HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-29, Page 514
WEPNES'PAY NWT. -29th 1961
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Wide atSOrtOleRt..
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akachoice early.. • .•.•
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I Use our lay -away plan.
. Gia0U1' , •
The Sc t meeting was:invaded
last ' Week , ith fifty-five parents
--of course they *ere more than
•Weiddme, as they had came in. •
response to an invitation to the
first. annual parents meeting.
. At about 8:80 our visitors ar-
rived and the Scouts, went into
horseshoe' formation for an in-
vel'stiture ceremony. , ...
Three new recruits were invest-
ed Thompson, Mac Mc-
Innes and' Bruce Colwell. Since
• •• his parents could not be present
last week Ian Steeksma had been
.00 • • invested the week before.. '
On Wednesday night the Go-
liers defeated , •the • Wolverines
3 to 1. Russ. Button,. Clarence
Greer and, C. Andersonall rolled
well over the •500 Mark.' Barry
MaoDonagh was high ,seorer. for
O • the Wolve.rines. •
• •
• Fine team effort aided the
• • • •
. in beating the. Coons
3 to '1 to tie them in the scoring
ranee. for 3rd place.- Jack 'Fisher
was high scorer with a frat'triple
,of 676 plus 39 handicap to give
O hirii. 715% triple, ,• , 0
.Again Lady Luck missed the'
O ;Kangardos, 'as the :Zebras took 4'
V points.. Team effort again aided
the Zebras With 10 pins
ence betWeen. the 4 top bowlers.'
Dori Elliott rolled :593 • for the,
• 'Kangaroos ,best, effort.. •
Frank Hawthorne topped his
own record triple rolling 831
with single games of 296, 261..and
254.. Ruth Mathers also captu
high aingle game .'for the Iadies
with a flat 260. These high scares
,along . With George .Whitby .693
•triple were big factors in the
Chipmunks scoring 3 p.ointa.frOm
.the' Cuhs..•
Len and Fern MacDonalds
billed total.: of; 13n19 led the Bea,
• vers scoring.' They won • thefirst
two games from, the polecats
and •the' : Pole Cats :fought back,
'to win the 'last .game and take'
the pin fall by 60 pips. ‘Dinnie
•and Josie Hamilton led the Pole
-Captain BilI of :the
Tigers. and:. Mel. Dickson rolled.
over 500. to take a- 3 poiiit• lead,
an the Lions. Jim Errington rolt
led high .for the •Lions 'with 584.
Standing: •
Cubs. 25, Beavers 22, .13.ole 'Cats
22, Cons 21, Chipmunks 21,
Squirrels •201; Gophers 20, Tigers
16,,Zebras 17,,Lions 16, Kangaroos
.7 -Wolverines 6. • • ' • •
• 't
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mointamitemitimmatt ..(
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Dominion Royal Guaranteed
670 — 2 for 35.00
No Trade In Necessary
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O Our first Scout attaining First:
Class rank. was Martin Benedict,
Who, received his badge. Also the
'three .Seconds — Bob Wall. of the
Tigers, David Wall of the Black,
HOI;Se,S: and Donald Bannerman' of
tbe Golden Hawks received their
Seconds stripe.• .
Most of the Scouts have iy./W
passed their second class first aid
requirements.. COnsiderable tithe
was .sp rit at 'this meting i for..
the Patrols .t� .decide what "heir
.Cliristinas service project wciulct
he.• . • •
'TIre' 'Parent's ' nieetin.g. was. 'con-
vened, officially after, the Scouts
left an:nine •0?clock. Mrs. Hilda
Ackert was .apPairited. Secretary
for the eVening. Chairman, Or-
ville Elliott welcOmed the' parents:
and reviewed the 'past year acti-
vities:.The Capon project and the
Shooting Match netted. about
$265.. clear .and '4 tenta• and some
cooking. :utensils will be :ptir.;•.
chased this winter with, thepro-
ceeda. . ' ‘
DiStriet -Commissioner Archie
GoWaril,00k congratulated every-
one for the progress haire
.iriade and in particular thanked
the parents for their:' wonderful
support., He admitted, .t,hat. about
:6'dozen. parents turn out at .most
•Scout' Meetings and suggested .that
theexcellent progress' made.' in
Kna;lass was considerably due to
the' support" from tie , parents.
•peporfs. were .heard
master Morley Wall. and Scouter
Lloyd • Ackert Both leaders spoke
in:praise Of their AssiStants,..who
have been rriost• •faithfiir in the
past ' year., Helping Morley are
Rae 1,1a1denby, Duncan, arripbelli
Barry Johnston. arid Ernest • Ac-
kert. With Lloyd 'has, been Frank
Colwell and. Walter Breckles.
Mrs: Doris...Johnston,. the Presi-.7
dent of the Holyro.od Worneri's
Iristitute Who Sponsor000ur Groups,.
reported that 'she had contacted
,each: member ,o'tthe Group
mittee •and „.• that 'the . -whole
•Committee .was willing, to con
Untie • for another year..'Starting
next' Year• howe'veis,' one •inember
of the Committee will •have t�
retire :each. year and the Institute
will appoint 'another ‘Father.
A real' 'step forward. also was
the appointment 'of/the .Vice -Pre
•sident.of the Institute, Mrs. Alex
Percy as an :extra 'rn.einber of
the Group. COMinittee. ' .
A most significant organization
Vac* 'Place When: it was decided
'at. this Meeting' to. found a Ladies'
Auxiliary to the Scout CrouP,
ScOuter Lloyd led a•,•discussion of.
the duties and help a Mother's
Club: could 'provide, Mrs:. Bene-
dict and Mrs. Stark both spoke
of their experience. in Ladies'
It was painted out
that all. interested ladies f Our
area would be welcome to bk,
long. Five 0 ladies. Were picked
from the five general Communi-
ties 'td form a Steering: committee
Or executive committee to further
organize .the Auk,iliary. 0
These ladies •are: 'Mrs, C. COI.=
well; Mrs. L, Eadie, Mrs. Ir. Hal
tionhy, Mrs., Robert Cornish and
' Mrs, Benedict, This committee •
Will meet this coming Thursday 0
evening to further lay plans for. •
the initial meeting Of the Ladies':
A lunCh. and „ideal hour fol-
lowed the meetirigth end a very
*"•..."....."•..."4...44...44....44.","44:444V../.... -•"/•../...-44.44./..../.....44/• • • • t...""•/••• • ...."4474%," -
Are 'The. fitiest. 1 •
All. Steel ,Weld'ed
Construction, s:
'AutoMatic ,Circulating.;
Flame• Booster In'ereases
Heat Output from fuel
Hi , Gloss Baked Enamel
Finish. •'
Phone io, tucknovo.
Committee Formed
O Six representatives from muni-
cipalities served. by the .Walker-•
ton office of the National Em-
ploYnient perviae met. On Novem-
.ber 21st •tb organize . a Winter
EMprOymentCominittee to pro -
Mote the "DO It NoW'' 000canipaign
to ease, empiayrnent •in. this area,
throug•h .the' coming •winter. •
Durham Mayor, 'Miss Marian
Calder, was. Chosen cpairtrian.rof
committee.. Others :•atteriding . the
Meeting were Mrs.: Verk.,Bueglas,
.Mayor of .Hanover,',Ottb Blum,
reeve of Hanover, W. 'Knox,
president of Kiiisinen Club.,•Wal7•
kertOn,' J. 'Edwin Krug, .conricil-
lor of ChealeY' anti W. C. Winter,
mayor of Walkerton. The Meeting
was called by M. R:.Loueks,.man-
ager of the Walkerton office.
It' : was .pointed: out by Mr.
Loucks ' that . the annual, winter.
.erriploynient campaign is aiined
at teaching business rneri- and pri-
vate citizens ,hoW overcome
old habits and difficulties about
working ,in the winter thereby
evening out • the fluetationa .in
e.rriolo3rment. • '
Those'. attending .the meeting
decided to make every possible
use. Of • newspaper adVettieing: to.
impress .the citizens witl-fthe irti-
pOrfance of keeping 0 up employ-
ment during, •the slaw. winter
moriths':, It WO agreed that.. up
• to • the present time UneinplOYi,."
merit was. Pot seriocis in any of
the centres represented. Durham
is building a new .hosp'ital' at
$315,000.00, arid also • a Senior'
Citizens apartment of eleven'
units., A ne* factory is being
constructed in Hanover arid alSo
a new bAilding for British Mqrtt-
ga4e. and Trust Company. WM- •
kertori is • starting a ten . unit
apartment for Senior Citizens. 'It
was felt that these projects would
,help reduce unemployment dur-
ing the',corning
A "Do ft Now"' week has been.-
planned for early, in January; •
, •
. Mrs.• Frank Brown and Reg
Spent. Wednesday •. evening. with
Mr.,0 and Mrs. :Jas. Wraith, Luck- •
• . „
• Mr. and, Mrs. Jiin'Hodgins, Sr.
'Were the guests Tuesday after- • •
noon of. Mr. and Mrs: Art Hod-
• •
Mrs: Frank. Brown ad'-•, Reg,.
visiteci'Monday evening with Mr. • .
and Mrs., Harvey Nicholson and
Hugh and Mrs.• Hugh Nicholson, '.•
Bervie. •
Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Fisher, and
.Kitchener, Spent... the, . • '•
week -end with ,Mra.: Catherine..
O'Neil • and Miss Mary CollisOri. . •
•• •
Mr. ..and Mrs. Mac'ThordpSori:
anti. family, 1,Vere: FridaY ..eyening
visitors:*y:trith mt., arid MrS.., Orval
Wilson and. .fainiiy.: •• • • •
Mr arid Mrs. Kydd of
I..9ndOn, spent .Sunday. ith
-.and Mrs, William •Kytki,.
Mr:, and .Mrs, :Gerald SteWart .
Kincardine, •were.Sunday visitors
with .Mr. and Mrs., Toni Stewart.
, BrOAVri.. ,and:, Reg
Visited Sunday evening with Mr.
and • Mrs: Lyman 'Sutton And
family, Kinlough, • . •0 0....•
• " ' • •
d suceestfui evein.' -
• For sound counsel and .a fair price: on a monument
correctly designed from qnallty, material,
rely on
Pat0,1-1a0.itt, prop. ,
Established Over Sixty Years: •
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