HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-15, Page 7WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15th,, 1961 THE LUC1 NOW SEWTINEL' , T.UC OW, ONTARIc . „ PAGE SEVEN only 7 minutes from downtown via the Lakeshore Road visiting' Toronto? r be our 'honoured guest aTV in everyroom iloiiatloOkingl,ake.thdarkk )shote) facilities ■ entertainment mgbuy at 01.040410s HOTEL. free parking. call RO 6.4392' at the door .for. reservations BROWNIE NEWS The Brownies began their.meet ing, on Wednesday, November 8th. • with singing, followed 'by. 'Fairy ,Ri'ng, with Donna Mull:in as' • • alm am on as on foie well • ROY HAVENS Plumbing and Heating Esso Oil Burner • Sales. and ''Service 'ELECTRIC HEATING Phone 73; Lucknow• FOR SAFE, . DEPENDABLE.. •Convenient budget terms= up to 5 years to pay: 1)1105140[ TOMPINALFOn It* Toadstool, Fairy. After Fairy Gold and Inspec tion, a ceremony was held to in- vest 'the .Sixers. They are:--Flves— Marie, Farrish, Fairies Linda Boyle, Gnomes Eleanor Whitby and Sprites —. Nancy Corrin. The Sixers. marked their'•booksr and: then hackie ' conducted -a Semaphore' Game,, which review •ed and tested the Brownies' abil-: ity to receive words' using the `ten letters they' have learned so far. .More than, half !the girls had' 'over •80% correct. • Having carefully ..'spread: news- Paper on .thefloor,:';: the'•Brownies; planteda• tulip bulb'' each.' These were to be taken home and -eared .for, with progress• of care and growth being' • recorded,' -in. the hope that. each igiri :will have a' 'beautiful ; red ':,bloom by. Valen tine's .JDay., • The meeting closed with .Brow niePrayer and Chimes: Lady; Foresters Donate The regular :monthly meeting of.the Canadian; Lady Foresters` Was . held November 6th in the Town Hall ' starting With a pot luck supper with`. 1.1 in atter dai,ce. Two invitations were re- ceived to visit ;a ladies- court in Wallace, and one in Granton. It was -agreed to try and take two• carloads to WalIa.ce on :Novem— ber, .1'+3�Uh. . $5.00 'was donated to The Child- a en's::Aid• Society, Walkerton. No- mination ,of .officers was held' with• .installation to take.. place at the Decernber 'Meeting,. also the exchange • of Christina's. gifts.; A. Christmas' :party was discussed' for.. the second week in December Diane . Hackett w. on the; good arid.' welfare. GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES A 5 YEAR,.'TERM INVESTMENT • ,'PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST FULLY' GUARANTEED Interest Paid 'Semi-Annual)Y by .Cheque Company 200 Queens Aversion Lando APPLICATION$` RECEIVED THROUGH YOUR LOCAL A `ENT OR SOLICITOR • OR. WRITE 'DIREC'i` NAME. lo . , .t i. • ... (Menlo Pint in•Full) ADDRESS CITY •OR TOWN o c6.. a . e 'i'; ii .4 Y /'-i iiY Please PMInt Please Pont CHEQUE ENCLOSED ..,. Ci` IPr`ease i'Fiilx'cate- DESCRIPTIVE FOLDER DESIRED ....•...c......: Il'{ • Bid Farewefl To Pastor And jfaolly (K$11TLOUCH NEWS):_ . The Rev. tz A,.' Bennet con chided his, ministry here on ,S411. - day .niorning. They will leave this. week for Kirkton• where ,he will commence' his. ministry_ oA Sunday next . At the Sunday morning service. here' .Eddie Michael • infant on of ' Nr. and Mrs,: Lloyd Husk (nee Alice: Haldenby)'• ' was : :baptized.• The Bennett. ' 'f anaily received, suitable • remembrances - ' frorn each' of the three congregations,' and best• wishes go ,with the to • their new parish.' Mrs: Jack Hewitt. . and Mrs. Harold. Haldenby. . • •attend ed. a workshop held on Friday at, Wingham, sponsored'by the Bruce County. Film . Council. " Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gilbert of Stratford visited with Mrs. Wm. Cox. and Re'z. Be/ISM-1' Coxa ' • Mr:, Floyd. Stanley, of the Stratford Teachers' College spent a • • ' a ' Stratford„.spent the .week -end at Home ,-Helpers; • Mrs: Everette .the week -end at his home liege. her home: here:._ Why..tock; ,Literature and Library, Mrs.'.. Gorge Haldenby enter-..Mr.'Bill Percy, Miss •Joan' Mrs.. •Robert•`Bregman; Glad Tid- tained the Anglican Choir at her Percy, and their' aunt, Mrs: Dan" ings,ga•Mrs ` William ` Orr; CC.O:C., home: on . Sunday at a ..dinner, MacDonald' visited : on • Sunday Mrs. ' Charles Tiffin, .Mrs:: ' E,. followed by choir 'practice 'and with: Mr. Harold Percy at Vic.-: Whytock, Mrs;' R. Bregenan and •plans were made,, for the Sunday. toria Hospital, London: Mrs j •Moffat; Supply,..Mrs. El-' : School , Concer" t; Monday;, Decem- : •: mer '' Scott;•• • : Press, Mrs. Lloyd :. bet ' 18th. . Moffat, The. meeting closed with Mrs: James Durnin of '. London' prayer by Mrs: G.`: Wall; 'CHURCH �,NEW�: . Mrs. Kenneth' Cameron and Barb- . • : . • ara' of Lucknow visited on. S`u.•n- United Church, Evening Aux Presbytetan C:G I:T. day. with Mrs: Willam Cox and, Mrs. Leonard Ritchie o eried The C':G.I T..'.group' met at the Rev:; Benson'' Co*.... the `November' meeting 'of the Presbyterian'•;Church•. After the • • Miss Barbara, Murray. of Lon- 'Evening.'. Auxiliary :with the' 'opening .exercises, . plans *ere ,. don slien"t. the week -end' at her scripture. The Lord's 'Prayer was 'Cert., for .the Sunday. School con=.. horne here. repeated ,'in Unisom. foIl'owed by Cert., After' the'. warship 'Service Held Remembrance. Service• hyinra. A 'report of the Sectaoa a'1 and games; the Meeting "closed' A';;Remembrance. Day Service'. meeting' held, ,at Clark's was gi_ with taps: There -.were...,14 girls. vias. held at..Holyrood on' Satur- vers; by .Mrs: Gordon Jo'hnstori,' present.. • day morning, . Mr P., :A: Murray Mrs. 'Vernon Hunter.: spoke brief L.ueknow*United hu rch Ar. -M S. '.` was;..srha'irriman. • Chorus by. the • C t ' ly onLL"the new-'organiia�fi'on •� Wo- ' The . November. meeting of the., school ,pupils under the direction men of the Church"'Each woman .Afternoon Auxiliary' 'of United of • the Music :Supervisor. Mrs: Donalda Scott. 'after which 'two is asked 'to think ;of the '.election:: Church W.MaS. X. had. an .attendance' Of a. president: ,A collection was of 32 members, and 2 guests The minutes silence was . observed: taken for Mission',Band and Mrs:.. president ` Mrs.'•J 1V: Jo .nt -re Prayer :by the -'Rev. Carson:ofy- ' A :froth Johnston ' convener, conduct sided for- the. opening. session and Bervie Scripture reading • by"Rev, ed -the' programme: Scripture business . period.; •Mrs `W': ;tB:. An Benson Cox..Mrs. James. Hodgins.'..from.§t.. ,Mark was.read :by" Mrs: de'son` Mrs. Brooks Mrs:' placed the . , ,eath': • Rev: Carson, Llo d•Hall followed by a read r. was' the y Wa�,��htrra•an, Mrs. 0. ,:Brooks, Mrs. • gue speaker. and gave. ing concerned with L:ife's Pur Mel iarmid Mrs K., Cameron . & a very appropriate message. •Mrs:. pose. A 'prayer was:' offered, by Mrs. N: :1l�facKenzie..\ reported ' H'arold : Haldenby favoured • with • , s xp, Mrs. Ken Murdie ;Miss Eleanor. ;for . thein .. departments .and Mrs. a • solo and Mrs: Katherine Col= Whitby favoured `with a :•`lovely: R. Roberts ii offered ' lin s . recited, a poem on .Remem- o prayer. .« . 'solo: T.he,` guest pe:ai�erx Miss; Mrs �K. '•Camerorr, gave. interestiri/g • brance The, hymn ..Faith. •of ouir` Audrey Fiederlein spoke on the con'ments ora sectional •meeting at ` Fathers .was sung , and Mrs: 'Mor importance of ' our Sunday ' , �g'an Johnston'gave the. closing �� .^ Clarks Church attended.. ,by 20 •: Schools.. Miss `Ila tHowald :con ori: , W.M:,S ,mem) ers from Lucknow :remarks on behalf • . of :the . Insti- .: buted . two. accordian selections, 'Uriited'Chizroh. 'Mrs., J: W:'Joynt,': tute, • God, Save the 'Queen and `.`.How Great.Thou Ai '' an/d'•"It. United: Stra and Mrs. R: JCurn; the benediction, closed the ser- . PP vices • ' . Congratulations to., Jeaii; Sutton' ori Winning second • place '• in :her essay on Remembrance which was ''sponsored .by the Ripley• Le- LLangs'ti ' ' W M'S. ' gion. . . • L'a'nhgsideeNoWvemMbermmS: eteetiatntgh'ofe homethe Mr. and Mrs. Chris • Shelton of :Mrs Wesley .Young. The: meet= 11 'd f d' � th •11 ESSO SERVICE''. FOR.;. TOP QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES DUNLOP • TIRES (Most Sizes In."Stoek):: AT: REASONABLE PRICES! Repairs to All Makes of Cars and Tractors 3 Licensed Mechanics., ZeelAlignment and Balancing -'MOTORCADE'• DEALER is no Secret: What God Can Do" Hymn :and . benediction 'closed' the meeting:: ming were complimented for their fine-"•devotiohal . programme pre- sented at Clark's 'church.. The' wo ,rnan of ,the Bible',; very ably :des- cribed by. Mrs. McKim, . was Psi- lot's 'wife as she is portrayed at the :trial of :Jesus •Mrs. Strapp: gave a• very interesting review of ca a on rien s in a vi age • • ing opened With the. call to, wor- tlfe Study Book "Our Turning • o• n Saturday. . /ship.y the.• President; Mrs: Gord- World" :written .by Betty Thomf 'rhe WA. met on Thursday on Wall.' Mrs. Douglas Simpson' son, a mtrssionary. and.. ;world- lier con . With' Mrs: Roy, : Bels - read the ' ,scripture :;: ''he °; medita_ traveller Mrs. R. FCum.ming ac ne neper , presiding. The,; hymn, tion : "Prayer answered and • un- compan•ied Miss Margaret Rae in Jesus Shall • Reign" was sung.' nswered" was - read by Mrs.. 'a delightful solo; "Oiily "a be°am::. Mrs. Howard Thompson Bread the scripture and Mrs. • George Hal denby ••gave' the meditation. Arti— cles were 'received for the '. bales ;which • were packed during' the 'afternoon. This/ being the annual'. Meeting, . the .'following officers. ,were elected. Honorary—.:officers,. Mrs. J W: Colwell, • Mrs. James. Hodgins; Mrs. William• Cox. -Pre., sidente Mrs.' Roy ,Schneller; `vice- president, `Mrs. Jim Smith;,,Sec,- retary, treasurer; Mrs:: Midford Walt';' assistant,' Mrs. Tom Hod; gins; Work. Conveners, Miss May Boyle, Mts. Tom .Hodgins, Mrs. Howard' Thompson; Supply ;Con- veners, . Mrs. Gerald Rhady.and Mrs. Jim Srnith; Prayer 'Partner Secretary, Mrs. S. W. , Colwell; 'Little Helpers . Secretary,. Miss' May Boyle; assistant, Mrs. Bert Nicholson; Social' :Service . Secre^ tary, Mrs. Toni . ri,odgins;' pianist, Miss Edna Boyle, Program Com- mittee, Miss Edna Boyle, Mrs, Gedrge .Haldenby, • Mrs:'George Graham, 'Mrs. Roy• Schnelle'r: The Christmas 'meeting will be held • at the home of Edna and May Boyle ori : Friday, • D•'ece nber 8th. Mrs,' Jy W.. Colwell, Mrs. Ani- netta ,Bushell, Mr. and Mrs. Ar• dill ,Mason ' were •dinner 'guests with Mr, and Mrs. Ray' Gliders' (nee 'Shirley Colwell) at Code-' rich on Sunday evening,`. • • . , Miss Donna •Nicholson of Lloyd Moffat: Miss; Emma Rich of Sunshine.' Mrs .W Drennan• : • ardson led in prayer:..The follow read an appropriate poem written ing offices, , were filled for bhe by - a soldier on the battle field coming • - year: President, Mrs..The committee in, charge .cif No-. Gordon : Wall 1st vice, '..Mrs:. ,vemiber.,meeting, Mrs. W:• B' An-. • Wesley ; Young; ' Treasurer,' Mrs: de'rson, Mrs. W. Drennan,, . Miss Parish Moffat; Secretary, Mrs. )'lora Webster and,Mrs :G. El - Douglas Simpson, Welcome and •liott served refreshments at the • Welfare,.. Mrs. William Brooks; close of the .meeting. :ICSH The Bible's ,National' ` Message. We• b5lieve that the Celto.Saa on peoples' ' are the descendants of God's • servant ; ' race and nation. israetr that our ancien t Throne is the continuation of the Throng n, , of David; and, in. view . of present conditions, that a general recognition of • this identity AND its implications is a matter of vital and urgent iniportanee, WE WOULD' 'LIKE' TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT ' For Your Copy of bur. FREE 'Botikles`t' • ''.`Ah. Introduction 'to the 'British-isrtiei Evarigei" Write Ifo the Secretory CANADIAN BRITISH ISRJ'ELASSOCIATION In` Ontario ,".ox 744, Staticn 110: Cttrwo, Ont a • • • •