HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-15, Page 8• 4111111•1111112111111111111111111111141011111.11Wiffr :•• • . r jr, .4r •• P4OR F49•112 • l'HE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ()NWT° ttie easy way... ',CAN ORYOUTIE 11,.Eti.EFITSOF tg.A$II DEAL Remember,4efore you buy your car, consider the benefits of...One-.5toP 8erVicct through The Agent Automobils• •- Finance Plan. . Get the funds you Want, plus the insurance you need, with all benefits of a cash deal. • It's economical, confidential and convenient. • For further particularS, telephone before you buy. J. A. McDonagh Insurance Phone 306, Lucknow cULIZOS5CQRNER • cong,twatiofis..to Mr„ and :Mrs. Don...Thompson of the Luck- ' nOw Sentinel on the! birth •of a • daughter in Wingham Hospital on November 6th. On Tuesday afternoon a plough ing beewas slated for Harold • Percy of Kinloss WhO is a patient in Victoria Hospital,. London.' cavalcade �f. 35 tractors ploughed • 98' acres, • finishing around •:5 eolook: • . . • *s. Frank Brown And Reg ),0 spent • Monday evening with Mr. ° And Mrs. James Wraith, • • Mrs. Ruth Gibson, TeeSivater.,• • ;held a Stanley Party on Wednes- day at ' fhe ',home • of :Mrs Perry' ••• • Wednesday morning found the . countryside blanketed with snow. During' the day it was quite blus- tery at times: Many.farmers are: .now• •stable :feeding their. cattle and the winter chores .have. be- , . Farnk Brown • and ,Reg .spent Thursday evening with and, Mrs. E2„ra, .Stanley of Kinlough... , ' • •• and...Mrs. Seines Wraith. were: "guests Sunday evening .of ° Mrs • Frank Brown and . Reg:. . • ' • ' , ' .47-** .4i • • Sunday visitors with Mrs.`, A. dreen and boys were Mr.. and Mrs. Tom Brownscombe, Misses Betty and. Joan 'Woolly, ChesleY. • Mr. and ;Mrs. James Wraith spent an evening with • Mr. and. Mrs. Art. Hodgins, O Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Dobson, Formosa, spent Tuesday evening with Mrs, A., Green and boys. Mr.,• and Mrs. Art HodginS and. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodgins were the guests Sunday of Mr. and. Mrs: Verne Hodgins„ • Mr. and Mrs. James Wraith arid Mr. and Mrs. Alex Whytock 'were dinner. guest's Wednesday evening of of Mr. and Mr.& Morley Wall andfamily . , • .• • S• Mr.. and -Mrs.. James Wraith, highly esteerned 'residents' of Ihe .'s_ong_un no,w. ,We are very sorry: to see • Ulm leave .the line. •• •. , Mr. and. Mra.••LloYd Whytock and family, Wingliam; Mrs. •Win. Stanley And Mrs.'llarold Banner - Man, Kinloss were Sunday ors ',with Mr.' ' and :Mrs.' ,Alei *Whytock. • •• Sunday visitors with Mr. • andO Tom: .Stewart were Mr. and - • W. • Birthday. Sunday In Remembrance (PTJRI'LE GROVE NEWS) (4.s ” L HELENS NEWS) • Ladies met•at Mrs Donald Gillies 'on Monday evening , to. A Remembrance, Day service start their course 143 pounds of was held in St. Helens hall on meat. Mrs. Frank Currie and fClovernher 'nth with. Rev. B. •F. Mrs. Frank Dore are the leaders: Green in charge' of '00ervice Mrs. Currie demonstrated broil-. which opened with the hypo, ed liver and different ways of "Lord,_of the. Lands,' followed • cooking.harnburg• • ' ; by Mr. Green leading in prayer. Friends and neighbours enjoy- Rev, Sinclair of` the Wingham ed a social evening in, Langside Baptist .ChUrch was guest speak - on :Fridays with Mr. and Mrs, dr.The scripture lesson.WAs Ephe- Ge9r5e • Harkness,, the occasion sians 6; verses; 1-10, -followed by' being their 25th. wedding anni, inayer: Mrs. Ronald Forster and • versary,• Mrs. Philip. MacMillan rendered •.Marge • Collins, Jimmie, Kathy, a duet, 'Teach Me To.PraY,'''.Rev. Vicky, Dianne; Carl and •Delbert Sinclair based his message on --••-*?'• • 4 NOV, - OUI.tL 1961 „. „... . swEttA Dore joined' Wray Thompson for Timothy 11, 2nd.chapter, verse 3,,. his fourth birthday. , a: good soldier ,of Jesus Purple Grove ladies are inter- Christ' Here Mr.. Sinclair 'corn- ' ested, in • Ripley Night School. pared, a Soldier of the :army with Mrs. Victor Gavvley, .millinery, a soldier of Jesui Christ.' The Mrs. Peter 'Leeson aridtMrs. Frank St. Helens •choir sang as an an - Currie, rug making, Mrs. Frank them, "The Hope of the World ” At cenotaph Emerson is teaching painting. wreaths were :placed by Earl Dore, sewing • while Mrs. George is • Jesils, • the •Mrs, MCN.aY.° and Nirs,..•Mao.7: •CranstOn the Lucknow L Diarrnid Lucknow'• Mrs. Dan Gil- gion and Ladies', A.uXiliary. Mrs:. Gillies. . . • , supreme sacrifice, Placed the UT.T. •Neighbours *honored Miss Min- wreath; and .Harvey Culbert, nie Fair and. Mr. John Fair be- reeve of the township, placed a wreath on behalf . of West Wa-. Wanosh TOwnShiP ' The last post, hes, Ripley visited Mrs. Donald B. F. Green,. whose son paid his • fore leaving •for Ripley. They were presented with a lamp,. magazine rack and blanket on MOnday. afternoon: • . • •/ Miss Eva Ctilbert. 'and. Mr. Pledge was 'repeated. Home as; orzie Culbert were recent Visit- signments Wasto work on 'gar- . is with M. and. Mrs. Peter ment practise slip'stitching, Next 'Leeson. , ' • Purple: Grove wad,, well repre- sented at •the Huron: Township /fleetingis to be at N'antY Dore',s. The 'girls worked ontheir gar- • rrients'. Mrs.. Arnold .showed the Federation of Agriculture Ban- girls how. to . slip stitch. Mrs. •quet 'on ThursdaY, evening. • Mr. ,Harkness talked on plaid stripes Murray *MacDonald • Mr. Walter And. perfect : . W. A. " • UD" HAMILTON cv.)) ruts sew' HEATING:OILS-GASOLINE, OTHER. FACIA PROD.UCTS PH.220VV -LUCKNOW • ' • . Was sounded by Bill Andrew; .Nr. and Mrs. Wihner son,*Kathy, Randy and CherY1 of Holstein • were Sunday . visitor's' with :Mr, and Mrs. Ross Durnin: Mr. . and Mrs..',14orne .:Woods Spent a ,few *days with daughter, Mrs. RoY 'Hawley. and - 'Mfr. Hawley of Oshawa. •• Mrs. GeOrge Webster' returned tO her sister's, Mrs. Roy Robert.: .. sozi Saturday aften :ten .days • . • in Victoria Hospital:. • , : • • Mr. and Mrs.:E. W. Rice spent .Thuvsday rwFth her father,' Mr. A. G. Webb in Victoria, Hospital, London. ;•• . 0 • • • -eallini-and--Mr-- Don • ,RObert.sori, ' ' • favored •with a. couple of musical?. numbers. • • •, Mr. James Emerson, veterinary College, Guelph, •spent Sunday •wit4 Mr. and Mrs. „George Einer - 0 • Miss Annetta. Forster and Miss • Mary Ann McCosh, Toronto; spent • the week -end at their homes. • :1 Mr. Lorne. .Culbert- and . Miss Mrs. ::RoOn: Stanley' •and family, Ev Culbert. were Sunday guests :1 Kinloss, . Mr. and Mrs. Geraldt. An4 4rs., riaileis Boyle.* Stewart, Kincardine,. Mr, and Mr. Robert MoCosh celebrated Mrs. Joe Fludder and family- of his 90th birthday on Sunday Ripley and Mr. Donald Mcwen whzle Miss Mary Ann celebrated ' •0 0• •• • • • her -twenty-first at the home of. • • . • • • a • • • enjoy the wonder -fu I world .- of warmth -with ' • • Al'kvws`,.• :sss.-Ks\ • ... I ,,.. _ Donald McCosh Im.r• and .Mrs. ': . • .4,,,,,,,,,,...gaine...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••fooeso ‘,...,-- • • 7 Mr. and Mrs: 'Peter Leeson, 1 • • • ,. • ' • . • . . - _ Barbara. and Iona Were: visitors I • ' ... • ' • . . . , :- •••• Iwith: Mrs Jack Elphick ' at. Para-. .• ' • • MONUMENTS.. /For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, SKELTOik MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established..'Over SixtY Years Walkerton Phone 638-w Ontario #, • . ' Ask your Imperial Esso Agent th introduce you to the wonderful world of Esso warmth soon. It's the kind of home he.ating.that gives .. a family a pampered feeling. Carefree, safe, always there. And, it can be yours so easily,. , • because Whatever kind of heating' equipment ' yott own, Esso has 'the fuel to suit it. . ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST .v • . .• • ' • : . • • . • ' • • • • •••••• Miss Margaret •Robertson,. Mr, j and Mrs. Edburt Bushell, Mr. and 'Mrs.. Gordon MacDonald were• ! among those attending the Stip- ' per'• and. later " by Erlma Jean • _Percy at • the Kir/lough , Presbyterian --ChUrch, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLean and ' Ronnie, Mrs. Torn Lowry, • Mr . . and Mrs: Fred Craigie.and. Shar- On,Mr:, and Mrs. Russel Hewitt • were Sunday'guests of Mr. and ' , Mrs. :Victor Gawley. Mr,.. and Mrs. Richard White, '• • Mr and and- Mrs.. Kenneth .BriridleY; Kevin, Gordon, Allan and Michael visited, Mr, ' and Mrs, Frank Dore. • . • Mrs, Cameron Boake, Miss Janice .'Boake of ,Mapie .Ontario, Mrs. John Hermansen of Weston, . 11161maiillienig.1111-F Mr. and'Mr Gordon. Patterson, Mrs. John Colwell, -Mt. Bob' Maol. Donald, Messrs. Ronnie McLean, .Roger Wood and Bob Forster visitedMr. and Mt Donald, Cosh', and Richard... • ' • Mr. and Mrs: -MOrford Mackay and .Mrs. William Mackay .viSited . Mr Wilhiam Mackay at Kincar. dine. • • Miss Rosalyn Swarm, 8t. J�- eph Hospital, Londori, Mr. and Mrs. 'Pete PetorsOn. and Mr. Da-, Arid Stanley visited Mrs. Helen Swann. 0 ' Mr. and. Mrs. Frank StaoeY and Francis' of Oshawa, Mr:, and Mit. Edwin 'Harrison visited Mr. and O Mrs: Morford Mackay., Bervie Evening Auxiliary met at the Bruce Lea Haven, Walker- • •ton, for this November meeting: The /get together was enjoyed by. • both' group niernbers. 0• The 6th meeting Of the Purple oiove Sample Sewers was held • at the • horne bf. Mrs. Norman' Nicholson on Thttrsday, NOvern- bet' 2rid. Roll call was answered •I by *one 2decasidh. . when Shorts (May be suitably worn. 'The 4-11 • N.*:h • •••• • ;F..' • •• • • • . , , .: • • ,:•••'‘'k.N•g"•.:h• • -•••-•••••• VSt • `-„,••••:••• .0 • 4:41F ••$••• • ‘-'11,-.1*: 4. bit'• • --#. • • • FOR PROMpt• SER ICE KENT- ALIGNMENT' „SERVICE • b!AG0NAL. ROAD Phone 355. Wirild"A°