HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-22, Page 14Rx • a� ?AGE FOURTEEN' ' ' TN:E .LUCKNOY :SENTINEL, L,UCKNOW.. ONTARIO WEDNEESUAY, ` NOV.. 22nd, 1961 TIIVIBER 'TIPS. The Cubs moved well but in. .front this week when they down- ed 'the • Gophers to take, 4 points. Harold .Errington rolled 6,511 plus 42 handicap for 693 and Jack Caesar was, close behind with 661. Russ Buttoh rolled • 562 plus 45, handicap for the Gophers. The Coons led by Mel Corrin; with 6616' flat plus 60 . handicap Ind one excellent game of 311» flat took all 4' 'points f om 'the Tigers. Bill 'and. • Marie Stewart put: up a good effort with com- bined totals of 1252 for the Ti- gers best' effort. • • • The Squirrels also' collected. 4' points from • the ', short-handed Wolverines • Freck and Marie Button rolled high for the Squir- rels' with combined total of 1255. The Chipmunks •and '. Lions split •the points. Freda' Errington. who' was high' • lady,: bowler of the, week with singles of 245 -and 247: and a 'triple of 645 'flat was ' ° the Lions star.. bowler.. Frank '.Hawthorn took . the honours for the Chipmunks with • 628 flat. The Pole Cats. also •,scored 4 points from their .opponents' the Kangaroos. Dinnie Hamilton and Bob Macintosh: both rolled well over the 600 mark ..for, the .Pole •'•Cats.. Pat. Elliott• .and Shirley Wraith'. were the . Kangaroos .best bowlers. , • ' Lloyd 'Ashton with' a trip e' of 640. and the 'MacKinnon. duo With r1Q9 aided the 'Beavers -1n .taking• .3 points froth. the,. Zebras. Elmer MacKenzie rolled; high for the Zebras with 6G7 :and Bill Hall, had 575. • • Standrngss Cubs 24, Beavers 20, Pole Cats 20, , ,Coons 20,, Chipn .,11s 18, Squirrels ' 18, Gophers 17, Tigers 15,,• Lions :15, Zebras 11, Kangaroos 7, Wolverines 5, • • Father J�h.i..• Hogan Died•.At Age,Of 93. Rev Fr, John Hogan, actRornan. Catholic 'priest for 6.5 years and chaplain for .the past years at the House of Providence; died Friday in St. Mary's Hospital, London.; ' He would have been 98 On December '13th. Until' he became seriously ill a 'week ago, Fr. Hogan actively carried out his: duties as chap- lain of the. House of Provid,ence and St. Mary's 'Hospital in . Lon- don. The funeral' was .held on Mon- day at 10 a.in:. in St. Peter's. Cathedral, London, with burial in St,' .. Joseph's ` Cemetery; ,Kings- bridge. . • . Father John as, he was affec- tionately known, • was ' born 'Of pioneering. parents,' William Ho- gan and -Mary Dean, on. a' home-. stead . in' . Ashfield Township, His parish• was ;that' .of • :St: Joseph's at• . KLrigsbriage. As a youngster he learned the :wa,ys .of ithe coun- try first-hand; and gained his, book 'learning .at' a and/ ,school, then •at Goderich. High- School.' Destined . to be a priest, he ent ered St. Jeromes College in. Kitchener-; Moved. to :Assumption College:" in Windsor • 'and • then -finished-741s , training, ,at. Grand_ Seminary 'in • Montreal. In 1$9:6, at 'the age of 27, he knelt in 'SI. Peter's Cathedral, London; and was ordained -to the priesthood by the Most. Resr, Dennis, O'Connor. As a young assistant, .he' .start- ed his ' work ' at Our Lady, of Mercy parish in Sarnia, moved to Mount' •Carmel, then to' Windsor, .and. at .• the ' turn of . the century went back 'to StAthroy. His parish at Strathroy' was 40 miles long; 20 miles wide. It stretched from, Watford . 'in the - west to,, London in the east and comprised .churches at Strathroy, Watford and Adelaide. He thought -nothing of travel- ling up to 50 miles a . day on his rounds. . and. soon became a fami- liar figure in the Middlesex coun- tryside. 'From Strathroy he went back to Windsor, then east again. to St. Thomas, ' hnd, during the First' World War was priest at Clinton,, which had the mission; church,• at Blyth, , • .' • • Then? °the . wanderlust struck him 'and.. he left the Diocese of London for ten years 'to serve at •Waterdown in. • New York. State. On 'his return: he. •was with the' Christian Brothers . in Toronto and in 1934 _ Was appoint- ed 'chaplain ..to the House ' ; of Providence, •a home for the 'aged,' and St. Mary's, a hospital .for. the • incurable;' in London. Father Hogan is survived by one brother, Willaiam of Ashfield; and. two sisters.,.. Mrs.. Bernard Brady' '(Mary) and , Mrs. John, Brady' (Margaret) both .of Strathi.• roy: He was predeceased by Pat' rick •,of Ashfield, . Rev. James 'Ho- gan Ho-gan of. •Lucari,..' Joseph of North Dakota and Michael. of Lucknow,. the latter-havirtg-d'ed-just" few Weeks ago. • • /'• • •. cuss .,WE • CARRY. A COMP, LETE D .2 STOCK OF ALL SIZES • • • • _. • • ' • .' • • • • . •" : • . • •. • 40. 1' ••. • • •... . • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • :. •`' • i . •. ._ • • • •' • �r • • •.• •� �iiii•ii41 i i•••ue•��••+�i4i•iii•i ••••••ii••..,,..... ,.,.• , ...,._, .. ,._, ., :.'.'Now IsThe.11m.eTo,. Repair Cracked and Broken Windows. 9:: LT. ,10! x 12 GLAZED • 8. LT. 10"' x 12" :GLAZED 6' LT.'. 10" x 12'.' GLAZED 4 LT. 10" x',12"` .GLAZED 4• eLT. 10" x 14" "GLAZED NSULATE. ou Can Save Up To 35 per cent (fin: Your. Fuel 'Costs By Insulating. INSULATION BATTS INSULATION BAITS GRANULATED INSULATION ZONOLITE INSULATION For Those Hard To Get At Places here. Is A Tremendous Saving B Doing Your Own Insulating: ASK FOR., A FREE'1881 +1ATE.• FRESH CEMENT. ;.N:•STOCK JOHN W. HENDER50N L01 • • •• :. •• •• ••• •• •• •• • Your Sporting Goods Centre • HOCKEY STICK.AND. PUCK .; HOCKEY'GLOVES •S -}4N GUARD. REMOY.FD• FISH ' 1109K, .An emergency. operation at London's Victoria Hospital ' late Thursday, removed ,a fish hook from thea throat of Helen Yvonne Wisser, 0.:=,month-old daughter. of 'Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wisser; R.R: 1, Dungannon, after the child was rushed to' London under police escort., Mrs,' Wisser said she left .her: daughter asleep on, the tear seat. Of her car and returned minutes later to find the' child awake and the fish hook leader protrud- ing from: her mouth., Mrs, Wisser theorized the hook • fell frpm the car's rear Window, • Hi E CHRISTMAS L • •Will Give You_ AnOpportunity To Select From Our, Toys,. .'•S'pc.'riiflg tGifts- 'c, Goods p . . • s Prices. At. Pre -Christmas ...:'_ . . SEE O'UR ' .COLORFUL SALES', •BROCHURE rivatpanko rr l ar l it »ami, on xtt•: GIFT ' SUGGESTIONS $4.98 1. II SET OF STEAK , KNIVES E. FINKING'- WEARS $198: Iv swur.JATI9D.. STAG' CARVING. SET ' t 15 LIGHT .CHRISTMAS. 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