HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-15, Page 5WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15th;, 1 THE LUCKNOt $1c /TIN, 1,i CKNOW,, ONTARIO v. • Flt's :not only the ducks apd'•the d eer that are catching :it :this 'fall. Apparently it's also open --,-,...-season on. columnists: Latest 'salvo fired in my direction was ds- charged by a Baptist minister. • His volley appeared ;in, the Atiko kan, • Ont., Progress, , Which has run . this column for • some years. Dearie me, that parson Pias a wicked ' tongue in his head. He can really •dish it out. And when he runs out of personal abuse he falls back on .. a passage. Of , ' scripture;, Morn from context, of course. Herewith a few samples,' The ' Letter begins: "I would appreci- ate the opportunity to express my disgust over an• article that appeared in your. paper by one. self-styled Romeo and tough guy, Bill Smiley.. This ,article was. a • .mixture „of trash,' and'; rubbish with a• whole plot ''of` n'ot'ing 'thrown.. in.: •y Now this gentle rnan of the cloth obviously •'has me mixed ' up - )• With someone else, If ' " I • didn't h. elteue., that, I'd ,be hurt, "Me, ;a • . Romeo? It: is: to laugh... I haven't been' o,tit with a girl,' except my wife, ,since•.1 started courting her Back in 39. Me, a: tough 'guy?.. The same wife, who weighs about 108, can quell me with an eye- brow. ' I'll admit .the a. rticle was a mixture of trash' arid rubbish,. but I'm not going' to. take 'that part about. "a whole lotof, noth- ing" lying down. There • was also junk in . it, and ' nonsense, but there wasn't any nothing in it. The parson goes on 'to suggest that he'd enjoy, giving me a 'phy- sical pounding, .as well as a ver- bal , one.. Careful, miser. I may be a .138 -pound ,coward, but ''my big brother isn't. He is coward,, 'bossing " a lumber camp. : ' Joking aside, you didn't really mean it, did .You,. reverend?- I didn't mind that" obit where• you,. linked me' with •harlots; 'drunk- arils; dope - addicts and' Mr. Kliru-. sh :hev, • : but ' the .next part • hurt; Where " Y, .ou' said: "I reeentl read y where . a college ; graduate could Mat read nor write. .Could, .it ,be: that Smiley was his teacher? :Any,' school that is: foolish 'enough'.; to have`:. a man. like him -on. . their staff 'would n4 do>ibt have him in the English department;' Yep, that's where all us: dope. fiends :and .:drunks wind up.. ,I Showed, your letter to my de- partment head, a gentle lady who has been teaching for years; .just to; let .'her know what a viper 'she was nursing, She read it and. grinned. . ' I • liked the last paragraph, though, in which .you . said:, "I wish he were a member' of any. church.. It would give 'me . great •joy to' have-• him voted: out of the membership." That• bit' has the nicest touch • in the • whole diatribe, and, I',defuse'.' to make any of the' comments that' leap to mind. • ' However,`• dear sir, ;I'm sorry • if you have leen offended. I 'am sure you are a good man. I. aim not a good'man, I Om not a yef: bad one, either, just an ordinary husband and • father, 'a .broken- down weekly editor,'' a school :teacher a `newspaper columnist, and a sinner; I go to 'church, but I'm not quite sure whether I'm. saved ' or not. I rather •:doubt • it. At any rate, let's not be :hostile. There's enough 'bickering in ,the world. ,Some . of your ,fellow - townsmen' have come to my•:.de- fences. `in your : paper. I thank, them, and: suggest we. drop the whole matter. I' respect.' your sin cerity. You 'must respect.;muie. Mather than defe• nd' myself, I'll let this retired ' high school tea cher,. • a, . gentleman and ' scholar, do it for me. He ,'writes; "Smiley writes ont only `sugar' but `sp heGappeals heGa eats ta.the vulgar :, g plebeian '' strain .'in most' of : us." "Now, to:, my .mind, `darn',. and Terrainycin Animal Formulasaves you.money :b y maintaining health, promoting growth; preventing stress setbacks and fighting specific diseases such as scours ,and ;:respiratory diseases in livestock and poultry. ' Terramycin gives you unique two-way actionagainst profit robbing diseases. First, it goes to work instantly ii the stomach. and intestines against ,germs that cause scourin.g.and other dis- eases; it stimulates appetite, gets,animais back on feed. faster. Secondly, Terramycin isalso absorbed into theblood stream where it continues• to fight infections throughout the system.- Terramycin Animal Formula acts faster against more diseases.. When added to the drinking water it dissolves instantly and Package. - - n g mplete unlike ordinary products stays in solution longer. Co on � products are sold. directions Available wherever .animal health SINCE isis' erramyciii. A • ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS Animal Fotrrtula • Poultry Formula with Anti -Geri» 77 - New L,qutd Terrainyciin for ,Mastitis • A & D SOW'S Tablets • Tetramyein Injettabk Solution. Pfizer Research Contributes to Adore Prof fable Fanmina rfr `damn' are mere expletives•, uttering of which•relieves tenon.' Would you have Smiley say `iqy. goodness sakes alive', or, as: an evangel,* olio campaigned in my youth recommended,' , `Tobacco; pipes. and wine' in place of (hell" and `damn'9" "Personally,.I don't see' why a lady should be upset by mention, of the finalgoal of sinners or the verb that condemns themto it inmyView it more ore — revolt-ing. and disgusting: to hear .the Englishlanguage murdered , by semiliterate • radio and television personalities." "Smiley is not'go,ing to change•, his style.. Good for hire.' I shall Still.. enjoy Sugar and Spice." Thank you,. Fred Halifax, and may your enjoyment be be of, many years' ' duration. • • • VORON'r f. MosT coNVENIQ . 100 rooms and • suites with , • tub, slower, radio and TV Home, of the Canadian. Pump Room Dancing .. no cover. — . _ . . ....',_!'.Ids. ogrsaigbt padding. Fine Convention Facalit;ces„ :Family Pisa Accept Four . Snow. 9 PiowinTenders Huron Township. • Council met pursuant to adjournment with all• members , present. ' At • ' 1.30 the members • • took , their oath .for Court : of Revision , and as, there. *ere. no appeals to . the Assess- ment Roll, a motion was moved by Walden and. Lowry that we accept the Roll as finally revised and Court , was adjourned. In' Council 'business . the ten ders:.. sof Ted White and . Peter Guikema were : ;accepted' for spraying cattle .for; lice and. the. tender of :Dave'; Moore was 'ac- cepted for wing -man • ` the. Township' grader: Out of seven tenders for ,snow plowird, four were accepted, Roy Marshall,' Coiling ' Brothers, 'Bill Itempton and_Gordon tesart• • The •'. day set . for nomination •for. „ members of . Council. 'and :School Area "Boards will be No :vember. 24th:. with : Election . Day December. 4th.• ti.. Moved by. Matin and McKin• noxi that' 1he Treasurer 'pay; the: •'following accounts: ' Cemetery Ivan Pollock, care, $49.00;; Harry Coiling,' top . soil, 28.00, 'Ten 1VIcKay, ',gas: ;and oil•; 1:1;82. Township—• Doris MacDonald; care of,'.'hall, $15;50; Glenn• Fart .re11, , :postage, 50.50;. Earl `Tout,.' Cottage. leases, Jurors and stamps, 204.00 Hugh Cameron, seleotmg Jurors,; 5.00; Registry Office, Reg; By -Law 1195, 215.50; •Municipal World; supplies, 9:06, Village: of Ripley, >• fire . call, 50;00; J. B, Breckenridge, coal for hall, 121.- • 70;.:Plowmen' Association, sgrant for .match, 15.00; Welfare, 25:00; F Cocvan ,Co: habi qty insurance, 399.04; :Post. Office,' .unemploy 'Hent 'stamps; ' 6.08. Roads --Stevg :IrWin, su-perin- -.tendent, $325:00; -Ernest' ;Walden, grader, 215.60; Imperial .0i1, oil and diesel fuel, ;225 00;;; Frank's garage, . truck•' repairs, 16.34, F.' A. Stonehouse, paving, 3,576.30; Rip ley . Hydro; township 'shed, • 2.50 Pollock '.Electric, gement ,and tile `1,018.79; Graham . Cook,,:bulldoz • ing,..2,029.40 `Canada Ctiverts,. new...culverts;. 168.92;. G. W. Cot thers,; grader ;repairs, 477:23; Me Arthur Tire Service,' 'tire ' .and m ,' on Roads. tube, :27647'3• bom:ni grader .blade s, 25:24; 'i; G. mac Donald,; fuel,oil and hydraulic Wil, 42.61; Bill .Kempton, hauling 1 gravel:: '122>10, Roy. Marsha11, :. hauling gravel, ,69.30; Coiling Brothers, hauling gravel; 180.25, Harry Coiling, ;hauling and load- ing, 84.90; James McTavish', gra- vel, 62.00, Lloyd'' Wylds, cutting: weeds, 682.93; Howard -Hodge, repairs, .45:60; •'R. MacEachern, payment on abridges, ' 12,939.40; F. Cowan 'Co., road •liabilitj in surance, 460.35; . B. M. . /toss, : sup= •i:ntendartce., at. Clarks bridge, 230 00; Gordon Farrell, fill, 75.00. - '. Moved by McKinnon Martin, . that we do how adjourn to meet on. December .11.64 -sat 9 a..m EARL TOUT, Clerk. ZION A> l IE AT*Saar Mph.. Bioko .2lil$ Tilos SElUS 'Am11t & t.i.pfaM tJNtwe ih &on 1a OTTAWA h1 N CGkat 343331 •. TORONTO NTO . Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ritchie and family visited : recently in Ilam.: -iIton. • Mr. and; Mrs. Russell Swanand' daughter visited for ',week -end in St. George *with Mr. •and . Mrs Earl Swan. Mr: 'and' Mrs„ Jim 'Smith and ;family of Molesworth visited with. Mr: and Mrs.. Will : Ritchie om trnda3� Mr .;'and: Mrs Nelson Raynard «: , visited'Sunday with Mr. and' Mrs.. Robert Irvin `of Dungannon. ' $ • k.• THS KAN6AR0O, the largestor the Au'tralian marsupials, roams.tb• -.'countryside in large bands. Although -'a full-grown 9kafgaroo' is ninefeet, high ..and weighs 200 pounds,,the baby is only , an inch long when Win ,born., It staysinside its mother's pouch' until �..it is five or six months old,: at which. time it' weighs several pounds, and b able to shift for itself When the young kangaroo leaves :its "home," it is ready to take its rightful • place .intheworld. To helpyour children bke: their rightful place in the world, there is nothing better than life ice- arm. let me tell your about Sun Liles Educational Policy which can so easily provideiutndsfortheircoilege education Mr,. and Mrs. W. 'G. 1•ittnte '' Spent the week -end to ' Hamilton with 10 Tr ,Harold Gardner. Mr. ,and Mrs. l'en Petrie of Nincar:dine ,spent Sunday With Mr., • anal Mrs, LI. A. Rackett. t I Kmahan It Licknow Phone Whigham 717-w4. . Sl N IA • ASSURANCE E. COMPANY, OF ' CANADA