HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-29, Page 4• PAGE. FOUR THE. LUCK ,NOW SENTINEL, LIJCKNOW, 0.11TMt. ,.W.EPNE.0874; :NQ 9tth, 10.41 CLASSIFIED A VERTISING RATES First Insertion 2c -• per word, minimum charge 5 Oc. Repeat Insertions, 1 1/2c per 1,vor4, minimum 40c. Notices. , Cards of Thanks ad : Coming Events, minimum 75c. In Mernoriams, minimum' $1.00. 25c extra for replies to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 1On .for each hill rendered. FOR SALE FOR„ SALE McClary space heater, Apply James MacTavish, Lucknow, phon,e 238. POR SALE — pure border Collie pups, Intelligent farm dogs or Pets., Apply at Pannabecker's Store, St. Helen. . CHRISTMAS• TREES ..Number one Christmas Trees for sale. rank MacICenzie, R.R. 5 Luck - now 'phone 2p9 -r-2... 'WE HAVE IN STOCK,. Eleatic Weld fabric, 1" mesh, for use in poultry` houses, Wm. Murdie and Son, Lucknow, phone 10. '• FOR SALE 1; young York hog and some 'young , open York ,sows, eligible for registration Andy Scott,. R.R. ,Kincardine, phone • • , 106-t.-5, • • • POULTRY •DEALER for • - the best prices phone-• - %DONALD MatLEOD; • 23-t-20;Ripley SERVICES • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED . • , , Septic. tanks, cess. pools, etc., pumped and -cleaned with mod- ern equipment. All work guar- anteed. Louis Blake, R. 2 13rus- sels, phone 442-w-6, VACUUM. CLlEANJERS . . Sales and Service - Repairs and bags for all models of vacuum ,oleariers. and polishers. Reconditioned machines of all makes for sale. • BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario, . Phone Hensall -696-r-2 • ..,„ AUCTION. . SALE- .• ENTS Allan :Maciiitr "'. • Licensed . Auctioneer • Phone- 209-r-41 Lucknow CASH. BINGO A Cash, Bingo Will :be held in the Lucknow Legion Hall on :Thursday, NoVember Oth at 8:45 P.m. 120' regular games for $10., . share -the -wealth, 00. game niust•go.. . SHOOT PARTY AT ZION , A Shoot Party will be held in Zion Hall on •Friday, December lst, at a:30 Sponsored by Zion L,O.L. Prizes will be given., ad- mission . gents 50c, ladles 'with, "lunch free. BAZAAR AND TEA. • A bazaar and: tea, sponsored: by. Hackett's W.A„ Will be held at 2;30 in the •Leg.ion Hall, Lucknow, • Saturday, Decembfr 2nd. ANNUAL MEETING , The Annual *Meeting of the Bruce • County Soil . and Crop Improvement AssOpiatyon, Formo- sa Community Centre,' Monday, December 4th. • FILTER/ QUEEN , .Sales and Service BOB •PECK, . Varna, Ontario, Phone ,Ilensall 696-r-2 • PUN. OS ANb...ORGANS Largest* •selection •• of new and Used pianos in, western Ontario, NeW Mason and •Risch piano r& ,CHRISTY4s CARD. , gular $709: for S499.; Hear' the Boxed Christmas Cards" by. Rust new • *Conn" organ, Americas • Craft: now on . display • at Finlai finest eleCtrfc organ at ;sNorrYt, Decorators, .phone 218: t SHOPPING CE1NTRE, Legion are requested. to bring • a gift for the veterans' Christ -L • mas parcel; and, all doll clothes already. made to be turned in. and a. Christmas gift • exchange "Wee--,Eararts,..„..0Egn Sound, Ont. Mechanical and. body repairs, at the . regular meeting on Tues - NOTICE 'NOTICE • , RE.. ANNUAL istEriTNG The annual' •meeting 4 of ' the. , Lucknow; Scales Co., will be held Deceinber 9th. at .3 - p.M. in the. ScalesLucknoW. • • . , , All Members of the Ladies' AUX- Mary to the 'Royal Canadian CHRISTMAS TREES 'OR sAL.E. over, Ontario • Choice quality Scotch pine, AU reasonable prices, Georgian Bay TOMOTIVE, phone Franklin 6-62D-17-7-7--..---1, "Fl-TICTRIC HAMMER MILLS, oat rollers Or household appli- PLAN, low. cost, repay •easily and. conveniently it. your local store, you receive •-• family .protectioni through, to -operative Life In, sutanee Co., Select -a mcinthly or seasonal repayment schedule, Lucknow Distriet Co-op, phOni 71, Lucknow.• ' •-glair:--steeringnd Wheel bal.; day, December 5th. '. • • . ' , ° meg. Undaspray -for rust•pre-. -, ' ' : ' • • . TIGER DUNLOP INN ., vention. • ' - /- , , . DAITIDSON'S . Texaco serviei i . During the fall .. and winter . ; • Phone JA 4-7231 months Stinday. and ,,week -day Gocierich. . . s., dinners it .Tiger Dunlop, Inn by .. retervation Only. Plan now hoW for • aiaCes . .Co -Op" • -BUDGET go.' • 8 1:17.:WW -1'ROBLEMS?. your Christnias party and Make Will :Money' help? • reservations early. we Will. be Mortgage loan.: arranged' !. serving :Christmas SundaY, dii- an'werein Ontano:. ' ,net. ton December 24th: . to 7 DELRAY INVE$Tmt$71,s p m Early reservations :appreciati- 450,A W4son Ave.: • .ME 3.72353 ed.:. G. Kaitting. — ,phone Carion wr. . , . „ 040,-.111 FOR SAT.F, i. dry -body 1. . . Do2405 wnSwiew, *OntAriP.• 0 .. . . wood, hard Maple Or Beech', fur- cUSTOM, atritHERING . • ':•,. nace Or stove wood., priced rea-, , Beef , and *Pork' sold in an, 'Y sdnable. Apply to Robert„Purves. ] citiAnt..i.t... : Custom butc.4ring /in R.R. .2,- Luckndw.„ 1 Mile east of • Govo.nrnelit licensed ,. abattnii. GARAGE :FOR RE.)..i..f.„. ___ Mrs.• St. Helens. • • Pigs every. Tuesday. Beef. from: Wellington Henderson.. Liiknow, , TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will e're- Ceived• .by the undersigned for •the purchase • of LangSide Hall, size 40' 0x 26' Of frame construc- tion,. on corner lot 25, Concession 5, Township of Kinloss, up, to TaRtc NEW TRVSTE1ES ON LUCKNOV.V (Cafitillged from. Page 1) There was. a .comparatively large and interested audience at . the ratePayers' meeting: . which 'fz.00lmloiwneadtipnths, e.hv;rhofiet rn,foriereceiv:4 l .6 p.m., ThtirsdaYt December 14111,. verylittle activity in nominating 1961uild.ng to be removed by .earoidate. • September 1st, 1962, :Deposit of 10% Of tender to accompany ten- der. RePlY to G. Graham Moffat; Teeswater,. R.R, .3, . Ontario. CARD OF THANKS S.. B. Stothers acted as chair- man .and in conclusion :on ` pro- posal by iW 13, Anderson, the meeting -'Went on, record as ex- pressing 'appreciation to the '- Reeve, 'Councillors and . School Board. 'Members for the services; they d the' ' would like US thank all my parity. A ,band clap endorsed the friends who sent cards and treats to me while I was in Victoria. motion and space' has " not per Hospital, London, With a special. mitted 'u§ togive a 'detailed ac- iwteo4rdmoef. thanks to tco itahreosejoWhhnsotovnise,-.. night's pro t• intehiscuinssgus! of Monday • . • • the.fpllowing norrumations were I wish to thank „frienils received by Clerk E. H. Agnes: foi- their cards, gm* arm visits . while I' was a patient in •London • • Gorge, P.‘i.o();iiti,e;resvp.• s'ect. :by Victoria and Winghani • hospitalst f.Orriar Broks. and..K. Cameron - Special tbarilcs. to all Who helped. ,. school'. . • ',eta Webster.. : .L'inar...,1'$::;:ksC:9buns' c014? l'Ar': JoYnt • ••• . : and R. C. .MacIcenzie. at ' hOrne and sent our .girl's to .,.. . We wish to ektend Our sincere'. • Elmer UrnbaCh by Bud Ham,l-. • thanks to our Lucknow friends ton •and K Cameron • for their' manY`. krricl •••expressioni, .• Marvin L, Sanderson by G W. .of sympathy at the time :of PatirS • JOytit and Omar BrOoks:. death. These corforting,Messages i • Harvey Webster .,' by Omar will belong. reinernbered. ' : . .13rociks• and ., G.. :w.....Joynt:. 1. • Bob and 'Edith. Tho. mpSon. I I I jo:Wynitndlli,antA0mHaaTiiiltr.dottokbsY,...I.V. ,•The •• family of • the lite Angus l • Eldon Miller 'by ' Bud ,Harnilton C-ralfani• would like to 'express ' and 'Art -BreCkle. . thanks to all .those Who reinern;l: .• .: .f.sefiool Trustees . -bered.',thdrn•.at: the .tinie of • their ,, . Elmer'Uinbach:. by •li... C., Mac- recentbereavement,. with sPec1a10.1enzie and J.' R. Hendersdp. • thanks to their :',•old friends at 1,i. , Donald McKirinon'by. J. F.t. Hen - l South 'ISiriloss. . ., ' :: : ..' . ' . • . .1 dersori• and R, C.. MacKenzie. ' • '': • . ' • . • •••i'. Leonard : UacDonald, f by R.: C: • . ' . We wish toexpress tot,tr. smeere :thanks and heartfelt gratitude . to i MacKenzie alid::4:'• Ft• Ileria6r.s6".il• 4-le-r-beit--,ItFeut:zivelser--"by--'--- a.,1 the organizations and .inclivid- 17.. E Unibach and Ernest Blake. ' .tials who', were so Very kind and -. • • ' ,• 1 thoughtful in helping, lis ;in So manywaySfollOwirigthefire in ourhome ke.iil-rd• c.ts..,, • are d• ee• ply: ap,' :;*i iiu..r,,d,,. .' ,. ' intail , Team 1;reciatecl and •wiLli ,long , be •re-•-, K , , 1 °' ,een:', ...1?e, l'eciTh.e...M:o.rni:n:.:g'st'ar am :r ..: .. . ' ... . •i•:IY.7, •XiAcard ntailiparty, sponsored bY .: WPoamens.Ins;titu:e',?..:1a . 1).. wt itio.a..vg .e.&-pte.s,t.* .1.1.is: sin-'11F....1d las:t: Thursday .eVentna 'n:i••• , • , ceres, . thanks :K0 :friends W 0 ' t ear cornmunk v centre on .,...n- -, is ted hrin: and to... thoSe who •,way twenty-one,' , The , Proceeds, .S9 kindlY.' sent him cardS.. letters; "..donatecl to the Kintail 1-1oc-7.::•ey .floV,-,erg and other, i-•rpernbrances.:, Club. wilrbe!.lised to' buy. •eouip- le• he Was .a;patient 'in Wirig- _merit •for the team Nt." hien: EX6.7:6' 1 kW HOspital. He: also' Wishes...to .. to Play in the Lucknow, In dUi`.:-.', 1 expre,ss• his 'gratitude •to.Dt;•.:Cor ':League.. • . . ,? J•r-zn, and .t O the supervisors . and Both Institute and ROCIC..4Y . 't TILITSs for' theit.many kindnesseS ,members were plea.sed *r.-..• the and care:. To his former, students large turnout which .fil_ed •sever,- , . • of • L.D.HS. he , gives. his thanks tee ,i' +able- .' •kfte•-• e'ght gr..-ez and • best • Wishes....'Mrs.' Hoag ...IS Joe Courtney of : .King.,,..Sb.dge, gra,:erui.• ,,,o, al:'who :entertained captured. the 'Men's. priZe •-•?..:,-.`n .4 • • P Aids PIANOS FOR ' . Large variety Of top 'grade new ipianosvatioui 1714- mOdels for hoMe, Churai., school or music. halt are arriving' at our Showrooms' at WhitechurCh. '. We initte you .to vet :v.ttur order • in, early for •Cihristinis. ' • . One reconditioned Gerrha+d 1 Heintzttark $100.00, Tr:arke s ac- cepted' with 1:lberal an,e)x-anCe. Piano. hemehes and H:trIlii,.4.1fiets in. I(>4-G.A.WN.'ET• FABIBIEtt, ABAT'TOIR. A.` /.• • 4 ; MondaY through Thursday. • phone 1084. • . - . . ' BUTTON'S MEAT • MARKET ,_ . • • . • . HpusE. FOR RENT —.•in Luck- , . 'COCK Tins , Bry now. Phone Jack; Robb,. RIR. 1; STAPLER.' ideal for school. home. Holyrood, ' dr •office. 'opens for. tacking and. hPhding. 69c PLUS 1.0001 stapieFREE w:th eserv c'aPier• The Lucknow Sentinelz, phone 35. ANTED CATTLE WANTED can"take her in, their homes and. to thOse who proVided tr.anspoTtatibb to. the hoSpital,•ciuring, her husband's illnes.'• •• up to .20 ca.ttle for winter feed- - • - • • RILRAY FARMS Appy Box Lucknow • DEAD STOCK . Piano Sales:and' Service / Whifeehutzh. : Phone. 570-Vil • Wingham . McDonald's General ROLYROOD The home of choice meats BEEF* • PORK, ,LAMB ••in •an' qUantities Schneider's . Cured Meats s° WE ALSO Do 'cuSTOM. KrLLJNG ana hanri •Va'.1." rrea' in modern . coo'iers as long as desired. Pigs S and ,cattle eN-ery day. -No 'A ?point rn'en t neoesSary • • • 6 held a week later. 4 ral,ent„ ' • „Nr..,":•:-,on?.l.cl,- invs.tes -,nquiry • er Footwearo FOR TI-L.,v At 'present there': . ', SC4i 1:vtit.11..-;T0 :4$ &:;16 oo-dts , • Nf.ete•Ot. ch:l6ren.,..zth. arid adults. .te . • .4 ai LiteknOW . .4: RA.1:74-- 00. ACKERT.1 4 •2 tUcknOw : •• set., Id s„.-ivert:,-.,..e.• it . 3.6., • . 4 101,,t43;LJC 2*hoi0. toritiee 4 ' score of :72.; Mrs. Peter ,Cook. of 'R.', 3 Lucknow Won the lady . , prize v‘ith aseore of 63: The4 Chair • prize :went to Lloyd. 10.,ab of R. 7 Lucknow-. , • It was de.cided ar.3'.her evening of progressive el-z:nre•*9e, HELP WANTED — Lady to do SERVICE horne. ApplV Box H. Sentinel, light hoUsekeepink N-Hiaie. 1 / .Highest Cash Priaes Dig.41ect. Cows t%E. H6•tte:$ ; S°C17.,reu7:it''gte'sEil•O'reQ:.;:1;;17,1"d:fthe Serthiei s: are available in •• Luc..1.;:n ow . at , • , .4 Office. Sitithe' cobv • 4 '4 4.?..044•4044.4.-04.".....o.o.‘f-p.o.s44,4 SALES .flitp ye-ANT:ED. ,IAL,firt Paid for Si:cit.. Down or MEN Ple.as,ani Outdoor wor,k. erage Sz3.. p,er .nour.N experi- re neessa:v• V....‘e R u.e.ghs, Deps,. 4005 Richelieu..., :$t" takes. but • • Dead Cows and H.orses at Cash Vajn. Old ,horses:' 4d per pounA. GORDON TAYLOR .c.a : pot- • , pe A' '..an an mOneyin t .1 THt VVEST WAWANOSH IYRYTUAG FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, Dungannon Estatlished *1.84%•• THE • Licence ' open ,SLt.-:•"-i" • t •HURON Y.0"4.7, .C,,., a'Z'a.a.a.444:1 CP14'.";‘?ot.t; • ' at. ,.. e?ettt•eial:l.--equiPPed ‘'Y A TO-. RECKERS.. en a '.'13..me n6dert •hotsewife -pitoite 161-30, Ripley,andp;„•,„.„,„ ,S er) ECT - President, Brown 1 2, ,A0burn: N'ice-Pres„ . - Belzrave• Dirert:rs.. BOARD OF 1)1R . , • nOw • sines • • • • Open' fiskti S'ist&tit i; • • th 11.4•1 41 a' .rt:..."..gie,16 * tr.1,4 • Good 15 Ind 1'6' inch • Xtz`..tANtSt' 2:17. 11. Clt: 441 t"tt k t 'a," a "" " 4 " . " ID/GEST alaaat D:gest as A Criris.trnas . •••••• • CE.1%W.NC*.STEEII. IMES, WOOD 2..11. tv:',1 aP'P':':ated a. ear MC Met, i• •.•-• ' 116-47`iDest , •. *.*-0 4,4,4 *01 40.. 6 4,7 .4161.•i:Zt * .6A4,4 • t.t.: , it .44 • • S`t4t."': • 8,4i.a 1.1*.o.M.i."rg•aa a a goo aat 4 , • •1. , e •, • 0. p7.•:t.1• -Thit atti. tr,y Sth.er •..t.„ tat ' .E%Vg* *,041 14'• 4S, 'ot, Vit Caesar, R l Dungann.-..sh; C Feaga.n. GOderic3 tl 5 Mc- Phee, R. 3: AtilOur'i".; MacKay, Ripley: Jo' -.r. F Lc,nnan: R. 3. Goderi:r. Thompson. R. ,1. Vo'sigg:ns., R. 3. • ••..,••••- t. FOr inforrnatiOn av ,•••• surance. yo'ar :6: V."110 a*.so secte:ary, bt:rnit aartridn, p..o.,..