HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-22, Page 6•
M.;:t .: 224:d 1961•
Carrying a bone in his mouth,
a dog avowed a river ona; =MI!
bridge. I•le, saw .:his own imag •
reflected in the water and decided
. that it was another dog with a
bon larger than his.Consumed
with envy, heopened his mouth
to grab the other bone
and lost his own..
The manwho has.a planned Sun Life
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has provided for his retirement years or.
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I *mist your
savior: Why not
eaus.. today!!
You will asunder
tn..J..: Kfriahan...
ILL 2, .LUCHNOW . Phone . Wingham;
4 .Pupils and parents attended
Ripley District .High School Com-
mencement Which.. was .Much en-
joyed. •
;,Miss EdnaHoyle, Orillia .is
holidaying 'with Mr. and Mrs;-
*Francis . Boyle. • •
Mr: Robert .MeCosh of Ripley
is holidaying: 'with' Mrs, and. Mrs.
Leaders, Mrs. Frank Currie . and'
Mrs. Frank , Dore along with. Mrs.
MorfordMackay,. Mrs. Donald:
McFarlan, Miss 'Edith Collins,
Mrs.. .;Francis Boyle,' Mrs. ,Russel
• Needham•.:gathered' `at the home:
Of'Mrs..Donald "McCosh on. Mon-
day • for their ,grid meeting ` of
• their course, 14a' -pounds of meat,'
which is what the average Cana,.
:than eats in a year. Mrs. Currie
•• demonstrated, making beef 'stew
.,• and stewed lamb•with dumplings.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leeson. vis-
ited• Mr, and • Mrs. Steve':Irwin.
• Mrs Victor Gawley'.visited Mrs.
Clarke . Needharn. . .. • •
• Mr. Edburt Bushell ` is employ.-..
`'ed 'at .Kincardine Post Office for
'the Christn las. rush:
Mr. and •Mrs. Wilfred '. Traher,
‘Onot rro's stow oorrv»e
100• rooms and 'suites with
tab. ahovrer.' utero ind TV.
Thome. of the Canadian 'Pump
Room, -Dancing ... no Dover, no
atioimum Ample free overnight
• parking Fine, Convention
Facilities: Family Plan,
telephone I Mpks 2.1848 =Tslsx 0
h MONTREAL tatephore UN v
4 OTTAWA telephone CEntrot'5-
Allan; Carol . Ann: and Mary El-
len of London; Miss Edna.: Boyle
and Mrs. Aurel Armstrong visited
Mrs,. Helen Swann.
Mrs. ' Gordon MacDonald',' 'Mrs.
Edburt• Bushell; . ,Mrs. .. George
Harkness and Miss 1V.iargaret. Ro-
bertspn attended the Kinlough
Pres yterian W.VI:S.: at • the home
of -Mrs. -Retry Hodgins.
• Mr. and' Mrs: .Goldie Huston;
Miss Ann Crawford and' Mr. Ar-
thur Collins visited' Mr. Dan' Ito-
bertson and •Miss Margaret Ro-
bertson. •'
Mr. and : Mrs: 'Gordon MacDon
aid visited Mr. and:Mrs. Rad-
bourne; Owen•'Soun.d.on .Sunday.•
NIr. James. 'Emerson spent' the.
Week -end- .in . Georgia U.S.A.
• 'Mr; and Mrs. GordonPatter
... ,
son,. .Mr .and; Mrs, 'Andrew Pat'
t rson. attended the Royal Winter'
Fair. in Toronto.'
Mr. and; Mrs., Burton Collins,
Mr: and: Mrs. George Emerson, `
Mr. and Mrs.' John Bell, attended
•the;'funeral of Mr. Kenneth Bell,
,Goderich. Mr. Bell died on Sat-
urday and the:` funeral Was on.
Monday.. Sympathy goes • to .,Mrs..
Andrew Patterson, who is a sister,
•Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCosh
were guests of. Mrs.' John Colwell
on .Sunday ,afternoon? •
Mr: and Mrs:. Gordon: Mac-
Donald visited -Mr. and Mrs.: Wal
ter, : McClure, • Paisley. .•
Mr. arid Mrs.: Andrew Patter.=
son, Mr. and; Mrs. Gordon Pat
terson visited Mr and 'Mrs: Ar-..
,thur• Patterson -at Agincourt and:
attended • the graduation Of Miss
Sheila Patterson
• Mr. and • Mrs. Walter Forster
and family visited Mr. and Mrs
Frank Colwell, Bervie.
• Mr. /and Mrs. Donald McCosh
'spent Sunday evening with M°r.
and Mrs. Russel Collins,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Trowse, Mr.
and" Mrs. Orville Trowse; Dianne
and Wayne, Miss Ethel ,Gawley
and. Miss Ada Gawley were Sinn''
day, visitors with Mr,. and Mrs."
Victor Gawley. •
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Setty, of
Mount Forest visited Mr. and
Mrs. Frank. Currie On Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, Clarke Needham
Mr. and Mrs., Kenneth E1p'hick
I•of' Ashfield visited Mr, and Mrs.
Peter Leeson, Barbara and Iona.
Miss Ann 'Gemmell •visited
Miss Janet Forster:
The seventh meeting of •the.
Purple Grove Sample Sewers ryas
held 'at Nancy Dore's on Nov,em`-
bet lith, Roll call Was 'answered
by "Sorhethirlg, I learned about
making a garment.' Followed by
the 4-H pledge, the minutes of
Ithe last' .meeting 'were" read by
Katherine Bu; -1e11., Home assign-
ments were to 'work on; garments
: and record' books, The next Meet-
ing`is to be at'Katherine Bushell's'
Allan. Ritchie Is
Zion '1 01 •• ,Master
The• members of Maple Grove
Orange Lodge 1044 in recently
for • their annual- • meeting :and
turkey supper. After abountiful
supper they elected •the follow-
ing ;officers,, for 1962
Worshipful Master, Allan Rit-
chie; Deputy Master, William
Houston; Chaplain, Lorne Cook;
Recording Secretary,Toni Helm;
Treasurer, Robert . Irwin; Mar
shall, Arthur Helm; 1st Lecture,
Russel Swan; 2nd Lecture, Earl
Durbin; . 1st Committee, .James
Ketchabaw. "
The : rr,embers.thanked . Past
Master; 'Nat Thomson ' for his
fine work and regretted he had.
to retire as Master because , of
poor health.
Present G To
Mr. & Mrs:. Wraith
Congratulations to Mrs; Mary
•Wall ' (Grandma) , who ' will .'cele-
brate her birthday on : Sunday,
November 26th; This is the third
consecutiveyear that . she has.
celebrated it.•.in •Wingham Hospi-
In a ?quiet manner thepeople,
of .the community presented Mr.
and Mrs,. James Wraith, with. a
lovely chair and hassock: Mr. and
•Mrs. 'Wraith . would like • the
friends and neighbours to know
how much• they .appreciate the.
lovely gift that'was' 'left at their.
home in. "Iucknow and say Many,
many thanks, ' •
• Mr.Tom Stewart .was in Lon-
don on 'Thursday, visiting Mr.
'14a>~old Percy in -Victoria Hospi
tal.. '
'Mr:. and Mrs. Joe Dillon°', and
Danny spent some time with Mr.
and Mrs: Albert .Barris. •
Mrs. 'Frank Brown and Reg
spent Monday evening with Mr:
and Mrs Orval. 'Wilson.
The •• Grade 'X . students "'of L.D.-
H.S. attended'. the Royal Winter
Fair .•'in Toronto• on ,Wednesday,
• Martin Benedict: who ,recently
moved-. to our community;.: has •ful-
filled his last .requirement, to be,
come a First Class. Scout. This
meant a 14'mile hike;. (one -Way),
sleeping out; cooking his own
Meals,' following a 'pre set . corn-
ompass course keeping . a •.detailed.
travel to ' and making a snap .of.
the trip: The. hike was : Made on
a recent .Saturday' and tha return
trip 'on Sunday:: He was accomp
anied by 'Bob Wall.: • Martin is
on" December. 9th. •
1VYrs: W`rlIard Johnston: was
hostess to th'e Bervie . W.M.S on
Wednesday the
• Miss Hilda .•Emerson, Business.';
College, London, spent the week-
end ,with: Mr.. and Mrs Sam Einem
Miss Edna Boyle, Orillia visit-
ed Mr. & Mrs. Aurel Armstrong.
Miss Eileen . Collins,' • Goderich,
spent u the week=end with Mr &
Mrs: Russel Collins.
. Miss • Meryl .•Steiivart,' 'Kincar_
dine,, Mr.' . and • Mrs. William
Lowry visited Mr. and Mrs:
Claude: Dore
Mr Frank Fair visited Mr.
John Fair and Miss. Minnie Fair.
Notice Is Hereby Given, To The Municipal Eleetors; Of The
oship 01 iShfkk
And. Ratepayers m Union School Section 8 in, the Township
of West Wawanosh, 11 in the Township of Colborne„ and 4
in the, Township of Huron, that the nomination of Fit, and
• „Proper Persons to serve as Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Three
Councillors : and Three Trustees for Township School rea.
No. 1 and Two Trustees for Township School Area 2,
' for the Township of Ashfield, for the year 1962, will take
place at the TOWNSHIP HALL, on
FRIDAY,' NOVEMBER 24th,. -1461
At One O'clock In The Afternoon, For One Hour, At Which
Time And' Place All Electors Of Sid, Township Are Hereby
Notified To Attend, And That Should A Poll Be 'Required.
Polling Will=OPen On.
Monday � december 4th, 1061:
From .9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the various . Polling Sub -divisions
Ratepayers I'n The Above Mentioned .Union+5. ehool' Sections
Are Eligible To .Stand For Trustee And Are. Entitled To
Vote.. On Trustees
• Sub -Divisions ` "Pah` 'Clerk
NO: 1, Dungannon ,..:..: Ben Mole Allan Petrie
No. ,2,` S:B. No.: 9 . ..: William `Clare John Curran
No. ' 3, Orange Hall William. Helm. Al .'Irwin
No. 4, Port Albert •... Melvin Dickson Harbourn Adams„
No 5, Kingsbridge ... Gilbert Frayne • Michael O'Neil
No. 6, Parrish Home Howard Barger ..:.. Jack MacKenzie
No:' 7, Lau? er frank Hamilton :: Henry.. MacKenzie
DONALD; M. SIMPSON, Returning 'Officer
now, eligible for his; First : Class
Badge. 'Congratulations, Martin.
• Mrs Tom •.Stewart, ° Ernie • and •
Harold motored to, :London ori
Friday. •
•Mrss,Irene Schumacher ':is vis-
,iting .friends at London.
Congratulations to Mr. Jim
cake in
, winning a Christmas
cake in ' a : draw at Riversdale
Mr, and -Mrs.James Wraith,
Lucknow;spent Sunday `evening
with Mrs. Frank Br�wn and Reg.
' Mr, 'arid. Mrs. Bert Shewfeit,
Joan.and' Brian, Kincardine were
Sunday visitors: .with .. :Mr. and.
Mrs. Morley Wall and : family.;
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Whytock'
and: family . were ; dinner .guests
Sunday "evening of Mr, and "Mrs.
Alex Whytock., ;.
The successful man -,calx lay:a
firm foundation of 'bricks ks .others•.
had • thrown; at him
The '• Bible's :National Message,,
We believe that the Celto-Saxon :peoples
are the descendants of '.God's servant
race and nation.,: Israel; that our.. ancient
Throne is the continuation of' the Thron;',
of David;and, in view Of present world
conditions, "that a general -recognition: of
this..identity AND its implications is: :a
matter. •of vital and Urgent importance
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