HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-29, Page 1,„,,,,,_ ,....,- '•••••••••••-'" • . . ,
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OA A Tear 14 •Advance.u,••••.;•• *IA Park To: ILS,04.0, : LUCTC140W., ONTARIO WB13.14BSDAY, NOV.
. . , .. .. ,
Lions Accept Artificial. Ice 'Ten er, ri=1:1:"Ts •
Now P anmng Fund. Raising Campaign PIUdO
1 ., • .
The death . of ' Mrs. Jolm,, S.'
. . .
- ,
• • Sunday, November 26th, at the
Winter Works. Grants ..... ,Ai .. roiect age of 86.
Will d P ... The remains will ar-
' - -,' •. rive at the MacKenzie Memorial
• Positive action was taken on
' • Monday night by • the Lucknow
and District Lions Club to pro-,
• `
cee.d With the. artiicial ice prop-
•• .The meeting supported the
'Executive's recommendation to
accept the tender of the Canadian
• . Ice Machine CO. Which . was
slightly under .$21,000. " •
Savings of roughly $2,000 can
•be pared from this price, but
the. Club has otherLexpendittlres,
• including the engine 'room •build.
ing with the total ircost estixnated
•• at $22,000. • •
This does: not include a1 con-
crete floor which would be laid
over the• •pipmg following .one•
winter's Operation of the system.
, • Cominunity Centre and Winter
• • ',Works • grants will reduce, the
• . cost by $6,000 Or more: The Cen-
• , ten ial fund contribution. Will be
$1,800 and the Club, •presently;
has close to $1,099 in the artifice
•• cial ice fund and could3 increase
'this to about $1,500 from , their
• •• adrninistratiye. account, Which is
• entirely separate from the Wel-
fare funds, • • • •
,.• '
Thee thre.e items' dornhine to
reduce the. funds to be ;raised to
' roughly 113,000,. Some place it
at $15,000. It seems quite within
•• 'the' ability of the Club to raise
• •
'it with the co-operation of the -
Various orgirazations in the corn-
' Munity and the generosity of in-
' • dividuar contributors'.
Already the Legion. has under-
• taking to boost• the. fund• y
holding a Stag Night on Wednes-
•day. ••
Plan Canvass
' On, MOridiy night it was left
k •
t. with the Executive to set up the Hill.
P., • • . • ,
• -•-• • - • • Chapel at 11:00 a.m. on ThUrS-
necessary committees .: tq. "get
cracking." A personal canvass is
Planned and fanner residents will
be contacted inviting them to
contribute to this project,' which
Many feel is quite :important if
The Sepoy Village is to continue
ista • program of • progressiveness
and improvements.
The objective is • to raise the
clay, 'with service following at
1:00 Pam, • conducted by • Rey.
711, W. Strapp. Inthrment will be
in Greenhill Cemetery. •
Mrs: Pickering, • the former
Elizabeth Beaton, was • born in
Ashfield on October 22nd, 1875.
Mrs.: Thomas I-1„ Burns of town
is a,! sister, •
necessary fund by mid -winter O •
that the project can •be carried
out in: •late Winter or early
•spring under. the Federal-Provin-
• cial .Winter Works program, with
the .1961-62 deadline for siich31,
work being mid-May,
• ••••• • 1
• r •
Receives 50- ar
• The annual,•meetin g . and 'turkey
supper of L.O.L: 1328 •was' held
in the. orange; Hall at ,Ambefley.
A..fifty-Year member certificate
was 'presented to •,Sam• Courtney.
The officers'•for 1962 were in-
stalled by" County Master,
•ence MacLennan as follows:
W.M. Reuben Wilson; D.M., Del-
bert Wilson; Chaplain,' Ron. Ir-
Fin. -Sec., Murray Walden; Treas.,
Art • Smeltzer;• Marshal, Elmer.
Smeltzerz Lecturers, Kelvin Hen-
derson, Harry Robb; Cornniittee,
David Jcih st n Leonard Co t
, . ,.
ney, ,John CaMpbell,. Robert
'Courtney, 'Reg. Godfrey, • .
*. A' collection was-Jaken for the
True 'Blue home at ,Riclimond
Acclamation For Reeve Council An
• • Schoill:. Board:. 'Members:. In 'Kinloss •‘;
. • . On •Saturday,NOVeiriber •.2 th;
the, • Were,. guests .at a"; •Wedding •
'dinner • at Mr. and Mrs. Rayriard
Ackertis,'• to mark:'the
ore un a ism
At CNIt. Station
•• .
• For.the secOnd time in about a.
month a window has been smash-
ed with. 'a beer bottle at the
ONR depot. '• '
. The Second occasion was early
last Sunday morning. This time
the vandalism ,was more serious.
Two bottles were hurled through
the' main office •window • and
reaching into the telegraph desk,
just .inside the window, the tele-
graph. equipment was tern, from
its connections,-• • • '
There was evidence of a ."party"
29th, 1961 •„ Single• copy •10e„ 14 Pages
Acclamation cil Tru
New Faces, Reeve Joynti Term
Reeve George W. 40'4 •was
re-elected by acclaMation-aflVlon-
day night's nomination meeting
and wag the only- nominee •for the
office. He°will return for his' 0th
term. •
. • .
An acclamation was also given
three of the :four sitting council-
lors, Omar Brooks, M, San,
• derson and Harvey Webster. Jim
• Boyleretired after a year on the
Board; and W. A. "Bud"
ton was prevailed upon to re-
-turn to the Board. . He qUalifiecl•
late. Tuesday ;afternoon. •
"Bud" previously,. served. on
•Council, retiring, two • years ago.
cil were Elmer Umbach and El-
den 'Miller. •
• • , New trustees .•
Retiring Public School trustees
this year were Leonard MacDon-
ald, Wm. A. Schmid and Les Bal-
lentine.. The latter. two did not
stand for re-election, ,and four.
were 'nominated for the three •
seats:— Elmer Umbach,. Donald
MacKinnon, Leonard MacDonald
and John K.reutzweiser. ••
Mr. Umbacli and • Mr. Kreutz-
weiser qualified on Tuesday
morning, and the third seat was
filled Tuesday evening when
Donald MacKinnon qualified.
Only other nominees for Conn- - (Continued on Page 4)
Election In Ashfield Monday For
Offices f Reeve and Deputy Reeve
•• ;Electors in Ashfield Township
• Will •go to the polls. on, Monday
' to elect a reeve and :a deputy -
reeve. There are. two candidates,
• flit' each office,. representing tour.
Local provincial ..and railway Tractor' Itolls,
in the station yard. . •
police were tailed in on this ' ' .., • . .
lates,t escapade. •
Of. the •five Men on this years'
Council.. •
Reeve Andrew Ritchie •• 'and
Councillor Donald MacKenzie will
battle. it_eut for the reeveship'
. •
and CoUncillors•Tom Howard and
• 1Vlarshali Gibson' are in the field
nn. for the deputy, reeveship.
•;winner will be the first' deputy
' reeve to represent •Ashfield since
scape n Re•eve,Gilbert Frayne last held the of-
. ,
Ross Irwin escaped serious
or Birth ys .
inr-3tiast' Saturday when the die-
sel tractorhe was coperating' with.
a back hoe on, tipped into a hole
. about seven feet deep.'
. .
• • • Ross, Who ,works with "Ma dad,
Spence' Irwin in thecontracting
business; was digging a cesspool
at the rear of Johnstone and Son
Furniture. on " Lticknow'S main
street. The bank •caved in tipping
the tractor into, •the .hole. • The
.front shovel 1.iit• a hydro- pole
fortn4ately preventing the tractor
from rolling. Ross stayed with
the machine when it tipped and
shut the. motOr off • when it.
came to re,s.t.
wrecking crane froth Ripley • an .•
town celebrated both their. wed-
ding and •birthday •anniversaries
last. week: •• • '
. Their birthdays' "both fall, on
the _22nd of November. and on.
this ••occasion ' they, were enter-
tained , at a •birthday dinne,r at
th, •
e . gran . n, on-
ald Ackert „Of 'Kincardine, on
Thursday. • ••• . ,
' .- •
Kinloss Township Council' and
tWO inembers of the:Bgbool Area
acclamation at rriday's nomina-.
• : Reeve -Harold Percy, who ,•- . toria Hospital,. 'London, is hope
derwent surgery and has since:
•; , office, 'and, if his health. Permits,.
• - , ., would be a caildidate.for the 1962.
.. ' Boardwere rettirned-te Office bY
, '.'• ' lion meeting in •HOlyrood Town,
•' • ship Hall. ' ' •
, .. Bruce County wardenship.•
1 This in effect was' the informa-
• tion received from Reeve Harold
been:receiving treatment at Vic-
• ful• of being able t� cOntinue in
, •
/ • e . Percy in a pre -nomination letter
to Clerk, 3. R., Lane and whieh.
Mr. Lane read to Frida?s, met-
_ .
- 4- ing., In extending an acclamation
. • •
• to Harold the best''wishes of the
• meeting were exPressed for. his
• ", • '. . . • . •
••1 • -
• ••••••-•,.• ••• • •
'Reeve •,Percy . has • served,. the,
Township for 13 years H 6 years
a,' councillor and 'seven .as reeve.
It will be fifty years next year
sinde. Kinloss :Township had the
wardenship. D. A. • MacDonald
held the office in :1912.
Only •other ,nominee for the
reeveship on Friday was P. A.
Murray; Whib did' not qualify. He
versary of .their, marriage
• Awarded Frize•
' •
Mr. and Mrs: Ernest Ackert at-
tended the' Winghain Sportsmen's
banquet held in the Legion •hall
• in Wingh•arn ,on govember 22nd.
On that occasion, Mr, Ackert was,
awarded a trophy for the largest
pike. caught fast 'summer which
Weighed.? lbs, 9 oz. and ineasur-
was a candidate for the office, a ed 32 inches : -• •
year ago., • , , •
• The bare slate of councillors •
• .,
was nominated. All qualified for
a second tetin acclamation: The,
foursome includes Allan Matin -
tyre, • William Evans, jack' Ac-
kert, Ebert Bushell; who were.
elected by balled a • year ago:
•Prior to that election, Edbert
Bushell had one year's experience
(Continued on Page. 12) ,•
. • ••• with the At ood Band,
D Band At
MerriberS Of Lucknqw District
High 'School .,Band will hold a
practice at Atwood on .Thtirsday
Aeciamation, . West Virawahoih, But
' . ' . •
• • • Nomination, Provided Lively.. Discussions
West Wawanosh
reeve, cbuneillors, and school area Chairman of the ratepoers'
trustees were re...elected by a9. meeting waS a veteran in muni,
' Township,
clarnation on Friday,but not etpal service, Mr. BrOWn Smyth,
cause of any lack of nominees. mattendance was better than
There were fourteen candidates usual and the dismission was
proposed fo On
The two • bands will join ,forces
tostake part in the /Santa Claus
Seeforth merchants. are) ing $25 to,participating bands and.
$100.00 to "the best band:in the
The AtwOod band will return
to LUCknow-the-f011owing Satur-°
day to jbin the. Ducknow Band
parade at.Seaf6rth Saturday.
offer -
flee. in 1944-45..- • ••
mAshfreld lost, their deputy
When. the' number of owners • or
joint owners on the' assessrnehT.
roll 'd pd bl h' d
The steadily increasing number
• (Continued . on Page ,11)
. • . .
. ••
•Time ran out 'on Us .this Week
and' made it impossible t� write..
or type set some timely stories •
Which, will haveto be held over •
until next, week. ' •
Included is 'a. report of the
ith the aid. of Howard Hodge's ratepayers!”. meeting on Monday.
d evening• and the, Horticultural •
Irwin'S bulldozer, the traetot was Society annual 'meeting
•raised • ith little. • name a. eouple. ••
Spirited Contest For Huron Township
Council Seats, Three Seek Reeveship
ith an election. in •uron
Township on Monday •for reeve,
deputy -reeve and thethree coun-
cil seats, an energetic campaign
is underway ' this Week,and the
outcome will be watched with
interest. •
Reeve Chester Eminetion,seekS
re-eiection• in a three-way fiht
•Deputy ,Reeve Alfred Walden &
former deputy,reeve,'"•• ,John
MaeMurchy ate the .other . eon-
tp t •
• Councillors Win. R. Lowry and.
Hamilton MacKinnon are &At-
testing the office of deputy -reeve.
Six candidates are ,contesting, the
three co nc ses. Councillor,
Atistin. Martin is seeking re-
election and the five new aspir-
ants are Norval Nesbit, John
Ferguson, Russell ,Needliain, Rus-.
five r the seats. rather lively at times.' Mast -of
• , •
the ratepayers present were from
ine amation returned Har- the north hall of.; the towns ip
, • -. Yet Culbert as reeve for his se- •and almost all the new candi-
' • - tond ' terrri, after serving :nine, dates proposed for offito ' Were
YeatS•at cOuneillor. Council mem- from that , area. • `
berg are Lorne, Durnin, Orville lieeVe'HatVey Culbert was the
11 ''r.' '• 'tPhee, Hilliard Jefferson and first speaker and at this, time
'Gordon ' 'Ctealt largely With County Conn -
the Council:
,I sell Stanley, •Ber,i
George Emerson was nominat-
ed but, did not qualify. • '
• • 'John McCharles • and .‘ Ralph
Hunter. *ere re-elected by acz•
• claination astruteesof the Hui .
rOn West School 'Area, and an
acclamation was also given in
returning • .Howard Hodge and
Jelin • Elliott: as trustees" of the,
Ripley-illuron Area.
At the close:cif the nominating • .
hotir,, clerk, Earl, Tout, ealled• ,
for:the. appointment of a chair- • ,
man for the ratepayers' meeting •
and Archie •Courtney ' was named.
• First 'speaker was John Reid,: •
the Ripley District ifigh. School • ,
board chairman. He stated that •
the atendance was now 134, an
(Continued on Page. 13), ''"
al, •
• ,
' • '•
k• • "
, %.•
• • .• "•••• •-, •
. 1 . • .
• ..,/r
'for Santa's visit to ''he Sepoy
Town. • ,Centennitil. Executive Proposes $1 800
ElWin Hall, .leader of the Luck- ,
now Band, was the organizer of•
• the Atwood Band which is ' a Be Given - To Artificial Ice Fund
dames Curran, Wallace Wilson cil matters. He said that whill
• • •
aad Edwin Mills were returned a'S the Court House at Goderich is
0 area trustees. Win.• Mc- 'Only a few. years old, crowded
kff rterson was the Other nominee conditions are already being ex2
PrOPosed. Other ,Board Meinberk ,perienced and County • Council
are Charlea MacDonald' arid WM, has 'definitely decided that more
!Are.bster, (C6ntinued on Page 11)
factor in their fraternizing.
• Jrs. Practice Monday
Mr. Hall has set Monday
• after school for the weekly prac-
tices of the junior Band which is
being organized. Students of the
Public'sch.661 who can supply a
horn are' welcome and invited to
these piatites.- A feW neW horns
re,, available at school priceS.
Mr,, Hall points but that public,
scheOl Students from 10 •years•
and up are of a practical Age to
join the band. -
. - .
• •
• • ., •
The Executive � the Centen-
nial Committee met the first .of
the week and were imaniniqus
' proposing that $1,800 of the
Centennial hind§ be turned over
to the Lions Club Artificial lee
ThiS recomtneridation is subject
to the approval of Centennial
Committee ph airmen, •
There is $1,959 in the Centen-
nial fund and the: tRe&itive prb-
pOtes keeping a small "riest egg"
- , . -•• " •
to underwrite the initial costs of
launching Lucknow's next re.•
union in 1968 •or possibly .1967;
the year of the Dominion Centen-,
aty. •
• The executive acted" upon an
official 'request..from the Lions.
Club, and the tecqmniendation,
was . read at the regular Lions
Club Meeting on Monday night,
when the Club apnroved accep-
.tance cf the artiflcial ice •tender.
• . .
• ..• ' ,0 " • • '
• ,,, ,
• .
I •
/ •
q' •