleman
• and":Delbert Hedley. • . .
:Leo .Murray , by , Delber. t Hedley
',and Gordon Wall. ' •
Delbert- Hedley • by James Bu::t
and Elliott Carruthers .
with .Mrs. W. H. Stafford..,: Mrs.
Stafford was a guest for the
SAY "'MERRY CHRISTMAS” week -end with Mr. and'` Mrs:
with a gift' .subseriptiori td. The • Gordon. .McDougall, . Mitchell.
• Sentinel: Tt's the gift•• that, keeps Mrs. M. Shackleton 1ast Sunda
,ori . saying Merry' Christmas all visited at the, home of her son,,
through ` the year to., all the'.Benson, Crewe and also 'visi':ted.
her sisters,: 'Mrs. H. • Durnin and
Mr. and. M'rs. Cliff .Webb,; .Gode='
Tremei lour aving By Doing; Your a
Insulating. . tt�rie ?nailing•
• . b .o'� •the. Ontario Latin
' accident -surf;ey' bulletin to
ASH . rura:l
Bruce) Launches
Safety Contest
The Bruce Coity Farris Safety
Council has-been quite active dur.- •
Ing- the past year and :has: carried
lout • a;number of very. Worthwhile i
projects to- promote safety in all.'
.activities associated with farming.:.
Since itsorganization in March,
1960, the projects carried .out • in.
.co-operation with other interest t
ed :organizations • have included
a 'safety poster .competition, a
"Junior •Farmer • and: Junior. Inti-' •.
Lute . safety exhibit competition; !'
the .placing• of reflective scotch- I
'Pte .tap; on many bicycles
Have You. .Renewed Your 'Sub-
scription?:' '
keyour' home completely' safe from Chimney
Fire .Hazards with a "FIRECHIEF" SAFETY 3 .
Can Be Installed Inn Part. Of A Day. No 'Muss. No
@ Lime. No Bricks Needed. Fully Approved By The
About ' That 4
Fire ' Underwriters. Stopi Worrying •'
tt Old Chimney' And Install A : FIRECHIEF.
9 T..'' for a' 12" 'GLAZED' .
8 LT. • 10" x ' 12" GLAZED
6 .`LT.. 1'O'*' •a 12" GLAZED
4'LT'10'' x 12" GLAZED
•LT. 1 $ 1 t" GLAZED
• a.,'-
'' residents in Bruce Count:•.
The Bruce County 'Farre 'Safety '
Council was organized •by 'inter-
ested farm,. people as a result of
the p- ovincial stirvey conducted
.iirr the province. in 1959. Met- _.
b.ership on the: councii.',includes
representatives from the Women's
`•,•Institutes ' Junior Farmers and
junior Inst.tutes;• Federation of
Agiculttire County Council. and -•
Bruce Count* • 4.-H Ciub leaders`!
association. • •
In. suopdrt of the Farm - Safety,'•
Council ' of Ontario the Bruce,.
County Farm Safety Coiuncil is .f
. presently 'sponsoring' a "Safety:,?
Crest • competition for • Bruce
County..The winning crest will be
used an al.. stationery. lapel pins,
posters, pamphlets. etc: The corn
..•petition is`. open to; all residence.
Bruce County All entries in.
• the competition are; to .'be for
t. warded to Alvin H. Blades.
rear;, .T -ea-a: er P.O..: Box 30.0,
”Walkerton. by Saturday. Decern.
. • ^ Leri •23rd, 1961.. • '
4 T:h:e crest to be designed nn.
1' 812 x' 11\ in. paper. The design
• z'hou�ld be .xnp:e enough for easy
duplication 8,:• it nray or may not
.. • include the name of the Ontario
4• Farm Safety Counci an it. Prite
_ are being offered for the ,wit
nitig..eni` ie All entriessubmit.- •
ted il' become the property .ole'
Bruce County Farm Safely
i z
Council •
1° is expected that participation
`. the "Safety Crest Comipetition!"
' c be high aryd that a n'u t er .
•'i Y,., iiF' t v.'hi+ e en`r es Y4f.11
Ont , �, y ekard:ess of , fr ,µh, a .'weal- ..'n., the'`
• LLJr n r fe c o y, the igi Y a i
•may. -'.N 'µ '° ..,
Phone 156 L cknow,
Use Co-op , ..
Budget Plan
A tremendous saviings' of $29.80i
Check the'Ouality Features
• six 'fabric selection'buttbns "
• Illuminated timer dial
• Special 5 -minute • :Cool' Down."
•' Safety -latch on insulated double -panel steel door
• Top -mounted nylon. lint filler.
• Interior light •• '
With' every purchase of CO-OP Viscount Custom
Dryer a $29:95 Value ELECTRIC BLANKET