HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-15, Page 13' WP.PNEBDAY,. ;'NOV., '15th,, 1941. LTIC}NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO R4 T t; TM NOMI' Notice Is Hereby. Given ern a, The Municipal Electors Of The 1.,o!iuhip0 este awanosh; 'That the nominationsof ..fit, and proper persons to : serve as Reeve, four Councillors and three School Tr. Us'tees for the, Township: Sdhool Area for the Townshipof West Wawanosh • for' the enduingyear, will take place at. the township' hall,' West Wawanoah, on'.. p FRIDAY, NOVEMBER' 24th, 1961. At one o'clock in the afternoon, for one hour, at which tune and, place all electors of said township are'. hereby 'notified ''to attend,' and/ that should a " pollhe required, Polling Will open ozi Monday, l December 4th, 1961 From 9;0.0 •a.m. • to 5:O0 p.m. at' the various polling sub- , No. 1, Dungannon No. 2; Public. Library, Manchester No. 3, ,Townahipp "Hall N, o. 4, W. I, Hall, St. ''Helens : • No. 5; W'. L Hall, St. .Helens 'No. 6,. Parish. Hall, St: Augustine When a proposed candidate: is not'•present 'at the 'nomination meeting his nomination' paper will not bevalid unless . there •is' attached ther'eto': evidence satisfactory to ,the Returning Officer' that the • 'proposed candidate consents • •to be so nominated JOHN O�RAN;P"C er ,. Years Abundan t t s .Fa �ropCrop.Fails. • Fail To -Body From I�q On Tuesday of this week; 17 days after the tragedy at the Lu ther Marsh, on October 2.8.41, the body " of Bruce 'MacLennan, had still. not been recovered.' Bruce who was 38, and form- erly . of Lochalsh and Lucknow. was one of three duck hunters who lost 'their lives by drowning; Dragging operations which were carried on extensively' for. many days;, were , not successful.;• Due • • to the." nature of the bottom , •of this artificial lake , conventional dragging equipment is of little ,use: : Skin, divers,. boats and even ari airplane have. been, used to make an underwater, surface Sr above, the -surface .search of . the lake. The Fergus News -Record told of • nine men •from the Grand River Conservation;. Commission being joined by. 'a•.' :half ' dozed Provincial Police . at the ''height' of the search; for Bruce's body.. ,Six skin divers from Kitchener and Barrie Were brought in but had no . results because , of the. .murkiness,of the water.' , The NewsRecord described the Marsh Lake ' as follows: •"It is naturally . of a `dark:col'or from ,the peat moss and had been. ,stirred•up.by dragging` operations. A 'plane flew low over .the' water Thursday.'but the 'pilot• could riot:, • see the body. "The-,•gGate4of –thedam,._in�East Luther was opened Tuesday af-. ternoon *,:at the' request of the • .:Provincial' Police: Two'' stop:logs., • were •'raised, which would lower `the • water , • level a• as . ucIL as a . ` .foot. ;It is hoped to ,regain this ` A water in the,, spring. •r "Dragging with regular • tools is impossible. Much' of the 4,.000' acre lake was originally peat bog, with, no solid; bottom. Stumps ,of trees and .patches •of'tnoss .'which ;have'' grown'..to: the: surface -pre-' Vent the use of:drag hooks,though the bottom of the •lake,•near the 0. ReI.ieve Hunger . Or .,fundProsperity, . (By Carl. Hemingway), attack.. With thought of Remembrance Last Wednesday morning, at. Day in 'Mind as::1 write this the. the Q.F.A. ,annual it was, announ- poem• "In 'llanders.•'Field" •is most Iced that Hugh Bailey alsohad. appropriate:. I feel so often' that ,'a _fatal heart 'attack. ''Mr.. Bail- ,we' only remember.. the pain and ey , had been a leading figure ..in the sorrow.• .. at the lossof. 'loved the. Farmers' Co -.operative move-' •ones that thiS,day comriemorates: ment,, over the years and .again` Let us. also remember 'they 'Passed the strain :and stresshad exacted; a torch: to '.us' to upheld. That' their price for he too;I, believe, ,,p we failed,, :in .this,sacred.: trust IS ,Was a little over:.sixty:. : ampi'y' Hector Arnold, "proven • by .. the last Warlong• :time dead- arid`" re -proven in . the • current.''ing,'.figure` and burden;. bearer in state ,of world affairs:. rhe cheeseindustry, was : removed • 'World* affairs are always a lit_ from his Hotel room to hospital in Toronto• suffering what we •' •tle `bewildering' to .Most . of us, : but -this .same idea 'was brought cerely hope is a' slight heart at-' Muth closer to 'home this .past tack. Week. . These .men along with the ram- The , passing 9f Cliff: Weaver, a 'lies have . made many sacrifices , Man devoted :to ' the Dairy In- for the ,betterment .of:'Agricultur dustry for,mank years,'was a de- al :•Producers,• yet wewere•'told cided shock, He Was • Vot an old that there is ,a larger Percentage man yet''th strain' of :years res-• of borrowed capital for' Agricul- ponsi'bility inDairy Industry- turalproduuction, more. delinquent. 'welfa're had taken. their toll which 'accounts fat feed mills,' and ' more resulted `in .a sudden ,'fatal heart back taxes, . on farms that at ''iffy • ..' ONINATIC...N....MEETING Notice' Is Hereby Given .To, The Municipal Electors Of The Township Of Kinloss That the nomination of fit andproper persons to serve. as ' reeve and : councillors, for the Township. ofKinloss :for: the year . 19,62, will take place at the TOWNSHIP , HALL, HOLYROOD, • on . . FRiDAY,'NQVEWBER `24th, 1:9.6 And also nominations for two Members, of 'the Board, of Trustees ':oaf; the .Townsh'ip. School' Area' No 1 Kinloss, T7e two retiring' trustees are eligible ,.for re-electiory. ' At one O'Clock.: in the afternoon, for one hour, at which ,time and place:' all electors of said toWnship are hereby notified to', attend, and that should' :a. :poll.: be required, polling " Will open , bn ' • Monday, December 4th, .1961 At 9:00 a m at the following ' places in : the Polling Sub divisions No:; 1, At the Orange Hall, Durham' Road • No. 2, {At• the Oran ie Hall, Kinlou H No. 3,• At the Township Hall,Ho yxood4• No. 4, At House.of Mrs: Ford' Cunningham, Lot '11, Con. •2 No. 5, At William Scott's House', 'Langside' No.. 6, At the Community Hall, ,,Whitechurch J. R, LANE, Clerk, • 3 JOBS IN 1 D1S1N`rECTMG, W1.11TE PAINT PAINTS WHITE KILLS .GERMS KILLS FLIES Why pay for two or three spraying Jobs in barn, poultry house or cellar—first for whitewashing, then for disinfecting, then fpr. fiy control—when Carbola does all in .ONE EASY LOWER COST OPERATION: DISINFECTANT in, Carbole destroys'on contact the germs of many. profit taldngdiseases; including ' MASTITIS, • IRONCNITIS . WNITI `:DIARRNu;. • M' SAS QISIASI. CHICK[N'CNOLRRA .• . ' HOG CNOI*A ,tusaaliosls ' ' . (C01o.1I1edrp.nd iw Uobororerr top reports on rp.w) KILLSLI:ES Kills spiders, 90% -less cobwebs for •8 to '10 months. Better sanitation. Lower.. bacteria ASHFIELD.: YOt NG: ` MAN ;ON CONN. SMYTHE ,, FARMS Willis' McDonald', second oldest son of Earl McDonald,•;•of `R.R.", 7 'Lucknow, .is "presently working 'ior.:Conn 'Smythe Farms , He, acquired this •'job ,through an advertisement; • in,the Arthur 'paper several weeks go. Smythe, Who ist widely, known:. by. his as sociation, with the Toronto Maple.. Leaf hockey .club, 'owns:.a string of race -horses also. Wallis is..: kept ..busy on one ' .of, the farms where, these -valuable animals. are .raised 'and trained:' The Trion who wants to, write something. that, will live . forever'' just 's'igns ..a m' rtgage.: • . , • . The trouble with trying to get •away, from it.all, 'is' that most of it: is ,portable., Is Your Subscription `'Renewed?. time ' in 'history.: That ;we would have been worse off rwithout'the efforts of these men and • many others like them; we. can. be sure. ` How much ' worse off, •we will. never know. ' . ,Just as those, 'whom we . re - •.member 'on November. Llth, left us .a. challenge so do those'who have been : our farm leaders, leave us a challenge.: • • That we have failed is apparent since; after some fifteen ;years of unprecedented abundant harvests, We have neither found prosperity ou'rselves • for, ;succeeded in re,' leiving hunger of many 'millions' throughout . the World., W e must .riot 'give up. ' In con tinuing effort to solve bur prob 1ems,many farmers, who :no doubt. could very well have found plen- "ty tc keep thein- 'busy at home, took time but to attend the O.F.A.. annual meeting '' in Toronto onto last week, . . 'Toil', often we feel we haVe done our part when . we have paid our membership, but' oui. active part eipat%ori and expres. sion of oti ideas are eiren, more,. necessary if we ore to accomp- lish tie task that those', who gone. before, have entrusted to tats. RUELENE N -CATTLE IN SETKI Kills., 'Cattle ' Grubs, Controls Lice and Horn Flies on Cattle single treatment with Ruelene 25E insecticide . is 'highlj effective for the control of cattle grubs. NO COSTLY EQUIPMENT NECESSARY.: NO UNUSUAL HANDLING REQUIRED. dam and Nat the seventh coriees- sion, where the :hunters .probably. launched ; their :boat, was ' farm, land, with 'a raised road" and a 'Concealed' submerged .cement :cul- ' I • This . is the second .tune.° duck i. hunters have drowned„ in this.' Take.: One man:' was drowned sev, eral 'years_ ago' when an:. overload , ed. boat,: • with 'a dog ' upset hear the 'same` 'part of • the lake." i ONIINATI Meeting ?Of 'The ..1VIunicipai: Electors" Of "The' Township • Of �Hur�n In the County of •Bruce shall take place in .the ro Township Hall, Ripley; FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, At The. Hour ' Of One O'Clock In . The Afternoon ;For the'•' nomination of ''Candidates for the office • REEVE, . DEPUTTY •,REEVE" and COUNCILLORS' In : The Said Township ' of . Huron, For' The Year, 196;2 ' Two Candidates for Ole "Ripley-Huron";'School Area ,Board, , and Two Candidates for the "]Huron -West" School Area•, Board (For two-year terms -= The` Retiring Members Are • Eligible for Re -Election) ,• When . If More Than the Required Number • of Candidates Oz Respective Offices ,Are Nominated THE ELECTION BY BALLOT Will Be Held In The Several • Polling Places 'Hereinafter • Mentioned Monday,: *December 4th, 1961 Commencing at 9 o'clock in the forenoon and. closing.at 5r' o'clock 'in the afternoon LIST OF POLLING PLACES ` Subdivision No, .1 ---- Reids Corners Community Hall Subdivision No. 2 — Orange. Hall, Bethel,,Lot 36, Concession 8' Subdivision No School Rouse, 'S.S: No. 3' x. Subdivision No. '=. Township Hall, Ripley Subdivision' No.' 5 — Herbert Clayton's House, Concession 2 Dated : At Ripley This 6th Day Of Niwe r'iber,' 196.1. • EARL TObP, , Clerkw . •. A' i ° ' Rs