HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-29, Page 8A SPECIAL MESSAGE TO CUSTOMERS OF THE B OF M
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Presbyterian Evening, Auxiliary
' ,The: November meeting . was
3ield • at the home of . Mrs. Came -
Ton ,MacDonald. Mrs: ,Jim: Ait•
chison • was in charge of the
meeting which opened'; with the•
alb to Worship by Mrs: Aitchi-'
son followed. by a hymn' and the'
Lord's Prayer ,in .unison:' After
the • scripture reading, Mrs,
Dank Hawthorne' gave the Bible
Study on the Life of Dorcas. Mrs.'
Ronald • Forster and 'Mrs. • • Jack
• MacDonald- Were chosen'. for . :the.
'nominating • committee- to bring
in the neve .slate ' of officers for.
.1962. • Mrs. • Morgan . Henderson,
moved:. a vote of thanks to Mrs:
Robert MacKenzie for taking
• : •, charge 'of " the .sale of. Christmas
cards. The money thus raised is
being. addedto the • Centennial
Fund: • Mrs. Nonm'azi Taylor • read
lost Active.
Year In History
Local, national and
al operations of the ' Bank of
,Montreal have added up; to mean
the' most active 12 months in
the bank's • 144 -year history, ,ac-
cording to Milton Rayner,, mana-
ger of the Lucknow B. of M.
Releasing the bank's annual
statement' covering; the period to
October 31st, he 'said it showed
that the local branch and some
815 .other '.offices together had.
established new: records,. in • a1-
most every phase...
Resources . rose almost half -a-
billion dollars to a new high of
$3,950 million, he said, while' de-
posits, including Canadians' per-.
sonal savings of some $1,749 mil-
lion, ' amounted to a. record
' $3,647 , million,
from the "Glad Tidings" an ad-
dress by tLadyIbiam, wife of
the Governor, of East Nigeria; &
also : a message from Queen
Elizabeth. Mrs...°Ronald; Forster
gave- the topic ";Into , All the
World Togetherto• Provide '<Edu-
cation. and Medical ,Services.".
The meeting closed .with a hymn
and benediction. Lunch . was serv-
ed by, the Committee : in charge:
Ashfield United. Church W.M.S.
The, annual meeting of the•
'Ashfield United Church W.M.S.
Was held in • the .parsonage on
November 23rd. /The president,
Mrs. Livingston 'Menaryopened
the ;meeting' with hymn : 286. and
MrsPeter Cooke at the piano.
A two:•minute silence was observ-
.ed' in - memory of• the immediate
past president, Mrs. John Ritchie
followed by prayer by Rev. • Kai-
ser. A piano. 'sole by Mrs. Wei
lama mon rBUN' moat ii■
!■■■iiil ti■■■tits■u•R■■■E■•■■011■
: -13■
• ' 1.962 Pontiac 'Laurentian . Sedan auto. fully ' equipped: $3,375 r ,1
• Io 1961, Pontiac Laurentian, dower steering, pouter
■ brakes, automatic; . fully equipped
1111 1961 Ford Station Wagon
al 1961 Pontiac Parisienne Hardtop. ,.,; $3,375 •
in 1961 Chev Biscayne Sedan, ,automatic... .. $2,550
1961 Chev Belair. sedan,` standard transmission ,$2,550 '■.
L 1959 Chev Sedan, automatic, fully equipped ..:� - $1,795 ■
▪ 1958.Chev Biscayne sedan, automatic fully equipped, $1,450' •.
le 1958 Pontiac Laurentian, 4 -door hardtop,'automatic $1;595
it 1957 Mercury, automatic .. ................. ...::::.....: ,...,$1,195
1957 Buick Sedan, • automatic . $1,195 •
■ 1956'. Chev Belair' Sedan, ' with automatic $1,095
1956 Fon'dd Custom sedan, automatic :: $ 895 •
no 1956 Meteor Rideau, automatic ;:...,. ... $ 9$0 •
$2,795' i
1955 Ford Coach .....:.::..:........:.:........trait. ....:. 1 Y,I .y '495 ■'
111 1955 Cltev sedan ....:......... $ f725 .�
a. •
•■•• •... `..
■ 1961 Half -Ton Pick -Up
■; 1957 Chev. i, -ton. Pick -Up
• 'Loans' Increased
Loans of • all categories — in
chiding .mortgages, farm
and home 'improvement loans,„
ca•11 loans., Family ;Finance Plan
advances 'and loans/ to •business
and industry totalled :$1,934
million,an increase of 9.08.per
cent oer the 1969 figure.'
B of M earnings also reached
a new .`peak at $14,579;817.. 'But'
Allis figure was: only realized, af-
ter .'.income . tax payments • of
$18,043,791, the ;manager said.
'The earnings figure, was 2.5 : per
cent more. than a year ago.
Shareholders Now 22,000
• Of • this .amount, ';the bank's
shareholders; now numbering
sonfe. 22,000, are receiving diyid
ends'of $2,05 per share - a total
of $12,45.3,750 .or. $5,590,041 less;
than •:the . income tax bill: '
The-inalager also reported;, that.
"quick" ;. assets amounted to
$2,042 million, representing.,
54 56 per ,cent ofliabilities' to•
• the 'public of $3,742 million, •,ver
sus 53.97 per cent last year.:
,The .value. , of premises
shown''at $63,062, 983, an increase;
of 13.3... per cent over the 1960
figure of ;$55,661,047; an indica
tion 'of -the. eictent' Of the bank's
building and modernization ;pro-
grant in this province and across
the country.
Ritchie was by
.,enjoyed all. • Mrs.
Clifford ' Kilpatrick ; ' gave the
treasurer's. report which showed.
'a very satisfactory year: The
.corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Warren. Zinn, gave a very inter-
esting report; covering the year's
work` of the three societies: The
secret r _
c e a y treasurer of each socie-
ty read their.ar,}nu'al reports; Mrs..
Jas... Nelson : for . Hackett's Mrs.
Frank. Ritchie for :Zion and Mrs.
Chris Cooke for Blakes. Mrs.
Gordon Kirkland' reported send
ing two .layettes , and ' severaI
'other items; of new material; Also
several: bales ' of used clothing:
Mrs: Kaiser. invited the:'ladies• to
her. •homefor the Lord's Day of
Prayer meeting. Mrs: Bert Alton
is to 'assist ,,her • it preparing, the
program The 'meeting closed by
singing the. hymn, lest Be The
Tie That. Binds and . the closing:
prayer by Rev., Kaiser; This be
ing the„ last joint. meeting of the
circuit there was no election of.
Officers. During the discussion
following the meeting . it was de=
cided •to continue with .a yearly
get-together. Mrs..Frank :Ritchue
is ,to act as leader, She is to be
assisted, by Mrs: Jerry Cranston,
Mrs. Warren Zinn frorn,' Blakes,
Mrs. Dynes .Campbell and Mrs:
Alex Hackett from 7Hac etts` and
Mrs: Charles • Wilkins and . Mrs.
Charlie Anderson from `Zion, •
St. Peter's. W.A.
The November meeting of St.
Peter's W.A:.was held on Tues-
day' evening at the home of
Mrs. Fred McQuillin Th_e 'meet-
ing opened with the W,A,. prayer
and Lord's prayer, The scripture
was read by Mrs: Etta .Roberts
and 'the ,roll call was answered
• 1953 1'ordd 14 -ton . Pick -Up . +,t:'t.* :, ..trY..6,.t:.v.r0,.t,:......:,,.:..:se $ 42g. y'.. by the, word grace. The offer -
mu'. ■' I
. Clues Service Dealer. Phone 173, Brussels,:
milia iodistimm4trtlllt'uueiliiai imsdi mi.idea•■tr■umied slierit♦
•ibg was, taken':. Mrs: • ,Fred. Mc-
lluillin gave a reading and Rev,
and Mrs. Wright then favoured
with . musical selections .• which
were very much enjoyed: Clos
ing prayers were by MIs. Wright
and a social time followed,
w your Money worked
jy • Bank. in 196:1.
Milton Rayner, Manager:.
BanlCsof Montreal
This is my personal .re-
. port to you; on what the: dol-
lars you entrusted to us did'.
-in 1961. It must start with:
a "thank you" for the trust
which you — and three
million fellow Canadians
have shown in the Bank of
Montreal, by depositing
your savings, with us,
Throughout 1961 your bank
kept that' money working
hard for ' private individuals
and for the. community as a
whole, through loans and investments: Much of that• .
money went to people in all walks of lif e,'to: finance •
purchases of 111 kinds. It went to small and large busi
nesses, expanding their, operations: It helped: create
new jobs, it; assisted farmers 'b impr`ove,'their farms,.
built' new schools and , financed. `research •and : ed . a,
tion : . it . paid. for new roads •and, commut
Every 'section' of 'the country, and people in
every walk of 'life,. . benefited by the money .Cana
'diens entrusted to the B:. of h'L,
Clearly; in 1961 these deposit-do/tars of yours did.
a double job. of .. work. They.. helped .to build your
future, and they did a` big job in helping to make for
a 'better' future for Canada as a whole;
Facts behind the Figures
in the lief M's
144th Annual Report
DEPOSITS: These stood at the ;highest 'figure, in. .the history
of the, Bank: Nearly half is the' personal savings of customers.
The remainder is money de •osited• by. business 'firms,. coin,
theend of . the
•v nmen s
i .organizations� . o er t
mun t and,
Bank's 144th •ear on October 31st, 1961, total deposits
amounted to .$3,646,622,258.
LOANS; besides investments in . government: and other high:
rade politic securities •niany thousands -of loans 'were made
,throughout t'he ).tar to people in all wa}ks of life-tc.fariner..
''miners;; fishermen, oilmen, lumbermen, ranclters,.. salaried
people:; to inxinstrial::andbusiness enterprises, large®and; small
to community organizations, and to 1; ro%inclal Governments:
and Municipalities: 'Total;•loans at year•end'— $1,933,790,626.
•"When you. save', money at the B of M : you not 'only . keep
it safe and earning' interest for you, but•you make a sound
investment for yourself in. Canada's':growtJ;now and in the,
years aheud. •
Whether you Want to save _money , or 'borrow it for some
useful purpose; you'll like doing business at the B of•M.
'Soy if it's'.about'•money, see Canada's first•bank"first!
' ie.'Sulk
RESOURCES $3,949,615,542
working with Canadians in every walk . of ;life since 1817
Another former Fourth Con
cession; resident has passed away
in the person of Mr. Angus .Gra-
ham.' Although he had suffered
much from ill -health in the past
twenty years he .was., always so
cheerful. He willbe greatly mis-
sed by all.
Ardonna Maclntyre underwent
'ail 'appendectomy in ' Wingham
Hospital a week ago, and is mak-
ing a good recovery.
Sympathy is extended to Mr.
Horner• Zehr and sons in the loss
of wife and mother who pass „d`
say in `Victoria Hospital after
a brief illness.
Mrs.' Cliff Roulston . attended'.
the, Workshop "District • Proce-
dures" held in L'uckno'W on No,'
vernber .23rd. '
A number of parents of. Cib
and Scouts from our .eomtilunity
attended . the .Annual Meeting in
Holyrood, last Thursday evening'.
Appreciation ' was . expressed to
the leaders and committee: In
less •th
: yeai, an asince. t;iganiza
tion there Are, around, .s;\ty`Cub8
and ',Scouts meeting escit• week
At lolyrood:
l andla ., : Mrs. Lloydace; i5�lf;tendctiOUSat
l l' 'alt d r'
:urday with Mr.Grid `Mry; Hector
Cook of . Kitchener,