HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-15, Page 4VILA LUCKNOW )SENTINEL LUCKNOW.. oNTA O WEDNDSDA ✓;VR 1 11~hr 1:9.41 CLASSIFIED 'ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion c ' per word, minimum charge 50c Repbat Insertions, 1 %2c per 'Word,, minimum '40c. Notices, Cards of Thanks^•and Corning , Events, minimum 75c. In. Memoriams, minimum $1.00 25c extra for replies lies to The. Sentinel. Billing charge of 1 Oc for . .... each hill • rendered. • FOR SALE a quaptity of feed wheat Oscar White, R.R.; 6 Luck- now, phone Ripley 167-r-25. FOR SALE — litter . carrier coni- .=plete with track, hangers, bucket, pole, Tom Hackett, phone 59-W, Lucknow, FOR ' PALE 2 feeder n, steers, 750-800 lbs: Chester Taylor, R. 2 Lucknow, phone 210-r-1.1. 'FOR' SAIL.E a box stove with sawdust burner: Apply to John. ston's • ;Restaurant, : Lucknow, phone GRAIiN FOR ; SALE -=. about •20 tons mixed. grain, M. C. Van. Diepen, '' R 7, . Lucknow. ,CAR FOR SALE- 1956''Dodge Mayfair,' • 4 -door ' ,hardtop, V-8; -automatic, : custom:' radio; perfect' condition, $695 or best offer Mone2371, .Bervie. CORN . FOR, SALE ' eh`atheni • kiln -dried .: ahehed..corn and Cob' • corn ' .:Sieh in 5 -ton. :lots Jim MoEwan, R 4, Kincardine, • phone Bervie ' , 2410: • •:FOR SALE'. -Hot Water Heater ,:(hot :insulated) with • heater,and. • ..thermostat, also . immediate ad- .t.joining .pipes: Jun McNaughton, phone 155 •Lucknow. • • SALE - . --,.. Holstein, om,. carrying second calf, due Nov • :HOUSE FOR SABLE . Brick house with basement, 3`' bedrooms, new 3 -piece bath upstairs.. Living roan, dining room,. kitchen, ,.one bedroom •• or .den, new 2 -piece bathroom downstairs with a back kitchen, newly sided and . new new on house. There is a oil furnace and chimney. Entire house painted •on outside this ' year. Grounds levelled with new top soil` for lawn. Immediate .pos', session. Apply to Bill Harris, Ripley; THE' LUOKNOW S • is open Saturday • afternoons until. Christmas: Select your Christmas Cards, wrapping, accessories, Gift Stationery, Gift Boxed Pens and. pen , and 'pencil sets. ' See' • our samples of Christi as cards' with names. printed .on ;or :photo' .printed on, phone 35,' Lucknow. PIANOS., FOR SALE '•;'.• ' Largevariety •of top grade new -piano ` arious makes and :models; forhome, church; s Po • or. music hall' are arriving at Our Showrooms at Whitechurch. • • We invite you pi: get 'your. order in early for Christmas. • One .reconditioned : Gerrhard Heintzman $100.00. Trade in's:'.ac- cepted ; •with 'liberal' allowance •. Planck benches, and Humidifiers in 'Stock. " • GARNET E � FARI{IERs, Piano Sales and Service Whitechurch, phone: '570-W1 , . , ember 19th, blood • tested; 'WANT- Wrnghain ED • a farm sleigh...Eldert Geerts-°, • .Ma, R -R6` Lucknow, phone Rip= ley 11-r-23. FOR SALE -_-- • 1: 24" electric 'stove. in excellent . condition, also • 1: pulley ,to • fit Ford or Ferguson .tractor .with . small ..' PTO • shaft.. Harold Campbell,.. R.R.:.6 ' Luck - now, .; phone 'Ripley 157-17 ' POULTRY DEALER for the best prices phone 5 :i DONALD MaeLEOD, 23=r-20, Ripley. NTED ING EVENTS CASH BINGO _ T 'A Cash' Bingo will ,be held in •the Lucknow Legion Hall, ' on Thursday, November 16th• at 8:45 p.m. ,12regular :,games for $10., 3 shake -the -wealth, $50. Special game must ;go. ' SPARE: RIBS and'KRAUT' Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Night At The • Commercial Hotel, Formosa ST, ANDREW'S BALL The Kairshea's annual St.. An - Ie � held . on Fri- day, d'reW s Ball will be. day, November 24th at the Le - Bion Hail Carruthers Orchestra. Special program:'.. . 'BAZAAR. • . The Lucknow Women's Insti- tute are holding a bazaar of sew- ing, home. Made baking 'and a tea. table on Saturday, November Ilith from '2:30 to•5 p.m. in the Assemb- ly room of the Town Hall. CARD , PARTY • A card party will be held at Maple Grove L.O.L. 'No. 1044 Hall . (Zion) on Friday, Novem- ber `'17th. Admission 50c. Ladies with 1nc h free e u 1 •BAZAAR &: SOCIAL EVENING' 1. A social '':evenin g. , bazaar and i:Ti CE5 This is to NOTICE , notify the . public that on and . after this. date,. I will not be responsbile for any debts contracted in thy, name un- less accompanied by an' order "signed by me Personally. Mau- lrice.Caughell, R.R. 3 Caistor Cen-' itre, Ontario: BEAUTY SALON CLOSED • Beryl's Beauty ,Salon. 'in Luck now will be closed for three days, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 20; 21, 22. ' Annual meeting and Supper e r of, the Kinloss Federation. of Agri- culture, Tuesday, November 28th. at Holyrood Hall. Limited num- ber ,of .banquet tickets : available in advance from the Executive. • Raynard Ackert,: Secretary, Frank Maulden, President. The shareholders of the St ;Helens Beef Ring will hold :a meeting in the ; St. Helens Hall on Saturday, November 25th at ( 8.30. Adecision � eci .on • • must be made I. whether to sell' or retain the land. and building: (CARD OF THAN S ' We would like: to •extend: o it bake sale' wirnla` rr-Hoiy sincere hanks t 01-`wher7Were- 'rood Hall : Friday,Nove ber 17th. 1, 1:so kind to our 'sister, Ruth •.Mac - •Lloyd 'Ackert-will show slides'on•. II Kinnon, while she • was• ill in St local. events and: there will be Jose, h's' Hos • ital; London; and a' short program There will be p p a _ touch -and -take table, also : a i for all' kindnesses; and .expressions, fish pond: for .:the. children. Come and ,spend an : evening with : the Ladies of the Holyrood Women's Institute., RENT . HOUSE FOR RENT - 2 • miles south of. Lucknow on paved road, - - all conveniences, • •availab le De - 1 g ' •- c rer ast: JohnRitchie, R3 WANTIED 50 pullets, Red Sus- Lucknow, phone Dunganon 69.47 sex 'Preferred. Forster, 10, or Blake Alton, R:R..2, Luck - Phone 43 r-12, _ Lucknow now, : .phone hone . • Dungannon 84-r-14. WANPIED .. , —• •gradeHolstein cows and heifers, close.. to fresh- ening. Jiro Bradley, R. 3 • Gode- rich, phone Dungannon 80-r-16. NOTICE NOTICE . TO • CREDITORS _WANTED Would like to share. h light -ln,.-The LEstate of ' JOHN MacRAE smallouse, 1 t house =keep g ; Creditors . or , • others': '' wing privileges, unfurnished - if .-<pos- {., FOR SALE - 7 -room Insul brick claims ..or demand`s ,against' .the. sible.;Would also share expense, . sided house.in I.uckiiow, one • .1 Estate, of 'the : said John MacRae; of. phone, hydro. Mr, S. 3, Pymm, third .acre.lot, 'ood. garden./ Apply. late• of the e Village'of lucknow,• h . „ % P O ,',Box• 74 •• ` • • in the '. Count " of Bruce. retired.`1 Mrs..R'. Struthers,. Laurence - {� „Y , MacLeod, R.R... 5. Luckhow, phone SALES .HELP WANTED, MALE• farmer, deceased, are `required to 46=r-22 : EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY: forward the same to the 'under- Openings • immediately to sell • CHRISTMAS' CARDS ' famous Rawleigh .,Products. Also 'Boxed.Ciristmas Cards •by Rust some •spare 'time ,vacancies., Write Craft now on 'display at Finlay Hawleigh-s. Dept. K -271 -SP, 4005 `Decorators, phone 218. ,: -, ' Richelieu, Montreal - o sympathy at the lime Of her: , Margaret and Peter MacDonald 'and 'Family: signed .Executor on or before the 30th'day of November, next, after which date the ` Executors : will proceed to. distribute the said Es- tate among those entitled, haying regard ;only; to claims Or demand's CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE, 1 • , Choice .' � • unlit � Scotch. lire' , = of which :.notice has then ' been C quality p eceived. .LOST • r . � � �. • reasonable .prices,: Georgian Bay:.. DATED October '30th; 1961 • m • .Tree Fars,. Owen Sound,. Ont.' '_' ` ` y'" � � Duncan A. MacRae, phone Franklin. 6-6254. STRAYED -•-- a Hereford steer • 257 Regent Street; "El.F about 700 pounds from the Jack .CTRIC HAMMER MILLS,. . London, Ontario,` . Henderson farm. Call collect; • , • . .• oat , rollers or household appli Executor: • :' Andy Ritchie, phone 76=r-4, Dun- '• ances try, Co -Op • BUDGET Q . cannon:. :: PLAN, low cost, repay easily and • conveniently at your local store,: ,STRAYED .about November 1st,;.. • you receive '•family protection • from the Steele . farm, . Concession through Co-operative Life In- ;10 Culross, .one Hereford steer,'1•' ' . ;SEPTIC , .TANKS. CLEANED surance Co., select a monthly or weighing • 600-800 ,poundss. •Please. i. Septic tanks, cess pools, •etc., seasonal repayment • schedule, contact . Mrs. C. Steele, A.A. ' 3pumped , and , cleaned • with mod Lucknow ' District Co -Op; '.phone . Teeswater or Mac.Thompson; RR. rt ern • equipment All work guar - 71'; •Lucknow.•, 1• Holyrood, phone' ,Teeswater 1 anteed. Louis Blake,a R. 2 Brus-' 3926120 or 3926126.. t:sels, phone 442-w-6. WOOD FOR SALE — dry body wood, hard ..Maple or 'Beech, fur- . VACUUM CLEANERS nate" or stove �; priced iced rea- H U RO.N Sales and 'Service sonable. Apply to Robert Purves, :Re airs:, and bas •"for all Models r.S P g R.R. 2, L know,, 1 mile: -east of i AUTO' WRECKERS- R.R. of vacuum cleaners and polishers. ..,. • ,St. Helens. Phone .167-30, Ripley.. Reconditioned machines • of :all sale: • a . PUMPS FOR SALE' EY f only x,56 ' Buick. automatic, excellent makes for Beatty deep 'well 'pump, diiect•'. condition. BOB PECK; Varna, Ontario; I53 •Ford, radio., Phone Hansell 696-r-2 drive, 1 h.p. motor: •used, cam 53 Meteor v overhauled. Half ric.. .. ,pleteli a /price.; 1 184..Nash Rambler. only, ii h.p. deep well pumping ,.: G • system, complete with tank, fit- tings:. it 54 Dodge, `radio, g cylinder. tin s, well pipe and 'Excellent condition, 1 only deep well .'jet pumping system," :corn- ple.e wall , tank and all•rfitt ngt: Goad, for• depths to 76% I1. K. _ Datvten, . phone 36, .Dungannon. ,.1 JACK McQI.1RE,, Prop,. ERVI�S 49 Austin, gbod'.shape, 51 CheV. ' Good 15 and 16 inch tires: Batteries Tires Body Repairs AUCTION SALE Allan Maclntyre Licensed Auctioneer' Lucknow Phone 209-r-41 FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB' "'PECK, Varna, 'Ontario, • Phone Hehsal l 696-r4 ERVicES CEMENT, STEEL,. TIES, WOOD For . towest `. prices on cement,. steel roofing, aures,'. see us Agent for St. Marys, cement and East ern Steel products. Hard wood slabes • ,by the truckload We specialize in tractor tires 'Fresh`. cement on, hand ;at all. ,times • . Bruce MacMillan, Ludcnow AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical ` and ' body repairs, glass, steering and wheel hal ance. -Undaspray-.for._rusty pre=: vention.: DAVIDSON'S Texaco, Service No : 8 H'wy:, Phone JA : 4-7231 Goderich. PROBLEMS? Will money help? Mortgage. loans arranged, • ';anywhere in Ontario: • DELRAY : ' INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson Ave., ME .3-2353. Downsview. Ontario. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and Pork sold in • any quantity. , Custom butchering ' in Government licensed abattoir,' Pigs every.. Tuesday. Beef from,. Monday; through Thursday.. • BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, Dungannon. Established 1878. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ." President, Brown Smyth, R. 2, Auburn; 'Vice -Pres., Verson Ir- win, Belgrave; Directors, Paul, Caesar, R. 1 Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross Mc- Phee, R. ' 3, ' Auburn; Donald MacKay, Ripley; John F. ' Mac- Lennan. R.. 3, Goderich; Frank Thompson, R. 1, Holyrood, Wm. Wiggins',R. 3, Auburn. `For information on your in- surance,call your nearest direc- tor who is also an agent, or. the secretary, Durnin Phillips, Dun- gannon, phone Dungannon 48, •~444 ',o4rroo4,44,11 Your Best USED CARS ..1960 Chevrolet Sedan.,, automa- tic, whitewalls, etC.: A,• real sharp, car. 1960 Dodge `Seneca' Dart 4 - door. Beautiful condition.; Style leader' of the • sixties. 1060 Vauxhall Velox. 6 cyll der sedan. A real nice compact. 1960 Metropolitan ; Hardtop; radio, : whitewalls, etc., 40 miles to the gallon. 1959' Plymouth Savoy six sedan. Clean as can ,be/and•really priced attractive ' Dodge 1958 . dge Re �, gent 2 -door Hardtop. • Stick shift, red, • and• : • white.. Only ` 31,000 original i- owner miles. 1957 •Chrysler Windsor 4 -door Hardtop.'': Power Equipped :and, priced 'at only $1,395.00. . 2--1957 Dodge V-8.Sedans. One. with , automatic, one with radio; Both cars are really clean.' • 1958 Rambler Super;s 6 Sedan. 28,000' actual smiles. Better hurry because this'. one wont stay, around very;; long, ; • 1956 Ford Fairlane V-8 Sedan. • Automatic, radio black+.and' white. ; Lots of pep. 1956 Dodge'V-8 Stake: Truck`, with.14'''platform. Ready: to work. • 1956 , Plymouth Savoy ; Sedan; 1 -owner., :Dependable . transporta- tion. 19 n. 5 on •lacSedan Airtomatic- - Sharpest 55 in town.;. 1955 Plymouth Sedan.. Autoiriatic.. Black with Whitewalls 'Western Car — NO : RUIST.• 1954 Dodge Crusader. Sedan. 47,000,. .actual . 1'=owner: Miles.. • 1953 ` FordCustomline Coach.: Radio: Tops: for a 53 , model, 1950' Cliev 1 -ton Stake Truck. Cheap , farm truck.. 1941 Dodge 'Special. Sedan. Cas- torn us tom radio, etc. A really'. ;excep tional` „ol d car. Cheap • transporta- tion. Several Other Makes and' Models 'Of Different Years.of Cars Avail- ' able vail `able'. For :Your Kofi. REG. McGEE; aiid'..SONS, LTD.,, Dodge - Chrysler•— ' Valiant Open Evenings: , ' Goderich : - , , Ontario. • • CHECK THIS BUY STAPLER, ideal for school, home. or office, opens for tacking and binding,. only . 69c PLUS 1600 staples FREE' with -every -stapler-.; The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35.' RUBBER STAMPS of, : all '.kinds, made to your specifications, are. available at The Lucknow Sen- tinel, phone 3S; D ' HI LRAY :.FARMS ABATTOIR: HOLYROOD. The home •of; choice.. meats. BEEF, PORK, LAMB • in .any quantities • • is ' Schneiders Cured Mea WE ALSO DO CUSTOM KILLING. and hang your meat it mode coolers as long as desired. Pigs on . 'Tuesdays and cattle every day :No appointment necessary. RAYNARD •ACKERT 101=r-13 Lucknow DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash prices Paid for Sick, Down or Disabled Cows & Horses Dead ows and 'Horses at Ch Value Ord . horses 4 per pound GORDON TAYLOR, Ph, Collect 44-r-24, Litclinow; R.R. 2 t ucknow 24-hour service Licence .No. --- 68CE1, ., ,