HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-29, Page 10•
To The Electors
,Huron: TOWNS
Ladies and Gentlemen):
' 26
As .a candidate for the office of deputy -=reeve,,
I ' Would sincerely appreciate your support:. and
Having served for five years as councillor, I
assure you that as in the past, Twill continue to
serve you faithfully and, to the best of my ability
if elected to this new. office.
To The Electors Of
R Lowry
Huron ; Township
Ladies and ;Gentlemen,'
Having served as a member of the township
council, I am now standing: for election as deputy
reeve, and respectfully ask for your support for
this office.';
I assure. you that if elected ..I. shall continue
to give the affairs of tie Township my 'close.
attention, always striving to give : the best of'`
service 'with careful financing.
Hamilton MacKinnon
TO The. Electors; Of
Huron Township
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On , December 4th you will once more . have
The democratic .. privilege of electing men to fill
the municipal offices of. our Township. I strongly
urge you ' , take advantage of this privilege and
accept your responsibility. Let if be your .vote
and not; yourabsence from the poalls that elects
the new council:
As the only reran; with council .:experience,
rutning for Councillor this Year, I solicit your
support. If elected, 'I will try to use •my three
to help 'me `vote fair p(l+ay to all
7i ratepayers and good value for ;each tax dollar.
The E1ectors;
Herron Township
¢Ladies. and ' Gentlemen, ,•�
:. office of :councillor,
As a � candidate's for- the o f ce
I will, if elected, consider the best interests of
the Township a responsibility which Will not be
regarded, and wi'11strive to :.do my part
toward efficiency with econony.
Norval Nshit
Amberley Orange Lodge'
/ their ,annual banquet. on Tuesday.,,
evening with an attendance of
forty-eight trim A sunnptuo is
dinner, was enjoyed after which
election. of officers.: for 1962 fol.'
lowed.' •
" .
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fraser. of
petroit Were Sunday guests of
Mr. :and Mr*, Murray 'Wadden.
Mrs, T.. 'Fras'er.' .returned home
with them .after• visiting 'with
relatives in the vicinity.
At the SUnday morning service
at Pine River United Church, a
duet by Archie and Rupert Court-,
t ey was enjoyed.
mber Of Pioneer
am�l� Passes.
Angus Graham; .a popular and
esteemed lifelong resident of this
community,, died. on Friday,. No-
vember 24th in Wingham hospi-
tal where, he had 'been a patient
since September,. 196, after hav-
ing a 1e;__ amputated
Mr. Graham, was nearing his
83rd birthday and had been in
comparatively flood health until
suffering a heart attack, which
resulted in . his unexpected death.
Angus was a descendant of one
of Kinloss . Township's earliest
families., He was born on the 4th
Concession • of Kinloss on De-
cember 13th,, 1878., on the ' .farm
homesteaded:' by. his date father,:
John Graham, a native of Skye,
Scotland. His mother wase the
former Mary Ann • MaelCenz c,
who, was born on the. grid •Gon,
Kinloss. ,
An .us maternal grandparents
were Angus and Mary Rennie
MacKenzie: His grandfather was
one • of the first settlers' on : the.
Second Concession, ' back . about
1848, 'which .was ten year's before;
the . SoMmerville • 'Survey of
Lucknow. Mr. Graham's grand-
mother is believed to be the
first woman. buried in .• Sout1
Kinloss. cemetery in • March of
1857.. •
On the Graham • farm on the
4th Concession, still in the Gra_
ham,'naine, Angus, and his, father
at one timewere' active in .the
arduous task of limemaking,.
and had several. kilns located °on
different . parts of . the farm: •
On March 29th, 1919; Mr: Gra-
ham married Betsy MacMurchy
,of Huron'• Township and' ;they
spent all 'their married •life - on:
the 4th Concession ; farm, until
retiring to:hucknow in :1952 Mrs
Graham died just a year ago in•
November of ,1960.. They were
,sadly bereaved in 1953 ,'by .the
death 'of . their :daughter Anne,
Mrs. Hawkes Robinson. '
Surviving . are, four daughters,
Mrs. ` Gordon Maelnnes,` '(Margar-
et) of Petersfield;.: Manitoba; Mrs..
James Snowe , • (Mary) of
wood; Mrs: John Lowndes (Jean)
of ;Queensville; Mrs; Brock 'Mac
'.Kenzie (Dorothy) of Teeswater.
and two sons, Rennie of 'Toronto;
and Allan.,on the: home .farm
Mr.. and Mrs"", Ulillen of Kite
chen'er Were Sunday; guests of Mr,.
James: Millen of Arnberle.y"'.
M'r, and. Mrs.. Arthur Courtney.
visited with Mr. and Mrs" Robert,
s n
tttr :ay, •
Members of the 1t.E.p..132 at-;
Mr.. Graham'., is also survived`
by three 'sisters and one brother;
Mrs. Jane: ';Simpson and John,
Graham of Wingham, Mrs. Mar-
garet, Beaton and Mrs. B. W.
Annis . (Nellie) of Vancouver.
He was predeceased by a sister'
Mrs .Thomas Lockhart (Lizzie) ,&
three . brothers, Ewen, Willie 'and
• The funeral service; was • held.
on Mondayat the new Johnstone
Funeral' Home ' in the Johnstone
block and: was conducted by Rev.
Rod.' MacLeod ,of South 'Kinloss
Presbyterian Church, of which
Mr. Graham. was 'a member.
Interment was in South Kin-
loss'Cemetery the pallbearers
being 'George Lockhart,• Lloyd
MacDougall, • Fraser .:MacKinnon,
Ira Dickie, Ernest Ackert and his
grandson, John MacKenzie.
tended a Meeting at Listowel ori.
Friday evening •. ,
Mrs. Cliff Geddes was a lucky
prize winner' on ,the Monarch
Flour .programme 'recently.
Ladies of . the .Anglican Guild
at Lurgan held a quilting on Wed-
nesday with .a. good attendance
at the parish hall:
Mrs;, J. C. 'Campbell of. Point
Clark; Mrs. John Emmerton and
Mrs. William Courtney, were din-
ner, guests of Mrs. Donald Court-
ney en Tuesday evening, .'
Mr. Archie Courtney, Mrs;, Nel-
lie Wellwood of Kincardine and
Robert Courtney attended' . the'.
funeral of Mrs: James Scott of
Seafoith on, Wednesday.
Ladies from this vicinity at-
tended St. Andrews United
Church bazaar in Ripley bn Sa-
turday g .. w
tarda where • alar' e.� crud at-
Mr. Chester Campbell of ,Lon-
don 'spent t Saturda with y with rel.-
tiV'es"•'in this vicinity. '
Mr. and Mrs. Don Holahan;
Debbie e and Rb'bby of Clarkson
EI,,NESDAY, NOV. '29th,< 96t
Huron Township
Ladies. . and Gentlemen,
MaxJ. ,take this opportunity of . publicly
•thankingall the n�cil peoplewho
m htermsup��� me,
both in the C.•..n y of office as
„Ref -v.
I hope :I have done something in this trine
to improve our Township, and it is for this reason
I ani asking your support again for another ter=n,,.
so that I may have an opportunity to seek the
Wardenshi1p of Bruce County. If elected, I will
do my utmost to gain this position and bring the
honour to our Town 'hip.
Ladies and Gentlemen, use your democratic
right to vote, and mark your ballot EMMERTON
FOR REEVE for good municipal government.
Chester Emmerton
'.To Thtt.EleOirs'• Of
Huron • Township
and Genttleinen,
Voir= vote and ilnfluen•ce 'for :Alfred Walden
as 'reeve'' of Huron.: Township;;;is respectfully ;so1i-
ciited and ::wi' l be greatly appreciated: •
Having served for four., years as councillor
and , three:, years; -as . deputy -reeve; I . subn i't . to you:
my record ' of service in seeking, :the . reeveslill�•,
and assure. you ''if ,cleated. it, will be my: constant
:endeav=our to merit your confidence and, serve
well •
Alfred Walden
To The Electors Of
Huron Township
Ladies and' Gentlemen
On Monday .December 4th you have an op_
portunity : ''to • select an.. excelt1eirt council from
,iniong the men who are offering- their'. services..
Think seriously before cast ng :our'` •ba'laot.
Wig the building be something -'that: ":Will, please
us:? Yes, if the: 'workmen ` 'are good.: See ,\=ou• •
Monday. at your Pdlling Booth
spent .a few days with' ' Mrs::Ro
bert Campbell and family,
The Emmerton, Orchestra play-
ed . at the Paisley' Inn on Friday
Ideal ,weather at the week -end
brought many, motorists to' the,
countryside once again with pre=
dictions of colder weather, win-
ter May .not be, far off. At the•
resort areas, summer' ,homes have
been; closed' for the season and'
mother• nature has spread• her
Carpet. of leaves to ,protect the
tender roots. from wintry winds.
Here and .there a few yellow
leaves still cling to branches:and
stretches of pine`and spruce trees
in their, glorious greenstand:
ready for the Christmas season.
when . they Will grace our homes
and be a' delight' to the Children
who Took forward to this joyous
season, ;
Mt; and Mrs. Cliff Geddes and
Mr. and Mrs. James Farrell were
dinner guests on Sunday with
Mr" and Mrs' Mac > oyd"
Mr, and : Mrs...' Floyd Johnston.
and children of Kincardine spent
Sunday evening with Mr, and
Mrs, Cliff Geddes, •
I's. Your Subscription , Renewed?
/ We are happy ; to. ,report 1that
Mrs: Dan Wylds .has:, rett'irned
home from the• •hospital much
improved in health:
Mr. and '. Mrs. Ewart . Jaiirieson
have sold° their farm:
Mr. and. Mrs.' Allan MacLean
and family of Collingwood .spent:
the week -end • with Mr, and Mrs!
Dan MacLean. '
A ' number from this commu-
nity have been sick with the flu,
Mrs" Isobelle 'Colwell and fain,'
ily of London; spent the. •tveek
end with 'Mrs. Annie Mt►rald
and Mr: Dan MacDonal;lcla, DO
Mrs'. Annie MacMuirli;S i
visiting ' in' Elmira with. tier
,Mr.and Mrs. Ewan ,MacLean
and: Mrs. Isobelle Mat•t1'n spent
Saturday ;visiting in Sarnia,
Mrs: ' Tom Pritchard and babe`
,visited with , Mr. an
d and abs
Visiting: Mrs" ''Oliver; McClar'les
is her cousin, iMazelle 1ilcGi[!i"�`a3Y
of Port Angeles -,f Wash'iton"
McGillivra is on a «°<�:'1' toi1t
and ha a , visited many place,,tot
interest .in • the past three ii'roati