HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-22, Page 15•
q,1EDNESDAY, r 0a' � ;.442nd,, .1961
now School Boar,
•Confer With Ripley On Vocati..ogral Tuitjc,n, Mrs. Hoer. Zehr, a residenit
The ' Lucknow '. District High
School Board met last Wednesday
night with the ,Wingham District
High Schoo1 Board to discuss
further the question !of providing
technical school facilities forstu-
dents of thetWQ areas.
The plan proposes, the build-
ing of • an addition to, the Wing-
. • g.
ham High School.
To Confer With Ripley:
Representatives: from both. • the
'Wrngham and Lucknow Boards
Were appointed ,at" this:, meeting
to discuss'. the plan with, the
Ripley District High School
Board, to .determine the degree:
to which they may' be interested..
General Meeting In December
The intention is to call a meet -
in December ,.of all the
School. Boards and , Municipal
Councils • within the areas con-
•cerried,..when the plan will' be
fully .outlined and' discussed..
Members of . bhe. Winghamand
Lucknow Boards' were_' in Toronto
recently meeting with Depart-.
ment offic. iabs...and reference to.
this meeting was made . in ,:a re-
cent' issue of .The Sentinel.
• Last week's :edition of the
Wingham Advance -Times carried
the `following. report Of the Tor.
onto trip::
"A tremendous expansion' pro-
, gram for .the, Wingham • District
High School,. may be. in the offs
ing, members of <the .Wingham
'District 'High School Board were •
'i.nfornied"at their .regular: !meet-
ing last Thursday by: cornmittee
Members ,: who had 'travelled .to
Toronto. --to vis- t--•Departmeni
Education officials .
"The chairman, A. D;. Mac-
William,; R. S. Hetherington and
Principal •'F. E Madill, accom-
panied. by the .chairman, princi-'
pal • and one board :member f rorn
the Lucknow` . District High
School, Visited; ;• Toronto. a , week
ago to •firnd out departmeriit
• thinking on a scheme whereby
the Wingham acid Lucknow dos.
tricts would co-operate to pro-
:.vide technical school` facilities ' for
;the two • areas.
"In making the report to -the
local board, • R. $:. Hetherington,
who acted, ;as, chairman of' the
• building.'cornmittee of the board,
stated that the .department. would
OK an expansion program under
the federalprovincial grant struc-
ture, which would mean the..
building sand equipping of an
addition to the local school at no,
.cost to the local ratepayers;
"Mr. Hetherington stated . that
if the two boards c0;operated and •
a total . enrolment of 1,000, pupils.
was -forecast, the. ,new addition
.could be built and would include::
1. 'The 'conversion of three
existing commercial; and art
rooms to normal' classrooms.
2,• Four new classrooms; '
3. Four new shoprooms,.. one .
designed for, drafting classes:
4. Three new. •business and.
;commerce shops..• '
5. ,An extension 'to one of the
.existing shops. •'
6, A ,new g3 inasium,'
7. . ,Extensions to the cafeteria'
of: this corm unity for little more
than a year, passed away in
Victoria Hospital, London, ' on
Friday,. November 17th, after less
:than two weeks in the. hospital.
She was. 52 years of age'.;
Mrs. Zehr was the former
Evelyn Morrow, daughter of
Thomas and: Mary (Hamilton)
Morrow and was.:born at Metcalf,
near Ottawa in. 1909,.She • mar-
ried .Homer Zehr in Toronto and.
they resided. at Brantford prior
to coming to Lucknow. Mrs; Zehr
was a practical nurse in the
Bethel, Nursing . Home at . Brant-
ford and. Mr. Zehr wasa machine
operator with an electrical firm,.
A year ago last August they
Purchased, the former J. S, Mac-
Kenzie farm on ,Con. 4, Kinloss,
and were ; pleased' with , the wel-
come : and friendliness they ex-
perienced in this.community.
,But .this happiness was to'. be
short lived ;for% Mrs., Zehr'.s
health became impaired and
with` comparative .sudsleness her
condition worsened .
The• funeral service was con_,
ducted.. on Monday at , the John-'
stone Funeral Horne; Lucknow;
by.'Rev. D. Sinclair of the .Wing -
ham . Baptist Church, Which; they
attended. Interment' was in. South
Kinloss Cemetery. The . pallbear-
ers Were ' Allan Graham, Law-
rene.e . MacLeod and Frank' Mac=.
`,Kenzie -of Kinloss,• . and three 'for -
.mer ' friends, Ronald Kipper,, Al
vin Brenaman and Nelson' Jantz.
Besides' ::here ' • husband; Mrs.
'and kitchen facilities: '
• 8. All facilities would be fully
equipped. .
"Mr. Hetherington also point-
ed out to the board that the.com-
mittee had also checked with the
architect and. had been told that
it. 'Would likely ' be.' ,feasible.
add these • facilities to ' • the
present. school, `rather' tharn'.hav-
ing to put'up a separate building.'
"The, scheme, if it goes ,through,
will ' mean the expenditure' of
Are The Fin.est
All, Steel Welded
Automatic Circulating.
Flame Booster Increases
t , Heat Output . from fuel
soinethinc, over a:million. dollars Zehr is survived. by two sons,
n, g
fore buildiand ,equi;prnent; Ronald and John Zehr` of Wood=•
"•In h port -r=
on . said: :it appeared that : , th'.e: ly
members of» the committee.. from
Lucknow - favored the idea, • but
were''of' tile.. `opinion, that' their I, and., a sister. Mrs; Albert Har -
pupils.. should '.be .kept.. at. Luck- rison:•predeceased her two years.
naw until the end of Grade, X.•
However, he said, the Depart -
Ment' did; not: approve': Of th�•s
lari `' but . would ... allow 'them'/to
keep' the; Grade ,fes pupils in . at -
A brother, Russell Morrow;
was killed; .in-191&,in World `War•.
•tendance 'at. Lucknow . (This' is in
reference : only to those ,pupils.
who ;want to take technical train-
rain-'and wou'ld.' attend Wingham
school • in : higher grades.) .
"Mr.. Hetherington : said that
:nothing '.further' 'had been 'heard
D: ;Hk
Dominion RoyaI
or $35:00
No Trade In Necessar,
R�EEZE 4 oz: tin,'each : ' _ , , : $ :25
PRESTOiNi.;SPRAY DEICER 14•. oz.. .....:...:....':, :..... $1,85
Check On :Our .Frim • Filter Price
li`FIGE HOURS:.8 to 6. = OPEN f 'DAYS' A WEEK
For Heating Fuels
And. Other Farm Products, Phone, 220-W
es Service Agent'
Phone '220-W, i.ucknov •
on the 'subject from the Lucknow.
board, 'but Chairrnan`A. D.. Mac-
William' stated that . he had been
in contact with the ,chairman of
the. Lu.ckriow board, .! and had
,agreed to as joint meeting Of the.
twoboards.; fo.'d.iscuss the subject.
"Wingham board: members
agreed .that. it'iwould be advant-
ageous -to call a . joint meeting .as.
soonas possible. • •
"The delegates to: Tpronto also'.
Pointed out that if the program:
. were toget intoeffect, operation
sof; the '.new'. Section. would .have
to be paid. for by local ratepayers,
but that .grants for vocationat sub-
jects are / substantially • higher:
1 than., 'far the norrnal academic
• courses. They also' indicated that
department officialswere quite:
• ' frank in pointing out that. some-
thing', would have, .to •be'done at
the :Wingham school in order' to
',provide ' facilities, fpr .the 'new
:program' of education Which' will,
commence' next fall.
•"Board member :A: H. McTav-
ish of. Teeswater said-. that it ap
peared the' board is on the pro-
per track, rather than joining the
Clinton 'composite school earlier.
in the fall', and •that such .a 'p'ro-
gram of expansion wound endorse
the present investment it the
school as well : as endorsing the
future of the nn,stitution." '
Mrs. Irene Patterson of Toronto
spent. the ;week -end at the home
Of. Mr.:. Charlie Taylor. •
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leaver;. and
Mr.• and Mrs. W. Schwichtenberg
of Wingham visited on ,Sunday'
at the home of Mr. •and' Mrs. A1-
bert Coultes. • w
BORN In Winghai'i General,
Hospital on • Wednesday. ;to 'Mr,,
and Mrs.:Jack Coultes, a baby
girl, Debra Anne. , •
Mr: and Mrs. Harold Johnstone"
:of Parkhill spent Sunday at the
home' of Mr, and Mrs. Wallace
Conn. .,
Mrs, Gibson Gillespie is spend-
ing. the week -end at 'the• home
'of Mrs: J. F. McLean in Wichte-
Mr.: and Mrs.
Robert Aitchison
and M"r. Laverne Dowling visited:
on Sunday at ' London Victoria.
Hospital with Mrs, •Adeleerr
Dowling who IS ' a. patent. there.
Hi Gloss Baked Enamel
Finish. •'
'Phone' 10,, • ' Lucknow
Mr.• and -Mrs. • Rornalti• :Perrott
of Goderich visited on Sunday at
the' •home Mr. 'nd.. Mrs. • John
stone Conn,of j•
Mr. Leroy :Rintoul' left • : from
Milton to; take a transport of 1
head of Shorthorn cattle to the
Chicago : Fair. • The• cattle " are
vwned-by--M•r—=:lardhouse where
Leroy is' employed.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul,•
Brian and. Gale, Mr. George''Ken=•
ned.y, Mr: Jamee.' E: Currie, : Mr.
Alex., Coulter., M•r.. Neil Taylor
and Mr. and •Mrs. Hugh, David
McDonald ,allattended: the Royal
Winter' Fah.. in Toronto on Friday,
••Mr.. • and Mrs. Frank Coulter,
received -word that '.the • :13 year
old daughter of Mrs:. •Dorothy
Coulter and.' the. late . • Chester
Coulter, underwent a. very, serious
heart operation :two.,, weeks '..ago
in Vancouver Hospital and is now
recovering' favourably: '• •
was presented with a gift from. . ,
the institute,
• Mr. 'and Mrs. George Thonipson
and ' family. of .Faversham' spent
• Sunday at .the ' home of Rev.; and
Mrs. John Watt. • •
. Janice Farrier,'• daughter of h:r!
anti ;Mrs. Garnett. Farrier cele-
' brated her. `12th. birthday and ..
girls attended a, party for, her oh'
'A p'ot' luck supper was held ;in
the :Whitechurch . Hall on'.Tues=
day the 14th for the Women In-
stitute .xnerribers and their :faini
lies. A very enjoyable evening of
entertainment follbwed :the: stip-
'per with Murray Gaunt of CKNX"
Wingham ;showing sIi;des ion• his
trip to Bermuda and "a short pro-
gram of . local -numbers. `Murray
The •eighth meeting o£' the 4=H •
Baste .'N'. :club was held
'on ..Frittay. night --arl the •home of
Mrs. Albert Coultes The.roll call
was . answered by ten girls. Mrs."
Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Victor Em-
erson ' and Mrs.: Albert 'Coultes '
assisted the leaders: in helping the
girls work , on their .garments:.
next, meting will be • held,. •
at tie home of Mrs. Carl Mc --
',Nei -fag -hail on ; November.' 24th.
":..Mrs. Doris Willis spent 'Sun-
day in Wroxeter at the home•..of.
her mother, Mrs. I.. Musgrove.
Mr. and, Mrs. Phil Mock .of.
Richmond Hili .visited with Mr.'
arid Mrs.. Carl Weber. on Monday
Mr. and .1Virs.. Grant . Charnbers,
Terry and Clark and Miss Dovean
Chambers of •Harriston were.
visitors on . Sunday: at the home •
:of Mr. and' Mrs. Carl Weber. -
Miss :Karen `Groskorth. of To-.
.ronto: spent • the week -end at the,
home of her parents,; Mr. and.
Mrs. , Elwood Groskorth. • .•,
sell them ,singiy or - in quantit es
'arid`; take orders for pooke ;speci
ally - printed' to .,your require
r'nents. For • prompt' service,.,;
phone 35, The Luckiicw ,Srrntrneb•
Mrs. , C. •Antler's: n from Burt
gannon, ware vi:sitars. at. trail,.
B.C. 'recently, During their stay
f they toured the metallurgical and
chemical ,fertilizers, operations of
The Consolidated Mining and
Smelting. Conipany,
Gamine° publicity Assistant,
• Lours' Fryling . ispointing out a .
story 'of interest • jut before the,
'VI,, arid` ;Mrs,. Anderson have
s nso left 11..c. south'wa•rds bbuiyd
for California: