HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-22, Page 4rankisrewiememmit ti; • • PAGE FOUR. THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL,` LUCKN W�. "ARIA WEDNESDAY,, 'NOV, 22nd, 1961 ... •• uSucMca'C�� '.cK���C'; boa:: Noc>•.K:�.: c�,.c.��.�''��w�,�nxb ..o.. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. RATES First Insertion 2c. per ; word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 11/2c per word; minimum 40c; Notices, Cards of Thanks and Coming Events, :minimum 75c. 'In Memoriams, minimum $1.00. 25c extra for • replies . to, The Sentinel;, .Billing charge of l 0c for each bill) rendered,' R S. FOR SALE - 3 young, sows ready for breeding, 2 black. Sam Chis- lett, R.R. 5 : Lucknow, ,phone 179. TRUCK FOR ,SALE. '/a -ton 1952 Fargo pick-up, with ply-' wood `box. H �J. Dillon, Kinlough. FOR SALE—....McKee snow, throw er', 'used very little: R. E. Forster, -phone 29, Lucknow FOR SALE — 8 pigs, 40 pounds,' sale "barn price. AppIy..• . Herb Buckton, phone Ripley 26-10. FOR: ; SALE — Princess Rose wood .or 'coal range, phone 23, Lucknow. .FOR•,SALE. 2 ,steers, 11/2 --years- „ Apply to 'Tini Reurink, R.R. • 7, Lucknow.. ' �'' • . • • • BICYCLE FOR SALE — young boy's bicycle, with, new balloon tiresand parcel 'carrier.. A-1 :con dition. A good Christmas gift. Phone '61=W, Lucknow. • CORN FOR. SALE Chatham kiln -dried . shelled corn and cob corn. Shell in'. '5 -ton • lots.., Jim MoEw•ani- 4; Kincardine,' •phone Bervie 2410 POULTRY" DEALER for . the best prices phone. 'DONALD ' MacLEOD, 23-r-20,. Ripley. PERSONAL • ' OLD; RUNDOWN? Ostrex : Tonic, Tablets help- "pep -up", thousands of men, women; past 40. Only 69c. SERVICES SEPTIC TANKS• CLEANED Septic tanks, • cess pools, ;etc:,, pumped and' cleaned with mbd ern equipment. All work guar- anteed. Louis 'Blake, .R. 2 Brus= sels, phone 442-w-6. VACUUM CLEANERS ' Sates•: and. , Service. Repairs and bags• for all models: of vacuum cleaners and polishers.: Reconditioned 'machine's of all makes • for sale.' BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario, . 'Phone Hensall 696-r-2 AUCTION SALE Allan Maclntyre Licensed Auctioneer .: Lucknow: ' Phone : 2094-41 FILTER' :QUEEN Sales and; Service'. BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario, <, Phone •Herisall. 696-r-2• CEMENT; STEEL, TIRES, WOOD For ,: lo*iiest prices:. on cement, steel; •'roofing, tires, see us Agent for St. 'Marys cement and. East- ern Steel ' products: Hard wood. slabes by •the truckload. We specialize in tractor' tires;' `Fresh cement. , on . hand at . all times. Bruce • MacMillan, . Lucknow. ' Baynard Ackert, Secretary, Frank. Maulden, • President.: The . 'shareholders of, ..the .•St; Helens Beef 'Ring' ,will hold ;a COMING EVENTS CASH BINGO: A ..Cash Bingo. will be held in the ,. Lucknow •Legion Ball on Thursday, November. 23rd. at 8:45 RAP, 12 regular games for. $10,, 3 share -the -wealth, $50 Special game must go. I • SPARE RIBS and KRAUT Wednesday;,,FrEveryiday and Saturday.' Night At The` Commercial Hotel, Formosa • ST. 'ANDREW'S BALL.• The Kairshea's annual. St. An-. drew's Ball will be held on Fri day, November 24th. at •the Le gion Hall. Carruthers Orchestra. Special. • program' • ,- 'Highland dancing, folk. dancing and sing- ing. : Lunch ' counter:: ,featuring .home-made : pies. BAZAAR SATURDAY Zion ;United Church W.A.is holding a • bazaar of sewing, homemade baking and afternoon tea 'in the Legion Rooms, Luck- now, on Saturday, pverin'ber 25th at 2:30 p.m. NOTICE • NOTICE • Ann ual• meeting. and Supiper of he Kinloss `Federation , of Agri- ., culture, ..Tuesday,' November 28th at Holyrood Hall. Limited. num- - r--af -banquet tickets available dvance.. f om the Executive. AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and " body repairs, glass, 'steering and ` wheel. bal- ance. Vndaspray. • for rust pre- vention: re-vention:. DAVIDSON'S Texaco • Service No. 8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 At all druggists. Goderich: Remember, .it . takes but a PROBLEMS? moment to, place a .Sentinel Will. money, ,help? .Want. Ad and be money in yob -.Mortgage . loans arranged •. ket. To 'advertise; just phone: 35: anywhere in Ontario..: DELRAY INVESTMENTS. CHRISTMAS. . CARDS - 450-A Wilson, `Ave:, ME' 3-23:53 Boxed Christmas Cards by Rust Downsview, Ontario: ' Craft now on display at Finlay Decorators, phone. 218. • : GUSTOM' BUTCHERING. Beet and pork sold ',in. any '' quantity.' Custom ' butchering-; in CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE; Choice quality Scotch: ,, pine Government '.'licensed abattoir: . reasoinable' prices, Georgian 'Bay. Pigs every ;Tuesday: Beef from Tree Farms, Owen Sound, Ont: Monday through Thursday,.. phone Franklin 66254 BUTTON'S . MEAT MARKET , ELECTRIC- HAMMER ' ' :MILLS, y oat . rollers or household . appli ,CHECK THIS . BUYSTAPLER,• ideal for 'school, home' ances, try, Co -Op, BUDGET .or offic-e , , opens, for :tacking and, PLAN, low cost; repay easily and binding, only '69c 'PLUS 1000 'conveniently at your local store; staples FREE with every stapler:. you ,' receive family. pfoteetion ,The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35. through° Co-operative Life' In / ' ' surance Co:;, select • a monthly or. ••aa•••i1••Ni4�...sla.aM seasonal repayment schedule, • Lucknow •District. Co-op, phone w. 71,- .Lucknow.. C�STI) WOOD FOR• SALE dry body i' wood, hard Maple or. Beech, fur- ;• nate or stove wood,priced ' rea- sonable. Apply to Robert Purves, Pp Y ' R.R. 2, Lucknow;, 1 'mile, east of St. Helens.. ' • TILE LUCKNOW • .SENTINEL is open Saturday afternoons' until 1 : BUTCHERIG Curing and Smoking Sausage : Made HOGS .,,— Mondays Chr istmas, Select your 'Christmas -• CATTLE Cards, wrapping,. accessories, Gift I. Tue CATTLE. Stationery, Gift. Boxed Pens and pen and pencil sets .See our r samples :of Christmas cards with i names/ printed: on, or' ` photo printed ,on, phone 35, . Lucknow. ��s+���asie�r����<f���si•��s+�l Thursdays. , • • CHAS. HOOISMA. Call Ripley ' 100 • PIANOS FOR SALE i ' HURON Large variety of top ,grade new pians of various makes ' and i AUTO WRECKERS models . for home, church, school + Phone , l•61.30, Ripley' " or music hall are• arriving at our ,. '$'tick,. automatic, excellent Showrooms at •'Whitechurch. r r condition. We invite you to get your order x•53.. ford, radio, in early for Christmas. .153 Meteor ' One reconditioned • Gerrhard 04 • Nash Rambler. Heintzmari '5100.00. Trade ins ac- 54 Dodge, :radio, cepted with liberal allowance. i 40' .Austin, "good shape. Piano benches- and Humidifiers in el Chet, stock, Good 15 and 16 inch tires. • GARNETS E: FARRIER, Piano Sales and' Service 'Batteries -� `Tires • Whiteclu.Yrci,. 'hone 570-�W'1 •;f Body` Repairs Win`ghatt iACI McGUI• L, . Prop.. meeting.. `• the St Helens Hall • on '• Sattirday,• November 25th at 8:30, 'A decision • must be made. whether to sell Or retain• the land and building., POR RENT HOUSE'. ;FOR RENT 2 miles south'.of Lucknow :on paved road, all ,conven'iences,; .available .De cenber lst. John Ritchie,:11.R.. 3 •Lucknow, •:phone Dungannon 69-r= 10, or. Blake' Alton, R.E..2, .Luck- now, phone . Dung•annon , ;8'4-r-14:• ROOMS FOR RENT in Lucknow, furnishedor "unfuirnished cent- rally ,. rally located, ` board arranged if desired, • also. garage available for storage• or for care for 'Winter. LOST LOST -- a • brown and, white male collie pup,: answers to name of .' `,Tip": Allan Cranston, phone 210-r-3, Lucknow;` ' CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all, the friends who sent cardsand treats t� me; theones who made it possible for •my sister to .visit me so •often; the • nurses on the third floor and Dr. M. 'Corrin -for their kindness to me whilea patient in Wingham. General Hospital.• Dorothy Cook,' I. wish to. express my sincere appreciation to • the kind people. who sent cards arid gifts; while I was patient in Wingham Gen- eral and, Victoria 'Hospital, 'Lon- don;. Lon-don;: also: a special word. of thanks to '•those, who visited Me. George A;; Webb. Homer' ,Zehr and Family wish to .acknowledge with . sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation the many. kind ' acts and expres' .sions of sympathy extended them, during the :illness' and at the time : of the death Al'. Mrs.' Zehr.. .Susan and ` Beverley Thompson would like to thank all those. who . rerrer}bered', them in . many ,Ways w Bile in' hospital and since ' re turning Lorne: " Mrs` R.V.; .MacKenzie wishes•.to exprebb most sincere' , hanks. to. a11. the kind friends and -• neigh- bours who remembered' her in many ways while. she was 'hos-. pitalized' and. to. the 'Doctor and• nurses • for their: kind attention IN MEMORIAM BUCKTON - In ' loving •memort of a dear.•Wife`, and Mother, An- nie, who: passed away. November '27th, 1960 Someone I love comes back. to: m�e, With every gentle'' face Beneath each wave of soft` gray Bair; I seem to see:Mother stand-'. ing `there; It seems as. .if .I must' have heard her '.speak, '; and felt her gaze ,,with all,. the love of. olden days, and 'I ammoved...to take her. hand and tell her now;1 ' understand, how tired she grew• beneath the strain of feeling' ev ery loved 'one's pain: Sadly missed' by . Husband:. and Mrs..•' Dorothy . MacLeod, phone :Family.: 61W.; Lucknovir:°': ANTED FLOCKOWN ]RS:. WANTED . to supply hatching eggs weekly .on ,a yearly basis::Large premium paid oyer market price. Apply. Twed- dle Chick Hatcheries ; Limited, 'Fergus, Ontario. SALES HELP WANTED; MALE AVAILABLE AT . ONCE; Good i e Rawl gh �• 'business. Selling. • ex- perience helpful but not required. Car. necessary': Write at once for particulars. :: Rawleigh's, Dept. X.7271 -TT, 4005 Richelieu, Mont treah ily. RooBB In covin memory • of William Robb, who passed away 3 years . ago, Noverrib'er. 26th, 1958. We cannot forget your ::smiling face, • Your happy carefree ways; 'The`. smile that won •'so. many friends ` In those by=gone days • One of the best•the, world could hold, Your cherished'•smile; your heart "of gold;• Deep in 'our hearts your memory is kept. ' We .loved your too dearly` to ever • forget. • Ever remembered by :the tarn - When a man gets too •big for. his 'breeches, bis hat doesn't . fit either. H I:LRAY 'FARMS ABATTOI R HOLYROOD • The home' .of choice meats BEEF, PORK, LAMB in any quantities Schneider's, 'Cured Meats WE ALSO 'DO CUSTOM •• .KILLING .• • and hang yqur meat in modern coolers as long as desired. Pigs on Tuesdays and cattle eveiy day.w No appointment necessary RAYNARD ACKERT , 1014r43, Lucknow • • postpone �r� Coflvefltion "The executive of Bruce Liberal Association,•: convening ` Friday night, decided .,to postpone till spring the nominating convention originally scheduled .for the encs of this month. • ' . A. number .of factors influenced ' the decision, the first being that. present indication's point to • no election, taking place till' next fall: Some difficulty .also, was ex pe"r1enced in getting, the desired speaker at ,this time. Another was .weather, •condi- tions. Executive members recal led that .a' general meeting, sche- duled for .the end"of November a• year ago; drew only .a handful .because of adverse weather. Municipal. 'nominations ' and elections also are . taking interest away at this time from'the larger p.oliticalThedelsceneayalso,. . will give aspi'r- ants .for the•• r omination. portunity to' become better known. among: the • delegates to, :the con vention, the' majority of , whom have'' been '• already designated. ATTEND ROYAL•` WINTER FAIR Grade' •• 1•0:,,pupils of ..:L.D;H.S.. accompanied by their teachers;, '.Mr. Tu.tchener. and Mrs:.Hewitt, attended ' the •. Royal. Winter Fair: on -.Wednesday. Jim Reed . and Harvey ,Webster drove, the buses. •and the students . `returned :about' 10:30 P. -Christmas ' exam .natioris "are': being 'written this week •: at H.S. MacDONALD loving mem- ory. of .a•dear mother. .and grand- .• Mrs. Sarah MacDonald; .,. . .who passed away one year ago, November 22nd, 1960. One • year has' passed and gone, ,Since one )we„ loved, so dear Was taken from our home . on earth, • ' . We enjoy: the ; paper ver mulch, writes 'Mrs. L. C. Boyle of 'Moose: Jaw. Mr. and Mrs. Ballard "of Moose Jaw who were ,temporary. residents of Lucknow for a time; know : the Boyle's' 'quite ' well. ro Y In renewing :The` Sentinel, ;;,Mrs. • Sydney Rouse •(Evelyn :.Whitby) • Of Carnp Borden;', says. they,.', all enjoy 'reading the ' home' town '.. ,news, and look . for 'ward to its coming every week,: :. . With Jesus Christ to; dwell The . flowers wepal .. ced upon her grave • • Have withered and decayed, But the love for her who sleeps beneath ' Shall never pass avray Sadly missed :by Daughter, son-in-law, grandchildren, , and great: grand -children. ` 'lie who sits . and waits,' for ar opening often end' up i a .hole.. f r • SINGLE COPIES of. the Sentinel are available in' . Lucknow at George's, Billiards,.Umbach's Drug Store and at the ...Sentinel,, Office Single 'copy: price, 10c.' THE WEST' . WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE • CO. Head Office,'Dungannon • Established . 1878 • • •BOARD JOF, DIRECTORS • President, Brown Smyth, • R: 2, Auburn;; Vice -Pres.,: Berson Ir win, Belgrave Directors, Paul Caesar, R.:1, Dungannon;; George C';. Pea/gm, Goderich; : Ross .: Mc- • Phee, ~R.. .3, Auburn; Donald MacKay Ripley; .John F6 Mac- Lennan, R, 3, Goderich; Frank Thompson, R. 1, Holyrood; Wm. '. Wiggins; R. 3, Auburn.' • For information on your' surance,' call your nearest direc- tor who is alsoan agent, or the secretary, Durnin .,.Phillips, Dun gannon,• phone. Dungannon .48. DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Pard : for Sick. Down or Disabled Cows & 1-Iorses also Dead Cows and Horses a Cash Value Old horses 4c per- pound I • GORDON TAYLOR I Ph. Collect 44=r-24, 'Lurk—now t • R.R. .2 'Lucknow 24-hour servi& 1_:icefi'+e X10. '_.- 63C6i