HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-22, Page 9• WEDNESDAY,, .NOV. 22nd, 1961 • THE LUCKNOW 'SEN TINEL, CKNOW, ONTARIO,` PAGE NINE; Answer' With Home Gifts Iairshea., Women's Institute held their 'health Meeting at the I airshea Hall wlien Mrs, H'arve' Houaton;was hostess for• the NO, vena'ber meeting, 1st vice presi- dent, :. Mrs. • Frank MacKenzie presided. Mrs. Donald ,MacKin- :n.ori reed the scripture. Eighteen members: and '1 visitor, were pre- sent, . 'The ;roll call was ,responded to with gifts for the' Carruthers Rest Home: Mrs. Carruthers, ex- pressed appreciation on behalf of the patients. Convener of 'His- torical Research and.' Current Events, Mrs.. Allister Hughes, is to be made a member of the Bruce County ,Historical .Society. Mrs. Cliff lRoulston will be .chair- man of the Farm Forum activi- ties of which-F,W.LO.. are pasta- cipating. The branch membership' for the Federated News was re- I'newed, whereby every member receives, her personal copy of' the J. ESSO. SERVICE`.' FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES (Mosta Sizes In Stock) AT REASONABLE .PRICES! Repairs to All. Makes of Cars and Tractors 3 Licensed Mechanics eel Alignment and 'Balani m, MOTORCADE DEALER Federated. New editions Standing .committee conveners, Mrs. Lloyd 'MacDougal, Mrs. Ted Collyer,, Mrs.. Gib, :Hamilton reported. • Mrs. Currie Colwell, convener of the St...Andrew's Ball, which ig to .he held in the Legion Hall, at Lucknow on the 24th of NP- vember, reminded the members to each again donate their. pies for , the lunch counter.Special program of Folk dancing and Scotch song, .will bea sPecial fea- ture. • . pas meeting will ,be one week earlier,, Thursday, December 14th, at the home of; Mrs. Virden Mowbray,, with Mrs, Roy Fin-- layson and. MrsA Harry . Lavis, directors. Tea and sandwiches.. were ser- ved at the close , Qf the' 'meeting by. the hostess and directors, Mrs. Donald 1MacKinnon and Mrs. Virden Mowbray,. A cordial in- vitation i"s extended at ,a11 times .to the . Kairshea, W;I. ,meetings, to anyone wishing to attend, 'Mrs: • Harvey I•fo'uston gave club a "Complete Ii : � 70;000 Rink• At Loreburn progress report of the 4 No,l and Mrs. Eldon Welsh: for group 2, `Separates for Summer.' 'Mrs. Allister Hughes, • who• had been 'delegate to the Area Con- vention at Hanover, gave' a splen- did report. the ; ladies .were 're- minded: that on February 19Th of 1962, Women's Institute in. 'On- tario .will celebrate their 65th anniversary. A sPecial collection could be. taken at the ,1iebruary meeting for 'the .furtherance' of W.I. work iia,. the North West Territories. During • the program, readings were 0 given by Miss . Dean Mac Leod and Mrs. Elliott Carruthers anda piano selection by • Mrs, Harvey. . Houston. Mrs. Evan Keith,: who had taken part in the St. John's Ambulance . course gave ' a talk., and demonstration, and ` gave ja• copy of ' lisbing .'for. first -aid • kits which . should be handy 'ariduseful for use in home, car or barn. Community singing was. enjoyed With !Mrs. `Mowbray at the piano. Mrs. Virden. Mowbray gave. the courtesy remarks, to ...which 'the hostess 'replied. The .'.Chrast- apiest; news 4.161116 OF 111111111ffium .11ft toy et 1.011 11111.• �._. • i3s oh the grow `. : `he Best, Most Modern Way To Heat. Recreation . Rooms ....Unheated Sunrooms ... tiome Additions, Economically, Easily. a e k $ n _ c EAT now makes it possible and practical to enjoy roorn-controlkd are planning, 'without' going to the heating comfort.in the added living: space youp g, g g , trouble and expense of extending your, existing heating system. Built-in electric heatingunits operate independently of your main heatin•g system—delivering almostP • instant heat where you' want it when want it without uttin. an added .. � y 3 youP g strain on your furnace..: without overheating the rest of your ho1`tse.. �. E . ' •. You enjoy a healthier s �:,,; , � � � NEAT is:safe,'clean, q�let. o h •. atmosphere in an electrically heated roorp because 'electric heat does not deplete the important oxygen content of the .air: Electric heat does not create draughts, dryness or dust. Individual al wail thermostats may be turned, up or down, at Twill. You control the heating comfort and the heating cost. - • ; q Pik ir. LvgAT is easand inexpensive to install:. Electric wiring to the built. r d. You o .n have.the job . • in 'electric heatingunity's all thanes require. �completed even in, tnidwinter,--because there is no: need to disturb.your present quickly, ... • ... ' heating system or make"eostly structural changes. • contractor or , local 'H Hydro or assi,�stance Call your quczlcfiecl.etectric" heating r y • our y ,f the Use , of moderdelec'iric heating.. For Comfort ...For. Convenience ... For Ease of Installation. Complete our 'home with. leciric heat. P� y. is yours • { Ron D. McLe'llan'd of Loreb.urn, Sask., arid well known to many here,. writes' that he follows with. great interest the ,activities of the Lucknow Lions Club as re - Ported in The Sentinel. Ron says they have a regi ac- tive club at Loreburn and. at pre- sent are completing a new $70,000 'curling and skating rink. Ron is, a past president of the club and is now zone chairman. of their district, and so is: greatly .inter- ested in Lion's, projects wherever they may be Mrs. McLelland . is the 'former, Agnes "Conley o" Lucknow: Loreburn:first became. known' in thiseonimunity when George' Book/came East upwards 'to, a quarter of a century ago to play hockey.. in the newly built Luck- now . arena. It Was' "Cupid" and George's other' love' — hockey which: brought him East .origin ally. Later 'his brother •'``B,abe" played ..hockey; here, and the Book— boys:. were. next followed .by: the threesome . of Ron,. McLelland, Ernie Vaughan• arid " • Bob Middle-: :miss who contributed :to hockey action :in the Sepoy : town few, seasons. • , ' Let . Snow 'I,!owiflhJ Tender, 7 Received West ` Wawanosh,.:TorovnshnR,. :council. held their regular No- vember meeting ' on November: I4th;1961. All •members .present., During the • . morning session; Township,Council sat as a Court - 'Of Revision ourt'ofRevision at which, ,two. asses .ment * appeals were h'andlel Some 'other 'minor. 'matters ,were checked. Township: Assessor, J. K: Scott and . County Assessor, .Alex Alexander were. present. On a motion ' by Councillor: Smyth and Durnin, Council agreed. : to ..appoint Mr..'John G. Berry, County. 'Clerk, . 'to' act as the: agent of West Wawanosh Township 'at ;the' forthcoming.' tax -- sale 'in Goderich. On' .a' motion :` by . Councillors McPhee and' Jefferson Council. , Cou c passed a by-law No 10, f961, ..pro. viding 'for the erection of .• stop signs at intersections. within • ,the township... •; The tenders : for snowplowing were ., opened and .read 'There Were .7'tenders: .'.It„was'cinoved by Councillor •Smyth• and, `'.seconded.. by • Councillor Durnin that West Wawanosh 'Township accept the tender of David McClinchey, burn; 'to plow snow on township roads. during the • 1961-1962 sea soil at •$5'.75, per hour,, work t`o be done under the supervision •of, they 'Road Suptertintendent,' The following accounts were ordered ` paid ort . a. motion • by' Councillors 'Jefferson and 1Vle= Phee. • 'Mount Bridges Rest Home;in digent •patients"accourIt'for' Otto-. ber, $56.50; Pinecrest Manor Ltd., indigent patients (2) accounts for 'October, ' 185.50;.. Blyth District Fire Area, 1961 levy • fqr • West Wawanosh, 15.00; Elmer. Foran,' 1 fox bounty, 4:00; J. K, Scott, Assessor's salary $400.00, select- ing jurors $4.00, 404.00;'Postmas= ,ter, Auburn, postal supplies, 10.47;• J. F. Foran, compiling..and .for- waxding tax statement's for 1951, 92.85; Signal -Star 'Ltd., advertis- ing acdount, 3.50;' Lucknow tine';. printing' account, 67.16; Daily ComMercial News, drain tender advertisement, 12.00; 'The Municipal World,• office supplies, 3.24; Archibald, Gray and McKay,. London.,, survey, etc.;:. Municipal dr•air, 550.00; Ontario Hydro, Wingham, Township hall light- ing, 6.07;.' Robert' E, Irvin; Dwain- • LEADING STRAINS OF LAYERS "'QUALITY CONTROLLED. HATCHING ••'DEPENDABLE SERVICE When it comes to your flock replacement stock; Choosewisely! Your.egg income depends on it.. An excellent choice is Swift's Sky Hi 316 a bird. with an' outstand ing nuixber' of high profit factors. This;: white egg " layer has ,the enviable record of an av rage 289 eggs, per:hen over a; 12 -month • period on a minimum amount of feed.. Average' weight of eggs per. 'dozen is .25,9' ounces. Feed con- • eversion, livabilit'yand interior egg. 'quality are unexcelled lie in thein- dustry. -dusty • Giveyour. profits a boost'. •order Swift's outstanding layer. -the. Sky -Hi 316!' , SWIFT'S. HATCHERY JreIeu,en, Milling Co., Lucknow Phone:. Lucknow ':9 gannon, 8' doz. St: Light bulbs, 40.23;• 'Mrs. Fred McQuillin, ' 1961 grant to . Lucknow Fair,35:00 Town of Goderich, debenture pay rrent: ('part), C°.oderich High School, 1,845.13. Road Accounts— Lorne .•Ivers,. salary., $155.00; Archie Aitchison; , brushing 'and fencing, 36.75; Geo. Kennedy, fencing, 61.60~, Normal). McDonald, . operating grader, 34.00; Norman McDonald,' haul- ing fill, 224.00; Imperial Oil Ltd.;. fuel and tax, 77.20; Grant Chis- holm,. hydraulic oil, 4.75; Robert' Stothers, light bulbs, 7.07; Si•gnal Star; tenders:for ,plowing snow; 16.36:. • C•ou cii adjourned to meet on Friday,. December 15th at 10;30 a:,rnr' or at the, call of the Reeve. +.F.,F'ciAN, Twp•.Gierke. • • i +. t 1 •